Each political note has its own anchor in case you want to link to it.
My intention is to make links only to publicly accessible, stable URLs. If you find a link to a page that requires subscription, please report that as you would report any other broken link.
A giant fracking project in Argentina is close to cancellation. Argentina has promised large subsidies for drilling there, which means that most of the profit would go to the companies and little to Argentina or Argentines.
Some countries are making big efforts to help the homeless; others are punishing them for being homeless. Meanwhile, businesses are exploiting Covid-19 to make more people homeless.
Fundamentally, the large number of people with no home, or a cramped home, is due to the combination of inequality (and its consequent poverty), urbanization, and population growth. Urbanization is itself the result of economic causes related to inequality.
An incinerator that is burning firefighting foam that contains PFAs is not burning 100% of those chemicals. Some have been find in soil and water in the vicinity of the incinerator.
This is a matter of concern even for small quantities, since they don't naturally decay at all.
The US commission on international religious freedom asked to list India as one of the "countries of particular concern" due to Modi's repression of Muslims.
The overload of the NHS, and other secondary effects, could cause around 18,000 additional deaths from cancer in the UK over the next 12 months.
These are people who have cancer anyway, but the situation will impede their treatment.
The new US government program of handouts for the biggest companies has no conditions of honesty or decency. Nothing would stop them from handing the money straight to the CEO, except that the other stockholders might demand a cut.
Only 5% of people imprisoned for crimes described as terrorist commit another such crime afterward.
This suggests to me that it is safe to release most of them so they don't catch and spread Covid-19 in prison. But also that a special kind of sentence might be invented that would serve in place of prison and achieve the same results.
In reaction to Covid-19, hospitals and individuals are taking a lot more antibiotics.
This will build resistance, and few new antibiotics are being developed. Our neoliberal governments have left the decisions in the hands of business, which mostly considers antibiotics not profitable.
The Mayo Clinic allowed Pence to visit and even meet with a patient without as mask.
His argument, that he is tested "regularly" for the coronavirus and therefore knows he can't transmit virus to anyone else, is not absurd. However, we don't know how frequently "regularly" is. If it is once a week, he might become infected and start transmitting virus between tests.
In any case, there was no reason for the hospital to make an exception for him. I expect the hospital management were afraid of reprisals if they did not.
An app for parole monitoring is so buggy that it is very hard for people to keep the requirements. They live in fear of being imprisoned again because something did not work. It needlessly drains the battery, and when the battery runs dry at the wrong time, the user can be imprisoned for that. In addition, it can listen through the phone at any time.
I'd choose an ankle bracelet if I had the choice. However, those don't work in the smooth way you might imagine. Parolees using ankle monitors have to pay for them, also, thought they don't also have to pay hundreds of dollars at the start to buy one. And ankle bracelets too are unreliable, and run out of charge too often, which puts the user in danger of being imprisoned or missing work.
Every portable phone, whether smart of not, can be converted into a full-time listening device. Let's learn to think of every portable phone as a form of virtual prison.
How China, with foreign cooperation, quashed an outbreak of plague in 1911.
Then doctors from around the world met to study which methods were effective.
Around 20 million Americans have filed for unemployment insurance, but a study suggests roughly 50% more are unemployed but have been blocked or discouraged from doing this.
*Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) and Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, (D-N.Y.) announced a new joint proposal on Tuesday to halt mergers and acquisitions during the coronavirus pandemic.*
I agree, but why allow them again afterwards?
Republicans want to give businesses complete immunity for imposing working conditions that favor transmission of Covid-19.
This goes with a plan to keep meat-packing plants open without giving the workers protective gear.
It would be unreasonable, perhaps even harmful, to demand too much. If not enough protective gear is available made, when medical personnel have trouble getting them, we must not blame an employer for not getting some -- or insist it outbid the hospitals for them. Some companies might get gear by bribing the conman, and medical personnel might get sick as a result.
However, it would be a mistake to jump to the opposite extreme. For instance, if unsophisticated masks will prevent most transmission in the work place, companies must get them and provide them. There is no sense in giving businesses license to be totally careless with employees' health.
US unions attack the business bailouts for supporting businesses as those businesses shaft workers.
The New York State Democratic Party cancelled its presidential primary on the grounds that all the candidates except Biden have withdrawn. The election will be held anyway, since it includes other offices as well.
The Sanders campaign objected to this move, since it could reduce the turnout of progressives for other candidates.
I hope progressives understand the importance of replacing right-wing Democrats, and vote as if their lives depend on it -- since they will.
Democrats are coming to understand the danger of Republican voter suppression. However, anything that artificially discourages progressive voters from voting will have a similar effect.
Large parts of the US economy cannot recover as long as people are worried about catching Covid-19. Even if US states allow them to reopen, not many people will make use of them.
The article mentions a restaurant reservation service called OpenTable. I've read it gouges restaurants, so that overall they are worse off due to its existence, but no restaurant can afford to reject it while its competitors don't.
That is a reason to boycott OpenTable, but the strongest reason not to do business with it is that it identifies customers and feeds the surveillance industry. Once I stepped into an interesting-looking restaurant and learned that the only way to dine there was to reserve via OpenTable. Which implied that I would never dine there.
When I make a restaurant reservation, I do not identify myself in a way that a database could track. Usually I give a false name — which will not alter how much I pay for the meal. And I pay only in cash.
The Saboteur of Agriculture wants to allow chicken processors to speed up their inspections. Basically, to cut corners and spread more pathogens. Similar things have already been done with pork processing.
*Vilnius gives public space to bars and cafes to allow physical distancing during lockdown.*
Companies that make plastic are asking the US government for a billion dollars.
The right thing to do is extract concessions to the environment in exchange for saving a part of the industry with a smaller amount of plastic going forward.
Michael Moore has fallen for and repeated planet roaster disinformation. It is sad.
Criticize the conman for the wrongs he does, but not for avoiding the war in Vietnam. The war was evil, and the draft was evil.
Workers from Amazon, Instacart, Whole Foods, Walmart, Target, and FedEx plan to strike on May 1.
The social change of keeping distant from other people can affect how much we trust each other, or empathize with each other, and it could be hard to reverse.
Citizens of Massachusetts: call on Massachusetts lawmakers to protect voting rights, by mail or in person, for this year's election.
US citizens: call on Congress to protect farm workers from Covid-19.
America's food depends on that, as well as the farm workers themselves.
The Capitol Switchboard numbers are 202-224-3121, 888-818-6641 and 888-355-3588.
If you call please spread the word!
Immigrants crowded up in US immigration jails are trying to tell us about their vulnerability to Covid-19. The deportation thugs sometimes punish them to shut them up.
NIH official Rick Bright says he believes he was taken out of his official role because he defended making government decisions based on science. In particular, he rejected the unsubstantiated use of chloroquine to treat Covid-19.
The saboteur in chief is against science because he can't bribe it.
*COVID-19 is so dangerous to food security because the global supply chain was insecure to begin with.*
*COVID-19 Sweeping Through Ranks of US Immigrant Farmworkers and Meatpackers.*
Texas has backed down on its scheme to ban abortion by calling it a "nonessential" procedure. I hope the women who were blocked from getting abortions can get it done now, but some of them might have been pushed past the 3-month limit, up to which they don't need to offer justification.
The US Department of Agriculture dawdled for a month before buying surplus produce. Farmers were ruined along with vegetables while the agency disregarded its mission.
A small company that does data collection for the conman's campaign got a suspiciously large small business loan, suspiciously fast.
New Zealand has nearly eliminated Covid-19 and will start gradually reopening many kinds of businesses.
The lesson here is that a lockdown can be effective, if it is complete enough to stop nearly all transmission and thus eliminate the need for the lockdown.
New York City will exclude cars from many streets.
I am eager to see which streets I am familiar with will be included.
The bullshitter has gone beyond fake news to publishing a deepfake video about Biden.
I fear that many people will treat whatever is depicted there as fact even if they see a notice that it isn't.
(satire) *[The bully] publicly accused New York health officials Monday of inflating the state’s Covid-19 mortality rate by including African Americans in their calculations of the total dead.*
*Without 'Transformative Change' to Global Economic Systems, Humans Risk Causing More Deadly Pandemics.*
One thing we need to change is the operation of factory farms for meat.
Agribusiness demands reducing the controls against disease, which means moving in the wrong direction. Thus, the US under the saboteur is cutting back on meat inspection, which is crazy, since it will promote the spread of antibiotic resistance.
You don't need to have any preexisting conditions to die from resistant bacteria.
*'Halt This Madness': US Drove Last Year's Over $1.9 Trillion in Global Military Spending.*
Poland says that people can trust its centralized quarantine tracker because the data will be saved for "only" six years and only the Polish government will have access to it. That doesn't make it very trustworthy.
On the one hand, 14 days of location tracking data, which on each occasion reports that you are in the same place (at home), is nothing to worry about in itself. If I were in quarantine for a few weeks, infected with coronavirus, I would not object to being tracked for that period.
I would not let them do it with a portable phone, though, because that device can also listen and transmit at any time, and it can be tracked by others aside from the quarantine authority. I would not install a nonfree program on my computer to do it, either.
I would invite the government to lend me a portable phone with a broken microphone for the duration of my quarantine. Then I would uncover its camera when agents call me through it. I would not care what software they have installed on their phone while I borrow it, as long as it could not do anything except the job it is officially supposed to do. If they wanted to hear my voice as well, they could call my landline at the same time.
On the other hand, the general defeatist attitude in the quotation at the end, "They know all about us, so why resist their systems to know all about us," is a very important mistake. All we need, to force systems to be redesigned so that "they" won't "know all about us", is to throw off the defeatism and start demanding they do so.
US citizens: phone your congresscritter to oppose bailouts for weapons companies and military contractors. That includes mercenaries — the US army should stop hiring mercenaries.
*Hamas arrests Gaza peace activists for … chat with Israelis.*
*Meteorologists say 2020 on course to be hottest year since records began.* Global heating is continuing steadily.
*Nonvoters Are Not Privileged. They Are Disproportionately Lower-Income, Non-White and Dissatisfied With The Two Parties.*
*Halt destruction of nature or suffer even worse pandemics, say world’s top scientists.*
Even if you are willing to be tracked by online sales, you can help the world by boycotting Amazon in particular.
Even if the people deciding a country's response to Covid-19 are smart and of good will, they are vulnerable to groupthink.
This presents an interesting comparison for today's Republicans: those of the 1970s.
The UK said it would releases some prisoners so they would be less exposed to coronavirus. And it did release some — 33 of them.
The Acting King of Salafi Arabia announced that it will no longer sentence minors to death.
Whether unofficial dismemberment will be limited to adults is not clear.
Covid-19 could wipe out many endangered languages that are spoken only by a few old people, most often poor.
Employer-paid medical coverage causes a many kinds of bureaucratic disasters because each company has its own list of allowed doctors and hospitals.
The copyright industry is trying to use Covid-19 as an excuse to impose robotic copyright filters in the US, similar to the devastating directive that was passed by the EU a year ago.
It is unfortunate that the article uses the confused term "intellectual property" as if it referred to something meaningful. It is a bogus overgeneralization which is lumps together various unrelated laws.
This issue is about one specific law: copyright. "Copyright" refers to a meaningful topic. "Intellectual property" does not.
I think it is also unfortunate that the article speaks of "monetizing".
The "reopen" campaign is an astroturf campaign; its web sites were registered by well-funded right-wing groups.
*Texas Attorney General's Office Says It Can Toss People In Jail For Suggesting Coronavirus Fears Are A Legit Reason To Vote From Home.*
Evidence including DNA sequences and sequences of events makes it pretty clear that the SARS-CoV-2 virus strain evolved in animals and did not escape from a virology lab.
Everyone: call on the European Investment Bank to close your fossil finance loopholes and fund a just COVID-19 recovery.
Amnesty International…demanded online retail giant Amazon start prioritizing the health and safety of its workers around the planet.
This one injustice is a small part of the injustice Amazon does. Let's refuse to give it any money.
Millions of Americans who have lost their jobs have been unable to file claims for unemployment pay.
Insect populations overall have declined by 25% in the past 30 years.
The saboteur in chief set up a panel to recommend ways to promote nuclear power. Its recommendations would throw loads of money into radioactive waste.
A Reagan-like Republican is running in the Democratic primary against Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.
They can't imagine her voters would actually prefer such a candidate. Are they some sort of trickery?
Various countries are increasing the level of surveillance to react to Covid-19, but that may be only the occasion for long-prepared plans.
Covid-19 has disrupted measles vaccination. Children could die from that.
Hungary's oppressive ID requirements — one must show government ID even to buy a bus pass or pick up a parcel — are being used to repress trans people.
Bogus Johnson sent his chief political heavy to participate in supposedly independent scientific advisory meetings.
The crisis caused by Covid-19 may pulverize the right-wing assumption that the state must not help people. But it can also encourage state actions to hurt people.
We Are Ruled By Wizards — bending reality is as simple as bending people's perception of reality.
Under Cover of Pandemic, Trump's NLRB Moves to Make Unionizing 'Nearly Impossible for Workers'.
[The saboteur in chief] has been hesitant to invoke the Defense Production Act for medical gear. But he's already used it hundreds of thousands of times for weapons and bombs.
"Tea Party" Republicans undermined the US stockpile of N95 masks. They pretend that no one could have guessed that the US would need hundreds of millions of masks, but they didn't need to guess, only to listen. Their ideological opposition to making use of government to serve all of society throws us into helpless dependence on the plutocrats that they serve. We need to reclaim control of the state, so that it can do the many jobs that only a state can do.
Ted Chiang Explains the Disaster Novel We All Suddenly Live In.
I highly recommend Ted Chiang's book, Stories of Your Life and Others. If you buy a copy, please pay cash only — don't let a business track what you read. And especially don't get the commercial ebooks that impose DRM and require you to promise to act like a jerk.
I bought a printed copy and paid cash.
Some companies that operate bug bounty programs for tech businesses have been perverted into schemes to pay bug reporters to keep silent — permanently.
The low price of oil has already made oil companies shut down many US oil wells permanently, and a lot more will be shut down soon.
Bizarrely, the article does not mention that this will help civilization survive. Why not? Why do the Guardian's editors want business journalist that doesn't look beyond the effects on the profit prospects of certain businesses.
*Coronavirus Hasn’t Stopped Jared Kushner’s Real Estate Empire from Hounding Tenants with Debt Collection, Eviction Lawsuits.*
*How To Tell Real News From Useless Narrative Fluff.*
Just as many people have begun foolishly giving companies lots of their personal data, by buying things over the internet or paying in non-anonymous ways, these companies have started giving lots of customer personal data to the US government.
I say it is not enough just to survive Covid-19. We need to survive with some privacy left. My policy is to refuse to let companies know that I am the one buying.
*Leading US biologist Thomas Lovejoy says to stop future outbreaks we need more respect for natural world.*
The argument that some vulnerable people depend on a wet market is not strong enough sustain the conclusion that the market should stay open. There are less dangerous ways to help those people.
The UK is prosecuting supporters of independence for Scotland, and others who have reported on the trial of Alex Salmond, for publishing information that could have helped people identify one of the witnesses that testified for the prosecution. One of them is Craig Murray.
I think there is more from him here.
Murray says that mainstream newspapers published more or less the same information but were not prosecuted. He concludes that this is a politically biased prosecution. He will not get a jury trial, so he could be railroaded as Assange is being.
Alex Salmond was the leader of the Scottish National Party, which advocated independence for Scotland (and still does). He was accused of raping or groping women (I don't know the details), but the jury rejected the charges.
I have no position on the issue of Scotland, but politically biased prosecution is evil.
Sérgio Moro, Brazil's justice minister, has resigned.
Previously, as a judge, he participated in a corrupt scheme to jail Lula.
A business collects broken plastic fishing nets in Chile and recycles them to make clothing.
A large fraction of the plastic floating in the oceans comes from broken fishing nets, so this could be quite useful if it scales up.
Unfortunately the oil glut may kill the market for the recycled plastic.
If you want to vote in November, check now that you are registered. And you may have to do more than that.
However, it is an exaggeration to say we have 6.5 months to "save the planet", because whatever happens in November, the president elected then won't try to do it.
The US military and climate disaster feed each other.
Is there still "enough for everyone"? If that is true today, it won't be true ten years from now. If and when there are too many of us, the only humane and ethical remedy is to reduce births.
Racist bigotry is more prevalent in China than in the US.
In the US, many of us campaign against it.
*Small Business Rescue Money Flowing to Major Trump Donors, Disclosures Show.*
California opens some beaches, with restrictions to keep transmission of Covid-19 to a very low level.
This is a rational change, from zero-tolerance rigidity to a flexible approach.
Republicans are thinking of using the US Postal Service crisis as an opportunity to break its unions.
US citizens: call on your congresscritter to demand that the head of the Pentagon answer questions about authorizing use of landmines.
The Capitol Switchboard numbers are 202-224-3121, 888-818-6641 and 888-355-3588.
If you call spread the word!
When Sérgio Moro resigned he revealed some illegal actions by Bolsonaro that could justify impeaching him. However, the military are now in control, and impeaching Bolsonaro would replace him with an ex-general who admires the military dictatorship. Not much better, but perhaps little worse.
I expect the US will work for military rule in Brazil.
Amazon has been caught cheating against companies that sell through Amazon, by using data about their sales to compete with them.
Due to a paywall, I cannot access the article that reported on this, and even if I saw a copy I would not post a reference to it. But I am confident that it would not have reported this without convincing evidence.
Edward Snowden warns Israel about the danger of using massive surveillance data to act against Covid-19.
Palestinians report that Israeli colonists attacked Palestinian farmers while Israeli soldiers encouraged them. A Palestinian tried to record this but one of the colonists stole per camera.
The human rights group B'tselem reports that these attacks have increased in April, now running more than one per day. They attack buildings, olive trees, cars, and persons, often destroying or damaging them. They have not killed people this month, but they have grievously wounded helpless people. They often carry guns, so they could easily kill many at any time.
Often Israel soldiers are present and attack the Palestinians out of sheer hatred.
*If Coronavirus Overwhelms Gaza, Israel Alone is to Blame.*
Israel will keep Gazans locked up in the prison which is Gaza, and shoot them if they try to flee.
US citizens: call on Congress to give Americans $2,000/month until employment returns to pre-COVID-19 levels.
The Capitol Switchboard numbers are 202-224-3121, 888-818-6641 and 888-355-3588.
If you call, please spread the word!
Another flaw in the the extremely flawed CARES Act: the small business loans are supposed to be forgiven later if used to keep staff on the payroll, but the loan contracts don't guarantee this forgiveness.
This will give banks an opportunity to cheat or harass those businesses later.
*[The conman] reportedly owes tens of millions to the Bank of China.* That bank is owned by the Chinese state.
If that is true, it means that China more or less owns the conman, unless he has amassed so much money through his corruption that he can pay back the loan now.
So, Mr Trump, have you repaid that loan yet?
*The Dutch government has announced measures including huge cuts to coal use, garden greening and limits on livestock herds as part of its plan to lower emissions to comply with a supreme court ruling.*
UN Secretary General Guterres warns that Covid-19 endangers human rights, threatening freedom (attacked by authoritarian governments) as well as other human needs.
Stiglitz warns that Republican policies are driving the US towards another great depression.
*South Carolina’s Republicans gutted public healthcare. Then the pandemic hit.*
*Warren Demands Investigation Into Trump's Coronavirus Response, Saying He Put 'Political Expediency' Before Public Health.*
The decrease in coal burning and mining in the US is the result of years of pressure from the public.
Congress should stop piling more and more money onto the bloated US military budget.
Computerized voting machines, in addition to making the election vulnerable to rigging, can potentially transmit Covid-19 from one voter to the next.
Rep. Shalala sold stocks and did not mention this on the required disclosure forms. She pleads ignorance of the disclosure laws. Natural that Pelosi chose her to supervise the enforcement of financial laws on large companies receiving bailout funds.
(satire) *Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) assured Democratic House representatives Wednesday they don’t need to try being productive during the stressful pandemic.*
Washington State passed a law limiting government use of face recognition. The ACLU says the limits are not enough to avoid the danger.
It appears that the law does not apply to businesses, indeed to anyone other than government agencies. That makes the law inadequate, since it does nothing to limit the businesses, such as Safran that accumulate face recognition dossiers about everyone and sell access to these dossiers.
*COVID-19 ‘Liberate’ Groups Are the Same Ones Pushing Climate Denial.*
There is no activity more essential than protesting when necessary. But the thugs of Raleigh, North Carolina, say it is forbidden because it is "non-essential".
However, we should recognize that one of the ways Covid-19 threatens to do permanent harm is by allowing governments (including the US) and companies (Google, Apple, Amazon, Zoom and others) to increase their levels of surveillance and control over people.
Ironically, even as government threatens us with repression, it is also a necessary platform for serving many vital needs, and the only tool we could use to keep the companies and plutocrats in check, and stop global heating before it destroys technological civilization.
This means we must first take control of our government, then use it to defeat the plutocratists. It's a devil of a situation, but it's that or serfdom.
We must not allow discrimination between protests based on what cause they advocate. If we permitted that, the plutocrats would ban protests against them.
“Every one of the 210 new drugs approved by the FDA from 2010–2016" was developed using public research funds, according to the National Academy of Sciences. The NIH used to have a rule that drugs developed with public research funds had to be sold for a reasonable price, The plutocratist president, Bill Clinton, eliminated that rule.
Congress could restore that rule now with a law, if we replace the plutocratists in it.
Big Pharma says it needs monopolies to get the money to pay for the large studies of the effects of drugs. Those studies are crucial but we must not allow pharma companies to play any role in them — because when they pay for studies, they corrupt the studies.
If we are wise, we will pay for those studies with public funds, too.
After all, it's our money either way, whether we pay it via the government or through the pharma companies.
Mafias are distributing food to Italians who have no money and can't buy anything. It appears that the government's efforts to give people food are not reaching everyone.
Rather than sending thugs to question people on the street who are suspiciously bringing people food, the government should improve its own efforts to do the job.
Members of the UK Parliament will be compelled to use Zoom in order to vote.
This is the ultimate surrender of a government to malicious technology.
The US faces a national shortage of purified CO2, and this could impact water treatment.
Boston is planning for a meter of sea-level rise by 2070. Since we keep finding that Greenland and Antarctica are melting faster than expected, I am not sure that is enough.
Building "resiliency" is a useful medium-term measure, that could help Boston survive while we curb global heating — if we do. But without that, it is futile; all such efforts will be overwhelmed by the sea.
Farms are letting fresh fruits and vegetables rot, while millions of Americans can't get food.
This is what results from devout worship of the Invisible Hand, whose cult demands human sacrifice.
Common Cause's list of urgent recommendations for Congress to support democracy.
I agree with them aside from one: funding to extend broadband internet.
In order for "digital inclusion" to be an advance, it has to respect freedom. The internet today, used as people normally use it, devours freedom. When society as a whole depends on such use of the internet, it becomes a trap that keeps people under the thumb of surveillance capitalism and state repression. Making that sort of internet faster is a mistaken goal.
Republicans have proposed funds to support farmers — but watch out: they will give all the money to big agribusiness unless the system is designed very carefully.
Indeed, even if they don't directly give all the money to giant agribusiness corporations, those will grab most of it because of their domination of the market. Smaller farms typically sell to giant monopsonies, which effectively set the price farms receive for their production. These prices keep farmers right on the edge of going under.
To support actual farm prices would require different systems. The US had such systems in the past, but plutocratists won't be in favor of bringing them back.
*Unless a vaccine is made available to every country Covid-19 will turn into a global threat without end.*
We hope to develop a vaccine, or a treatment, but the way to get rid of Covid-19 that we already know can work is that of testing, tracing and isolation. If that is our only way to do it, that too must be implemented globally.
Testing, tracing and isolation does not require tracking everyone's movements with a digital device. China does that because repression is its goal.
A discussion of China and WeChat — how China has gained surveillance of nearly all activity simply by making people pay for many vital things via WeChat or Alipay.
Covid-19 is temporary, but if it acts as an excuse to impose surveillance, the surveillance is likely to be forever. The time to resist is now.
One way to resist is to join me in always paying cash when you purchase goods, publications (textual or not), and ground transport. If a store declines to take my cash, I say politely that cash is the only way I can pay. If the store refuses to make an accommodation, I say "Too bad," and leave.
It is useful to tell your local and state politicians that you want laws to require retail businesses to accept cash. New York City passed one last year.
Above all, don't be defeatist: don't give in to the attempted self-fulfilling prophesy that Covid-19 will terrify us into paying only through surveilled systems.
*Nobel laureates condemn 'judicial harassment' of environmental lawyer.* This refers to Steven Donziger, being persecuted by Chevron for being the lawyer for the Ecuadorian farmers who sued Chevron.
Microsoft is planning to invest heavily in machines to extract CO2 directly from the air and convert it into other substances. It aims in 10 years to extract more than it emits.
Investing in research on those machines, and on the less radical carbon capture and storage, is a good thing to do. It has a chance of making a big difference.
But research is always a risk. We must not assume this will work out.
Amazon has donated to a fund to keep UK bookstores operating, but the donation is minuscule compared with the harm that Amazon's unfair practices have caused them.
We should not leave it up to rich people to decide how much to give back out of all that they have taken.
A court is considering the Tory plan for voter suppression in the UK by demanding photo IDs.
Arkansas's ban on surgical abortions has been upheld by the federal appeals court.
In some states, these bans have been overturned. In others, upheld. I suppose the Supreme Court will study the case, and its right-wing majority will seize the opportunity to interfere with abortion rights by hook or by crook.
*Top vaccine expert says he was fired for resisting Trump on hydroxychloroquine.*
Amazon is considering adding face recognition and license plate recognition to Ring surveillance cameras.
Setting up a system capable of systematic recognition of faces — or license plates — should be illegal, outside of very narrow circumstances.
An additional dam on the Nile will create a competition over which country gets the water.
This indicates that the population of the region is hitting a resource limit. Whether or not that competition leads to an actual war, people will die as a result.
Showing that you can't overcome resource shortages with dams alone. You need birth control too.
*New research finds 147 million will be hit by floods by the end of the decade.*
The UK is considering ordering people over 70 to stay home for months.
I would not obey a rule like that. Since I do not wish to get sick, I go out only occasionally and take care when I do. But I will not live by an absurd zero-tolerance rule that demands I avoid even small risks, regardless of what that does to my freedom and privacy.
For instance, I buy groceries in the supermarket and I pay cash. I will not order them delivered or pay for them in a way that would identify me.
Covid-19 is spreading through Singapore's 300,000 migrant workers, who are housed together up to 20 to a room. Now all of them are quarantined in those rooms all day.
Even before Covid-19, they were exploited and cheated.
Democrats are about to accept another "stimulus" which helps small businesses and hospitals, but none of the poor.
The Trump Hotel in Washington DC leased a building from the US government so as to profit if the bullshitter became president. Now it is having trouble paying its rent, so it is asking for rent relief.
There is a glut of oil, and oil companies are paying others to take massive quantities of oil and store it until someone wants it. Many fossil fuel companies are facing bankruptcy, and many investors are facing losses.
We need those investors to lose money, and learn the lesson not to invest in fossil fuels. As always, the saboteur in chief doesn't want rich people and big companies to suffer the negative consequences of their actions, so he has announced a big "bailout" for them.
Bailouts for fossil fuel companies are not merely wasteful, not merely dooH niboR. If they spare investors from learning the lesson that their investments are damaging, the bailouts are damaging.
*A political system that is structurally incapable of acting for the common good, even when millions of lives are at stake, is not just failing to solve our problems. It is the problem.*
The US government's evident corruption and incompetence in dealing with Covid-19 demonstrates that this is the situation. Now we need to fix it so the government can protect us from the even bigger dangers such as global heating and world-wide wars.
The House of Representatives is considering remote voting.
I see no particular problem in the interim plan to use proxies for votes. However, remote voting creates a security problem that is impossible to correct if it uses nonfree software or services operated by companies. It has to be with free software and the server must belong to the House of Representatives.
Milan plans to shift many streets to pedestrians and bicycles.
I hope it will also increase bus service and build new subway lines. Not everyone can ride a bike, and walking to distant places will take too long.
US officials say China organized a disinformation campaign in March saying that the bullshitter was going to use soldiers to clamp down on movement in the US.
The bullshitter makes the US more vulnerable to disinformation from whatever source. Perhaps he should ask someone to tell him the children's story, "The President That Cried 'Fake!'". Eventually the president said "fake" about news that really was fake, and nobody believed him.
The corruptor placed the US's biggest private medical insurance company in charge of distributing aid to hospitals.
This gives the company an opportunity to pressure hospitals to modify their relationships with that company in ways that will benefit the company in the future, and perhaps even today.
Why did the corruptor choose that company? My guess is that it is paying him off.
Lobbying turned a supposed "loan program for small businesses" into a loan program for larger businesses — some of which just want to go bankrupt.
