Thank You, Emad Abu Shamsiya

Emad Abu Shamsiya helped shine a light on the violent reality of daily life under Israeli occupation. For that, he's being threatened by extremists, so we need to show him that Jews and allies around the world are watching, and stand with him.

Dear Emad Abu Shamsiya,
We know you are facing violent intimidation for filming the murder of Abed al-Fattah Yusri al-Sharif in the streets of Hebron, and we are standing by your side. Your courage reminds us of the commandment in the book of Leviticus: “do not stand idly by the blood of your neighbor”.
Thank you for speaking up. Thank you for showing the world the reality of life under Israeli occupation.
As Jews and allies, we commend you and stand with you.

Original Petition by Jewish Voice for Peace