Sign the petition: Tell President Obama to adopt the People's Climate Test

The President seems to think that his ‘voluntary commitments’ are enough. But let’s be honest -- he’s just trying to get off the hook for taking the action that’s necessary, all because it’s politically inconvenient!

Don't let President Obama get away with a weak climate commitment: Sign the petition now

I demand that President Obama support the People’s Test on Climate. The Test requires that the Paris agreement: • Catalyze immediate, urgent and drastic emission reductions in line with what science and equity require: Deliver urgent short-term actions, that shift us away from dirty energy, marking the beginning of the end of fossil fuels globally, and that keep the global temperature goal in reach. Build toward a long-term goal that is agreed in Paris; • Provide adequate support for transformation: Ensure that the resources needed, such as public finance and technology transfer, are provided to support the transformation, especially in vulnerable and poor countries; • Deliver justice for impacted people: Enhance the support to adaptation in a new climate regime, ensure that there will be a separate mechanism to provide reparations for any loss and damage that goes beyond our ability to adapt, and make a firm commitment to secure workers’ livelihoods and jobs through a Just Transition; and • Focus on transformational action: Ensure that renewable and efficient solutions are emphasized rather than false solutions that fail to produce the results and protection we need, such as carbon markets in land and soil, dangerous geoengineering interventions, and more.

Original Petition by Friends of the Earth