In effect, Congress is assuming that the officials that administer the program are making strong efforts to keep it honest — but with the conman in charge, you can be sure that will not happen.
US citizens: call on Congress and Mnuchin to stop big banks from taking Americans' crisis relief checks.
The Capitol Switchboard numbers are 202-224-3121, 888-818-6641 and 888-355-3588.
If you call please spread the word!
US citizens: call on Congress to protect US contributions to the WHO.
The Capitol Switchboard numbers are 202-224-3121, 888-818-6641 and 888-355-3588.
If you call, please spread the word!
The Western US, from Oregon to New Mexico, has been suffering a deep drought since 2000. Researchers have established that, in the past 1200 years, only one past drought equaled this one.
If this was the worst a drought could be before 1950, global heating now makes worse droughts possible.
A thug in the UK was caught on video, threatening to fabricate an accusation against a man who was passing by.
The chief of the department had the decency to condemn the thug's actions unreservedly. That condemnation goes beyond an apology. But this is not enough by itself. It is necessary to punish that thug firmly, so that the others know they won't be winked at if they do this again.
*'Absurdity and Cruelty' of US Healthcare System, Says Sanders, 'Should Now Be Apparent to All'.*
Cooperating with North Korea's need for help in coping with Covid-19 could offer the US an opportunity for useful diplomacy.
Human rights lawyer Wang Quanzhang has been released from formal prison, but remains a prisoner in some undisclosed location while he is trained to say what his guards wish.
Australia is funding several hail-mary programs to keep the Great Barrier Reef alive another decade or two in the face of global heating.
Succeeding in this, would help the planet-roaster government resist doing anything to limit global heating itself. Even making the attempt will help that.
The article does not mention ocean acidification, which is the other big effect of increased CO2 in the air. In a few decades perhaps, that will kill all corals, and many molluscs, crustacians, and starfish. The excess CO2 may interfere with the thought processes of fish, which could wipe out some species.
Australia principal river system, the Murray-Darling system, gets only half as much water nowadays as in the 20th century, due to global heating — so it will get worse.
Australians believed the water was there but they were taking out too much.
* Polluting industries around the world are using the coronavirus pandemic to gain billions of dollars in bailouts and to weaken and delay environmental protections.*
The extra pollution could do more harm than Covid-19 does.
Privatized medicine has mostly abandoned rural America, and laws assure a nationwide shortage of doctors, few of whom choose to go there. This causes helplessness in facing any sort of epidemic.
With copious testing, contact tracing, and isolation of those infected, it is possible to eliminate Covid-19 from an area, or pretty close. Taiwan and South Korea have done it.
Just waiting won't make ending stay-at-home safe, so how does the US plan to achieve that? If we are waiting for some major change in the situation, what change is it, and how do we plan to make it happen?
An internal investigation in the Labour Party, which was leaked, concluded that some of its staff, who opposed Corbyn, weaponized accusations of antisemitism so as to ensure the party would not win an election under Corbyn. The mainstream media did its best to support that campaign.
Part of the campaign was to demand a zero-tolerance approach to eliminating antisemitism from the party. A zero-tolerance approach to enforcing any rule tends to create dissention and hostility, because it means that very small differences in conduct lead to enormously different treatment.
Apple and Google, which do enormous amounts of tracking of users, have become the unlikely guardians of people's privacy by limiting how apps can get data about bluetooth contacts.
In addition to blocking various abusive forms of surveillance, they also prevent any sort of contact-tracing app that accumulates a list of phones that have passed nearby, even if it were up to the user to decide to send it in.
If such an automated recording of nearby-passing phones is an effective method of contact tracing — which some experts doubt — then preventing it from being used seems to be a bad thing.
In addition, governments can do this in other ways, as China does. I think China's app operates by reporting the phones GPS location to the state. If everyone is forced to install that app, the state can figure out which phones passed nearby.
Even voluntary schemes for tracking people's movements can become effectively mandatory if employers, landlords, and services punish people who don't do it.
I have to point out that the UK began tracking all car travel over 10 years ago, and has already abused the system to sabotage protests. Of course, now it is sabotaging all protests, and not that there is less to protest now than there was.
Biden is not seriously trying to win the support of progressive voters. I think he takes us for granted.
Biden was making the US a worse place many years before the conman got into politics, and he will continue doing so if elected, just not as fast as the conman does.
Slow sidewalk-travelling robots can now deliver food orders to customers willing to be surveilled.
I see only two things wrong with this system. For customers, there is no way to buy anonymously, so I would not use it. For workers, it means a lot of unemployed people. The Tories would have them living on the street faster than you can say "Tories".
More information about why the US postal service is about to collapse. It is a plan that Republicans have been operating for over a decade.
Many important reforms have been implemented in some parts of the US in the past month.
An internal investigation within the Labour Party quotes staff's emails to show that some of the supporters of B'liar and his crew acted to sabotage the party so that Corbyn and his progressive side could not win power.
In other words, Labour's plutocratists were more loyal to plutocracy than to their party or its constituents.
*Ukraine: wildfires draw dangerously close to Chernobyl site.* Ukraine is alleged to be covering up the danger.
Corporations have used disease as an excuse to exclude shareholders from their annual meetings.
This eliminates one of the few methods that were available to the non-rich to put political pressure on corporations.
A Hong Kong protest leader warns that Beijing is likely to push once again for total control of Hong Kong, and that Hong Kongers will resist.
*Big Banks Sued for Putting Large Corporations Ahead of Main Street Small Business Owners for Covid-19 Rescue Loans.*
*Freedom of information request filed after Pentagon stopped publishing figures for Afghanistan, Iraq and Syria.*
The large number of people in prison in the US could cause 100,000 extra deaths from Covid-19.
The Capitol Switchboard numbers are 202-224-3121, 888-818-6641 and 888-355-3588.
The Capitol Switchboard numbers are 202-224-3121, 888-818-6641 and 888-355-3588.
US citizens: phone your congresscritter to call for ending military draft registration — HR 5492.
Also oppose HR 6415 which would make conscription cover women as well as men.
The Capitol Switchboard numbers are 202-224-3121, 888-818-6641 and 888-355-3588.
Why would US workers want to sue their employers about this? I see two rational motives.
I don't expect Republicans to support that.
*The Pan-European Privacy-Preserving Proximity Tracing (PEPP-PT) consortium … removed [all] mention of the decentralized protocol proposal Decentralized Privacy-Preserving Proximity Tracing (DP3T) from its website.* The people developing that protocol found out when they saw their work had been deleted.
This stinks of an intentional effort to increase surveillance. Europeans, fight this now!
If you don't put as much effort into protecting your freedom as into protecting your immediate health, your effort to "stay safe" is unbalanced!
*Governments must act now to stop 265 million starving, warns World Food Program boss.*
*Inequality and the Coronavirus,* and gusher-up economics.
Yanis Varoufakis: the reason the EU should agree to issue EU-level bonds is that it is in the interest of the whole EU.
*80% of the [recent US] stimulus tax break will go to 43,000 people.*
*Loss of [birth control and abortion] services caused by lockdowns could result in millions of unwanted pregnancies and unsafe abortions.*
Contrast the behavior of rich people, such as Richard Branson, who think the government owes them loans after shirking taxes, with the responsibilities they say poor people have.
*"Pull yourself up by your bootstraps," billionaires are fond of telling us. All while making us pay for their boots.*
*Denmark: no bailouts for companies headquartered in tax havens* or that have squandered their reserves on stock buybacks.
The UK welfare system has been compelled by circumstances to abandon some of its cruel practices because of the staff requirements. More importantly, the Tories no longer dare pretend that citizens prepared to work reasonably hard will never need government assistance.
They might go back to that pretense once Covid-19 is out of the way.
Labour voters can help the party overcome the internal sabotage that succeeded in stopping Corbyn from winning the 2017 election.
Peru: riot police block highway as people attempt to flee [to their home towns] amid lockdown.
Some of those people have Covid-19 and would bring it to their home towns if they go. However, the overwhelming majority do not have Covid-19, and would die if they stay in Lima. Covid-19 is going to reach those places sooner or later, but it could take time,
A better-organized and wealthier state would test them all, then quarantine those who are infected and let the rest go home. But Peru is not capable of that.
This shows us the sort of disasters that massive inequality can cause. Meanwhile, the plutocrats labor every day to make more inequality.
Prison officials are monitoring prisoners' phone calls to see if they say anything about coronavirus.
The fact that they are using some sort of neural network to identify that topic seems like a side issue to me. It would be just as bad if humans were listening for such discussion.
Doubt is essential for science — but for politicians, it's a sign of weakness.
The UK plans to require witnesses testify in a hearing through nonfree software.
Sea-level rise, and its various consequences, will destroy South Florida in this century. Even before it is inundated, it will be wiped out.
Scientists say it appears to be too late to prevent the Arctic Ocean from losing all its ice in the summer, starting around 2050.
This will accelerate global heating no matter what else we do.
Two studies suggest that air pollution makes people more vulnerable to getting badly sick from Covid-19.
Inside Rikers: An Account of the Virus-Stricken Jail From a Man Who Managed to Get Out.
Pelosi appointed Rep. Shalala to the oversight committee, rather than Rep. Porter.
Porter is known for grilling CEOs hard. Shalala is known for owning shares in quite a few corporations that might ask for a bailout.
Greg Palast: Absentee ballots in the US place many obstacles in the voter's way, and the votes of people from marginalized groups are more likely to be blocked.
Thus, switching to voting by mail will not automatically assure that all registered voters get to vote.
Farms should make some adjustments on living arrangements so that citizens can help in the picking — not structure it only for migrant workers.
The US government confiscates protective equipment being shipped between states.
The corrupter uses the equipment to reward states, even businesses, that serve him personally.
US citizens: call on Congress to reject a bailout for big oil.
Proposed contact-tracing apps would do a lousy job, because what they try to do is very different from real, effective contact tracing.
Don't assume that a system, once actually in use, will respect any sort of privacy for anyone.
I hope the US does set up effective contact tracing, and if I am ever called because of a rational suspicion that I am infected and asked about my contacts, I will do my best to cooperate. If I am told I am likely to be infected, I will stay inside to protect others. But I will not use something that would let the state track my movements even if I do not become infected. I will not carry a portable phone.
To throw freedom and privacy overboard to avoid a small incremental risk to health is folly. We need to maintain our freedom and privacy along with our health.
The US deportation thugs hold 34,000 prisoners. Most of them it could legally release right now. It is considering releasing only 600.
Spain has allowed workers to go to work for many non-essential businesses, calculating that the infection rate will continue to go down.
*In this moment of crisis, macho leaders are a weakness not a strength.*
Leaders appear strong (and win support) by visibly making someone else back down. Business is so powerful nowadays that it is generally easier to make the non-rich back down and serve the rich. So that is what they do.
The Occupational Suffering and Hardship Agency told employers not to bother reporting when their employees catch Covid-19.
This information is very important for measuring the spread of the disease and detecting when working conditions are encouraging its spread.
*Don't be fooled: Britain's coronavirus bailout will make the rich richer still.*
There is no need to wait — it is already happening, in the UK as in the US.
Public Citizen proposes how Congress should restore oversight to the 2-trillion bailout for big companies selected by the conman and Mnuchin.
When the article talks of "squandering" this money, it understates the danger. Having negated all existing oversight, Mnuchin and the conman will have no obstacles to stop them from exercising favoritism in whatever way they wish, in effect using this money as bribes. They could pressure large companies to spend more on Republican campaigns.
Given how far the conman has already gone in corruption, such as handing out ventilators and masks to states that support him, I expect he will do this.
It was terribly foolish for Democrats in the House of Representatives to agree to this loan program — foolish to imagine those corrupt officials would not exploit every opportunity for corruption.
When talking about the Special IG, please do not refer to per as "they". It causes grammatical confusion.
The OPCW has labeled Assad as responsible from dropping sarin gas on Khan Sheikhun in Syria.
There are claims that this attack did not happen at all.
After contemptuously defying Congressional oversight committees, the conman is now contemptuously defying executive branch inspectors general.
This confirms that his goal is arbitrary rule with unlimited corruption.
The numskull is making US allies distrust the US and despise him.
*Inequality doesn't just make pandemics worse — it could cause them.*
*More than 60 poorer countries are spending more paying creditors than on health – study.*
Paraguay won't tax the rich to help the poor, so poor people are trying to help each other.
Paraguay's leftist president was removed a few years ago by a more-or-less coup and replaced by the right wing.
The US plans to test an amazing Cuban medical discovery, a vaccine which prevents one kind of lung cancer from growing any further.
The UK is giving patient medical records data in bulk to Palantir and other companies, for "research" purposes.
I would not trust those companies to keep the spirit of their commitments, or even the letter of them.
Coal mining companies in the US are asking Congress to "rescue" them by eliminating the taxes that pay for cleaning up abandoned mines and the lungs of abandoned miners.
If coal mines are not to be cleaned up, it is better to shut them down immediately, so they stop contributing to global heating disaster.
The Miami Herald decided to sue the State of Florida demanding release of information about which nursing homes have had Covid-19 fatalities. Thegovernor intimidated the newspaper's law firm into refusing to do this work.
*The GOP Has Become a Death Cult.*
I would say, rather, that the Republican Party has merged with a variant of Christianity that is death cult.
Starting from their mad premises, their reasoning is rational. If there were a heaven where you would be eternally happy, why hesitate to die in a way that would get you in? Indeed, Christians had to decide that suicide was a sin, or their believers would have eagerly begun the trip to heaven.
This simply demonstrates that madness requires nothing more than the adoption of mad premises.
Beware the temptation to go to the opposite extreme. There is no reason to take risks to continue the dooH niboR economy, but there are parts of the economy we must take risks to continue. We need to grow food -- and make sure everybody gets enough. And we must be ready, now as in the past, to take risks to defend our freedoms.
Their campaign is based on valid principles, but it does not get to the root of the matter and the solution it advocates is inadequate. It supposes that schools could somehow insist, and verify, that nonfree programs do only what they are supposed to do, and that dis-services don't manipulate students or allow their data into the hands of anyone that would misuse it.
The one solution that will really fix the problem is to switch completely to free software, keep all the school's data about students on the school's own computers, and not even collect data that could be used to hurt the students.
Perhaps that is seen as too radical even to advocate, the way some Democrats in Congress see Medicare for All as too radical no matter how much we need it.
China is pushing again to impose total control over Hong Kong. Protests will be necessary again soon.
A former US convict talks about how much he appreciated having a tablet in his cell.
It makes me terribly sad to see this praise for a tablet full of nonfree software. Surely he is running several nonfree apps designed to mistreat the user.
I won't deny the benefit he reports. A computer can be very useful, even while mistreating its user in ways most people don't recognize. However, the mistreatment is entirely avoidable. A tablet with free software could have done the same jobs.
Billionaires' investment clubs ("private equity") are taking advantage of the crisis to move in on corporations that are experiencing losses.
The damage from the Big Spill reached all the way to the coast Mexico, and big decreases in seafood catch afflict the coast ten years after.
Mexican President Peña made a settlement that effectively let Billionaire Polluters off the hook. Whether or not a bribe can be identified, I call this corruption. The US has seen similar corrupt settlements recently.
Norway is moving very fast to electric vehicles.
If the electricity comes from hydropower, this really does eliminate the greenhouse emissions.
There is just one bad aspect: most electric car charging systems require payment by credit card. It is very hard to travel without being tracked by this. That is an injustice.
Electric cars don't have to be tracking devices. There is no fundamental obstacle to doing this right. But countries are turning them into tracking devices.
*Employees Say Smithfield [pork] Plant in Wisconsin Concealed Covid-19 Infections, Pressured Them to Work Elbow-to-Elbow Without Protection.*
The UK is delivering food to people who dare not go out, but following its usual practice, the UK has set strict criteria for who qualifies to receive these deliveries.
It would be unthinkable to risk handing out food to someone who might not deserve it.
US citizens: call on the FDA to lift the prohibition on telemedicine for abortion medicines.
Rating employees with a single number tends to make for more inequality in their bonuses than rating employees through a discussion.
Several EU countries propose to combine the Green New Deal with a plan for restoring the economy after Covid-19.
I am not an expert who can usefully study the details, but the idea seems very good to me.
The effort to impose computational idea patents in Europe was thwarted by the UK's departure from the EU.
The monopolist forces will try again, and we will get another chance to fight to stop them.
Republican officials are cheating on implementation of the extension of unemployment insurance.
You can't expect Republicans to honestly carry out a deal. "Cheat the poor" is their motto.
Don't be impressed when billionaires donate small fractions of their income as "philanthropy". They do it for self-serving reasons: to discourage us from cutting back their political power.
The time to resist repression and surveillance after the end of Covid-19 is now.
Don't tell people "Stay safe!" Tell them, "Stay healthy and free!"
Some people in the UK feel their lives have been ruined because assisted conception services have been shut down.
While I can appreciate the disappointment of those who wish to have children, I say we must not cater to it, because far worse things than being childless are coming. Having children nowadays (with or without medical assistance) places a large burden on the future. It reduces civilization's chances of survival, even as it adds more one person to suffer in civilization's coming crisis.
Rather than spending public money to help people make a child, we should tell them to consider adopting a child — to satisfy their yearning in a way that helps future humanity rather than burdening it.
Modern-day slums, created by right-wing economic policies, are spreading Covid-19.
The "cramped" living conditions of the poor, in the US and the UK and some other countries, get their impetus from the general economic situation that draws large numbers to a few successful cities — but this turns into real hardship because of favor-the-wealthy government policies that don't build enough housing in those cities, combined with the right-wing squeeze-the-poor policies that squeeze some poor people onto the street.
The US Postal Service is likely to collapse in a few months unless it gets direct government support, according to its head.
I wonder why the conman believes it would be profitable to make it collapse.
The Houthis in Yemen have sentenced journalists to death.
China is censoring research publications about Covid-19. Apparently China's face is more important than people's lungs.
Singapore has banned use of Zoom for schools, over a side issue.
Singapore is paying no more attention than the US to the inherent injustice of that program.
The EU agreed to rescue Italy, Spain and other countries, temporarily, only to crush them in a couple of years as it crushed Greece before.
The concessions that the richer countries agreed, eliminating the conditions that crushed Greece immediately, will postpone the crushing of Italy and Spain, but not for very long.
The right-wing propaganda idea that governments can't do a good job is totally wrong in South Korea. Citizens insist on that governments do their jobs well, and governments do.
US citizens: call on Congress to end the spread of Covid-19 in US prisons and jails, including immigration jails, including providing safe conditions and medical care.
If you sign, please spread the word!
Everyone: call on Liberty Mutual insurance to stop insuring tar sands.
If you sign, please spread the word!
BlackRock's plan for buying corporate bonds is aimed in a direction that will tend to help fossil fuel companies most.
The bully has sent a war fleet to the seas off Venezuela and is making threats of war.
I can't put Maduro and the bully on a linear scale to judge which is worse, but it is clear that if the bully succeeds in realizing his ambitions of absolute power he would be far worse.
*Moving towards a Medicare for All healthcare system will not just stem the financial losses that hospitals are now experiencing, but will ensure that we are prioritizing care and equity in our healthcare system.*
Political repression in Kashmir includes threatening doctors who report that they don't have sufficient equipment. Internet blockage stops them from accessing information for medical purposes.
The article mentions a web site for reporting on Covid-19's spread in Kashmir, which has chosen "open source". I have a hunch that they are not apolitical, as the term "open source" encourages people to be, but that they don't know how the free software movement is different from open source.
USAA, a bank and insurance company for members and veterans of the US military, has reversed course on seizing government aid payments for debt.
However, the US government has still done nothing to prevent this practice.
Mnuchin and the bully value the rich and powerful, while dehumanising everyone else. The idea of agreeing to aid human beings, then diverting the aid to banks and rich creditors, must have them laughing at the suffering they cause.
Petroleum-based fields of industry, including plastic, are lobbying for what will be an unending system of bailouts, as well as changes in the laws meant to protect us from the harm their operations do.
After they have got a series of handouts, they will use the "sunk costs" fallacy to argue that "You can't stop now".
We have to aim for a large but orderly reduction in these fields, not for keeping them going as before.
Gaza has run out of coronavirus tests. It can't get more because of the siege imposed by Israel.
Since Covid-19 reached the West Bank, attacks by Israeli fanatics against Palestinians have almost doubled.
Their slow but steady taking of Palestinians' lands is speeding up.
Some right-wing Israeli fanatics fought against imposed quarantine, left their quarantine site, then found three Arabs having a picnic. They threw stones at the Arabs, then burned their cars.
The fanatics will be prosecuted for trashing the bus that was taking them to quarantine. Burning Palestinians' cars is perhaps not considered worth prosecuting.
The US renamed its War Department as the "Department of Defense," but in substance it is still the Department of War. Looking at the real threats that the US faces, what would a real Department of Defense do?
*The COVID-19 Pandemic Is Exposing the Plague of Neoliberalism.*
Neoliberalism is the economistic ideology that goes with plutocracy. It denies that there is a place in society for any relationships except the market. Neoliberalism inflicts suffering globally, all the time, and hollows out society's resilience so that medical and political harm can easily spread. And when it intersects with acute plagues, such as Covid-19, the combination produce special, acute harm.
But there is a worse alternative: China's authoritarian capitalism. China's system is not dysfunctional; it doesn't tie the state in knots. When that state wants to put a million people in prison, it lies even more shamelessly than the bullshitter does, and entirely silences dissenting voices.
Shell's new greenwashing plan.
Setting 2050 as the target date and using the term "net-zero carbon" are enough to indicate that this is not serious.
India's journalists that criticize the ruling party are in danger of prosecution, or even murder.
The US and Russia are opposing the UN's global cease-fire initiative. War takes priority over all.
The bully's methods have much in common with the way Mussolini made himself dictator of Italy.
Ilhan Omar has proposed a bill for the government to pay people's rent and mortgages for a while.
I suggests paying corporations only a part of the usual rent.
The ACLU position's on contact tracing by phones identifies some valid issues.
However, it misses other valid issues. Whatever privacy protections this one app offers are at best one watertight wall on one side of a leaking ship. The phones themselves allow location tracking in many ways. And you can't trust any nonfree program to do only what its developer says it does.
Danger: vending machines for meat and vegetables seem like a great idea until you find out that they track who buys.
Now more than ever we must defend the right to pay cash — but insisting on paying cash. Covid-19 will not last forever, but rights lost tend to be lost forever.
Decades of systematic right-wing attack on scientific experts and government action have spread a bias to reject them. Neither of them is immune to corruption, but the right-wing alternative is corrupt at the root. How can we get back to a way of thinking that has room for something other than corruption?
US using coronavirus pandemic to unlawfully expel asylum seekers, says UN.
VICE has published documents showing Michigan Governor Snyder actively participated in the conspiracy to poison Flint's water supply.
However, it looks like Snyder will escape prosecution, protected by his Republican cronies.
In the US some poor people are ground up between the gears of a response to Covid-19 that doesn't think of them. In Mexico and Guatemala, that is happening to masses of people.
Children in Spain are not allowed to go outside the house — never at all. Many find it unbearable.
Hungarian journalists fear coronavirus law may be used to jail them.
More reasons for the US to cancel student loan debt.
The US is slowly building up the capacity for protective gear, testing, and contact tracing, but is nowhere near the level necessary to eliminate Covid-19 here. The numskull wants to reopen business anyway, and never mind getting ready.
A Koch-funded protest group is being organized to protest to demand that.
I am glad to see that some Americans are ready to protest despite the danger, which they do reduce by applying the usual measures. Too bad they are not doing it for a sensible cause, such as reducing surveillance by business and government, or pushing for more production of the things that are necessary to reopen business safely.
Biden is proud of his role in repressive intervention in Latin America.
10 years after the Big Spill in the Gulf of Mexico, the damage has not disappeared.
We know how to prevent a repeat of that disaster, but the oil companies would rather take the risk; they figure that the public will suffer most of the costs of the next disaster, just as it suffered most of the costs of the last one.
The biggest disaster ever, for a free and ethical internet, is the current pressure on everyone to rush to do things on line.
When people talk about "being online", that as become an abbreviation for "carelessly running any nonfree app someone tells you to use." However, if you don't want to be subjugated and kicked around online you must take the opposite approach: rejecting software unless we can determine it is free/libre, and that it doesn't send any data beyond what we want it to send.
You can support internet freedom simply by saying no to organizations' online portals, saying, that code does harm to the users. I hope you will redo this code, but in the mean time I can do this activity only by phone or email."
I've been doing that, with airlines and medical clinics, for some time now.
US citizens: call on Congress to end surprise medical bills in the next COVID-19 package.
If you call, please spread the word!
The IMF cancelled 6 months' worth of debt payments for the poorest countries, but that is just the beginning of what they need.
Oceania reports that the US oil industry has done little to improve safety of offshore drilling since the Big Spill 10 years ago.
The conman's supporters are eager for the end of the world and they expect him to make it happen. They regard anyone who disagrees with them as an enemy to be spit on with contempt.
The latest Covid-19 "stimulus" law includes another big tax cut for the rich.
The intended benefits for the non-rich are being
eliminated by
Republican cheating,
leaving mostly dooH niboR.
Here's an article that defends the importance of digital privacy, but starts by giving up on many fronts. It lauds online dis-services and their nonfree client software, and won't go further than to plead to avoid even more change in the same bad direction.
I'm not interested in whatever secondary benefits those dis-services might offer. I don't want to be distracted from making sure I don't have contact with them.
Morozov: The tech ‘solutions’ for coronavirus will supercharge the surveillance state.
"Progressive solutionism", like "punitive solutionism", to use Morozov's terminology, both presuppose tracking people and having a system "manage" them. I'd say they are two ends of a spectrum Once the system is operating, it can easily be adjusted along that spectrum.
Whatever forms of repression and centralized power we accept today will continue to hurt people for a lot longer than Covid-19 does.
Whole Foods workers plan to strike, demanding masks and training to protect them and customers.
It is surely not a coincidence that Whole Foods belongs to Bezos. Why buy from him?
Should passengers return to cruise ships after the pandemic? No.
The article explains how cruise ships harm their passengers, their staff, and the environment.
How the left starts to organize when protests and political campaigning are banned or perceived as dangerous.
Amazon fires two employees who condemned treatment of warehouse workers.
The basic way to limit Amazon's power to do wrong to various sectors of society is to refuse to do business with it.
The residents of Brazil's shantytowns face the danger of hunger due to lockdown.
(satire) Trump Urges Loosening CDC Restrictions To Let Coronavirus Get To Work.
Over a year ago, Foxconn said it would build a big factory in Wisconsin in exchange for a subsidy. The factory plan keeps changing, and shrinking, but so far nothing seems to be happening.
Amazingly, Foxconn may actually be denied the subsidy for not carrying out the plan.
A suffering US restaurant chain owner applied for a loan whose purpose is to allow him to rehire laid-off workers, then complains that it is "inflexible" because it requires him to rehire the laid-off workers.
Billionaires' income is mainly generated by their wealth, so no matter how the tax amounts are determined, we can understand the effect on their wealth by measuring them as a fraction of that wealth. For US billionaires today, that fraction is 1/5 of what it was in the 1980s.
How the tax amounts are determined does make a difference. If it is calculated on wealth, it can exceed the billionaire's income, resulting in a welcome decrease in the billionaire's wealth.
The 2008 fiscal crisis damaged US-led globalization. Covid-19 has damaged China-dominated globalization.
Can we stop globalization from bouncing back?
Globalization is the triumph of efficiency over resilience, and profit over people. If we learn the lesson, we will strengthen resilience, and that means pruning the globalization.
"DNA vaccines" could amount to genetic engineering, since the genes they carry get incorporated into the genome of the animal (which may be a human) that gets vaccinated.
A DNA vaccine is not necessarily bad or unjust, but it has the potential to be so. So they need to be studied carefully, not rushed into use. It is therefore a matter of concern that some of the vaccines being developed against Covid-19 are DNA vaccines.
The US system of imprisonment is a trap in which millions of people are caught, and society as a whole as well. It doesn't achieve its stated purposes.
Covid-19 is interfering with the scheduled refueling and repair of nuclear power plants. They may have to shut down. Or they could keep operating with increased risk of a nuclear accident. Operators have imperfect information about what is going on inside of a nuclear reactor. Under the influence of hot, corrosive fluids, pieces of metal can break and move. This makes it even harder to understand what is going wrong and what to do about it.
Canada (like the US) moved mountains to produce equipment for World War II. Why accept a shortage of ventilators, or any product, necessary to put an end to Covid-19?
With our governments in thrall to billionaires, one is compelled to suspect that the billionaires have a plan to profit by not making enough.
Big US banks want to buy assets of US oil companies.
This could make it harder to crank those oil companies down to zero, because they won't need to go looking for funding.
However, it could also reinvigorate the boycott of JPMorgan Chase, Wells Fargo, Bank of America, and Citigroup — a boycott which started ten years ago to punish them for causing the recession.
