Instead of protecting the Gulf, the Obama Administration wants to turn it over to Fossil Fuel Empires. We need your help to stop it!
Your Letter:* Dear Mr. Jaron Ming, Expanding offshore drilling in the Gulf of Mexico is the wrong direction for our environment, climate, and economy, and I am writing to oppose the inclusion of any new oil and gas leases in the Gulf of Mexico in the 2017-2022 offshore drilling program. Offshore drilling is contradictory to President Obama’s commitment to leave a safe and healthy environment for future generations. If the estimated oil and gas reserves on the Outer Continental Shelf are extracted and burned, they would release over 60 billion tons of carbon dioxide emissions, rendering the Environmental Protection Agency’s attempts to lower emissions from coal plants and vehicles obsolete. It is irresponsible to sacrifice our public areas, including the Gulf of Mexico, for a fossil-fueled future of climate disruption. Ten new leases is ten too many. There is no such thing as safe and responsible offshore drilling, and we have already leased more fossil fuels than can be safely burned to avoid dangerous levels of global warming. The Bureau of Ocean Energy Management should be focusing on how to transition away from offshore oil and gas to clean, renewable sources of energy. More fossil fuels exist than we can burn, and the more we lease, the greater the risk of another Deepwater Horizon-type oil disaster and irreversible climate catastrophe. To keep oil and gas out of the environment and avoid serious, irreversible climate disruption, offshore oil and gas must be kept in the ground. Sincerely,
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