Online misinformation about 5G wireless has inspired many acts of vandalism against base systems in the UK.
I've read that the safety of the frequencies used by 5G wireless has not been established. It should have been thoroughly tested before the decision to adopt those frequencies, but the uncertainty does not constitute evidence for the claim that it is dangerous.
The known dangers of 5G wireless are the same as the dangers of 4G and 3G: every portable phone helps the phone network track the users' movements (except the Librem phone when its radio is switched off), and every portable phone can be remotely converted into a listening device (except the Librem phone).
Airlines are disregarding the EU law which says they must offer customers a refund when they cancel a flight.
Perhaps it is a good idea to offer them a compromise, but that compromise must be accepted by the public, not imposed by the airlines. The broader voucher program proposed in the article could be a good solution, but giving putting these customers at the head of the companies' creditor lists could also be part of the solution. That way, the customers might not get all they are owed, but at least the stockholders will be the first ones to lose.
*Wisconsin proves it: Republicans will sacrifice voters' health to keep power.*
Covid-19 outbreaks are sparking riots in many US prisons.
Tracking coronavirus may be a good idea, but doing this by tracking every individual creates a threat of repression.
A clever system to detect who an infected person has come close to, without reporting where any person has been, is described here.
Schools are trying to make students take exams via vicious snooping software.
The article says how nasty the program's behavior, and the company's behavior, are.
But even before we get to the nastiness of the surveillance, and the painfulness of the hoops (such as to stare at the screen and never look away), even installing the program violates your freedom. It is surely not free software, so just by running on your computer it denies your freedom, and (I expect) it requires an equally unjust operating system in order to install it.
(I tried to check those things, but the company's web site would not let me connect.)
I see two ways to avoid this in justice.
Your stand will have more power if you join together with other students as a group to refuse.
The bully has told border thugs to deport asylum seekers summarily, without an asylum hearing.
The WHO has been given so little power to coordinate response to epidemics that it can only plead with national governments.
A bookstore owner writes about how her bookstore has continued to operate…as a surveillance system.
She presents this as a story of triumph over adversity, disregarding the implications of imposing surveillance on all purchases. For me, this outcome is perverse and alarming. Paying for a book with a credit card tracks people and what they read. So does shipping it to the customer.
I won't give a store any information that could identify me, and especially not a bookstore. So until there is a store that lets me enter, browse, pay cash, and take the book away, I won't buy a book from a bookstore. If bookstores "survive" by converting themselves into collectors of data, all of which is available to the FBI without a warrant under the law Biden helped write, they will become part of the problem.
Can we count on them to let people pay cash again some day?
US citizens: call on Congress to rescue the US Postal Service.
If you sign, please spread the word!
US citizens: call on Congress to provide support to local journalism, which is now endangered everywhere in the US.
If you sign, please spread the word!
Will the US government tell us which big corporations get a handout?
Noise pollution from roads drives away bats.
Many bat species are endangered; this may be part of the cause.
*Will coronavirus shock the global economy into long-term thinking?*
Imagine if instead of renaming the Department of War to "Defense", the US set up a department really for defense.
A judge ruled that one of the Keystone XL planet-roaster pipeline's environmental review was not properly done. Construction across water has been put on hold.
No wonder the saboteur in chief wants to get rid of environmental reviews for large projects (the ones with the potential to do really big harm).
Australia is offering to end lockdown if 40% of the people carry a contact-tracing app.
Under ordinary circumstances I would refuse to carry any such thing; no need to bother investigating the details.
Nowadays, due to the epidemic, I feel an obligation to cooperate with contact tracing. But that does not mean I would accept anything whatsoever under the rubric of contact tracing, regardless of what else it really does.
And that goes double in Australia, due to its law that authorizes the state to order the developers of any product or service to secretly sabotage it.
Plutocratist Democrats' new idea for giving some nonrich Americans medical insurance is to subsidize their premiums for the insurance they had before they were laid off.
The criticism in the article exaggerates, which is a shame since it is mostly valid. This would give laid-off former full-time workers something: it would pay part of the cost of continuing the coverage that they most of them received from their employers. Which is usually a lousy plan with high deductible and high copay.
Compared with a national medical system, it is a little better than nothing.
Meanwhile, the US government is giving big airlines billions, plus loans.
An incomplete consideration of the question of whether it is right to use the park yourself, if everyone else is staying away to avoid a dangerous crowd.
This discussion ends prematurely with an invalid conclusion: to deprive everyone and call it "fairness". There is some number of people who can use the park while staying sufficiently apart from each other. Since that is not dangerous, society should set up a system of rationing for slots to use the park.
The system should not commit incidental injustices through a bad choice of mechanisms. For instance, it should not require using non-libre software, and if authorities verify that park users have slots, that should not identify those users who do have slots.
The arguments for individual disobedience are much weaker against this helpful system than against a wasteful extreme of complete denial.
A reawakening dormant volcano, located between Reykjavik and its airport, may cause substantial difficulties for both.
*Peter Navarro: what Trump's Covid-19 tsar lacks in expertise, he makes up*
He *wrote books quoting expert who turned out to be fictitious version of himself.*
The euro zone banks are once again driving the poor EU countries into unending debt. They will be forever reduced to working for the banks, like Greece.
Some hedge funds have made billions of dollars betting on a stock market crash.
Others say they are going bankrupt. Let's hope so!
Plutocratist US politicians are managing the response to Covid-19 to protect big businesses and let everyone else suffer for their sake.
How FDR would include the rich in making the sacrifices to fight the "war" against Covid-19.
Also, right-wing voter-suppression in the 1940s.
Eli Lily has stopped gouging on insulin.
That practice endangered the lives of people with type I diabetes, often forcing them to skimp on it and risk their lives
The US could get rid of this problem in general by changing its patent laws and adopting a national medical system, also known as Medicare for All.
The company could have done this before, but thought it could get away with gouging. Perhaps Eli Lily made this change hoping to preserve its power to gouge by eliminating one of the arguments used to push for eliminating that power.
(satire) *… police shot an unarmed black civilian who reportedly matched the description for Covid-19.*
"In the heat of the moment, it was completely impossible to differentiate between the 6-foot-1inch, 175-pound male and the 0.125-micron pathogen."
(satire) *CDC Releases Instructions For All Americans To Make Their Own Hospitals.*
As Republicans push hard for another act of dooH niboR, Pelosi and Schumer are not trying very hard to make it better than that.
In San Francisco, vote for progressive candidate Shahid Buttar for Congress.
Many kinds of animals, even some fish, transmit patterns of activity (culture) to their offspring.
Global heating effects have forced millions of people in Somaliland into refugee camps. Women in those camps are in great danger of rape.
The article sometimes says Somaliland and sometimes Somalia. Nowadays those are two different polities with different political situations. Somalia is whether the outside-imposed government fights al-Shabaab.
However, these events are in Somaliland which is more or less at peace.
A landlord in Minnesota faces charges for evicting a tenant in spite of the emergency order against evictions.
Various groups representing not-yet-middle-aged voters have announced to Biden what programs he would have to adopt to their support in the presidential election.
I will join my name to them. Biden would have to work hard to demonstrate sincerity in commitment to these programs, but if he does, I will support him.
*Coronavirus is not some great leveller: it is exacerbating inequality right now.*
US citizens: call on all governments to end their wars.
If you sign, please spread the word!
The precipitous decline in excessive clothing purchases has led to cancellation of orders. Millions of people will be faced with unemployment.
Last year we had a couple of long-term concerns about world garment production.
The acute problem of unemployment for those workers doesn't alter the long term disaster that the production of last year was leading to.
We need to move towards a real solution, not a stopgap that makes things worse. A real solution saves the workers and their families from an early death, this year and in future years. It ends the wasteful excesses of production.
I think that a real solution requires either a big drop in the birth rate, or some miracle.
*'I didn't buy new clothes for a year and it was the best thing to happen to my wardrobe'.*
The bully says he will cut off US support for the WHO.
*[The bully's] decision to cut WHO funding is an act of international vandalism.*
*What does the WHO do, and why has [the bully] stopped supporting it?*
*Commercial creditors 'must sign up to global debt deal' — or forgo Covid-19 help.*
I agree — except that it seems wrong to give any state "help" to giant investment companies. Their stockholders often claim that they deserve their high profits because they are risking high losses, yet whenever it looks like such a loss is going to occur, they plead "it's not our fault, so save us from this loss."
By the same logic, every time they get a big gain, it's not their credit, so they should hand it over to the public treasury.
*Water in estuaries along NSW coast has warmed by more than 2C [since 2007].*
This is much faster than the ocean or the air.
US hospitals and clinics are shutting down departments, even closing entirely, putting their staff out of work.
Meanwhile, the hospitals that are still open are overwhelmed with patients, but they have no extra funds to hire the doctors and nurses that have lost their jobs. A national medical system could give them new assignments where they are needed.
The ACLU is suing to stop Baltimore from using airplanes to track the movements of everyone in the city all the time.
Ecosystem disasters are just a step away. *New study finds ocean ecosystems likely to collapse [suddenly] in 2020s, and land species in 2040s, unless global [heating] stemmed.*
The Coral Sea, in the ocean beyond the Great Barrier Reef, is suffering extreme coral bleaching. Those reefs are too far offshore to be affected by fertilizer runoff and tourism. This is due to heat alone.
*Bernie Sanders’ political revolution is not over.*
*"While this campaign is coming to an end," said Sanders, "our movement is not."*
It won't be over until we win.
Doctors in Pakistan protested the lack of protective equipment for them. Thugs attacked them violently.
Given the world's low state of preparedness, there may be little that hospitals or governments can do to give medical personnel better protection quickly.
US doctors and other medical personnel don't have masks to protect themselves from Covid-19, and hospitals fire them if they talk about this. They are asking people to join in making masks for them.
*Top doctor sparks anger by telling NHS staff not to waste PPE.* His point, which in principle seems valid, is that precisely because they don't have enough of the most effective protective equipment, they should take care to use what they have in the most effective way — the way that gets the most net protection.
*Coronavirus could turn back the clock 30 years on global poverty.*
*Coronavirus could push half a billion people into poverty, Oxfam warns.*
The world needs a massive program to help the poor and save the environment so civilization can continue. The enormous government spending already being carried out in many countries may puncture the claims that "there is no money for this."
With Sanders out of the race, it is virtually certain that the next president will be a supporter of plutocracy and authoritarian state power.
We know of course that the conman supports those. It is less well known that Biden also supports plutocracy and attacks human rights (he wrote the basis of the PAT RIOT Act).
Big oil companies that have spilled lots of toxic chemicals in the US have got a big gift from the conman, non-enforcement of the laws against this, and now want another big gift.
To ensure that Mnuchin and BlackRock can play favorites arbitrarily with bailout money, the conman has fired the inspector general that would be in charge of investigating them for corruption.
The US is buying masks from China and turning them over to companies, which then sell them at exorbitant shortage prices to states.
I wonder how these companies remunerate the conman.
The conman is using Covid-19 to escape corruption investigations, skew the census, sabotage elections, and other things.
*Top Sanders Aide David Sirota Explains Why Billionaire Class Will Support "Coronavirus Care for All" But Never "Medicare for All".*
*Monopoly houses, toy soldiers and Lego: the museum of plastic lost at sea.*
The brinksman and his cronies want to cancel the treaty that permits the US and Russia to operate observation flights over each others' territory.
I can't believe that the desire to reduce military spending by $40 million dollars is a sincere motive. In general, plutocratists seek to increase spending on the military-industrial complex. I wonder what the real motive could be.
Polluted air increases the chance of dying from Covid-19.
It also increases the chance of dying from other causes, and getting sick.
A UK mayor said that Boris Johnson "deserves" to have Covid-19.
I don't think anyone "deserves" to have Covid-19, or any other disease. I don't think anyone "deserves" to die. We all die, but death is always an unjust fate.
However, since Johnson courted infection as a callous, dishonest political stunt, he is morally responsible the consequences, including getting infected himself, and the thousands of others who will catch Covid-19 as a result of his "leadership", some of whom will die of it. And that was only one of his many acts of contempt for truth and justice.
Perhaps he deserves to be punished for these acts, but not punished with death. The death penalty is an injustice and should never be inflicted on anyone. What Johnson deserves is for Britons to tell him they won't give him another chance to endanger people, then take away his political power. But this will not happen if they erase their memories of his wrongs.
When Britons voted for Johnson and other Tories, they brought bad government and its consequent suffering on themselves (and other Britons too). But that does not mean they deserve bad government and its consequent suffering. Nobody deserves that. What they deserve is to (1) change their minds and (2) undo their bad decision.
US citizens: call on the FDA to lift the restrictions on the abortion drug mifepristone.
If you sign, please spread the word!
Everyone: call on TV networks (primarily US networks) to stop showing the bullshitter's dishonest "briefings" live.
If you sign, please spread the word!
* We must hold the likes of Rishi Sunak and Andrew Cuomo to account, not fawn over their modest displays of competence.*
The British fashion industry could be wiped out as a side effect of Covid-19.
The fashion industry is a manipulative waste of people's money and the world's natural resources, so we are better off without it. However, those people and other people without jobs must not be reduced to penury. We need a real welfare system that provides everyone with a decent life.
Craig Murray: Julian Assange has a long-term pulmonary problem, so if he catches Covid-19, he has a high chance of dying. Murray believes the UK wants him to catch it and die.
He may be better off catching Covid-19 and dying than living to spend his life being tortured by the US. However, the affect on freedom of the press will be the same disaster either way.
Domestic violence has doubled or tripled in some countries due to lockdowns. A rough estimate is that this includes over 200 million women.
Organizing to make sure future US stimulus plans don't further ingrain dependence on fossil fuels.
Returning to the previous economy should not be considered the goal -- and anyway, the plutocrats already working to make it worse.
Stiglitz: many poor countries are going to default on their debts this year, unless they are rescued.
To truly rescue them would require forgiving those debts, or lending them again at very low interest. Stiglitz proposes something along those lines.
However, I expect the plutocrats of the world to see in this crisis an opportunity for disaster capitalism — to buy all the valuable assets, including farmland, to convert the governments of those countries into debt collectors, and to treat the inhabitants, for all time, like unauthorized immigrants from nowhere.
*As Coronavirus Looms in Federal Prisons, People Inside Denied Constitutional Right to Speak With Lawyers.*
They test hardly any of the coughing prisoners, then count everyone not tested as not infected. Anyone who makes, or believes, that argument must be looking for an excuse to falsify the facts.
But stopping prisoners from consulting their lawyers is far worse, as it prejudices their cases in many ways that the article explains.
Many governments around the world are grabbing total power in the name of protecting people from Covid-19.
Republicans are profiting from it, too, using it as an excuse to prevent protests, almost eliminate opposition campaigning and fund-raising, and hamper voting.
An emission of CO2 comparable to what humans are expected to emit in this century, due to the giant volcanism that ended the Triassic period, caused extinction of half the species of life on Earth.
That emission took 500 years. We humans are doing it even faster, which means even less time for life to adapt.
"I have studied the psychological effects of pandemics – and even a few weeks of isolation can cause lasting anxiety."
This makes it especially important to get some people we know to use free software to talk with us, and soon. Make sure that the place they retreat to from future anxiety has room for free software.
*Even though a small minority have persisted in gathering in groups, I still do not accept the need to legislate for a nationwide house arrest using the police for enforcement.*
The denial of citizenship rights to UK citizens of Caribbean origin was the result of a bad attitude: if you can't jump through our hoops, that's your fault.
Many immigrants with US medical qualifications are banned by visa conditions from travelling to the cities where they are urgently needed.
Proposing that Sanders should continue his campaign, not with the aim of winning the nomination (since that is unlikely) but rather with the aim of influencing policies after the election.
I think the best chance of influencing policies after the election is the chance that Sanders may win. Biden gives us no chance of ending plutocracy, because he never wanted to do that.
As for the idea that people should "unite" behind Biden, if he wanted my support he should have stood for progressive policies.
Boris Johnson is now in intensive care due to Covid-19.
I won't mock him with the name "Bogus" now that he is very sick dying, but recall that his last great act of denialism was to deny that Covid-19 was a big danger. He denied this with actions as well as words, and he probably would not be sick now if he had not done so.
The narcissist uses his power to make people bow down to him, while caring nothing about others, even as he kills them.
He personally corrected the text of his speech to say "Chinese virus" instead of "coronavirus".
The Daily Beast speculates that this was meant to distract non-supporters from his bad decisions. I think it was meant to distract his supporters from them also.
The narcissist was told in January that Covid-19 might kill over a million Americans. Everything he has done to interfere was after hearing that danger.
The effects of Covid-19 fall hardest on the poor and marginalized. In the US, that includes blacks, because racism tends to marginalize people and make them poor.
The article describes how this exacerbates the effects of Covid-19, citing blacks as an example. However, racism has some special consequences that go beyond the problems of being poor.
*I'm a black man in America. Entering a shop with a face mask might get me killed.*
Ordinary local thugs have not let up on shooting people, and the immigration thugs have not let up on arresting people for deportation (aside from the fraction that will die in immigration prison).
(satire) "The free market works best with some healthy competition, so by increasing the number of U.S. states to 68, we can hopefully double the cost of ventilators," said the conman.
*Why America’s Anti-Science and Anti-Intellectual Attitudes Doom It to Coronavirus "Pearl Harbor".*
Michael Atkinson: "It is hard not to think that the president's loss of confidence in me derives from my having faithfully discharged my legal obligations as an independent and impartial Inspector General, and from my commitment to continue to do so."
The USDA's new policy of letting slaughterhouses decide which carcasses to inspect is ideal for smoothing the path for new diseases to jump from pigs to humans.
They call it NSIS, which perhaps stands for (Almost) No Swine Inspection System. It demonstrates plutocratists' ideological opposition to anything that regulates business for the public good.
*School closures have little impact on spread of coronavirus — study.*
A toilet connected to an artificial intelligence system could monitor your health daily and keep a host of corporations informed.
The only way people should trust such a system is if all the software is free and various community organizations maintain versions that they check for respect for privacy.
One aspect of the system is an advance for privacy: the use of analprints to recognize people is far superior to the more commonly fingerprint and face recognition. You don't leave an analprint behind every time you sit down, and your ass can't be identified from its analprint as you walk on a sidewalk or a lobby.
*After Coronavirus, Let’s Never Forget: Republicans Recklessly Put Our Lives In Danger.*
They have done worse than that, and they are still doing it. Cancelling the measures to prepare for any future epidemic was certain to kill people some day. But their relentless efforts to force the world into global heating disaster are certain to kill hundreds of millions (at least).
Only 3/4 of the new electric generating capacity built in 2019 was renewable.
How foolish it is to build any infrastructure that depends on fossil fuels! We must put an end to that practice, on the double.
From "free" countries' governments to private hospitals, freedom of speech is threatened in the name of "protecting" us.
*Misinformation Hampered Ebola Response. The Same Thing Could Happen With Coronavirus.* Indeed, right-wing nuts (including the president) are already promoting this.
His henchmen, too.
The job of the US Trade Representative is corrupt at the root. It consists of promoting business-supremacy treaties, twisting arms to impose them on countries, to help companies dominate people and turn democracy into a sham. This has been the case for decades, probably at least 40 years.
If the US Trade Representative told me that 2 + 2 = 4, I would get out my computer to check.
Proposing a step-by-step relaxation of lockdown rules, allowing increasing amounts of various activities but still preventing transmission of Covid-19.
On the workplace relations that result in business gibberish.
*Coptalk is defined by what at first seem to be paradoxes. On the one hand, it is saturated with anodyne, technical language — the exhaustive precision demanded by official reports and internal reviews. On the other, it is fundamentally evasive. This might seem contradictory, but in fact reveals a kind of systematic cunning …*
This cunning addresses the problem of how to kill and then frame someone and make it sound like just another day's work.
Colorado has published objective criteria for deciding who is to get treatment for Covid-19 when there is a shortage of supplies.
I think these criteria are wise, except for the preference given to those who are pregnant over those who are not. That preference was standard in the past, and it derived from the idea that making more humans was an important contribution to society.
Now that population growth is a big danger, that assumption should be discarded.
Why taking hydroxychloroquine to treat Covid-19 could kill you.
It could also use up the limited supplies of hydroxychloroquine, leaving people suffering from lupus without their medicine.
All this based on an unfounded speculation.
Sanders's proposed law to reduce the medical and economic harm done by Covid-19.
Bangladesh is providing food to sex workers, since their business is shut down.
(satire) *Congress Sets Aside $1,200 In Trust For Each American Until [perse] Proves [perse's] Responsible Enough To Handle It."
US citizens: thank Bernie Sanders for running for president.
The bully's men decided in September to cancel a program to identify coronaviruses in various animals that had the potential to jump to humans.
It had already identified a close relative of Covid-19. If it continues, it can identify other viruses that may help deal with future pandemics.
Americans: don't mistake Governor Cuomo for a progressive just because he handles one highly visible issue well. He is still the same plutocratist he has always been, a so-called "centrist" Democrat that stands for the interests of business.
The bully's men have added artificial obstacles to the recently passed law offering paid sick leave, which will have the effect of excluding many workers who were supposed to have this benefit.
The conman cheated contractors he hired to work on his buildings. Why wouldn't he cheat workers too?
*How US Can Keep Death Toll Far Below the 100,000 Projection.* By building, rapidly, a public health system that can test lots of people and find most of the recent contacts of those found to be infected.
The problems with the US medical system result from being shaped for a bad goal: business profit rather than patients' health. These businesses use their influence to make medicine more expensive.
The way to fix this is to take them out of the circuit, with Medicare for All. The other proposed "solutions" are designed to leave a big role for the business that gouge patients. Unless their proponents have made a big mistake, you can be sure their proposals will gouge.
The US government and states should support businesses by helping them keep paying the wages of idled workers.
I am concerned that urging people to think about "safety" will have the effect of encouraging people to cede their freedom to reduce physical risk. So I suggest we explicitly distance ourselves from that way of thinking.
What keeping "safe" means to me
is protecting both your
health and your freedom.
A Labour leader calls for a wealth tax to help pay the UK state expenses caused by the epidemic.
Orbán used Covid-19 as an excuse to obtain dictatorial powers, which he aims to use for general right-wing repression.
*US facing hunger crisis as demand for food banks soars.*
We need the government to operate food banks: to buy food to distribute in them, and send national guard to run them. And make enough face masks for them.
Remember when the government of China concealed the danger of the (not yet really understood) Covid-19? Now the US government is doing it, removing the captain of the aircraft carrier Theodore Roosevelt claiming that he did not try hard enough to conceal the spread of the virus on that ship.
How to improve America's safety net so it catches workers knocked off their feet by recessions under today's conditions.
Obama's former press secretary, Jay Carney, is now an executive for Amazon. After warehouse employees went on strike, demanding protective equipment to avoid spreading Covid-19, Carney said Amazon fired the organizer because he "violated social distancing rules."
Just the day before the strike, Amazon ordered him to stay home in "quarantine" for 14 days.
Was the strike announced in advance? I expect it was. If so, I think this quarantine was arranged by Amazon's as an excuse to keep its leader away on the day of the strike.
Amazon's PR staff intended to use that to distract attention from the bad conditions it keeps imposes on its workers.
*Senators Requesting Big Oil Bailouts Received Millions in Big Oil Donations.*
Current US laws permit this, when done in an indirect way, but it is corruption just the same.
US citizens: call on Congress to staff the new Congressional Oversight Commission with aggressive watchdogs to prevent corruption in coronavirus relief spending.
If you sign, please spread the word!
US citizens: call on American officials at various levels to end water shutoffs and restore water service to everyone.
If you sign, please spread the word!
US citizens: call on Congress to stop the continuing practice of taking immigrant children away from their parents and subjecting them to cruel conditions including denial of medical treatment.
If you sign, please spread the word!
US citizens: call on Instacart to give workers supplies for self-protection, and paid sick leave.
Even if the company treated its workers well, I would refuse to use it for the protection of my privacy, because it can't be used anonymously. And I expect it requires clients to run nonfree JavaScript code, which for my freedom's sake I refuse to do.
US citizens: call on HHS secretary Alex Azar to declare abortion an essential medical procedure.
*Decline in Fossil Fuel Emissions Due to Coronavirus Lockdowns No Substitute for Climate Action, Advocates Say.*
Covid-19 will be licked in a year or two, and greenhouse gas emissions will rise again (the plutocrats intend to make sure they do), so the bigger (but slower) danger of climate disaster will still be waiting for us.
*When the Invisible Hand Gives You the Finger* — (1) failing to provide medical supplies and equipment, then (2) saying that you should go back to work just to keep the profits flowing.
The cult of the invisible hand seems to be as absurd as any other religion.
*The Coronavirus Paradox: Biden's Delegate Lead Increases as the Need for Bernie's Politics Adds Up.*
Republicans reluctantly agreed to a law to send checks soon to non-rich Americans. Then they cheated on the deal, by making an arbitrary rule that poor people who live on government pensions or aid, and don't file tax returns, would not get checks. Unless they find out about this and file a return solely for this rule, they will get shafted.
Yielding to a wave of criticism, Republicans dropped the new requirement only for those who receive Social Security pensions. They must hope that this will divide the opposition, so they could get away with shafting the other affected people: military veterans, and those whose income is small enough to qualify for the existing income assistance.
Why deny this aid to the poorest? Those politicians' overriding goal is to transfer money to the rich, so they take advantage of any opportunity,
I do not submit my tax returns on line because it requires nonfree software. I use xournal to write my data on the PDF form, and print that. As I have no printer, I will visit a copying store to do the printing.
I do this because keeping safe means protecting our freedom as well as our health.
Concentration camps have existed for a century; the US and China both operate concentration camps today.
US concentration camps do not kill prisoners directly, but often deport them to a high probability of death.
Working from home, nowadays, often means that the employer monitors everything that you do, via the nonfree software they make you use.
The government should not be allowed to collect data on masses of individuals' movements without a warrant.
Australia is not satisfied with the forest destroyed by the unprecedentedly large fires — it is giving logging companies an exemption from environmental laws to help destroy what remains.
*[The numskull] Refuses to Reopen Affordable Care Act Enrollment to Help [Newly] Uninsured [Americans].*
Greta Thunberg rebuked the US government for ceasing enforcement of environmental protection regulations.
Environmental damage allowed now by the EPA will make people more vulnerable to Covid-19 now, and continue harming people and nature for years after Covid-19 has ceased to preoccupy us.
In education, don't think of "soft skills" as secondary. *Soft Skills Are Essential Skills and Our Kids Need Them Now More Than Ever.*
The ACLU won a US court ruling that disobeying a server's terms of service (or disservice) does not violate the CFAA.
This will be a milestone victory, if it endures, but we cannot take it as final yet. I expect the big digital quasi-monopolies will arrange to try to reverse this decision.
Too bad we could not bring Aaron Swartz back to life if the decision stands.
Robert Bork's evisceration of US antitrust law allowed a gouging company to dismantle the US government's contract for making copious inexpensive ventilators.
More information about those events (though it doesn't trace the connections to antitrust law and Medtronic).
But it does mention that the US government pushed to reduce the number of hospital beds because it expected that the business-based US medical system would seek excuses to keep all hospital beds full.
A National Health Service can maintain extra beds as a reserve, given political will to provide good medical care.
US citizens: call on Congress to fully fund a vote-by-mail system for November.
To sign this without running nonfree Javascript code, use the Salsalabs workaround.
If you sign, please spread the word!
Everyone: call on New Mexico's Department of Cultural Affairs and Museum of Art to undo its censorship of art that shows the effects of fracking.
If you sign, please spread the word!
*The Democratic Party Must Harness the Legitimate Rage of Americans. Otherwise, the [extreme right-wing] Will Use It With Horrifying Results.*
The US sent a hospital ship to help New York City, then covered it with rules that have made it almost useless.
This fits the conman's pattern. He signed a law to give Americans payments to tide them over, then made rules to exclude millions. He signed a law to give some American workers paid sick leave, then made it easy for a company to exclude its workers from paid sick leave.
I wonder if the conman had anything to do with the rules preventing the use of the hospital ship.
I wonder if he studied government under Kafka.
The bully's men have added artificial obstacles to the recently passed law offering paid sick leave, which will have the effect of excluding many workers who were supposed to have this benefit.
The conman cheated contractors he hired to work on his buildings. Why wouldn't he cheat workers too?
Republicans reluctantly agreed to a law to send checks soon to non-rich Americans. Then they cheated on the deal, by making an arbitrary rule that poor people who live on government pensions or aid, and don't file tax returns, would not get checks. Unless they find out about this and file a return solely for this rule, they will get shafted.
Yielding to a wave of criticism, Republicans dropped the new requirement only for those who receive Social Security pensions. They must hope that this will divide the opposition, so they could get away with shafting the other affected people: military veterans, and those whose income is small enough to qualify for the existing income assistance.
Why deny this aid to the poorest? Those politicians' overriding goal is to transfer money to the rich, so they take advantage of any opportunity,
I do not submit my tax returns on line because it requires nonfree software. I use xournal to write my data on the PDF form, and print that. As I have no printer, I will visit a copying store to do the printing.
I do this because keeping safe means protecting our freedom as well as our health.
Paul Mason forecasts that the effects of the epidemic shock will compel capitalism to incorporate many socialist features — such as nationalization of some large business sectors, perhaps a guaranteed monthly income.
Ellen Brown's comments on the US bailout of business debt.
The US Strategic National Stockpile's web site said its purpose included providing medical supplies to states and local governments. Kushner mistakenly said this was not true, so the government removed those words from the web site.
The mainstream media don't dare to say "Orwellian", but that's what it is. This is how the Soviet Union approached its own history.
(satire) *… Jared Kushner admonished resource-stricken states this week that they should have shown some foresight and planned ahead before joining the Union.*
(satire) *… the governors of several Southern states confirmed Thursday they have exempted religious services from their shelter-in-place orders, arguing that Covid-19 is a good Christian virus that wouldn’t dare to spread during church.*
A nonfree program is ipso facto untrustworthy: its developer controls what it does. It is always the case that the developer may have already used that control in ways that hurt the users.
In the case of Zoom, this is not a mere possibility. The developer has done a lousy job.
This is in addition to denying freedom to the users by making the program nonfree.
The fastest way to develop treatments or vaccines for Covid-19 would be through international cooperation. However, mainstream politicians and mainstream media ignore this and stick to the plutocratist line.
It is unfortunate that the author of that generally admirable article fell into the confusion that the term "intellectual property" always tends to spread.
Amazon warehouse workers in Chicago have gone on strike demanding the company take steps to protect them from the spread of Covid-19 in the warehouse.
Amazon is demonstrating the cruelty to workers which is its usual attitude. That is one of the many reasons I urge everyone to refuse to buy from (or through) Amazon. I never do that.
Ralph Nader: supporters of the president should look at all these things he is doing to increase dangers for Americans.
Owen Jones: The Labour Party's new leader, Keir Starmer, continues Corbyn's policies, and progressives should defend him against the followers of Tony B'liar.
Millions of Indians are stuck on the street with no money and few friends, and forbidden to travel to the places they call home. Modi is willing to let them starve to death.
The conman is firing the inspector general of US intelligence agencies as punishment for noticing the conman's crimes.
This is part of his general campaign to intimidate anyone in the government who would criticize him.
US citizens: phone the White House at 202-456-1414, and demand allowing veterans, and people receiving Supplemental Security Income (disabled, or working but poor), to get their $1200 CARES act benefit checks without having to file a gratuitous tax return.
US citizens: call on state officials to allow everyone to vote by mail.
US citizens: call on the narcissist to Use the National Defense Production Act to force production of protective equipment.
Q: Is it true that in Japan money grows on trees? A: Yes, on the ginko trees.
(The Japanese word for "bank" is "ginkō".)
In 2016, under Obama, the US government made advance plans for how to deal with an epidemic. In 2020 the numskull's officials ignored them.
The numskull's virus denialism is causing thousands of American deaths.
Russia plans to require everyone in Moscow to get government approval for each trip out of the house. Added to this obvious injustice is another injustice whose gravity most people won't recognize: the system requires a nonfree app running on a Stalin's Dream device.
Edward Snowden: *high-tech surveillance measures governments use to fight the outbreak of COVID-19 … could have a long-lasting impact.*
US bombing in Somalia continues killing civilians and the US government continues saying everyone killed was an enemy.
*Violence and humiliation used to police coronavirus curfews around globe, often affecting the poorest and more vulnerable.*
In China in 2020, if you don't carry a portable phone with a special malicious app, you are almost under house arrest.
Lockdown alone will not put an end to Covid-19. Mass testing can.
*Oceans can be restored to former glory within 30 years, say scientists.*
That would require great efforts to end the damage that humans continue doing to the ocean, and that includes CO2 emissions.
90 million years ago, a part of Antarctica that was under 600 miles from the South Pole was covered by rainforest. Scientists suspect that a high level of CO2 was responsible.
US citizens: call on your state officials to make vote-by-mail available in all elections.
US citizens: call for investigation of the senators that profited from inside information about Covid-19 by selling their own shares.
US citizens: call on private medical insurance companies to cover all Covid-19 treatment in full).
*Poll Shows Nearly 60% in US Believe Political System Designed Solely to Serve Rich and Powerful.*
So why did they vote for Biden rather than Sanders? There is nothing to recommend Biden except his support for those bad goals.
Biden continues to state his opposition to Medicare for All.
*Financial help for airlines 'should come with strict climate conditions'.*
Likewise for all business pertaining to transportation using fossil fuels.
Refugees in Italy have set up a cooperative farm which delivers vegetables to nearby Italian families.
(satire) *"We allocated hundreds of million dollars in state funding … to begin construction on thousands of estates, country houses … to ensure that each and every wealthy New Yorker can ride out the pandemic in safety and comfort," said New York governor Andrew Cuomo.*
Las Vegas is giving homeless people "shelter" in boxes painted on a parking lot while thousands of hotel rooms are empty.
New York City has enough vacant hotel rooms for all its homeless people, but instead of housing them there, it sends thugs to roust them. The shelters are now dangerous places to stay.
(satire) *[The numskull] kicked off his plan to tackle the medical supply shortage Tuesday by awarding ExxonMobil an exclusive contract to drill for ventilators in the arctic.*
Most American families will have trouble paying their rent or mortgages this month or next. They need help.
The bullshitter occasionally tells the truth. He admitted on TV that Republicans can't nationally win a free and fair election.
Alberta's planet-roaster government has invested a billion dollars in in the Keystone XL pipeline so that Trance Canada can begin construction while Covid-19 has everyone in a trance.
This despite the fact that it can't start construction now because it doesn't have approval of various kinds.
Running hospitals, and medicine in general, with the attitude of business rather than medicine is directly responsible for the shortages of hospital beds and ventilators in the US. In New York City, mergers and closures in the name of efficiency have eliminated over 1/4 of the hospital beds since 2000.
The FBI has announced it will stop accepting FOIA requests by internet. Supposedly this is necessary because of Covid-19, but there is no rational connection between the two.
This seems to be an instance of the right-wing extremists' general attack on truth and rationality. They can cite any irrelevant fact as a reason for any decision, and thumb their noses at anyone who points out the irrationality.
US political leaders, and investors, have a very limited horizon for imagining that bad events could really occur, or how bad they may get.
The saboteur in chief has ordered nearly eliminating Obama's 2012 requirement for increased fuel efficiency of new cars, which was scheduled to take effect in 2021.
I expect this will kill millions of people by accelerating climate disaster, but that will take a couple of decades to become visible, and today's high officials won't be in office by then. Their successors will try to evade the blame by lying about the facts.
*Myanmar (Burma) editor could face life in jail for interviewing rebel.*
Amazon fired the worker who organized Amazon warehouse workers to go on strike demanding equipment to avoid transmitting Covid-19, as well as decent pay.
The madman is making states bid against each other for scarce mechanical ventilators.
There must be many makers in the US who can provide improvised ventilators.
International concentration of the industry that makes making medical equipment, supplies and drugs is a false economy — it optimizes profit for normal circumstances and prevents ramping up production when there is an epidemic. Instead it leads to competition between countries for something they all need.
I think that countries should agree that each will maintain production facilities that can be ramped up when needed, for a wide variety of medical needs.
One danger of relying on private hospitals, as the US heavily does, is that they may shut down just when they are most needed.
Private equity funds are buying up small companies in certain US medical fields, consolidating them, and making them gouge people.
Florida's governor wants to stop the cruise ships Zaandam and Rotterdam from docking, saying that since they are "foreigners" they should all get sick and die.
That's right-wing extremists for you — they never miss an opportunity to demonize the scapegoats-du-jour and inflict cruelty on them.
The lockdown response to Covid-19 may lead to a big undercount in the US census, perhaps favoring the Republican efforts to exclude unauthorized immigrants.
The madman is planning to escalate the fighting with an Iran-aligned militia in Iraq.
This could result in direct war between the US and Iran.
*We Don't Need Return to Normalcy — We Need President Bernie Sanders.*
Thugs in Europe are acting like callous robots in dealing with homeless people.
*Bailouts … must help people, not (mainly) corporations.*
Exiled Pakistani journalist Sajid Hussain, operating from asylum in Sweden, seems to have been disappeared weeks ago. Thugs of Pakistan's government are suspected.
*Climate-killing products should come with smoking-style warnings.*
An unprecedented heat wave in Antarctica shows the world is proceeding on track to global disaster.
The US government is lending Boeing 17 billion dollars at a special low interest rate that amounts to a gift of hundreds of millions. Does this make sense?
US citizens: call on Congress to end the spread of COVID-19 in migrant detention centers, jails, and prisons.
US citizens: call on Israel to lift the blockade of Gaza and allow full access to medical supplies.
US citizens: call on officials to let people out of jail and stop jailing people when it is not vitally necessary.
US citizens: call on federal and state officials to make prisoners' phone calls gratis.
Orbán is now dictator of Hungary in all but name. There is no more legislature and no more elections until he decides to bring them back.
He can imprison anyone for "spreading misinformation", whether it is true or false.
*'The Strike Wave Is in Full Swing': Amazon, Whole Foods Workers Walk Off Job to Protest Unjust and Unsafe Labor Practices.*
Bravo to these workers.
Maybe it is necessary to set up a public subsidy for local news in the US.
I would hope that this requires sites permit anonymous access via Tor.
(satire) *Amazon Announces Unlimited Time Off, Increased Health Benefits For All Warehouse Robots.*
In the UK, *Coronavirus has mercilessly exposed the damage years of austerity and shrinking of the state have wreaked.*
Monsanto expected its herbicide dicamba to ruin other farmers' plants.
The Muslim victims of the Delhi pogrom are being kicked out of the camps they moved to. They can't find homes and can't get food.
Putting BlackRock in charge of buying up companies' debts creates a giant corruption opportunity. Perhaps that's the intention.
*Why Coronavirus Is Humanity’s Wake-Up Call.* Since our economy is so lousy that it isn't worth a sacrifice to preserve it, we need to change it.
Employers are hurrying to replace many of the workers now staying home, with robots — if we let them.
I refuse absolutely to use robot sales registers in stores. Once I went to a supermarket in the evening and found no way to pay except a robot, so I put my purchases down and left. But I do more than that.
I generally shout to the people near the robot sales registers, "If you use these machines you are putting other Americans out of work. Join me and insist on going to the human sales agents. We don't have to let them replace humans with robots!"
How about joining me an doing likewise? It build awareness of the need for social solidarity.
Covid-19 creates a crisis: a need to choose between paths, including the path of global solidarity and the path of kicking others when they are down.
*Fighting COVID-19 Starts With Universal Access to Water and Sanitation.* All countries including the US must cease water shut-offs, and turn the water back on in every home.
Since Bolosonaro won't protect Brazilians from Covid-19, a local gang has started doing its bit.
Trying to "restart the economy" as the bullshitter wishes would not achieve its goal. Workers would get sick and businesses would shut down again.
What is needed, rather, is to protect workers and small businesses from the effects of the temporary shutdown. Most big businesses have plenty of reserves; they don't need help.
The bullshitter's lawyers are trying to gag an ad by Biden's campaign which shows the bullshitter's statements downplaying the severity of the Covid-19 situation.
Venezuela was very quick to block the spread of Covid-19. Many Venezuelans in the US want to go home, if only the US would allow Venezuela to pick them up.
My friend in Venezuela, who does not blindly support Maduro, confirmed this is accurate.
Salafi Arabia is using the security flaws in SS7 to track people around the world.
SS7 is the protocol for communication between phone companies. It has been known for many years that the lack of security in SS7 allows anyone (if willing to commit a crime) to spoof being another phone system and get data about the activity and movements of any phone line.
*Without adequate healthcare and unable to deliver basic needs, India now faces twin catastrophes of coronavirus and starvation.*
Spain and Ireland have temporarily nationalized all private hospitals. They should make this permanent, and the US should do likewise.
*Bernie Sanders in the Age of Coronavirus: We Need Him Now More Than Ever.*
The US is exceptionally vulnerable to Covid-19 because of decisions and policies that make it insecure — due partly to accepting a narrow military definition of what it means to be "secure".
At least one teenager has died, apparently from Covid-19, because an "urgent care" clinic refused to treat him. He was one of the 8% of Americans who have no medical insurance.
The US is underreporting deaths from Covid-19 by attributing them to other causes.
*'We Need Medicare for All': Massive Coronavirus Job Losses Expose Obvious Failure of Employer-Based Insurance.*
The "stimulus" slush fund authorizes bailouts for non-US companies. This could include cruise ship companies which avoid US taxes and environmental laws.
*American Small Businesses Are on Edge of Extinction Event and Congress Is Not Doing Enough.*
Italy seems to be doing a great job of helping society, as well as individuals rich and poor, survive.
KUOW public radio will no longer transmit the bullshitter's daily propaganda speeches about Covid-19. The station says they are likely to spread misinformation.
Whenever the bullshitter starts speaking in any program you are watching or listening to, I suggest you switch it off and do something else.
If his utterances contain, by chance, any valid information, you will find it elsewhere — you can't trust it if it comes from him. Whatever he says about what he will do, he will probably change anyway.
Arguing with his words is ineffective for convincing his supporters. So don't waste your attention on them — switch off.
Telling a broadcaster that you switch off when he comes on might do some good.
People who enter Taiwan are subject to a strict quarantine, tracked by their Stalin's Dream devices (portable phones). If the device ever does not respond (such as, out of power), enforcers go after you immediately.
The strict quarantine may be necessary, but the specific method of enforcement is intolerable. I wonder what they would say to a person who has no Stalin's Dream device and refuses to have one.
The tracking of my movements would not matter if I were forbidden to leave the apartment. It would only show I did not leave. But it is also a listening device, and I would protect myself from that one way or another.
What worries me most is how I would get food. I buy things only anonymously. I do not give my name or address and I pay only cash. Under those quarantine rules, I might not be able to buy any food.
14 days without eating would not kill me, but it would be extremely unpleasant — enough to convince me to do as Paul Huang did, and stay away.
For me personally, that is all theoretical. Travel for speaking is not feasible if entering a country requires a 14-day quarantine, regardless of the details of how it is enforced. But the issues of freedom posed by the enforcement affect everyone, not just me.
*'Amazon Putting Lives of Workers at Risk': Omar and Sanders Press Bezos on Alarming Lack of Coronavirus Protections.*
The lockdown to stop the spread of one infection will presently cause the spread of other infections, because much of world condom production is shut down.
Condoms are used to prevent disease; they should be considered essential products and their factories should not be closed. Surely they can take steps to protect employees from catching anything at work.
*Tackle climate crisis and poverty with zeal of Covid-19 fight, scientists urge.*
The UK plans to lend over a billion dollars to countries so they can buy British weapons.
A retired Venezuelan general says he bought weapons to plan a coup using money provided to him by Guaidó, encouraged by the US. He announced this in public after the US government indicted him, along with Maduro, for alleged drug trafficking.
Factory farms (of chickens or pigs) encourage evolution of especially virulent strains of flu. They also encourage small farms to move to areas close to wildlife. They may thus have contributed to the evolution of Covid-19.
Today I received a postcard saying, on the front, "President Trump's Coronavirus Guidelines for America." I laughed. Surely nobody but his fanatical supporters would trust advice because it carries his name.
It is also a mistake to reject advice because it carries his name. Someone checked, and the advice on that postcard is basically the same advice you'd get from WHO. It has no resemblance to the bullshitter's own views.
The thing to do with advice published under the bullshitter's name is not even look at it. That way you won't be in danger of being influenced by it in any manner. There are plenty of better places to get advice from.
A friend suggested that putting his name on advice is electioneering.
New Zealand has found a giant aquifer of fresh water under the ocean.
To ensure it remains available for emergencies, it had better regulate the use of that water to avoid permitting extra growth that would require drawing water from it all the time.
Kaiser Permanente denied a patient hydroxychloroquine which she needed to treat lupus, saying it was reserving the drug for future sufferers of Covid-19. There is no scientific evidence that hydroxychloroquine is good for treating Covid-19, only speculations boosted by the bullshitter.
Adding insult to injury, the company thanked her for the "sacrifice" it was forcing on her.
I have no information on whether it is true that she can safely go without it for a month. I hope it is true.
Netanyahu shut down Israel's parliament and imposed massive surveillance by decree. Israelis protested and were arrested in the name of the Covid-19 emergency.
As one protester said, officials that trample human rights and democracy is more dangerous than Covid-19. And that applies even more strongly to greedy nihilists such as the bully.
If Israel wants to use phone location data to check who might have passed Covid-19 to whom, it should set up a firm institutional structure to ensure that data obtained for this purpose cannot be used for any other purposes.
Members of the House of Representatives have asked the State Department for detailed information on how Israel uses weapons procured from the US, including whether they are used for actions, such as demolishing Palestinians' homes, which violate the conditions US law places on those weapons sales.
Bolsonaro denies the reality of Covid-19 as a dangerous disease, and has opposed all measures to stop it from spreading in Brazil, even in his own life.
State governors who formerly supported him are now defying his orders in order to establish social distancing.
One measure he did take, supposedly for protection against Covid-19, was to reduce enforcement of forest protection laws. That is because he supports destroying the forest.
(satire) *Trump Announces Plan To Retrain Nation’s 3 Million Unemployed Americans As Human Ventilators.*
India tells people to stay indoors and starve, and one state says people will be shot dead if they don't. Meanwhile, foreign visitors are being evicted because hotels are closing or they use up their funds. Will they be shot dead for this?
Australia is offering help to the Australians who face eviction or starvation. Maybe some other countries do, too.
Does the government offer some other way out to starving Indians, one not described in the article?
Any company that wants a bailout should in exchange eliminate its tax-avoidance schemes.
The shutdown of much clothing production is an opportunity to reshape the industry to stop being grossly wasteful.
The numskull declared high-level planning meetings for dealing with Covid-19 government secrets. Thus, officials from spy agencies could participate and medical officials from the Department of Health and Human Services were excluded.
US citizens: call on the US government to stop fighting wars and ocus on the real dangers: global health, migration, inequality, and climate disaster.
US citizens: demand an end to taking funds from important government activities to pay for the damaging border wall.
The wall does no good, but it does do harm.
US citizens: call on Texas to let abortion clinics stay open and continue functioning.
The Netherlands will pay compensation for some of the abuses of its colonial rule over Indonesia.
The UK government decided to give housing to all homeless people in Britain, to protect them from Covid-19.
This could have been done at any time; all that was lacking was the will. Better late than never.
It could be done at any time in the US, too.
Using Covid-19 as an excuse, Republican saboteurs have given US companies almost unlimited permission to pollute air and water.
There may be some cases in which this is justified and necessary, but many companies will jump for the opportunity to dump toxins. They will kill people; they can even cause Covid-19 to kill more people. And there is no limit on it, and no requirement to look for the least dangerous alternative.
Loujain al-Hathloul, who was tortured in jail for agitating for the right to drive a car in Salafi Arabia, will soon be put on trial.
The acting king offered to release her if she would swear she had not been tortured.
Robert Reich: *The real divide [in the US today] is between democracy and oligarchy.*
I think the term "plutocracy" is slightly clearer than "oligarchy", but under either name, we must put an end to it.
The "national security" apparatus sucks down lots of money, year after year, with little opposition. It does not make Americans secure; on the contrary, it puts our freedom in danger and persecutes the heroes that try to tell us about it.
*'Looting of America by Big Corporations': Progressives Appalled as Senate Unanimously Passes Largest Bailout Bill in US History.*
"COVID-19 emergency spending bill: $250 billion for direct payments to Americans, $250 billion for expanded unemployment benefits, $4 trillion to bail out corporations. Seems like the balance is off a bit."
US airlines got a big bailout, with no commitments about reducing greenhouse gas emissions.
350.org says this is not as bad as Republicans initially intended.
Many European banks are forcing customers to carry a Stalin's Dream device, but there are some that will do two-factor authentication through a land line.
My landline does not report on where I am when I am not using it.
*Coronavirus Proves It: We Need Medicare For All.*
Somalia has received substantial debt forgiveness. Many countries need the same.
Why is it so hard for countries to get their debts forgiven? Because many big lenders lure governments into borrowing too much. Often these governments are run by dictators who intend to pocket most of that money and keep it in tax havens where it cannot be tracked to them. The dictator figures that when perse someday face overthrow and flee, perse will still have that money and will have a cushy life.
It is totally unfair to make the people of that country keep paying that debt. However, the lenders and their submissive world powers insist that no country ever be allowed an exemption. If it were possible to be exempt, they say, every country would demand an exemption. The profitable business of lending to dictators, and flogging the people pay those debts decades after the dictator is dead, would come to an end.
Would you consider that a bad outcome?
Occasionally democratic governments also borrow too much. In an otherwise perfect world, maybe it would be unfair if they did not have to pay those debts.
But our world is far too aligned overall with the rich over the poor, which is a giant unfairness. Perhaps the unfairness of borrowing from the rich and under some circumstances not repaying the debt would be a morally legitimate compensation to reduce the giant unfairness.
I think it would be good if funds that lend to countries had to consider the question, "Is this money going to national development that will make the country more able to pay back the loan without oppressing everyone? Or is it going to something corrupt or unsustainable and we will not get paid back?"
This might make it harder for dictators to gain and keep power.
A Republican Texas official is trying to make Covid-19 an excuse to ban abortion by labeling it as "nonessential".
You can't delay an abortion the way you can delay a hip replacement.
The UK is going to give self-employed people (except high-income ones) 80% of their normal income. However, waiting until June could put some of them on the street.
Mobile phone companies around the world are figuring out how to implement world-wide tracking of the movements of anyone that has a mobile phone.
In this context it makes no difference whether the phone is "smart" or "dumb": the phone company can track any phone that is communicating.
"Smart" phones allow other kinds of tracking as well — by the operating system (Android or iOS) and by malicious apps.
Turkey has charged two friends of acting king Mohammed bin Salman with murdering journalist Jamal Khashoggi. As well as 18 more of his subjects.
Turkey cannot get its hands on those suspects, but the charges may put a crimp in their international travels.
China's "Belt and Road Initiative" is dangerous to ecosystems as well as threatening Chinese economic colonization around the world.
Economic imperialism is no better when it comes from China than when it comes from the US. It may indeed be worse, because the US has a public opinion one can try to influence, while the Chinese state has prohibited and obstructed the existence of public opinion.
(satire) *a restless Donald Trump confirmed Monday that he couldn’t believe he was stuck inside with nothing to do except be president.*
Around the world, freedom-hating politicians are seizing the excuse of Covid-19 to crush democracy — or trying to.
US nuclear reactor owners want a handout to keep aging nuclear reactors operating past their design lifetime.
They were rejected last year, so they hope Covid-19 will somehow provide an excuse this year.
I refer to the book Normal Accidents for why it is dangerous to keep old reactors operating.
(satire) *a disturbing new study … found American fifth-graders were only absorbing advertisements at a first-grade level. "Out of the 10,000 children we studied, over 75% of them scrolled right past products placed onto their social media feeds and did not even click or hover over the ad once…"*
The numskull has over 50% approval for his reaction to Covid-19 simply because he stopped saying it was no worse than flu.
That is a step up from a very low starting point. I think it shows how little keel Americans have today, except when rigidized by a church dogma.
Doctors disagree about carrying "social distancing" to extremes.
It is always the case, for any kind of risk, that there are bigger risks and smaller ones. A rational plan to reduce the total risk to some target level involves trying hard to avoid the bigger risks, while accepting occasional smaller risks. The lower the target level, the more you'll reject risks of any given size, but it will always be rational for you to accept small risks occasionally.
To put it another way, if you choose to ride in a car or bus, you're accepting some small amount of collision risk. It is not rational to take, for Covid-19 risk, the attitude that "any risk whatsoever is too much", while ignoring small risks of collision.
The murderer's ministers gave Gilead, a particularly greedy Pharma company, a 7-year monopoly over selling remdesivir, the one known medicine that has a good chance of saving people who have a severe case of Covid-19.
Gilead's business model is to procure such monopolies in order to extort high prices from wealthy Americans who would otherwise die. The non-wealthy Americans can't afford those prices do then die.
Would someone like to prepare to start selling banners and bumper stickers that say,
Trump and Gilead "Sciences"If remdesivir does succeed as a treatment for Covid-19, there will be plenty of customers.
murdered my relative
*The middle class are about to discover the cruelty of Britain's benefits system.* It will drive them into penury, as it has done to so many disabled Britons.
Shutting physical stores in some US states is helping Amazon dominate the US economy in an even more dangerous way.
I refuse to buy anything from or through Amazon. I always pay cash and only cash.
I tried to get take-out food for the first time since the shutdown. I called two restaurants near my home. One seemed to be not operating at all. The other was operating but would take only credit card payments. Since I refuse to buy any goods with a card, I changed my mind and did not order.
Feral hippos in Colombia prove to be ecological replacements for the mammoths and protohorses that humans wiped out when they arrived in the Americas. Their presence makes the ecology more like what it was 15000 years ago.
*Covid-19 economic rescue plans must be green, say environmentalists*
Covid-19 may kill one or two percent of the world's population. If you think that is the ultimate horror, you may underestimate what climate mayhem could do. It may kill half of humanity or even more. It could destroy civilization. Some think it might make humanity extinct.
We must not treat climate mayhem as the smaller danger just because the worst part of it is a few decades away.
* Rightwing governments have denied the problem [of Covid-19] and been slow to act. With coronavirus and the climate, this costs lives.*
China is an interesting special case. It is repressive, like a right-wing government, but unlike them the real rulers are not businesses that hide their power over the state; rather, they are the officials of the Communist Party and don't hide the fact that they control the state. China's response started with the typical denial of repressive governments, then flipped to an all-out effort which turned out to be quite effective, though it has surely been used for a permanent increase in control.
*[The numskull's] staff cuts have undermined Covid-19 containment efforts, watchdog finds.*
US government agencies have been warning for 15 years that the US needs a reserve of mechanical ventilators to treat people affected by an epidemic.
Since the numskull claimed there was no shortage, he now can't bear to recognize that competent, responsible officials were aware of the shortage.
*Colombian [right-wing] groups exploiting coronavirus lockdown to kill activists.*
I suspect these are some of the paramilitares, Colombia's most vicious terrorists.
US citizens: call on Gilead Sciences to commit now to license its COVID-19 drug, if approved, to all qualified producers, in exchange for a modest royalty.
US citizens: call on Congress to establish a right to medical care for everyone in the US.
The UK will provide support for self-employed people whose work has collapsed.
Gilead Sciences backed down and released the murderous monopoly that the US government offered it. But that is not enough. Gilead must commit to licensing the drug for other companies to produce.
The Dakota Access pipeline hit a legal snag, as a court ordered a full environmental impact study. With luck, this could delay it long enough that it will never be built.
Migrant construction workers in Qatar are forced to keep working in dangerous conditions. Now those dangerous conditions include Covid-19 as well as high temperatures.
In general, foreign workers there are treated abominably.
In time of epidemic, US employer-funded medical "insurance" is an incentive to lay off the employees as fast as possible.
The article recommends that the US immediately extend Tricare, the medical system for military families, to cover all Americans.
A previous generation of cruel right-wing leaders, including Reagan and Thatcher, started the campaign to distrust anyone with professional expertise.
Prematurely lifting Wuhan's measures to stop the spread of Covid-19 could lead to a new outbreak.
Private US medical insurance companies are slow to move patients from hospital beds to rehabilitation hospitals. This is filling up beds for people sick with Covid-19.
Amazon part-time warehouse employees had to fight for it, but have won paid sick leave.
Chinese expat Yang Hengjun, now an Australian citizen, is expected to be charged with espionage in China. He has been jailed more than a year, finishing with three months of solitary confinement, and not allowed to see a lawyer.
I remind people that Julian Assange faces roughly similar treatment and has been prosecuted in such an unjust way that it is like a veiled form of what China does blatantly.
*As 'Fury of Virus Illustrates Folly of War,' UN Chief Calls for Global Ceasefire.*
*Leading scientists also said the Covid-19 outbreak was a "clear warning shot", given that far more deadly diseases existed in wildlife, and that today’s civilisation was "playing with fire". They said it was almost always human behaviour that caused diseases to spill over into humans.*
Parts of England are headed for permanent drought due to global heating.
I am looking for reports of malicious functionalities in Zoom. Please send me URLs of credible reports — I can't repeat a mere rumor.
US citizens: call on world leaders not to use Covid-19 as an opportunity to deny basic rights.
You will almost surely live to see Covid-19 be eliminated, but if you surrender any freedoms now without a fight, except in a carefully limited way, you miss those freedoms for the rest of your life.
*"Temporary" powers in an emergency have a habit of becoming permanent. In these circumstances, paranoia appears more a necessity than a delusion.*
*Yet it remains true that technology is not destiny. Politics counts for more than algorithms. Just as tyrannical governments, from Hungary to China, are using the pandemic to impose more controls, so democratic societies will need to show a liberal response to the virus.*
If you sign, please spread the word!
US citizens: support the Universal School Meals Program bill.
If you sign, please spread the word!
Eric Prince, former head of Blackwater, is a right-wing fanatic. He recruited former US agents to spy on organizations that the right-wing considers enemies. He attacked the American Federation of Teachers, perhaps at the request of his sister, Betsy DeVos, who is Saboteur of Education. I suppose the teachers' union got in her way.
It is legitimate, and admirable, to conduct stings by making recordings of meetings in which groups propose corrupt practices. However, right-wingers don't always limit themselves to that. Prince's infiltrators rummaged around in the office files and secretly recorded the others in the office. They did not find real corruption.
They also don't limit themselves to the truth. If they don't find corruption, they may fabricate some. ACORN used to help poor people and members of disprivileged groups register to vote. Right-wingers ran a sting against ACORN. They found no real corruption, but released misleadingly edited videos that falsely suggested corruption.
London has cut down service on trains to the point that the many who must still travel to work are packed together dangerously in them.
Boston and other cities are cutting train and bus service and presenting this as some sort of safety measure. This is announced as a measure to reduce contagion, and we are asked to take for granted that it does so. Perhaps it is a sacrifice that is supposed to cure by magic.
If the aim is to reduce the amount of travel, making travel more risky is a perverse way to do it.
If the number of riders falls very far, it could happen that some bus or train trips are useless and wasteful. If there are typically one or two passengers in each bus on a certain line at a certain hour, perhaps it is a harmless efficiency to cut the number of bus trips then and there in half, and have three or four riders in each bus. But this should not be carried too far.
I have not been on a subway train since a week ago, and I don't know how many riders there are nowadays on Boston trains at various times. I don't know whether Boston currently has the problem reported from London. But the MBTA should know, roughly. I do think the MBTA should explain just how this measure is supposed to help protect passengers, and the facts about how it is working out.
BlackRock hopes to reduce the demand to tax it properly on the billions of dollars it makes, so it is offering a mere $50 million to various community needs.
*Wuhan eases coronavirus lockdown as restrictions intensify outside China.*
Covid-19 will give Orbán the excuse to make himself dictator of Hungary.
*We can't let the coronavirus lead to a 9/11-style erosion of civil liberties.*
It's not just increases in state repression and surveillance that threaten us. Pressure to surrender to nonfree software and its constant companion, surveillance, are a threat too — whether it is for work, for school, for purchasing, for leisure, for chatting, for political organizing, for whatever, it is unjust.
In resisting this, it helps to draw a clear line and refuse ever to cross it. If you say, "I don't like the idea of using Zoom/WhatsApp/Amazon/Google for this," people will argue back, "If you can do it for that, why refuse to do it for this?" By contrast, if you say, "I'd like to join you in this, but I do not use Zoom/WhatsApp/Amazon/Google — it is an injustice," people will find it hard to argue with your stance.
That doesn't mean you will always convince people to adopt your views. They may say, "We're going to use Zoom/WhatsApp/Amazon/Google; if you want to participate, that is the only way." How you respond to that will show what you're made of.
The Heatland Institute suggested a "donor-advised trust" as a way for businesses to funnel money to its efforts to sabotage climate defense.
It is ostensibly called the "Heartland Institute", but "Heatland" more accurately describes what it is heading towards.
WHO has published guidelines for keeping Covid-19 out of prisons. If this is not achieved, prisoners, staff, and the public outside the prison will all be endangered.
*The bitter lesson is that what’s essential to community survival can and should be collectively guaranteed by the government.*
*Polar ice caps melting six times faster than in 1990s.* *Losses of ice from Greenland and Antarctica are tracking the worst-case climate scenario, scientists warn.*
*The outbreak necessitates heavy government involvement in our lives but this does not mean an overreach is justified.*
"… more people will suffer and even die as a result of the way governments choose to handle the crisis than from contracting the virus."
*Because of the Threat of Coronavirus Turning ICE Detention Into 'Death Camps,' Groups Rallying to Free Families Held Around Country.*
I think the article means "minors" when it says "children". The point is just as valid for adolescents as it is for children, but I don't want to appear to endorse that distortion of terminology.
On the matter of substance, I have to question the limitation of this campaign to those who are jailed with relatives. Are the lives of people who are jailed without relatives are less important?
*The Climate Movement Doesn’t Know How to Talk With Union Members About Green Jobs.*
Brazilian thugs are disappearing people, perhaps based on racism.
*The coronavirus relief bill could turn into a corporate coup if we aren't careful.*
*It's morally repulsive how corporations are exploiting this crisis. Workers will suffer.*
An interview with AOC about how to protect the US economy, including the poor as well as the rich.
Measures to protect banks from the effects of Covid-19 should be designed to protect them later from global heating.
This should go beyond shallow protection by including deep protection. By "shallow protection" I mean structuring banks so they are less likely to fail as a result of climate mayhem. By "deep protection" I mean stopping them from funding any fossil fuel development, which includes step-by-step programmed divestment from fossil fuels companies and activities.
(satire) *…hysterical mobs of violently bored citizens have begun looting puzzle stores across the country,*
(satire) *North Carolina Senator Richard Burr wondered Friday when profiting off mass suffering had suddenly become a crime in this country.*
*5 Key Demands: U.S. Foreign Policy in the Face of the Coronavirus.*
Arguing that Sanders lost because he didn't lead his movement to tackle his opponents hard, or lead a direct action movement.
I can't judge whether that position is valid.
(satire) *[the monster described] his administration’s best case scenario projections for coronavirus where eight million Iranian people are killed.*
Barr (and behind him, the would-be dictator) cites Covid-19 as an excuse to eliminate the right of Habeas Corpus, so that governments at any level could put anyone in jail indefinitely without giving a reason.
By using public money to protect California homes from [sea level rise] the state is transferring wealth from working-class people … to … property owners.
This is an example of dooH niboR. In the US, classes correlate with races, so every dooH niboR policy is going to effect racial bias also. That applies here, but the dooH niboR element is why this is unfair.
More basically, resisting the damage done by global heating cannot hold out for more than a few decades if we keep building up global heating.
If all you have is a tax cut, every problem, even an epidemic, looks like a chance to cut taxes.
Australia's equivalent of the NSA has spied on Australians. It can do this without a warrant.
*The White House, under the guise of its coronavirus response, is quietly advancing policies that President Trump has long advocated, from tougher border controls to an assault on organized labor to the stonewalling of congressional oversight.*
The November-January fires in Australia directly killed over 200 people, but we should also count an estimated 400 deaths due to breathing the smoke all over the most populous parts of Australia.
Kentucky Republicans have voted for a more strict voter-ID law now that the offices to obtain state photo IDs are closed.
On foreign policy, Biden may be no better than the bully.
In regard to business-supremacy treaties, I expect Biden to be worse, just as Obama was worse. Obama pushed for the TPP (Treacherous Plutocratic Poison).
There are of course areas where the bully would be worse.
*'Do F-35s Fight Pandemics?' Amid Covid-19 Outbreak, Lawmakers Pushing For Even More Useless Pentagon Spending.*
The poisoner's officials propose to allow planting of genetically-modified herbicide-resistant crops in wildlife refuges. This would imply using herbicides there, thus endangering wild plants in the surrounding areas.
*Changeable weather in mid-latitude countries may have masked impact of climate crisis up to now, study finds.*
US citizens: call on Secretary Mnuchin to suspend sanctions on Iran for 120 days.
US citizens: call on the House to pass the Ban Fracking Act.
If you sign, please spread the word!
US citizens: call on the Senate to reject Stephen Schwartz as a federal judge.
If you sign, please spread the word!
*Third House COVID-19 Stimulus Bill Better Protects Public Health, the People, and Democracy.*
Surely it can't be perfect. I would like to see a review of its downsides, from someone who criticizes it, to get an idea of how big those are.
*New Senate Stimulus Bill Would Ban Companies Owned by Trump or His Children From Receiving Any Bailout Money.*
However, it gives other giant companies a giant handout.
*OBSCENE: Patriotic Millionaires Slam Senate Bill Provisions on CEO Compensation.*
I think it also has a provision to cut employer contributions to Social Security, which was reported in this article a few days ago. This would enable Republicans to say, perhaps next year, "Social Security is running out of money; we have to cut benefits."
The lieutenant governor of Texas urges older Americans to risk death to keep "the economy" going.
I might be able to imagine making a sacrifice to sustain an economic system that supported all Americans well — as happens for example in Scandinavia. The US economy is designed to keep the rich working most Americans into the ground. This is an economy that makes most people sacrifice to serve the rich. Why make any sacrifice for that?
Patients were going to die in Brescia, Italy, because of a shortage of oxygen valves for mechanical ventilators. The manufacturer, Intersurgical, demanded $11,000 for each one, and couldn't deliver them right away. It refused to provide the plans either. So a local device manufacturer figured out plans and a local fablab made them with a 3D printer.
Fracassi's design, made by the fablab, fixed the problem for one city, but the shortage of oxygen valves surely affects other parts of Italy, and will soon spread around the world. Out of fear, perhaps tinged with undue respect for the unjust "rights" of the manufacturer, Fracassi insists he will not take the next step which would enable the world to fix this problem globally: releasing the plans he has developed.
The real hero will be whoever releases working plans to make these oxygen valves — perhaps anonymously — so that there can be ventilators for all who need them.
*UK privacy activists raise fears over social distancing tracking [of individuals].*
*[The bully's] ban on fetal tissue research blocks coronavirus treatment effort.*
That's not all it blocks. A friend of mine went blind, across many years, because this ban prevented the research that might have developed a cure.
*Experts fear [locust] swarms like those seen in Africa will become more common as tropical storms create favourable breeding conditions.*
*Uber and Lyft drivers protest to demand more benefits during coronavirus crisis.*
What about cab drivers that are not working for a company? They need sick leave too, and they should get every benefit that exploitees get.
Target gave workers a raise, but made them work a lot faster. Most workers there can't live on the wages they get from Target.
*Global Green New Deal Supporters Urge World Leaders to Learn From Coronavirus to Tackle Climate Crisis.*
Brazilian religious nuts want to use helicopters to contact isolated indigenous tribes in Brazil. That way, they can catch Covid-19 as well as other, older diseases which are more fatal.
I guess there is no chance for uncontacted indigenous peoples to obtain SAMs for self-defense.
*Coronavirus will bring into focus the depraved inefficiency of this system—the model of profit-driven health care, of market forces that look out for the short-term interests of business, not the long-term interests of us all.*
We should also learn that we need elected officials such as Sanders that want to correct the bad system, not officials such as Biden or the bully that defend it.
Economists call on the US to end the sanctions that interfere with response to Covid-19 in Cuba, Iran and Venezuela.
'Bolsonaro Out!' From Balconies and Windows, Millions Demand Ouster of Brazilian President Over Handling of Coronavirus.
Physical protests reach a lot more people than virtual ones. It is very important to continue them.
The US government wants to track everyone's phone to enforce possible travel restrictions.
The UK thugs that infiltrated various nonviolent dissident groups, sometimes by getting into pretend-loving sexual relationships with other participants, destroyed documents after being told to preserve them for the inquiry.
If this doesn't put the thugs behind bars for obstruction of justice, they will have got away with that crime.
The bully bowed to the inevitable and signed the bill that will provide paid sick leave for about 20% of US workers, as well as some other help.
By testing every person in the hotspot town of Vò, and quarantining everyone found to be infected with Covid-19 including those who were asymptomatic, Italy put an end to the spread of the disease there.
Lots of countries could apply this method, given only enough testing capacity.
*Greenland's melting ice raised global sea level by 2.2mm in two months.*
The UK is planning emergency measures that can harm human rights.
This follows a long series of restrictions on human rights.
The power to test people and quarantine them seems legitimate to me, in the emergency situation that exists. I agree with Corbyn that the law must be reevaluated frequently.
However, banning protests "for our safety" is extremely dangerous.
I fear the US will follow the same path.
With great efforts to stop poaching, the population of African black rhinos has increased slowly over the past 6 years.
The climate crisis threatens to leave countries (even rich ones) too desperate to be able to continue these protection efforts. A world recession might also cut into the world demand for the totally ineffective "medicine" of rhino horn.
Progressive Democrat Marie Newman has defeated right-wing Democrat Representative Lipinski.
Although the Democratic Party machine has lost this battle, I expect it has succeeded in protecting several other right-wing Democrats that could have been replaced. Americans will replace them sooner or later, but with the climate emergency, we haven't got all the time in the world.
Wendell Potter: expect deadly greed from US medical insurance companies including his former employer, Cigna.
The Environmental Poisoning Agency is being sued for repeatedly disregarding some of the requirements in the Toxic Substances Control Act.
*From testing for coronavirus to treating the health impacts of climate change, universal healthcare and publicly owned medicine production are critical components for adapting to the coming crisis.*
In 1917, the US imposed arbitrary political censorship in the name of war. It was, effectively, a war on dissent.
US officials are talking about sending money directly to individuals. The question is who will get them, and whether they will be enough to protect people from destitution.
Almost 1/5 of US households have someone who has already lost work.
(satire) Trump Quietly Checks With Aides To Make Sure He’d Be Included In Receiving $1,000 Government Checks
Poor people in India live several people to a room, have to carry water home so they can't often wash their hands. A day when they stay home from work, they don't get much food. They can't do much to stop transmission of Covid-19.
Moreover, they are so much in danger of diseases that are more likely to be fatal that they can't give Covid-19 priority. The worst effect of Covid-19 might be the shortage of doctors to treat those other diseases.
The underlying cause of this situation in India is the combination of concentration of wealth and overpopulation.
The US is vulnerable to Covid-19 in the same sort of way, though not to the same degree, because of concentration of wealth and plutocratist crush-the-poor politics.
China is making friends by exporting the supplies and equipment needed to test for Covid-19 and treat it.
*A Biden-Trump Election Is a Win-Win for Wall Street and a Loss for Our Democracy.*
The author recommends electing Biden anyway, then trying to pressure him to keep his somewhat progressive election promises.
(satire) *Trump Hits Back At China By Announcing U.S. Will Also Expel American Journalists.*
The sad part is the he really has expelled them from the White House.
The US government has threatened to harass relatives of the staff of the International Criminal Court.
Any government rescue for airlines must rescue their workers and permanently give them more power in the companies.
Senator Warren has proposed similar (identical?) rules for bailouts to any large businesses.
Many nasty practices that shouldn't have existed ever are being relaxed now because, in the context of an epidemic, their nasty effects are revealed as intolerable — and because the justifications for them were weak or nonexistent in the first place.
Here's one more example: searching aggressively for people to deport.
And another: pressuring people to pay medical and student debts (but only those owed to New York State).
Alas, new rigid excesses are being imposed, including "Absolutely never meet a friend in person," and new unjust practices, such as "Do your studying, meeting and paying through nonfree software and digital dis-services that will track you."
The former will presumably disappear easily when the epidemic is over, but getting rid of the latter will require a fight. Therefore I continue refusing to use web sites that demand nonfree JS code, and not having a portable phone to track me with.
Some Italians have been accused of violating quarantine orders even when they have been told they may have Covid-19.
The article says that the state wants to punish anyone who goes outside even if perse has had no sign of or contact with Covid-19. I've heard a report that Italy is tracking people through their phones so as to make the repression total.
There is no need to repress people that strictly. Occasional meetings of a few people who probably don't have Covid-19 will have little effect to spread it.
A New York City uniformed thug was caught on video planting marijuana in someone's car, to frame him. When the state failed to imprison him for the act of bearing false witness, he did it again and was caught again.
Until we put those thugs away for years, they will continue exploiting their immunity to put honest citizens in prison arbitrarily.
*Study: global banks 'failing miserably' on climate crisis by funneling trillions into fossil fuels.*
Support for refugees in the EU has been cut off because the support organizations have shut down.
New Zealand has eliminated the former legal obstacles to getting an abortion.
Daryl Davis was a black jazz musician who switched fields and began befriending white racists and convincing them to drop their bigotry.
US citizens: call on Congress to refuse the demand to suspend habeas corpus. Doing so would allow thugs to arrest people and jail them for any length of time.
US citizens: call on Senator McConnell to stop interfering with who will have the job of investigating the alleged corruption of Elaine Chao, Saboteur of Transportation, who is (as it happens) his wife.
US citizens: call for an investigation of each congresscritter or senator who is suspected of profiting from Covid-19 by selling stock based on inside information.
US citizens: call on the House of Representatives to pass the Ban Fracking Act.
US citizens: call on the FCC to use its authority to put a stop to dangerous Covid-19 disinformation on broadcast TV.
US citizens: call on US governments to release old prisoners and sick prisoners.
US citizens: call for many steps to keep people safe from catching Covid-19 in prison.
US citizens: call on the US to remove all military forces from Iraq.
US citizens: call on the Boston Globe and the L.A. Times to stop charging for access to coronavirus coverage.
Paying to access an article these days generally requires running nonfree Javascript code, and tracks who reads the article. I consider each of those an injustice, and I won't stand for either of them. Therefore, if an article is thoroughly paywalled, I do without seeing it.
US citizens: 51 Republican senators voted against offering paid sick leave to additional American workers. If any of them is your senator, phone per office now and rebuke per.
(Please respect gender neutrality and number agreement together, by referring to a single person of unspecified gender as "perse" and "per".)
US citizens: call on the Senate to reject the political appointment of John Ratcliffe as DNI.
US citizens: call on Facebook to fact-check political ads.
US citizens: call on Congress to pass legislation to provide national paid sick leave. For everyone, that is.
US citizens: call on Louisiana Governor Edwards to implement a rent freeze and a moratorium on layoffs, evictions and water shut-offs in the state of Louisiana.
US citizens: call on New York Governor Cuomo to end the prison injustices that make prisoners vulnerable to Covid-19.
department stores and refrigerators
Residents of Massachusetts: call on Massachusetts legislators to pass the moratorium on government use of face recognition.
I gave this personal message:
I urge you to pass the proposed moratorium on use of face recognition in Massachusetts government activities.
This is only a first step. Systematic use of face recognition technology, and the systems that can do so, should be very strictly regulated. The operations of Clearview AI should be illegal regardless of what sort of entity carries them out, whether it be public or private.
If you sign, please spread the word!
US citizens: stop Wall Street from using the coronavirus to weaken bank regulations.
If you sign, please spread the word!
US citizens: call your congresscritter at (202) 224-3121 and call for strong action to protect Americans from the effects of the epidemic. Please support these proposed actions:
If you call, please spread the word!
*TikTok 'tried to filter out videos from ugly, poor or disabled users'.*
*Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe freed temporarily from Iranian prison.* She is now under house arrest instead, which is at least much safer.
(satire) *porn industry leaders held a press conference Monday to announce the immediate closure of all orifices.*
Don't go to the orifice — work from home!
The Norway University of Science and Technology urged students in countries with "poorly developed health services", including the US, to return home where they would get better medical care.
The university was later intimidated into deleting the reference to the US. How sad.
As for the students, I think they have no way to return home now. They are stuck.
*'Basic Human Decency' Wins as Judge Blocks 'Cruel to Its Core' Trump Effort to Strip Food Assistance From 700,000 People Amid COVID-19 Crisis.*
PAHCF, a medical insurance company lobbying group, lobbies against anything that helps or would help Americans get medical care without going through those businesses.
It would be interesting for Americans to organize to demand that their medical insurance companies say how much money they gave to that lobbying group in 2019.
*Why debt relief should be the answer to this coronavirus crash.*
The US will face a big recession unless the US government starts giving money to non-rich people to make up for the decrease.
The best way to do this is with spending that will have other social benefits — spending on jobs that make an improvement. For instance, the Green New Deal.
*Can the Coronavirus and the Stock Market Meltdown Break America’s Addiction to Fantasy?*
One corrective is needed in regard to increases in productivity: they result in increased production each year, but who gets the benefit of that increase is a political question. The rich try to keep it for themselves, and workers get it only if they fight for it and win.
Pelosi tricked the House of Representatives to vote for a reduction in the new paid sick leave provision by calling the change "technical", implying there was no significant alteration.
(satire) *Congress Allocates $2 Trillion To Bail Out Struggling Bailout Industry.*
Upward social mobility is no longer giving people overall a better life, says the best expert on the field. As some move upward, others move down. But only a small fraction move very far in either direction.
Decades ago, the developed world was creating many additional well-paid jobs, so there was more mobility upward than downward. Nowadays, neither one is true.
Thus, to make a large number of people better off in the developed world requires massively deconcentrating wealth (for instance, more support for the poor, a Green New Deal, and Medicare for All) or massively eliminating waste (such as, a Green New Deal, and Medicare for All).
The Boston subways and buses are running on a reduced schedule, supposedly to encourage "social distancing". I can't follow the logic of that. Running fewer buses or trains will mean more people ride together in each one. The effect of that will be exactly the opposite of what they claim is the goal.
If you can figure out what sense they think this move has, please tell me by email.
Venezuela's medical system is crippled by shortages of basic supplies.
The article attributes these shortages purely to Maduro, and mentions US sanctions in a way that doubts that they matter. Chavez's subsidies created shortages in the everyday goods that he subsidized, but the shortages became much broader and worse after the bully imposed the sanctions.
The bully is pushing sanctions on Venezuela as hard as it can.
China is using an antiviral drug developed in Cuba.
*Joe Biden's pledge to pick a female vice-president smells like tokenism.*
Identity politics is about to tokenism. To clamor for an official in demographic group XYZ is to beg for tokenism.
US citizens: call your congresscritter and say to reject the bully's plan to cut Social Security funds in order to fund response to Covid-19.
There is pressure to allow every US voter to vote by mail.
Just as long as they don't allow voting by internet!
*Biden Is Still Lying About His Positions on Social Security Cuts, the Bankruptcy Bill, and More.*
(satire) *Biden Pledges To Select Woman As Vice President Since Position Doesn’t Entail Much Anyway.*
Bailing out the airlines, if it is done, should not save the stockholders from losing their shares.
Pelosi's version of emergency aid for Americans dealing with Covid-19 gives paid sick leave to a fraction of American workers. It omits gig workers; more surprisingly, it omits employees of companies with over 500 employees. I would not describe a company with 600 or 1000 employees as "big". Even some Republican senators say it is insufficient.
It appears they are omitted because she negotiated with Treasury Secretary Mnuchin, who is a toady for big (and not-quite-big) business. I think it would have made more sense to include them and dare Republicans to reject it.
To assure everyone in the US can wash per hands frequently, the US must end imposed water-shutoffs and restore water to everyone whose service has been shut off.
That it is even necessary to discuss this demonstrates how cruelty to the poor is ingrained in the US economic system. More fundamentally, with a just minimum wage and a just welfare system, nobody would get that poor.
(satire) *Pfizer announced Monday they were pouring all their resources into developing a new hyper-depressant pill to help Americans ease the transition into self-quarantining.*
The callous bastard told US governors that the US cannot help them get the respirators they need to protect medics from Covid-19. He told them, in effect, to go and scramble for the few spares that exist.
The root of this problem is that the US has neglected central planning to make sure there would be enough such machines if someday there were an epidemic.
In addition, the profit-seeking US medical system tries to cut costs even as it jerks up prices, so it tries to lower the system's capacity to the point where it can just barely get by in normal times. It plans to treat only those who can pay, and has no slack for emergencies.
Covid-19 demonstrates even more strongly than usual the need to replace this system with a national single-payer medical system.
Regarding respirators, the US should set up an emergency manufacturing plan, like what is happening in the UK.
The Delhi thug department denied protection to Muslims while the pogrom was going on. Currently it is refusing to investigate crimes committed against Muslims.
Thugs seem to have gone further and encouraged the pogrom, which was launched by a BJP official.
I expect Hindu thugs in India have the same range of attitudes towards Muslims that German thugs in 1934 had towards Jews. This means, shifted further towards hatred and violence compared with the range of attitudes that white thugs in the US have towards blacks.
US citizens in jail have the right to vote, but they must struggle to exercise that right.
Note that only a few states permanently take away the voting rights of anyone that has been convicted of a felony, and there is a movement to eliminate practice that entirely, since it has the side effect (perhaps intentionally) of disenfranchising blacks.
"Quarantine soirees" and digital freedom: does any of the live streams described here respect freedom?
The usual forms of digital oppression are
Experience suggests that all of those streams are oppressive, but I'd like to know if any of them is not.
If you try one and find it to be oppressive, I hope you will not go ahead with installing that nonfree software, entering your personal data, or agreeing to the terms. Get a copy of some music which does not oppress those who listen to it, and listen to that instead.
It would be useful to inform the organization's personnel of your objections to its computing practices. Keep in mind that they have probably never thought about these issues, never even heard the idea that there might be something wrong with the usual practices that they imitated or were taught by some "expert". So be prepared to explain, and not in an angry tone.
For streaming, the program they should be using is called IceCast.
There may be a global shortage of acetaminophen aka paracetamol, since India has just banned exports.
The concentration of drug production causes harm in many ways. Gouging is one consequence; shortages are another, even in normal times.
Isolating old people for months can be crushing for them.
*How Helsinki and Oslo cut pedestrian deaths to zero.*
I think that slowing car traffic is acceptable provided improved public transportation offers a better way for people to get around the city.
Is it better to treat Covid-19 as a kind of fire, to be extinguished, or as a tide, that will wash over and recede?
The article says no one can be sure, and I suppose in general that is true. My point is that it depends on the circumstances in each country. Some countries are in a position to act quickly and thoroughly; they have come close to extinguishing the epidemic. Other countries can't do this.
Covid-19 could wipe out the theater. And all restaurants, all art galleries, and all artists. Also all bands, all symphonies, all concert halls and all music cafes.
Some African countries are banning travel from Europe to keep travellers from bringing Covid-19.
Unfortunately, it won't make much difference in most countries, as the virus is already spreading in them. Most of Africa won't have the medical capacity to keep the epidemic's spread in check.
*[Western Sahara] independence movement lodges documents in high court arguing $45bn fund invests in illegally mined fertiliser.*
The next casualty of global heating is cognac.
I don't think this qualifies as a disaster, though some will surely miss it. I mention it as an example of the wide variety of things that will be lost.
*The Anti-Science Movement in the Democratic Party.*
(Some of the problems, such as the "electability" self-fulfilling prophesy mechanism, are not limited to the Democratic Party.)
The whole world is heading for a long recession.
The idiot is ensuring that it will be a deep one. I wonder if he will use Covid-19 as an excuse to cancel the 2020 election and convert himself into a tyrant.
As of a year ago, almost 52,000 Indians were applying for political asylum now.
That number had increased from almost 5,000 ten years before.
US citizens: call your senators at (202) 930-8115 and urge them to let PAT RIOT Act surveillance systems expire. Say that if the government wants to get information about people from data bases, it should get warrant to investigate specific people and then get data only about them.
Here is more information about the situation.
If you call, please spread the word!
A Congressional candidate without medical insurance had to stop knocking on voters' doors to talk with them. This may cripple her campaign.
Although Abdelbaset al-Megrahi, a Libyan, was convicted of the bombing of Pan Am 103 over Scotland in 1988, others claimed that Iran was responsible. Khomeini was still ruler of Iran, and sought to attack the US.
Now a Scottish agency has recognized these doubts by calling for reconsideration of the verdict.
China seems to have disappeared Ren Zhiqiang, who insulted Xi for his handling of Covid-19.
The economic effects of the Covid-19 epidemic will put millions in California at risk of homelessness, including many old people who could not find new work. Those who end up living on the street are likely to catch the virus, and could die of it.
Over a million Americans could become homeless once the bully cuts off their food stamps, since they won't have money for rent and food.
The UK government admits that Russia succeeded in interfering in the UK election. It seems to have used cracking government systems as well as disinformation.
*Newark’s Lead Crisis Isn't Over: "People Are Still Drinking Water That They Shouldn't".*
The US government reportedly is trying to buy exclusive use of a Covid-19 vaccine currently under development, intending to limit its use to Americans.
If this is accurate, it is murderous lunacy. If and when a vaccine is developed, it must be available to the whole world.
The report that the German government is countering with "financial incentives" so that the vaccine will "stay in" Germany, if true, indicates similar disrespect for that principle. Also, if offering money is the most Germany can do to prevent that scheme, it shows plutocratic legal corruption. It should not be necessary for Germany to offer money to resist that scheme. Germany should have the power to order such things.
The US has effectively no public health system. If a vaccine for Covid-19 becomes available, the US has no system to vaccinate everyone.
Supporters of Chelsea Manning are raising money to pay the large fine.
If you want to contribute, don't go through Go Fund Me — it requires running nonfree software. Instead, insist on getting an address to mail a personal check or a money order.
However, paying that fine means that the government wins. I'd rather contribute to a fund to buy groceries for Manning. Is there one?
Climate strikes are continuing, but only people who use Twitter will notice them.
The Environmental Pollution Agency has announced new rules to facilitate using pesticides to kill wildlife, including endangered wildlife.
Canada once had a world-class public medical lab which developed cures and manufactured them at avoidable prices. It was privatized by a plutocratist government.
The House passed a bill requiring paid sick leave, but Republicans insisted on exemptions for big businesses and small businesses, so the bill will cover only 20% of US workers.
White House meetings to discuss reaction to Covid-19 are secret and all public health experts are excluded.
Republican leaders today do not generally worry about embarrassing disclosures. They figure that their cloud of disinformation will prevent all adverse consequences. Whatever they are hiding, it must be much worse than usual.
Perhaps they are trying to maximize billionaires' opportunity to practice disaster capitalism, a.k.a. the "shock doctrine".
Perhaps they are trying to create, rather than avoid, an election crisis.
Republicans have stolen several presidential elections recently, and some elections for lower offices as well. I would not put it past them to plan to make the epidemic worse. Their previous budget cuts have undermined programs that would have helped respond to it.
Recall how Hurricane Katrina showed that Dubya had undermined FEMA, with disastrous results.
Meanwhile, rank-and-file Republicans believe that Covid-19 is not a real danger, just as they believe that global heating is not a real danger.
In a month they will start dying, and would be able to recognize the statements their leaders have made so far as lies. But by then they will have been told to believe that those statements were never made at all.
Whole Foods is asking employees to pool their limited paid sick days in case they have to stay home due to Covid-19 and need more sick days than each one is given.
That would work fine for the first ones to need sick days. But those who need sick days once once the pool is used up will really be in a hole — the Hole Foods hole.
*We're about to learn a terrible lesson from coronavirus: inequality kills.*
*'I can't get above water': how America's chicken giant Perdue controls farmers.*
This is one more example of how concentration of US big business harms many small businesses.
*When [the bully] no can longer lie or deny, he’ll blame immigrants, journalists, [disprivileged racial groups], liberals and other enemies.*
I replaced the term "people of color" because color is not something a person can be "of".
*Maryland man fatally shot by [thugs] while asleep in his bedroom.* They shot from outside the house without informing anyone inside they had come. Then they claimed he had "confronted" them — presumably awake. Lies like this are standard practice for thugs who have killed someone.
They wounded his girlfriend too.
Social media (that's what the article means when it says "internet") are making participation in discussions difficult for women.
Intimidating women into leaving discussions is an injustice and a major social problem. However, it does not constitute violence. Calling it "violence" is an exaggeration, which invites solutions that carry a danger of repression.
I suggest looking for fixes that change the servers' algorithms so that they are difficult for trolls and bullies to exploit. This might be easier if the servers were not making money from targeting advertising.
*Public health experts say that once a disease has begun circulating within a community, banning outsiders is mostly futile.*
However, the numskull travel ban for people coming from Schengenia might be effective for scapegoating purposes.
How Big Pharma companies have lobbied and pressured to be able to gouge on a future Covid-19 vaccine.
This mostly admirable article causes a gratuitous spot of confusion by using the overbroad term "intellectual property".
Use of that term spreads confusion because it generalizes about several unrelated laws, which have so little in common that lumping them together impedes clear thinking about any one of them. The term leads people to adopt shallow, simplistic positions such as "intellectual property is good" or "intellectual property is bad."
In any real issue, it is always better to name the specific law that relates to the issue — in this case, patent law. That way it is easier to study the dimensions of that issue, based on the actual requirements and effects of whichever law is involved.
See https://gnu.org/philosophy/not-ipr.html for more explanation.
Arguing that Biden's victories in the Democratic primaries is because older Democrats expect they can squeak by under the existing US economic system, while younger voters see it will crush them.
The article does not mention coming global heating disaster, but younger voters realize it is likely to make them die young, while older voters expect (perhaps rationally) not to face great personal suffering from it during their expected lifetimes.
New Zealand is developing a drone that can drop poison bait on a precise target, near an invasive animal that would eat it.
Eventually Australia may be able to use this to exterminate rabbits. Is there any way to poison a cane toad?
Quarantine, including imposed self-isolation, tend to traumatize people, much as solitary confinement in prison does.
The two are quite similar. In the latter, guards forcibly keep someone away from everyone else. In the former, they compel someone to avoid everyone else.
There is another version, shunning, in which someone is compelled to avoid everyone else because they reject per. I think that traumatizes people too.
The article says that people can withstand quarantine better if they understand clearly the reasons for the quarantine system and when it will end.
Academic studies which claimed to prove that world agriculture can't get along without Roundup were secretly funded by Monsanto.
The US is deporting people with Covid-19, who then spread the disease to another country — and probably won't get treatment there if they have a bad case of it.
Clarifying the conceptual confusions in most press coverage of Covid-19, including measurements of its spread and measures to control it.
In particular, figures about number of cases are not even significant to an order of magnitude at this point — the measurement system is basically broken.
Phone your congresscritter and senators to push for a bill that would help non-rich Americans cope with Covid-19. The bill would do these things:
If you call, please spread the word!
Taiwan is containing Covid-19 with no added surveillance: only the system of tracking people through their portable phones.
Taiwan is not applying that surveillance to repress masses of people. It remains a democracy. However, we have no way of knowing that it is not using that system against whistleblowers and a few dissidents.
US citizens and residents: thank abortion providers.
If you sign, please spread the word!
US citizens: Tell world leaders: don’t exploit Coronavirus to take away our basic rights.
If you sign, please spread the word!
The House of Representatives voted to extend the massive surveillance power originally granted in the USA PAT RIOT Act. Around 60 representatives voted no.
I suggests phoning your congresscritter's office and asking, "Did Rep XYZ vote to extend the government's power to track massive numbers of phone calls?" If the answer is yes, you could express your opinion of that vote.
The Capitol Switchboard numbers are 202-224-3121, 888-818-6641 and 888-355-3588.
If you call, please spread the word!
Sweden sets an example in teaching everyone how to be prepared for possible disasters of any kind.
Deadly extreme rainfall events in southern Brazil have become more frequent and more deadly over the past 30 years.
They are directly caused by the hotter air.
Watch out for potentially dangerous misinformation about Covid-19.
French riot thugs violently attacked a peaceful march for International Women’s Day. The thugs had been venting hatred verbally towards the marchers for a long time before they attacked, so their misogynist motive is clear.
British Columbia reduced drunk driving deaths by 50% by focusing on prevention rather than punishment. The province can take away the drivers' licenses and even their cars, rather than putting them in jail.
Under the new system, the fines and the loss of the right to drive can render a person destitute. On the other hand, alcohol addiction can also do that.
An Italian in the US is desperate to get home, figuring that Italy will protect its people from Covid-19 much better than the US.
Chelsea Manning has been released from jail. The court ruled that there was "no need" for her testimony.
Surely that did not change last week. The "need" must have ceased weeks or months ago. I hope she will tell us soon why she attempted suicide this week rather than waiting a day to see if the court would release her.
She is still saddled with a huge debt that would be difficult for her to ever pay. If she could get enough money to pay it, the idea of working to pay a fine must be bitter. If it were me, I'd be inclined to shun wages and live by barter, just to avoid ever paying any of the fine.
*Insurance Industry Corrects Trump: Actually, We're Only Waiving Copays for Coronavirus Testing, Not Treatment.*
Low-wage US workers will be able to find out that they are sick, but they won't be able to do anything to protect themselves or others.
Harvard students who are not wealthy have been shafted by the enforced requirement to move out in 5 days and fly home at high expense. Not to mention the loss of jobs they depend on.
The article assumes that on-line courses are fine if only you have high-speed internet available. It pays no attention to the injustice of requiring students to run nonfree programs — which Harvard does. If I were one of the students, the only way I could see the course lectures would be if I could look on with another student.
I admire an activist friend who tried to take a Harvard edX course, but refuses to use imposed nonfree social networking software, so he automatically failed the course.
*Detroit to turn water back on temporarily for poor families over Covid-19 fears.*
The scapegoater banned travel to the US from Europe (except for US citizens and permanent residents, and their families).
This could be an effective preventative measure, if nobody in the US had Covid-19 already.
More about the confusion this has caused, and what his twisted thinking might be.
A xenophobic conspiracy theory in China claims that Covid-19 came from the US.
This theory has no evidence behind it, but people who want to believe it will believe it anyway.
China is not culpable for the start of the epidemic, but the practice of catching and selling live wild animals as food is risky, and China is wise to be putting an end to that practice.
China is. on the other hand, culpable for trying to cover up the epidemic at the early stages, rather than contain it.
Robert Reich: the conman's plan to "help the economy" with tax subsidies for banks and wall street will not help Americans cope with the effects of Covid-19. The government should instead spend that money, on sick leave, medical care, and cash subsidies for everyone.
The US fracking industry is collapsing due to low oil prices, so the saboteur in chief plans to save it with public funds.
*If Warren refuses to endorse Sanders, and if her supporters vote for Biden, then this was never about winning feminist reforms, let alone dismantling patriarchy. It was about advancing the political career of one woman over the lives of the many.*
Alas, she did not endorse him, with the sad results we have seen.
(satire) *Tulsi Gabbard Named Democratic Nominee After Discovery Of Obscure Rule That Grants Nomination To Whoever Wins 0.7% Of The Vote In Missouri.*
Covid-19 is overwhelming Italy's medical system — it does not have the capacity to treat so many patients.
People who have other medical problems may die because the medical personnel have no time to treat everyone.
This demonstrates the error of prioritizing efficient operation in normal time by tuning medical capacity to the normal level of demand. A system such as the British NHS, which is operating over capacity even in normal times due to Tory budget cuts, is starting from a position of being overwhelmed.
*In opposing Medicaid expansion, Koch-funded organizations have increased the likelihood of the spread of the coronavirus in the U.S.*
Why is the US unprepared to deal with Covid-19? The same underlying reason that it is unprepared to deal with global heating: the 40-year plutocratist war on science, and its political reach.
*Accusing US of 'Medical Terrorism,' Iran Demands Trump Lift Drug Import Sanctions Amid Coronavirus Crisis.*
The current dispute between Iran and the US is entirely the fault of the US (specifically, the saboteur in chief). The US ought to apologize, and help Iran, in exchange for its agreement once again to the non-nuclear deal which was succeeding in stopping Iran from refining nuclear fuel.
There is no fundamental reason for the US and Iran to be enemies. The Iranian regime represses Iranians on religious and political grounds, but nowhere near as much as Salafi Arabia does.
Billionaire Polluters (BP) is talking about aiming to become "carbon-neutral" some decades from now.
This is such a weak target that it contributes little more than lip service to avoiding climate disaster.
Many professors of economics and related fields state their endorsement for Medicare for All as the affordable way to provide healthcare to Americans.
Our current system fails to do so.
The joy of the Democratic Party establishment, and its tools in the mainstream media, at Biden's recent victories show what we are up against as we try to correct America's giant problems. But we cannot give up.
I have no reason to think that the election was dishonest, overall. More Democratic voters have voted for Biden. I can't argue with those votes. But that doesn't compel me to vote for Biden. I do not vote for right-wing plutocratists merely because others have done so.
Biden's victories in recent primaries make it almost impossible for Sanders to win the nomination.
For a while I hoped that we could have a good president, but it seems we will have another lousy one.
Burma is using its libel law to sue a member of its parliament for saying that the army killed two Rohingya. And suing Reuters for reporting that.
Here is the original Reuters article.
Here is the article as Reuters modified it in response to the complaint.
Ranked choice voting would fix the problem of primary votes which are cast early for a candidate that drops out before election day.
This is in addition to its other advantages.
20 UK charities that serve the mentally ill demand an investigation of dozens of cases in which welfare cuts resulted in people's deaths.
Senators are working on a bill that would effectively ban end-to-end encryption in commercial products (with their nonfree software).
Nonfree software is inherently untrustworthy; the developer can always insert a back door and deny it. Even without this law, you should not trust it.
Nonetheless, we should campaign against this law. If they go this far, who knows where they will go next.
Interviews with Syrian Kurds report on a region ruled by local neighborhood councils.
The book Losing Reality describes social systems that deny some aspects of reality, replacing it with obligatory falsehoods. The bullshitter's following is one example.
70,000 Britons petitioned the government to reject ISDS corporate courts in any new trade agreements.
How Covid-19 is likely to do widespread economic harm, especially to working people.
Low wages, precarious employment, lack of medical insurance, and homelessness will all compel US workers to go to work even if they are spreading Covid-19.
A government which cared about working people could protect people from the worst forms of economic harm. One recommendation is rapid direct payments to individuals.
The social and economic effects of Covid-19 are a foretaste of what climate mayhem will produce.
Both problems call for global cooperation.
If the US government can start a war without asking "how will we pay for it," why should it ask that question about prevention (or treatment) for Covid-19?
Indeed, why should it ask that question about any necessary medical care? Especially since Medicare for All will cost less than America's current lousy medical system.
*Five Americans Living in Social Democratic Norway Explain Why Bernie Sanders Is So Appealing.*
AT&T lobbied for the conman's tax cuts for the rich by suggesting it would hire more workers and increase wages. Instead it continues to cut jobs, and has cut back on investment in its operations.
Why try harder when you have so few competitors?
Quite a few Palestinians die from illness in Israeli prisons. Palestinians accuse Israel of carrying out a policy of "medical neglect".
The protest by college basketball players in Brooklyn was criticism of Israel's occupation policies, not antisemitism.
An Israeli minister spoke advocating (via hints) a policy of driving all Arabs out of Israel.
US prisons do not have adequate plans to protect prisoners from Covid-19. Once one prisoner in the prison gets sick, it is likely to spread to many other prisoners (and guards).
Iran has freed 70,000 prisoners (perhaps temporarily) so they won't catch Covid-19. However, political prisoners are not being released.
(satire) *… the CIA rolled out a new torture program concert series Wednesday that brings Metallica into black sites to play 72-hour sets.*
*Canada's government seeks to expand access to assisted dying. Proposal would include for the first time people who are not in immediate risk of dying.*
This would help people who face a likelihood of decades of suffering or decades of hopeless paralyzed uselessness and boredom.
*This pronghorn migration route is 6,000 years old. Now [the wrecker's] gas wells could block it.*
The result of burning that gas could be part of destroying our civilization, too.
There is a plan to restore seagrass meadows off the coast of Britain.
This is a good thing to do, provided the attempt isn't futile — provided that the newly planted seagrass won't immediately be killed. But even if this gets off to a good start, people must not count their meadows as carbon offsets before they are fully grown.
People in the DR Congo are suing Apple, Google, Tesla, Microsoft and Dell for employing children in cobalt mines and causing them injury or death.
When one activist was discovered to be involved in the lawsuit, he received death threats.
Bolsonaro's proposed bridge across the Amazon river would make it easier for gangsters to cut down the trees in the region. Bolsonaro would cheer them on as they push the forest towards the tipping point where it would disappear.
Growing trees does little lasting good against global heating if the wood is used in ways that will quickly decay and release the carbon again.
*There's no 'deadline' to save the world. Everything we do now has to pass the climate test.*
Italy's reaction to Covid-19 and its political consequences.
It appears that the right-wing extremist Liga party, in power in Lombardia, leaked the Lombardia quarantine plan so as to provoke chaos which it could then blame it on the government.
Praise for Italy's well-organized campaign to block spread of the virus, treat those who are sick (nearly all patients can survive with good treatment), and prevent the disastrous economic consequences that the epidemic is likely to have.
*Deadly heatwaves, floods and rising hunger far greater threat to world than coronavirus, scientists say.*
*Ecosystems the size of Amazon 'can collapse within decades'.*
*Biden Refuses to Commit to Signing Medicare for All Bill as President.*
US citizens: call on Sanders to skip the AIPAC event again as he did in 2016.
*Boosting Electability Argument, Sanders Has Won Independent Voters in 13 Out of 16 Exit Polls So Far. In CNN's [exit] polls, Sanders won the support of independent voters in every state so far except Virginia, South Carolina, and Alabama.*
On the other hand Biden is the favorite Democratic candidate among pre-2016 Republicans.
Prize-winning Iranian film director Mohammad Rasoulof has been sentenced to a year in prison for his films.
The World Bank is funding Guyana to make its laws more compliant to oil companies.
Freelancers Shouldn't Betray Other Gig Workers By Allying with Anti-Union Opponents of AB5.
Receiving gratis lunch in school helps children avoid obesity.
Stephen King condemned the mob censorship that cancelled publication of Woody Allen's memoire — not out of support for Allen in particular, but out principled opposition to censorship in general.
India shut down two TV channels for some days because they showed video of the pogrom in Delhi and made the perpetrators (Modi's supporters) appear to be at fault.
Sanders' Reproductive Health Care and Justice for All plan would assure all American women of contraception and pre-natal care.
One aim is to reduce the rate of death in childbirth, which is particularly high in the US.
California's initiative petition to tax business property fully would make Amazon and lots of smaller businesses fund the state's needs.
Claiming that female genital mutilation started as part of a series of ancient fertility rituals in East Africa.
The proposed European Green Deal would be far from sufficient, but failing to do it would guarantee disaster.
*How Trump's business empire is cashing in on the 2020 campaign.*
His support comes from cynical businesses that don't mind paying bribes if they won't be prosecuted, and from plutocrats think funneling money to the rich is the purpose of the state.
Russian and Ukrainian rebel officers are being tried for shooting down MH17 as it passed over the rebel part of Ukraine.
I am shocked by the use of the word "murder". Does the prosecution accuse that the officers knowingly attacked a civilian air vessel? I have never seen that accusation seriously made, and even assuming they would kill noncombattants without hesitation, I can't imagine what could have motivated them to do so in that instance.
I have seen claims that there was evidence that the plane was shot down by machine-gun fire (by another plane). It could be fake. In any case, I hope it is submitted to this trial so that the question of its validity can be settled.
*Fashion culture now would benefit from studying the ‘make do and mend’ attitude of the second world war, says Extinction Rebellion co-founder Clare Farrell.*
China is forcing everyone to install a new surveillance and classification app which tracks a person's movements, and reports per status. At many places, guards check whether the phone says the user is allowed in.
At the moment, it is used to implement quarantine for Covid-19. But they will never get rid of it.
What made this possible is the switch to digital payment.
Don't use digital payment! Pay cash!
*'We Have to Get a Climate President in Office': Jane Fonda Says Bernie Sanders Is the Only Climate Candidate.*
*However controversial, Woody Allen’s memoirs should be published.*
Explaining the nature and causes of coercive control, a spirit-crushing form of domestic abuse.
I've seen this happen, though I had no name to call it. When I was a child, around age 10 to 12, I heard my father do this to his wife in the evenings when I was in bed. I felt so sorry for her, and helpless because I had no way to protect her.
New Zealand is making a systematic effort to value the traditionally feminine jobs more highly, and pay them more too.
*No-platforming and the government’s Prevent anti-terror strategy are both threats to free speech in UK universities.*
*Erik Prince Recruited Ex-Spies to Help Project Veritas Infiltrate Groups 'Hostile' to [the conman's] Agenda.*
US citizens: phone one of Senator Warren's offices to urge her to endorse Sanders for president.
This is the necessary next step if she wishes to advance the progressive causes she has supported.
Italy quarantined the region of Liguria (along with several provinces). This enormous step inspired thousands of people to flee that region so as not to be stuck there.
In Italy, each region consists of multiple provinces.
Elevated repression by the US deportation thugs is likely to discourage unauthorized immigrants from getting tested or treated for Covid-19. They would instead be more likely to spread the disease, and more likely to get badly sick or die.
Taiwan's public health measures have cut down Covid-19 transmission so effectively that the number of active cases is decreasing.
At least, that's what the government reports. I am willing to trust the Taiwanese government to be honest about this, but there could be more cases that it does not know about.
Chinese dissident Xu Zhiyong is being held incommunicado in solitary, and is likely eventually to be imprisoned for many years, for criticizing Xi's handling of Covid-19.
The bully hasn't yet grabbed enough power to do this to Americans, but he and his supporters are working on it.
The Organization of American States has supported theft of elections in Honduras and Bolivia, and seems to have tried to support a coup in Dominica.
Virginia has adopted a strong law to move reduce greenhouse gas emissions from electricity and heating.
That does not cover all greenhouse emission: other sectors including transportation, manufacturing and agriculture need to be reduced a well.
The sadist's sanctions against Iran stopped Iran from protecting itself from Covid-19, and now they are squeezing the flow of medicines that can help treat people in Iran who get sick.
Rep. Ayanna Pressley is campaigning to eliminate the death penalty in the US.
I am proud to have voted for her in 2018, and I will vote for her again this year.
*Study Shows DOJ Prosecutions of White-Collar Criminals Hit All-Time Low Under [the conman].*
When a rich person grabs a bigger share of the world's wealth, perse may break some laws, expecting to be immune from punishment. The conman undertakes to support rich people generally whether they are breaking laws or not. This report shows us one of the methods used to do so.
The conman was not the first modern plutocratist president. Since Reagan, each president has been plutocratist, and Carter seems to have started the trend.
US thugs often issue "geofence warrants" that ask Google for a list of references to people tracked to certain area in a certain period of time. Subsequently they demand more information about some of those people.
In principle, using this to find burglars is legitimate, if it is done in a legitimate way. (Not secretly, for instance.) But we can easily imagine using it to identify and persecute protesters — which is exactly what right-wing US politicians are making every effort to do.
A US appeals court ruled that a protester who suggested other nonviolent protesters protest in an illegal way can therefore be sued for the subsequent violent action of one of those other protesters. If the Supreme Court allows this to stand, Americans could be bankrupted for protesting.
Chinese dissident Xu Zhiyong is being held incommunicado in solitary, and is likely eventually to be imprisoned for many years, simply for saying that Xi was "clueless" about Covid-19.
The bully hasn't yet grabbed enough power to do this to Americans, but he and his supporters are working on it.
*The profiteers warn ominously that such reforms as Medicare for All or a public option for health insurance would take away people’s "choice" and our "control" over health care.*
*Hello: we [Americans] presently have no choice or control. Our "care" is managed by a handful of insurance, drug, and hospital monopolists whose primary objective is not improving our health, but feathering their own cushy nests.*
(There are some exceptions: the wealthy few, plus a larger number that have good medical plans.)
The unparalleled expense of the US medical system is reflected in the fact that 10 CEOs in medical companies made a total of over $300 million last year.
Craig Murray suggests ways to support Julian Assange.
It appears that Exxon convinced the EU to abandon its plans to phase out sale of fossil-fuel vehicles.
(satire) *Biden Says Incredible Comeback Proves He Can Beat Progressive Democrat In A General Election.*
*Coronavirus: nine reasons to be reassured.*
Measured against the heartless cruelty of Thatcherism, even a hint of empathy for the poor from today's Tories looks like "moving left" — if you don't try to measure it against fixed benchmarks.
Don't trust Biden to fight for abortion rights.
*Coronavirus Matters, the Stock Market Doesn’t, and Thinking It Does May Literally Kill Us.*
We can apply that to other areas. Medical care matters, the stock market doesn't. Decarbonization matters, the stock market doesn't.
The University of Washington has cancelled all in-person classes.
This is understandable, but it also makes it especially crucial that the university allow students to do this with free software. Until now, it seems that students had the option of attending classes. With that option cancelled, they may face the choice of running nonfree software, or flunking out.
If I were a student, I'd drop out rather than yield to that. But schools should not impose on students the need for such sacrifice.
Aside from that, virtual "school" over the internet is known to be inferior in quality to real school. If this continues, students won't continue paying for quality which they don't get.
The UK will investigate the apparent kidnapping of Shamsa al-Maktoum by her father, the emir of Dubai.
In the latest Israeli election, the mainly-Arab "Joint List" Party won 15 seats and can block Netanyahu from forming a government.
Some Jewish supporters of ending the occupation may have voted for that party also.
*Kentucky Koch Group Opposes Saving Hospital.*
The organization, "Americans for Prosperity", should properly be known as "Aristocrats for Power".
*Dubai ruler organised kidnapping of his children, UK court rules.*
This was considered in a case which he filed against his runaway wife, except that it emerged she was no longer his wife since he has divorced her and not informed her.
I wonder how Latifa was able to send her account to the court or the public.
US citizens: call on the Senate to pass H.R. 1, for clean elections.
British couples who took a ferry from Hong Kong to Shenzhen, and were observed to have sat near someone with Covid-19, have been quarantined with absurd and gratuitous strictness. One couple was forced to stay in two separate rooms and are forbidden to see each other. Another was allowed to stay together, but both have been ordered to wear masks and not touch each other.
Why not leave it to the couple to decide if they want to keep apart to avoid transmitting the disease between the two?
An anti-Iran pressure group, with close relations with the bully, is pressuring US drug companies to stop exporting medicines to Iran.
Texas Republicans are trying to stop blacks from voting by closing polling sites in areas which have many blacks. Blacks stayed up for hours after the polls closed, waiting in line to vote.
To try to stop some of your fellow citizens from voting displays total contempt for your country. That's typical among Republicans today.
Tropical forests are showing signs of converting into releasing greenhouse gases instead of absorbing them. Scientists predicted this change, but did not expect it so soon.
Senator Warren has dropped out of the Democratic presidential nomination race, without stating a preference between Sanders and Biden. If she is to support the policies she has proposed, she needs to endorse Sanders.
Progressives are calling on Warren to exit the race and endorse Sanders.
She owes this to herself as well as to her country.
Sanders has asked Biden for a debate about Medicare for All.
Texas tried to use its new protest repression felony law to some Greenpeace protesters, but the grand jury refused to indict them for the felony.
It is very unusual for a grand jury to resist whatever the prosecutor asks it to do.
The EPA is broadening its policy of ignoring scientific evidence from studies that respect patients' privacy. (In effect, the Environmental Poisoning Agency now rejects all legitimate scientific studies that involve human subjects.)
Aid for keeping Covid-19 in perspective.
The pogrom in Delhi has ended, but thousands of Muslims who were driven from their homes by murderous Hindu extremists do not dare go back.
Pelosi campaigned successfully for Koch-beloved right-wing representative Henry Cuellar to defeat a progressive challenger in the Democratic primary.
An Israeli soldier shot a Palestinian teenager in the head with a rubber-coated steel bullet at a short distance. When people from his village tried to bring him to a hospital, the soldiers blocked the car for 25 minutes.
Both of those actions are common practice for Israeli occupation soldiers. I don't believe that either one happens accidentally.
A former Israeli soldier campaigns to end the injustices he carried out as a commander while maintaining the occupation.
*Chelsea Manning hospitalized after suicide attempt, legal team say.*
I hope that this suicide attempt does not interfere with her chance of being freed by the hearing that was going to happen on Friday. And that it isn't used an excuse to keep her in brainwashing conditions.
Don't watch TV coverage of Covid-19!
US citizens: call on Congress to demand replacing Pence as chief of dealing with Covid-19.
The International Criminal Court has decided to investigate war crimes in Afghanistan.
Senator Wyden and Rep. Khanna have proposed a law to make it clear that journalism is not considered espionage.
Greece is trying to force Syrian refugees back across the Turkish border at gunpoint.
Big banks' cure-all for the whole range of problems, including coronavirus: deregulate the banks.
If all you have is a hungry mouth, every problem looks like a piece of candy.
(satire) *Americans Urged To Stockpile Loved Ones Ahead Of Coronavirus Outbreaks.*
Organized people or organized money: the choice between Sanders and Biden.
*Mouseland Should Be Governed By Mice, Not Cats.*
The problem is not which cats (billionaires and their servants) rule, it is that they are cats.
US hospitals are not prepared to protect their medical staff from catching Covid-19.
An Israeli thug shot a 9-year-old Palestinian boy in the head. His skull was fractured and he will probably lose an eye.
The thugs have made no effort to show that this was necessary to protect their lives.
Why Russia does not want Sanders to be president: the Green New Deal would reduce oil prices, world-wide.
Over 1/3 of the Americans with student debt have stopped making payments — some legally, some not.
You can see this as an aspect of the system which makes it less rigid and harsh. You can see it as a debt strike. I think it is a mixture of both. It is definitely an improvement — but millions of Americans with student debt and low income are still stuck with payments.
*Congressional leaders might use a multibillion-dollar aid package to extend the government’s unpopular Patriot Act surveillance powers.*
*Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe family believe she has coronavirus.* The prison officials refuse to test her.
There is no cure for Covid-19. Do we know of a treatment that helps in any way?
US teachers' unions call for an end on shooter drills, because they make children scared.
Big Brazilian meat companies resell meat raised by a farm-owner that steals land from the poor.
*California's rules for independent party voters could suppress the Bernie vote.*
Independent voters can vote in a primary, but the mail-in ballots they were sent don't include the presidential race. To do so, they have to jump through complex hoops that the state does not tell them about. In effect, it is a dark pattern to obstruct voting for certain voters.
Economic measures that the US could employ to reduce the economic shocks the Covid-19 will cause. Paid sick leave could also reduce the number of people that catch the disease.
Allowing children to wait at home by themselves could reduce the number of people who lose work because schools are closed.
Biden got more delegates than Sanders in the primaries on Tuesday.
This is likely to mean that the superdelegates will choose the nominee, and I suppose they will choose Biden. That would mean no hope of electing a president that would try to correct America's devastating problems, including plutocratic rule, people dying for inability to pay for medical care, and global heating disaster.
The only way we can ever get the Democratic Party to stop foisting right-wing candidates such as Biden on us is to show it can't presume we will vote for them.
Bloomberg did badly in Super Tuesday primaries, and is almost ready to drop out.
It is heartening to see that just throwing money at a US election can't win it. Apparently one needs to use the money with more subtlety and expertise.
Bloomberg has the same age as Sanders. Remember how that age was taken up by the pundits and presented as a possible drawback of Sanders? Strange that they don't say the same thing about Bloomberg now. I suspect that this "concern" about Sanders was artificially generated.
A mob of enraged immigrant-haters attacked volunteer doctors who had come to treat refugees who arrived in Lesbos (Greece) via Turkey.
George Monbiot: *The [UK] government must abandon its fossil fuel power projects. If not, we’ll sue.*
Europe's planet roaster lobbyists have a revolving door with the European Union bureaucracy, and they are using it to make sure they can squeeze out every last eurocent, before civilization collapses and they can't make (or spend) any more.
Some countries in Europe are paying people to have more children, presuming that those will be of the government's preferred race.
It is good to give more support to parents — that can reduce their stress, which is likely to hurt their children. Not having having a superfluity of resources to care for children leads to parents that are under great stress and can't do it well. And that often leads to lasting problems for the children.
But if parents use that support to have additional children, that will put them back into difficult lives and cancel out the benefit.
Progressive Shahid Buttar, a constitutional lawyer who has worked for the EFF, will face Rep. Pelosi in November.
*The Real Global Threat to 21st Century Freedom Is Authoritarian Capitalism, Not Democratic Socialism.*
Sanders has denounced this threat for years.
Bloomberg is the epitome of authoritarian capitalism. His supporters call him "non-ideological" but his ideology is that the richest should rule, and the poor should be downtrodden.
Janitors in Minneapolis went on strike, demanding (among other things) that the companies they indirectly work for adopt climate defense policies. Student climate strikers joined their union picket line.
*Extreme Weather Could Spark Economic Recession 'Likes of Which We've Never Seen Before,' Research Warns.*
Caitlin Johnstone: *Humanity Is Making A Very Important Decision When It Comes To Assange.*
China is using imprisoned Uighurs to make export products for famous brands. It looks like they have been enslaved.
Australia's summer has extended a whole month since the mid-20th-century. As this continues, it will cause *longer and hotter bushfires, more heatwaves and crop damage.*
The president of Argentina proposes to legalize abortion.
*Progressives Planning to #BernTheDNC with Mass Nonviolent Civil Disobedience If Democratic Establishment Rigs Nomination.*
The Democratic Party leaders may be willing to impose a plutocratist candidate that the voters have not supported, even at the price of losing to the conman again.
The article proposes that Senator Warren may be planning to help the plutocrats do that. If she does that, I will never vote for her for senator again. But it is only a suspicion, and I hope it is not true.
[the deportation thugs]' New York Office Uses a Rigged Algorithm to Keep Virtually All Arrestees in [immigration prison]. The ACLU Says It's Unconstitutional.
About half the member states of the EU call for a 2030 climate target.
This is the necessary first step, but in addition they need to be strong targets. And backed up by specific measures to achieve them.
*Mike Pence shouldn't lead the coronavirus taskforce. He can't be trusted.*
Conditions in Iran resemble an all-day curfew. With people washing their hands so often, the water supply is running out.
People distrust the government because it has lied to them about violence before.
Spain is moving to define "rape" to include all sex without consent. No more exceptions.
*Physicians for Human Rights: the Persistent Psychological Effects of Family Separation.*
The US border thugs never stopped taking advantage of excuses to separate children (and teenagers) from their parents when they ask for asylum.
"[The report] found pervasive symptoms and behaviors consistent with trauma; most met diagnostic criteria for at least one mental health condition, such as post-traumatic stress disorder, major depressive disorder, or generalized anxiety disorder consistent with, and likely linked to, the trauma of family separation."
*Record-Breaking Warm Weather Expected Around Globe As Human-Caused Climate Crisis Now As Powerful As El Niño's Effects, Says WMO.*
The violent, Nazi-like history of Modi and the BJP.
Bloomberg still argues for natural gas (i.e., methane) as a "bridge fuel". That was the fracking industry's fashionable excuse, a few years ago, but it is thoroughly fallacious.
Outdoor air pollution cuts life expectancy by 2.9 years, on the world-wide average. The pollution that humans cause, and thus could potentially avoid, is responsible for 1.7 years of that.
Putting an end to handshakes and kisses, as a measure against transmitting Covid-19 (or other diseases).
Students protested at several US universities demanding they end the use of face recognition.
While these universities are only a tiny part of US society, and nowhere near as dangerous as government agencies that can arrest people and even deport them, success in the domain of universities would be a first victory that could build the movement.
The US is not the only country which arbitrarily labels organizations as "terrorist" — and which tends to call nonviolent protest groups "terrorists". Vietnam has sentenced Chau Van Kham to 12 years in prison for supporting a group that advocates democracy in Vietnam.
His trial was blatantly unjust. Vietnam doesn't bother to try to disguise the injustice the way the UK does with Assange's extradition.
MSNBC TV host Chris Matthews not only hates progressives, he hates women too.
Why would Bloomberg lie? Because he wants to get elected, perhaps? Perhaps because truth is not one of his values, perhaps?
Globalization and outsourcing has left the US with no capacity to manufacture face masks or protective clothing to prevent Covid-19 transmission. They are all made in China, which we can expect will soon need all it can produce, and stop exporting them.
Many thug departments, and many companies, are using Clearview face recognition.
1/4 of Americans with type-I diabetes are skimping on insulin because they can't afford it.
There are many changes we should make in the way American business operates, but one vital change is Medicare for All.
*Musicians Algorithmically Generate Every Possible [short] Melody, Release Them to Public Domain.*
A comedian changed his name to Hugo Boss so he can irritate the luxury clothing brand by that name. He did this to take revenge for that company's trademark bullying of small businesses in other fields.
A court ruled that the bully illegally appointed Ken Cuccinelli acting head of the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services, and voided two of his anti-immigrant decrees.
Americans are being charged thousands of dollars for coronavirus testing and related procedures — even those performed in mandatory quarantine, where they have no choice about the procedures.
*Texas closes hundreds of polling sites, making it harder for minorities to vote.*
Republicans have done this in other states.
Representative Sanders fought to make medicines developed by government-funded research available for a reasonable price. Senator Biden blocked the plan.
US citizens: call on Congress to restore the ban on using antipersonnel landmines.
US citizens: call on Congress to Scrap the Cap on Social Security contributions.
The agreement with the Taliban may have papered over big disagreements.
Global heating is eliminating the world's beaches.
Craig Murray: *The Armoured Glass Box is an Instrument of Torture.*
Murray watched the judge listen to lawyers' arguments why Assange should be allowed to sit with them, so that he could confer with them about what to say; then she read out a decision she had written in advance.
Murray believes she wants to drive him to suicide. Or she is paving the way to murder him and say it was suicide.
Brooklyn College basketball players protested the playing of Israel's national anthem, somehow related to Yeshiva University. Then they shook hands with the Yeshiva University team.
In other words, they have nothing against Jews but they criticize Israel.
CNN compared Sanders' increasing success with the spread of the Covid-19 virus.
It is blatant bias based on a blatant lack of reason. That the plutocrats' tools sink to this level of obviousness demonstrates their desperation.
*'Uncharted Waters': DC Lobbyists Panic Over Possibility of Sanders Win.*
*It's Not Bernie But the So-Called "Moderates" That the Democratic Establishment Should Be Freaking Out About.*
Tories' welfare cuts since 2010 have made poor people die younger. And the cuts are still rolling out.
One million acres of oil and gas extraction leases on US public land have been cancelled so as to prevent extinction of the greater sage grouse.
It will also help prevent extinction of our civilization, but we have no Endangered Civilization Act to protect us. We needs a conspicuously threatened species to keep our habitat habitable.
The Onion corrects the "facts" about Bloomberg's policy of stopping and searching black people (usually) on the street. (satire)
Extinction Rebellion protesters on trial in the UK were acquitted based on grounds of necessity: preventing a worse crime.
Considering that global heating disaster, if not checked, could kill billions of people over this century, almost anything which is effective at reducing that disaster, and uses the minimum possible violence, ought to qualify.
Bloomberg's extensive record as a Republican makes him as bad as the other Republican candidates of 2016.
Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington has identified 3000 conflicts of interest on the part of the cheater.
Since NATO won't support Turkey in Syria against Russia and Assad, relations are rather strained.
US citizens: demand nonpartisan redistricting committees in every US state, to prevent rigged district maps.
The RSS in India are following in the footsteps of the KKK.
*Coronavirus is bad enough — [the numskull's] cuts have made the danger far worse.*
Ironically, even the oligarchs are in danger from their own contempt for the rest of us. They imagine that they will buy for themselves "the world's best medical care" that they have put beyond the reach of most Americans — and usually they can. But not in this.
An expert discusses the prognosis of Covid-19, and what changes need to be made to better resist future new diseases.
A new hack makes it possible to give spammers a credit card for a "free" trial (they mean "gratis") and gets them sued if they try to charge it again.
I have the sad feeling that these otherwise-neat hacks require users to run nonfree JavaScript code. What a shame.
Dictator Xi's cult extends its suppression of the truth to all areas of life that might concern him. Although the doctor that first reported Covid-19 has posthumously been declared a hero (once dead, he could no longer say anything embarrassing), others have since been jailed for showing the truth.
Threats of violence against civil war reenactors said that they came from "Antifa", and led to much criticism of Antifa's absurdly extreme position. Turns out this was a false-flag attack, intended to hurt the reenactors and Antifa.
Sanders supports ending the NSA's power to keep track of all phone calls in the US. If you do too, phone your congresscritter ASAP, since the decision will be made in the next two weeks.
Here is more about the issue.
The prosecutors in the Assange hearing are arguing that the extradition limits in the UK-US extradition treaty do not actually limit extradition — that the subsequent extradition law makes the treaty irrelevant. Craig Murray, who as an ambassador has participated the process of passing laws to implement treaties, explains why this is backwards. The law's purpose is to implement what the treaty says.
An appeals court blocked two of the bully's schemes to hurt asylum-seekers, including making them wait in Mexico for a hearing.
*Facebook, Google and Twitter Rebel Against Pakistan’s Censorship Rules.*
They rarely do anything I admire, but I can't deny I admire this.
Nonetheless, I urge you to refuse to be used by Facebook.
The bully told the Department of Justice to hunt for opportunities to strip immigrants of their US citizenship.
Around the world, developers are converting residences in cities to luxury housing, and making life in the city almost impossible for the non-rich. They buy the government's support.
One cause of this is the world's increasing urbanization. China has made a giant effort to build new cities. The US has hardly tried to address the problem.
Caitlin Johnstone: *To Be Assanged: Notes From The Edge Of The Narrative Matrix.*
*Warren and Schakowsky Introduce Part-Time Worker Bill of Rights to Battle Companies That 'Skimp on Wages and Benefits'.*
*No, Elizabeth Warren – taking Super Pac money is not girl power.*
I am disappointed with this, too. Sure, she would like to win — but this is compromising part of what used to be her principles.
A heated competition tends to have that influence on people who are falling behind. "I'll make a little moral concession, and then I will win, and I will do a lot of good." But if that one concession to wrongdoing doesn't enable you to take the lead — or if the opponent makes the same moral concession — you will be back in the same situation.
*US and Taliban sign peace agreement aimed at ending Afghanistan war.*
Ending the war would be a very good thing. It would not make the conman/truth-hater an acceptable president, because preserving democracy in the US is more important than ending this war.
Obama could have done this if he had had the will to do it. Indeed, Dubya could have made a similar deal in the summer of 2001. The Taliban were talking about the idea, but Dubya gave Afghanistan low priority at the time.
If the millions of Americans who have no medical insurance catch Covid-19, they may die because otherwise they'd starve.
And what if they have to go to work even though sick, because they have no sick pay?
Covid-19 demonstrates that keeping us healthy is something we need to do together.
The Voatz "mobile voting app" was designed with worthless "security".
Because the app is nonfree, it is no surprise that its "security" is a joke. But even if the app itself had no security holes, the phone it runs on does have them. Taking votes by computer is nuts, and letting people vote on their own computers is stun-nuts.
California's groundwater regulations prioritize farms over human residents. The humans are running out of water, while the farms are unsustainable and will need to shut sooner or later anyway.
Turkey and Russia/Assad are sliding into war in Idlib, but Turkey is attacking Assad's forces while Russia attacks Turkey's forces.
Craig Murray reports on the dispute about whether the crime Assange is accused of is a "political offense" under the extradition treaty, and whether the treaty matters at all.
Murray, as a former ambassador of the UK, knows more about how treaties and laws interact than the judge and prosecuting attorney know.
*Plan to drain Congo peat bog for oil could release vast amount of carbon.*
Drying peat bogs is enough to make them burn sooner or later. The trees burn, and the peat burns too.
People in some places have extracted peat to use as a fuel.
Bloomberg has literally put state-level Democratic Party officials on his payroll.
There is no law against this — though there ought to be — but it is no less corrupt for all that. It demonstrates that he would be hardly any improvement over the current corruptor.
Luxembourg has made all public transit gratis, to reduce use of cars.
Most of the Democratic Party's "superdelegates", those who will vote at the convention but are not selected by voters, seem to want to block Sanders from running at any cost — even the destruction of the Democratic Party.
Some "moderate" Democrats openly tell the public to like it or lump it, if that happens.
*DNC Superdelegate Promoting Brokered Convention Is a Significant GOP Donor, Health Care [business] Lobbyist.*
A UK court ruled that building an additional runway for Heathrow Airport is illegal because it conflicts with the UK's commitment to reduce CO2 emissions.
*For first time it seems impact of human activity has outweighed holy grail of economic growth.*
*[MIT statisticians'] New Study Finds No Evidence of OAS Fraud Claims, "Very Likely" Evo Morales Won Bolivia’s October Elections in the First Round.*
Two NPR journalists smeared Sanders with FUD, falsifying the views of American voters (about Sanders, about issues) just as servants of plutocracy usually do.
In the late 1990s I noticed that NPR journalists frequently attacked President Clinton from the right. My dismay developed into disapproval and I stopped listening to NPR news.
Corporations like having healthcare linked to employment. They like having people held captive in jobs they hate for fear that they’ll lose their health coverage.*
And other reasons why big companies will fight to the death — their workers' death — against any plan that will assure those workers get medical care.
US citizens: call on congress and the DOJ inspector general to investigate the process of reversing the Roger Stone sentencing recommendation.
An oil company has given up on plans to drill for oil off Australia's southern coast.
UCLA has yielded to public pressure and decided not to install face recognition technology.
I suggest sending a message of appreciation. Here is what I sent.
From: Richard StallmanTo: chancellor@ucla.edu cc: media@stratcomm.ucla.edu cc: rms bcc: lia@fightforthefuture.org Subject: Thank you for no face recognition bcc: rms-outgoing@gnu.org Reply-To: rms@gnu.org --text follows this line-- I am very gratified to read that UCLA decided not to use face recognition technology. It is not illegal to deploy systematic face recognition, but it ought to be, since it is the foundation for repression. All organizations have the responsibility to help prevent face recognition from becoming widespread. See https://gnu.org/philosophy/surveillance-vs-democracy.html for why that level of surveillance is incompatible with democracy. Also https://stallman.org/articles/real-privacy-laws.html.
Some migrants in US immigration prison are on hunger strike and being force-fed. They are being held waiting for hearings to decide whether they can have asylum.
How do people become billionaires? Not by investment in the usual sense. They do it by preparing to capture a windfall before someone else does. To capture the windfall does not mean earning it.
Public opposition induced the backers of a planned pipeline for fracked gas, in New York and Pennsylvania, to give up on it.
Such decisions are not always final. They may propose it again, with some details changed.
Errol Graham died because the UK cut off his welfare benefits because he missed an appointment. His unsent letter to the officials who did that begs them to "judge [him] fairly." He was too depressed to send it, or take any action except to huddle in a quilt as he starved.
*Thousands of people in the UK are dying from the cold, and fuel poverty is to blame.*
*How Alabama blocked a man from voting because he owed [the state] $4.*
What is said in Assange's hearing, Assange cannot hear, because he is kept in a glass box. He has to get a summary from his lawyers — but not very often, as they are forbidden to speak with him in the court.
The Department of "Health" refuses to commit to making Covid-19 vaccine affordable for all Americans.
This is terribly foolish, because it would forfeit the chance of achieving herd immunity and thus eradicating the disease.
Party of famously rainy New Zealand is suffering from an unheard-of drought.
US citizens: call on Congress to pass the MORE Act, which would legalize marijuana.
The page displays in an ugly way in IceCat — it looks better in lynx. Both browsers allow you to sign this without running nonfree JavaScript code; in IceCat you should enable LibreJS to make sure that code does not run.
Palau has banned commercial fishing on most of its waters. The protection needs to be re-balanced, because people have entirely stopped catching tuna and now catch the more rare (and more easily threatened) reef fish instead.
People should not draw the simplistic conclusion that marine protected areas are a bad idea. Stricter protection on reefs, along with allowing some additional area for fishing for tuna, might correct the problem.
*'In Chile, In Guatemala, In Iran': Sanders Applauded for Highlighting US Record of Overthrowing Governments Around the World.*
In order for the US to quit the coup addiction, it needs to start by recognizing it.
Billionaires are accustomed to getting the US government to do their bidding, and feeling poor compared to decabillionaires, that they believe they naturally deserve to rule and don't grasp what poor Americans suffer.
*'I Bough...—I, I Got Them': Bloomberg Almost Admits to Buying Members of Congress.*
I suppose he was going to say that he bought their offices for them rather than that he bought them. After all, slavery is still illegal in the US, and so is bribery — unless it is indirect and disguised.
The conman's campaign has sued the New York Times for libel based on a story which asserted that the conman had an "overarching deal" with Russia to help get him elected.
That was four years ago. It would be entirely in character for the conman to make such a deal, but I can't remember whether we had evidence showing he had done so. I would like to see what the Times says to support that claim. It is somewhat closer to truthful than the conman is, but it often presents half-truths, as cited in many political notes.
It is extremely difficult for a public figure (in particular, any candidate for office) to win a libel lawsuit in the US. Since the suit a New York State matter, the conman hasn't got much influence to pervert justice with. Maybe he plans to drop the suit after the election.
The school-to-prison pipeline begins in Florida at age 6.
At least the thug was fired.
WHO and UNICEF: Children's "collective concerns must now be heard, and effective actions taken to prevent the next generation inheriting an irreversibly damaged planet."
Starbucks is firing staff for organizing a union.
(satire) *the American Psychiatric Association announced Thursday the supplemental addition of “Obsessive Categorization of Mental Conditions” to the fifth edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual Of Mental Disorders.*
*Barbaric': 8 Million Americans Have Been Forced to Start Crowdfunding Campaigns to Cover Medical Costs, Survey Shows.*
British MP Debbie Abrahams leads a parliamentary group concerned with occupied Kashmir. She went to India bearing a valid visa and India without warning said her visa was cancelled.
This is typical behavior of authoritarian truth-denying governments; compare with Israel and the US.
Kashmir remains under military occupation, and last I heard, most people there are still denied internet access.
The corruptor is replacing many US civil servants with people personally loyal to him.
Some ocean bottom species live only in in a small area of the bottom. A single zinc mine could cause extinction.
Lead poisoning from lead paint continues to stunt the intelligence of many US children.
Your Man in the Public Gallery – Assange Hearing Day 2. The judge is so hostile towards Assange that when his lawyer, joined by the prosecutor, call on her to ask the prison officials not to persecute him (so he would be able to participate properly in his case), when they both said this was normal practice and that prison officials usually followed judges' advice, she said she had never heard of such a thing.
At the end, she announced that UK law authorized extradition for political offenses. Shame on the UK, if that is true.
The arguments in Assange's extradition hearing show that he is being prosecuted for journalism.
Google directs some email from political campaigns to secondary mailboxes. More from some campaigns than from others.
Armed gangs of Hindu extremists in Delhi are carrying out a pre-planned pogrom against Muslims. Often the uniformed thugs support the unofficial thugs.
The gangs were urged on by an official of the Hindu-extremist BJP, which is the ruling party. I suspect it organized the gangs, too, to win more votes in the Delhi election. Bigotry against Muslims is its platform. Prime Minister Modi got his initial political boost from presiding over a pogrom in the state of Gujarat, where he was a state official.
The conman and Modi are made for each other: each shift his country towards hate and cruelty.
*Living under an oligarchic system, we should develop a healthy skepticism of the actions of billionaires, whether they are running for office, bankrolling other candidates or giving billions to charity.*
*'String of Intentional Outright Lies': Bloomberg Campaign Deletes Tweets Containing Fake Quotes of Sanders Praising Despotism.*
Climate Defense Team endorses Sanders for president. Comparing all the presidential candidates' climate defense plans, it finds that Sanders's plan comes closest to what is needed to save the ecosphere.
*There is nothing radical about Bernie Sanders’ views on Israel, yet the American Jewish establishment seems bent on portraying the Democratic front-runner as an anti-Semite.*
What those organizations can't stand is that Sanders takes the two-state solution seriously and is willing to press for it. They present themselves as representing all American Jews, but most of them agree rather with Sanders.
*The IDF Spokesman Announces: Continue to Shoot Palestinian Children.*
Slavoj Zizek: *US enters brutal ideological civil war as four-party system begins to take form.*
I disagree partially. It is a mistake to talk about four parties; really there are only three. There are still some "moderate" Republicans (though they are even further from what most Americans stand for than the "moderate" Democrats) who disagree with the bullshitter, but hardly any dare to stand against the extremist Republican Party.
The US had real moral leadership during World War II and the Cold War. In some places and times its behavior was consistent with its stated principles, especially in Europe and Japan, even as in other parts of the world the US supported colonial empires or economic elites.
Meanwhile, the US contended against horrible enemies. Communist Russia and China committed massive crimes. Imagine if the bully could have anyone in the US imprisoned or shot, as a whim, and nobody dared to hint at disobedience; that's what Stalin's rule was like. In China, Mao's delusional "Great Leap Forward" caused an artificial famine that killed millions. There too, no one dared criticize. The imprisonment of a million Uighurs for brainwashing is a sample of what Mao's rule was like.
These were not merely a low standard of comparison against which US looked better than it was. They were real enemies on a global scale.
In today's United States, the good aspects have faded while the bad ones have increased. But we know that the way forward is with Sanders and his political revolution.
When our land was great before, We taxed the rich a whole lot more.
*To connect the enclaves that make up Kedumim, [illegal Israeli colonists] seized control of a central road serving Palestinians and blocked their access to it.*
*Israeli ["settlers"] torch Palestinian school in latest 'price tag' attack.*
India has released some of the arbitrarily-imprisoned political leaders of Kashmir. But the former highest leaders are still in prison.
Physicians for Human Rights reports on how the bully's family separation policy amounts to torture — and often included intentional cruelty to the parents and their children.
*Bloomberg effort to mock Sanders with tweets praising dictators backfires.*
Over and over, plutocratists accuse progressives of exactly what the plutocratists often do. Supporting and praising dictators is a perfect example.
The conviction of Weinstein shows that victim-blaming and millions no longer assure impunity.
Black students in some countries' public schools often face punishment because of the shape and form of their hair, which doesn't easily comply with the rules designed based on white students.
*A 'brokered convention' designed to block Bernie Sanders would be a poison pill.*
We will see whether the Democratic Party is so obedient to plutocrats (including Bloomberg) that it will destroy itself at their command in order to block Sanders.
Bloomberg is spending a lot of money to make that happen.
Buttigieg has morphed into a plutocratist tool to attack Sanders, along with progressive political ideas.
Because Chilean thugs systematically shot protesters in the eye, people have painted bloody eye sockets on statues around Chile.
Craig Murray reports on how Julian Assange's extradition hearing is being stage-managed as a show trial. The public is nearly excluded, and the mainstream media quote from prosecutors' press release instead of reporting on the real matters at stake.
The whole article is worth reading. The details are far worse than I would have supposed.
*Julian Assange was handcuffed 11 times, stripped naked twice and had his case files confiscated after the first day of his extradition hearing, according to his lawyers, who complained of interference in his ability to take part.*
To do this to a person who has never shown any tendency to violence, and who is hardly able to access weapons, is sheer political theater as well as sabotage of his defense.
Sanders will not attend the AIPAC event: "You can support the Palestinian and Israeli people without supporting leaders or organizations that oppose the freedom and liberation of the Palestinian people."
China has sentenced kidnapped book publisher Gui Minhai to 10 years in prison.
(satire) *the United States unveiled a plan Monday for the rest of the world to become carbon-neutral by 2030.*
Sanders proposes federally-funded prekindergarten and child care for young children, as an investment in America's future.
Greyhound has stopped allowing deportation thugs to enter buses at will and demand to see passengers' ID.
Governments meeting about protecting biodiversity have presented a "Global Rescue Plan", but aside from the name, it is inadequate.
Public pressure for climate defense convinced a mining company to drop its application to start a new tar sands oil mine.
UK plans to keep prisoners, that were convicted of somehow supporting terrorism (which can include having copies of propaganda or information), longer in prison can backfire by giving prisoners more of a chance to further radicalize each other.
Whatever we do to those prisoners, it has some chance of reducing terrorism and some chance of inciting more terrorism. No perfect solution is known. It is foolish to presume that "tougher equals better."
1/3 of the population of Venezuela has trouble getting food.
This is partly because of Maduro's foolish policies, and partly because of crushing US sanctions on Venezuela.
*Bloomberg’s Investment Portfolio Includes Bets on Private Equity, Fracking.*
Half a million people in Britain live in buildings with flammable "cladding" insulation, and they face the threat of enormous bills to replace it — bills they cannot ever pay.
3/4 of Americans support the Equal Rights Amendment. 3/4 of Americans also believe the Constitution already requires equal rights for men and women. I wonder how the two questions, and their answers, relate. Did the pollsters inform people about the current situation before asking whether they support the amendment?
The US mainstream media have thrown a series of fabrications and exaggerations at Sanders, but now that we have actual election results, we can see they are not true.
US mainstream media's coverage of Sanders is not just subtly wrong. It is thoroughly and persistently disconnected from reality.
Protesters are blocking train tracks in Canada to protest the planned planet-roaster pipeline to Canada's west coast.
The indigenous Wet’suwet’en group continues to resist attempts to build the pipeline across its land.
*Beware the politics of identity. They help legitimize the toxic far right.*
The US and the Taliban have agreed on a truce and are considering a peace deal if the truce holds.
*[Thugs], Prosecutors, and Republicans Are Looking to Undo a Criminal Justice Reform in New York.*
A fable about what happens if all life activities are managed over the internet, and it goes down.
Cash will continue to work.
People who criticize the cost of Sanders's plans to fix our pressing problems fail to compare them with the cost of not fixing them.
Except for Warren, the other candidates don't propose to really fix them.
Gentrification is replacing old fashioned food stalls and food trucks with "gourmet" versions inside chic markets, that make the food a little fancier and far more expensive.
They may enable you to formulate a romantic fantasy of your meal, as long as you can afford to eat there.
The bully is preparing to ban unions for the civilian workers in the Defense Department.
A right-wing MSNBC anchorman compared Sanders's success in Nevada with the German conquest of France in World War II.
One crucial difference which he disregarded is that Sanders is doing well in a peaceful, democratic election, whereas France in 1940 was defeated by a military invasion. Many MSNBC commentators are also smearing Sanders.
India built a wall so that the bullshitter would not be able to see a slum during his visit there.
Supposedly this was for "security reasons", and that might be true in an ironic way. If he had seen the poor people's improvised houses, who knows what he might have done? Bomb the whole city?
Bloomberg News killed Michael Forsythe's article about intimate financial dealings of relatives of Chinese party officials, because it didn't want to jeopardize its sales in China. Then it fired him, and demanded repayment of money provided for him to move to Hong Kong unless both he and his wife signed a nondisclosure agreement. Then it threatened to sue them if she didn't.
She, Leta Hong Fincher, now reports on those events. Bloomberg News seems to demand others bow meekly to its threats just as it bows to China's threats.
Bravo Ms Fincher!
New exhaust scrubbers now required for ships keep toxic pollutants out of the air by sending them into the ocean instead. This is not necessarily better.
A worst-likely-case scenario for 2050 if the planet-roasters remain in control.
Some have envisioned the complete extinction of humanity. I think that is unlikely. People survived with low tech in harsh environments before, and could do so again, albeit in small numbers (most of humanity would be killed by such a transition).
CommonDreams reports that Emily's List and the Center for American Progress silenced their criticism of Bloomberg because they couldn't do without his donations.
That's the power oligarchs enjoy. In the same way, Bill Gates's money ensured that hardly anyone in the field of education would criticize his plans to restructure public schools in the US.
Teaching assistants at the University of Santa Cruz are on strike and are threatened with being fired from their assistantships.
(satire) *General Motors unveiled Friday their new 14-seat, 11-door, 7-wheel, 4-trunk Chevrolet Teton.*
Always paying cash (as I do) can save you lots of money by helping you decide not to buy. It is important to learn to appreciate that, each you consider buying.
And that's not to mention the most important thing it can give you: privacy!
Bolivia's court says Evo Morales cannot run for senator in Bolivia because he is not a resident there. What a sick excuse! (He has taken refuge in exile since the coup in November, only 3 months ago.)
Safe drinking water advocates applauded the public pressure which forced the EPA on Thursday to announce it would regulate substances known as "forever chemicals"—but warned the new rules could take years to have an impact on water safety.*
*Democrats Call on White House to Ensure Any Coronavirus Vaccine Is Not [a Monopoly] for Big Pharma.*
*'No Tolerance': Union Urges DCCC to Cut Off Support to Dems Who Voted Against Pro-Labor Bill.*
The bill passed the house despite them, but when a "Democrat" is as Republican as that, the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee should not support per.
People demonstrate racist and sexist bias in showing sympathy for someone who reports pain. When the sufferer is black, or female, others often look for excuses to disbelieve the report.
The British state tells schools and other institutions to report people for nonviolent commitment to dissenting positions such as protecting the environment, and animal rights.
It was only a matter of time before this mechanism was put to the service of labeling dissent as "terrorism".
Decreased acquaintance with neighbors in the UK is marching along with increased use of antisocial media.
A US Republican politician tried to bribe Assange to say that Putin was not involved in leaking DNC emails, offering him a pardon. Assange refused.
There is a disagreement about whether that offer came from the conman or not, but I don't think that detail changes anything.
Bravo for opposition shadow-minister McDonnell for speaking up for Assange.
Sanders would work to reduce the global problems that Putin derives his power from exploiting: tax havens (plutocracy), dependence on fossil fuels, and seeing international relations as a zero-sum competition for power.
The Democratic candidates running against Sanders would welcome superdelegates giving them the nomination.
There is a real danger that that will happen.
Australia's main opposition party now calls for prioritizing ending greenhouse emissions.
His plans have the usual faults — too late, and too little (net-zero emissions sounds nice but offsetting tends to be self-delusion). Nonetheless, this is a big step forward.
Too bad it is over 2 years to the next election there.
Warren and other candidates put Bloomberg on the spot in the Democratic debate, mostly for his personal politics, but also for his political positions.
The Onion's satire in which the DNC asks the bullshitter to run as a Democrat is just a small exaggeration of what it is doing by facilitating his fellow billionaire, Bloomberg.
"If he wins the presidency, striking a 'grand bargain' with Mitch McConnell to cut our earned benefits is likely to be among his top priorities."
Australia seeks to arrest and try the Australians accused of supporting PISSI, who are now in prison in Syria.
That is the right thing to do with them — not exile them.
A white-supremacist terrorist murdered 9 people in bars in Germany, then killed himself. He was inspired by US right-wing extremist conspiracy theories.
The Nazi-like AfD party is accused of fomenting this hatred.
Ironically, there really is a conspiracy in the US to abuse and torture children (plus a larger number of teenagers), operating at locations that are inaccessible. It is a right-wing conspiracy, created by the bully and operated by the US Department of Hatred and Suffering (DHS). Its victims are imprisoned immigrants.
The latest Australian excuse to ban environmentalist protests is claiming the protests are making an unsafe workplace.
Tories have brought renewed misery to Britons that don't own a house.
However, Bogus Johnson is making specific exceptions to the policy of crushing the non-rich, cutting into the resentment against making people suffer without eliminating all the suffering.
1/4 of all tweets about global heating come from denialist bots.
Low-paid UK university staff, including teachers, are on strike.
Global heating is slowly drying up the Colorado River. The resulting drought could force millions of people to move.
California is also drying due to global heating.
*Leaked Reports Show EU Police Are Planning a Pan-European Network of Facial Recognition Databases.*
Congressional representatives say that US intelligence warned them that the Russian disinformation army is still at work, supporting the conman.
Russian election meddling is a real danger, but I expect that Koch election meddling and Bloomberg election meddling are bigger dangers.
Ideas for teaching children media literacy.
Methane emissions from fossil fuel extraction seems to be 25%-40% more than previously thought. This implies that cuts in extraction will make an even bigger and faster difference. Let's get cracking!
Locusts in East Africa threaten 25 million people with hunger.
FFII contends that the departure of Britain from the EU has invalidated the "unitary patent" agreement, and this offers a chance to kill it permanently.
This is important because that deal would make the European Patent Office effectively autonomous regarding the question of which ideas are patentable — and it would certainly take advantage of that to rule that computational ideas are patentable.
This offers one more chance to try to save software from patents in Europe. FFII will campaign to do this, and I will offer my help.
There is no time to wait for more data before taking action to prevent the insect apocalypse. The danger is desperately urgent.
When you need to stop the train before it runs off the broken bridge, you can't afford to spend a minute calculating precisely how hard to push the brakes.
After the UK's exit from the European Union, Google plans to move the data about UK residents to the US. It will be able to do this because the GDPR will no longer apply
The GDPR are inherently weak, because they aim at "protection of data" already collected, rather than at preventing the collection of data about people's activities.
The US has blocked Eyal Weizman from visiting Miami to open an exhibit about his work. He leads Forensic Architecture, which investigates human rights violations world-wide.
The border thugs said that a computer program suggested he was a security threat. However, it was the humans who decided to heed that suggestion. They demand a list of all citizens of Syria, Iran, Iraq, Yemen or Somalia that he has met, and invite him to volunteer names of everyone else he knows who might perhaps be somehow suspect. In effect, "conduct a fishing expedition on yourself."
In the course of investigating human rights violations he has talked with witnesses from those countries, people of various political affiliations. To turn him into a US spy on all of them could benefit the US government, both by getting more information for its giant data bases, and by getting a lever with which to ruin his career at any time. It could use that lever to stop him from investigating human rights violations committed by the US.
He was wise to this danger, and refused to give the information.
In the past, being caught doing this would have chastened the US. The bullshitter will boast of having damaged two birds (human rights investigation, and justice) with one lie.
In Fiji, large trees protected crops from the wind and waves of a hurricane — in farms that had not cut the trees down.
(For reasons of tradition, the term "hurricane" is not used for storms in the South Pacific, but it's the same kind of storm.)
Many kinds of computer components have processors which contain nonfree preinstalled firmware that can be altered maliciously by anyone with bad intentions.
Some require the firmware to be signed with a particular key. In those, to alter the firmware maliciously requires the aid (willing or unwilling) of the manufacturer. Still not secure.
Real security requires that the device not allow modification of the firmware through the connectors for normal use of the device.
AI programs that are claimed to recognize emotions from facial expressions have to be bogus, because different people express the same emotion with different expressions.
Trying to refute internet propaganda lies often backfires and has the overall effect of spreading them further. It's best for most of us to ignore them.
*Fox in the Henhouse: Koch-Backed Opponent of Consumer Financial Protection Bureau Chairs Taskforce to Evaluate Its Regulations.*
Everyone: call on Facebook to delete false political ads.
The UK plans to push hard to end immigration of low-wage workers. We will find out if it really achieves a increase of standards of living and of productivity.
Scandinavian countries have a different approach: tax the rich more and spend more on helping people. That method visibly does work.
The bully demonstrated his contempt for all attempts to restrain corruption by pardoning a number of corrupt officials and crooks.
Sanders put it well.
Amazon's Ring surveillance cameras are marketed as a way to catch burglars and reduce burglary, but there is no evidence that they really do either one.
This seems to be a campaign of marketing that uses fear to manipulate people.
China's early coverup for Covid-19, and the resulting epidemic, has led to mass demand for freedom of speech, just as the state is applying quarantine via threats far beyond the normal level of cruelty.
One example is Chen Qiushi, who has reported from Wuhan. A week ago, he was apparently disappeared and his mother could not find him.
*Impunity Guaranteed for Torturers (and Presidents).* None of the US government's torturers has been held responsible. Before the bully, Dubya and Obama protected them.
Bloomberg has not stopped pushing to cut Social Security, but he has learned to be more cagey about it.
*Buttigieg and Centrist Dems Want a Military Response to Climate Change. That’s Dangerous.*
They want to enhance the military's capacity to fend off refugees and flood waters. That won't enable the United States of 2060 to survive as a free and stable country.
*Greenpeace Finds Labels on Plastic Products "Mislead the Public and Harm America's Recycling Systems"*. Many plastic objects that are labeled for recycling cannot really be recycled in the US today.
WHO: *The world is failing to ensure children have a 'livable planet'.*
A certain level of hunting is ecologically sustainable. In the case of deer, it is absolutely necessary.
What it's like for a Dalit to "pass" as Brahmin: fear of making one little mistake that will give it away.
Urban trees and hedges absorb air pollution. They also soak up rain, thus reducing flooding.
"Neglected" tropical diseases have harmed hundreds of millions of people. We are on the verge of eradicating some of them, but if we don't push on and reach that point, they will spread again.
Utah Republicans have become aware all of a sudden of harm global heating can do.
US citizens: call on Congress to ban face recognition in schools.
If you sign, please spread the word!
US citizens: call on the judge presiding over Assange's extradition hearing not to extradite him.
If you sign, please spread the word!
US citizens: call on Bloomberg to fund racial justice groups instead of a presidential campaign.
If you sign, please spread the word!
An interview with Alan Singer about what schools can do to lead students away from hate.
Notably, schools can't do the whole job of eradicating racism and bigotry. That requires changing the conditions of inequality that people grow up in.
*"We can’t afford healthcare": US hospital workers fight for higher wages.*
Henry Ford famously paid the workers of his car factory enough that they could buy his cars.
Bloomberg aims to privatize public schools, much like DeVos.
*The Escalating Class War Against Bernie Sanders.*
China's medical system, overwhelmed by people sick with Covid-19 coronavirus, is unable to treat them all, so China is censoring people who talk about needing help.
To be ready to treat so many sick people is not easy. Are other countries stockpiling what they will need? In the US, Republicans tend to neglect such preparations because they don't care about non-rich people. The bully cares even less than usual.
The amount of online purchasing of goods has brought about mountains of additional packaging waste.
*Researchers find a western-style diet can impair brain function. After a week on a high fat, high added sugar diet, volunteers scored worse on memory tests.*
*Beavers cut flooding and pollution and boost wildlife populations — according to a five-year study of animals in Devon.*
*The Volunteer by Jack Fairweather review – the hero who sent himself to Auschwitz.*
Jan Karski infiltrated the guards of a Nazi murder camp, and since he was not a prisoner, he found it easy enough to leave to report on the murder methods. Later, in the US, he reported this to officials, who did not believe what he told them. He recounted this is in his book, Story of a Secret State.
Reasons to imprison Uighurs in brainwashing camps include *growing a beard, wearing a veil or accidentally visiting a foreign website.*
(satire) *DNC Offers Startup $500 Million To Develop Pencil That Can Accurately Record Election Results.*
*More Than 2,000 Former US Department of Justice Officials Tell William Barr: Resign Now!*
The Afghan government's soldiers say the reason they are fighting is for the pay. They can't find other work.
Meanwhile, the Taliban soldiers are fighting mainly because the US side has killed their relatives. That is not a deep commitment, but it is stronger than a salary. No wonder the Taliban keep gaining. But this suggests that if the US stops fighting them, in a few years they will not be motivated to fight the US any more.
Washington State is considering a law to put its waters off limits to bottling.
Dicamba, Monsanto's latest herbicide, the next generation after Roundup, is meant to be used with genetically engineered resistant crops. But it drifts off the field and poisons nearby farms. Monsanto has been ordered to pay 15 million dollars in compensation to a large peach farm that has been destroyed, plus 250 million in punitive damages.
Will it be possible to rebuild the production there, or is it lost forever?
After the US-supported coup in Honduras in 2009, the country has suffered two more attacks against the constitutional order, both with US support of course.
The UK never set up a system for Parliament to review or approve trade treaties. Ministers and officials write them in secret and impose them.
Any bad law can be policy-laundered this way, and a trade deal with the US under any plausible president but Sanders or Warren will surely do great harm.
The article falls into the common error of talking about "intellectual property" as if that term referred to some specific thing.
*The great vape debate: are e-cigarettes saving smokers or creating new addicts?*
The UK, France and other countries are blocking their citizens captured by Rojava (for supporting PISSI) from returning home.
The Kurds are now reluctantly trying them for their crimes, but are not in a position to reliably keep people in prison for decades.
US citizens: call on Connecticut to make phone calls for prisoners gratis.
If you sign, please spread the word!
US citizens: call on the Senate to extend the deadline on ratifying the Equal Rights Amendment.
If you sign, please spread the word!
US citizens: call on Congress to Ban local subsidies for Amazon Ring snooping cameras.
If you sign, please spread the word!
Politicians in the UK, Europe and Australia are starting to campaign against extradition of Julian Assange.
The sad thing is that Bogus Johnson has a pattern of contempt for everything that gets in his way. He does not care about Assange, one way or the other; he is negotiating a deal with the conman, so I expect him to offer Assange in exchange for some of what he does want.
*Will Tennessee Kill a Man Who Saved Lives on Death Row?*
*A Professor Was Called a Pedophile Because of His Work.*
*Deportations to Jamaica, the Shamima Begum case and Windrush betray a woeful regard for the notion of citizenship* in the UK. *negligence of a basic human right for many of its own citizens.*
This puts "all children of immigrants, all Jews and everyone from Northern Ireland" at risk of arbitrary exile.
Personal medical data is a special case, among data bases of personal data, because there is a pressing reason to collect it and a pressing reason to look for patterns in it. Perhaps the data can be made safe through a system where no company or researcher can have a copy of the data, or unlimited access to it; rather, they have to submit queries to be vetted.
*In his assault on justice, Trump has out-Nixoned Nixon.*
*Bloomberg and [the conman] are two sides of the same sinister coin.*
The use of untrustworthy computers and software in elections — in other words, any computers and software — turns any mishap, even an accidental one, into a source of distrust. People worry that the system was "hacked" (that is, cracked).
There is a danger that Russian crackers will break the security and alter the results. But I am more worried about that the voting machine companies or election authorities will alter the results. They can do this without cracking the security — they simply step around it.
The UK's policy of budget cuts for everything except enriching the rich has undermined efforts to de-radicalize terrorists.
The US government subsidizes some cattle ranching businesses by charging a pittance for letting their cattle graze on public land.
This subsidy to beef promotes eating too much beef, which is bad for individual health and for the survival of a livable climate. It should end.
*Mike Bloomberg Claims He Cut Stop and Frisk by 95 Percent — After Increasing It Seven Fold.*
He misrepresents his past actions in several ways, and denies his documented past racism.
*Foreign-Funded Dark-Money Groups Lobby IRS to Repeal Remaining Reporting.*
This illustrates a standard phenomenon: the rich lobby to change the rules in their favor.
A worst-likely-case projection of climate disaster in 2050.
If you have a child this year, that's what per 30th birthday could be like. Per 40th would be even worse. Unless you want to do that to someone you love, don't have one!
Each birth avoided will make it a little less bad.
The DCCC and Pelosi are supporting Rep. Cuellar, who is so plutocratist that the Koch brothers support him too.
(satirical title) After [the bully] Shoots Susan Collins In the Middle of 5th Avenue, She Says She's "Troubled" But Still Supports Him.
This is not the Onion. The title is extrapolation, but the article is serious criticism of Senator Collins.
The conman has the Secret Service pay exorbitant rates for his bodyguards to stay in his hotel when off duty.
This sort of corrupt self-dealing is the conman's basic MO.
A county in Kansas has a peculiar law that arrests people for unpaid medical debt, charges them $500 "bail", and never returns it. The money goes to the gougers, and to a lawyer who implement the scheme.
US citizens: call on Congress to reject the BURN IT act, which would let Barr ban services from supporting effective encryption.
"BURN IT" is not the bill's official name, but describes it accurately.
At most 2C of global heating, around 120,000 years ago, caused at least 3 meters of sea-level rise.
*Of course there’s a globalization backlash. It has failed billions of people.*
Globalization of manufacturing is also a danger for society, because it eliminates redundancy. If only one company knows how to make an XYZ, it is easy for one local disaster to eliminate all the capacity and knowledge of how to make them. This is happening just as we are doing things that will make lots of local disasters.
(satire) *… moderate Democrats were worried Amy Klobuchar could split the crucial people-who-will-vote-for-anybody vote.*
(satire) *Michael Bloomberg’s presidential campaign hired thousands of canvassers Friday to stop black men on the street and force them to hear his campaign pitch.*
Could we say his campaign is getting frisk-y?
One city in the UK has reduced recidivism rates by 15% by offering people charged with certain crimes the opportunity to participate in rehabilitation courses and win deferred prosecution.
This rehabilitation before prosecution is unusual, but US prisons used to provide rehabilitation programs for the convicted. That was eliminated in the 80s when US politicians found they could win elections by promising to be "tough". That is also how the US ended up with the world's highest percentage of population in prison.
Senators to Barr: "The shocking action taken by you or your senior staff to seek special protections for Mr. Stone make a mockery of your responsibilities to seek equal justice under the law."
But Barr has done this more than once: he has a habit of subjecting political cases to special review of the prosecutors' actions, looking for excuses to intervene.
Prosecutors in the US have been known to break the law so as to make trials unfair. It might be a wise policy to give every trial a special review to see if prosecutors violated the defendant's rights — if that were done fairly.
However, special preference for cronies of the conman is not justice. The prosecutors in the Stone case resigned in protest.
Bizarrely, Barr claims that the conman is undermining his authority by tweeting about this. I cannot believe that Barr really wishes to be independent of the conman, or that he is so.
Modeling that considers species' ability to move forecasts 30% of species on Earth could be wiped out in 50 years.
US citizens: call on the FCC not to damage the lifeline program. (It provides phone and internet to poor people at low cost.)
If you sign, please spread the word!
The Senate passed the resolution to deauthorize fighting Iran. However, this is apparently a joint resolution (which requires presidential approval or else a 2/3 supermajority) rather than a concurrent resolution. Why did the Senate choose to do this in a form that won't have legal effect?
British immigration thugs held Rahman Mahafuzer’s six-year-old boy for 10 hours, and refused to call a medic even though the boy was vomiting.
They seem to have blamed the father for the vomit, as if he had intentionally made his son sick just to annoy them.
This is probably indirectly related to leaving the EU, because the campaign stirred up bigotry and this look like an instance of that bigotry.
The oil leaked from the Big Spill in the Gulf of Mexico, in 2010, spread below the surface much farther than was visible on the surface from satellites.
Since fishing was not banned in areas beyond the visible oil slick, that underwater oil could have got into fish which humans then ate.
I wonder if the dispersants that BP poured on the oil, which make the oil mix more with water, played a role in causing that. This response was criticized at the time.
Las Vegas has made it a crime to live on the sidewalk. Someone campaigned for this cruelty because he did not like finding excrement on the street.
They could have addressed the ostensible problem by providing proper toilets instead. But if the real goal was to treat homeless people with contempt, that would not have sufficed.
As for squatting, if people suffer from homelessness and a house is uninhabited, I think they should take it.
The violence of the French thugs was derived from repression in African colonies. Now there is video to prove it, and the state is facing public reprobation.
Amal Clooney and others propose international sanctions against countries that repress journalists.
I am in favor of it. Don't forget the US and UK, for their treatment of Julian Assange.
The UK deported 17 people to Jamaica last week, 7 of them are living in hiding, afraid of being murdered by gangsters who have threatened them or their families.
Delta Airlines announced a plan to become "carbon-neutral". The plan involves ten years of spending. It is not clear whether it includes a specific target to complete the work in ten years.
The biggest weakness in the plan is that it depends on offsetting the emissions, and these offsetting plans are likely to have full effect only over ensuing decades — if they work at all.
(satire) *the Nevada State Democratic Party announced Friday that it had addressed election security concerns by upgrading to a new system of electronic voters.*
Nils Melzer, UN Special Rapporteur on Torture, explains how the legal process against him was rigged from the start and violated legal norms over and over.
Why he is concerned about this case:
The case falls into my mandate in three different ways: First, Assange published proof of systematic torture. But instead of those responsible for the torture, it is Assange who is being persecuted. Second, he himself has been ill-treated to the point that he is now exhibiting symptoms of psychological torture. And third, he is to be extradited to a country that holds people like him in prison conditions that Amnesty International has described as torture. In summary: Julian Assange uncovered torture, has been tortured himself and could be tortured to death in the United States. And a case like that isn’t supposed to be part of my area of responsibility?
Melzer also explains how the legal procedures against Assange in Sweden and the UK were run corruptly all along, violating all norms of justice.
He also explains painstakingly how the Swedish state fabricated charges against Assange, twisting what the two women actually said. Rather than pursuing "justice" for them — supposed "justice" which they did not want — the Swedish state only used them as an excuse for bullshit.
Bloomberg raised funds for a Republican congresscritter in 2018.
Nepal tried to protect Nepalese women from effective enslavement as domestic workers in Persian Gulf countries by prohibiting Nepalese from going there for such jobs. But it didn't stop them, and made them even more vulnerable once there.
Nepal's embassy could give them new passports and fly them back to Nepal. But since Nepal is so poor, maybe cannot afford the flights.
Is there a chance or organizing ship they will take them to India, perhaps once a month? They might have to wait a few weeks on the ship, but it would be better than being stuck in Kuwait as a slave.
The world powers could make these Gulf countries change their policies, if they got together.
In a few decades, the problem may solve itself — those countries probably won't exist any more, due to global heating and sea-level rise. If we can stop them from exporting oil and causing global heating, those countries may stop hiring foreign workers.
Immigrants in California are going without food and medical care for fear of being denied residency for accepting them.
*EU spending tens of millions of euros a year to promote meat eating.*
It is one of many issues where the EU works for the interests of European businesses even to the detriment of Europeans' (and others') life, health, or freedom.
*AIPAC Is Helping Fund Anti-Bernie Sanders Super PAC Ads in Nevada.*
*When Trump interferes with the proper exercise of power, as he did with Roger Stone, he puts at risk the life, liberty and reputation of every American.*
(satire) *Fox News Producer Knows His Work Formulaic But At Least It Helps People Escape Reality For Couple Hours.*
Toxic pollution from fossil fuel is estimated to kill over 4 million people annually.
This does not count the number killed by global heating effects.
Bloomberg acts like a true oligarch, using his money's power to reshape the political system so he can squeeze more money out of it.
The idea of “hate the game, not the player” is sometimes valid when the game is one that people play for recreation — because they can play some other game instead.
However, the idea is inapplicable when they treat our political system as their game and exploit people through it. Those who take advantage of a bad political system to exploit people are always personally culpable, even if the system is too.
*Bloomberg in 2014: "We Should Hope" the NSA Is "Reading Every Email".*
Republicans propose to destroy the climate in order to "save" it. This is done in the most blatant possible way: by extending a tax cut on oil.
*How to Support Your Children in Turning Climate Angst Into Climate Action.*
The comparison with the "Keep America Beautiful" campaign illustrates a common paradigm: business change the system in a way that tends to create a problem, then tells the millions they deal with that compensating for that tendency is their responsibility.
UK universities are ordering academics to keep silent on social media about issues affecting their work environment.
US citizens: call on Congress to investigate the conduct of the war in Afghanistan based on the Afghanistan Papers.
If you sign, please spread the word!
US citizens: call on the Department of Justice to stop the prosecution of drone whistleblower Daniel Hale.
If you sign, please spread the word!
*Earth just had hottest January since records began, data shows.*
A temperature of 20C was observed in Antarctica. That's almost as high as the temperature I like to have in my office.
It feels like spring now in Boston, and it is only February. People with their heads in the sand may think it is comfortable. I find it frightening!
Bloomberg is keeping his actual views out of the limelight, apparently so voters won't notice their disagreements with him. The mainstream media are helping. But he has shown his repressive views.
Obama also hid his views behind the vague slogans of "hope" and "change". I did not expect much of either from him.
Salafi Arabia has agreed to prosecution of airplane crews that carried out specific war crimes, such as attacking a hospital and a wedding party.
Ilhan Omar proposes laws to direct US foreign policy towards international cooperation and encouraging peace, and reducing the president's power of economic warfare.
The insect apocalypse has been measured in the UK and Denmark.
It was previously reported from Germany.
*Bernie Sanders Isn't a Radical — He's a Pragmatist Who Fights to Un-rig the System.*
"Trump wants to destroy Medicaid while claiming to save it." This will kill thousands of poor and disabled Americans.
Sanders got the most votes in New Hampshire Democratic primary, but two corporate Democrats were close behind.
*A humanitarian crisis looms in Africa unless we act fast to stop the desert locust.*
A TV show in Pakistan showed an extramarital affair — unusually, involving a wife rather than a husband. The producer and actors are accused in court of misogyny, putting freedom of expression in danger.
I reject the assumption that monogamy is morally imperative. I refuse to use the words "cheating" and "unfaithful" to describe sex, or romantic love, in conflict with monogamy. I think people should be monogamous if they wish, and not if they don't. When I love a woman, I do not ask her to be monogamous, because I do not think of her as my possession. I simply wish for her to join me in keeping our love going well.
The article refers an the end to the violence in Tom and Jerry cartoons. Americans a few decades ago began to question whether it was a good thing to enjoy that violence. I read that point, and it made me aware of the pain that the violence depicted would cause in reality. I began to identify with the character suffering the violence. I am grateful to those who wrote about this.
But it must not be a crime to show violence in cartoons.
Bogus Johnson wants to politicize the selection of judges in the UK and limit their ability to overturn decisions of government agencies.
In effect, the UK has evolved something comparable to the explicit "checks and balances" of the US Constitution, and Bogus wants to weaken it so he can do whatever he wishes.
In 1960, the UK framed Stephen Ward so he couldn't say that a minister had lied to Parliament. The trial was "a charade, presided over by a judge committed to a conviction." It was characterized by "manipulation of the trial by the lord chief justice."
The UK has not got any more honest. It is now doing something comparable to Julian Assange.
UK thugs set up face recognition cameras looking at the door of a shopping center. They put up signs saying "you are not legally required to go through this area", but that does you no good if you need to go there to shop.
They made a statement about what they would do with the videos, but did they promise not to save the videos and do other things with them later?
*EU accused of climate crisis hypocrisy after backing 32 gas projects.* The amount spent will be over 30 billion dollars that should be spent on defending the climate rather than destroying it.
Damming off the North Sea (and thus the Baltic too) would be a feasible and cost effective way of protecting large parts of northern Europe from inundation due to global heating.
However, it would not protect anyone from the other aspects of climate disaster — that should be the preferred solution.
The UN has published a list of companies linked to Israel's colonies in Palestinian territory.
The UN does not call for boycotting companies with a special tie to these colonies, but I do.
The bully's "peace plan" proposes to hand over some Israeli territory to a future powerless Palestinian "state". The Palestinians living there would rather remain part of Israel.
Amazing respect for justice: a woman facing possible deportation from the UK won a decision that she would not be deported, at least not immediately. But the prison guards tried to force her onto a plane. She resisted this illegal action by fighting back. A court has ruled that this was legitimate self-defense.
*More than two-thirds of the migrants fleeing Central America’s northern triangle countries … experienced the murder, disappearance or kidnapping of a relative before their departure.*
US citizens: Phone your senators and say to pass a "concurrent resolution" deauthorizing war with Iran.
A concurrent resolution does not require the president to sign it.
US gun owners do not feel happier or sleep better than people without guns.
Objectively, having a gun in the house makes people less safe.
*A Canadian Energy Company Bought an Oregon Sheriff’s Unit.* It wasn't officially a purchase, but in effect that's what it was. The unit's purpose was to fight pipeline protesters, and its funds came from a fossil fuel company.
Bogus Johnson is putting his relatives into powerful government positions, much like the conman and Bolsonaro.
113 species of Australian animals need help to survive after the great fires.
Offering shared parental leave from work reduces one of the causes of the gender pay gap: the assumption that women will time off for babies and men will not.
It will also enable babies to feel less stress, which will help them grow up healthier.
The climate crisis will give them too much stress, all too soon, which is part of why people should avoid having babies nowadays. But starting the stress when they are newborns is not a humane way of making this point.
Global heating is damaging the delta of the Río Ebro in Spain, squeezed between two effects of the heat.
On one side, bigger storms start from the higher sea level. On the other, Spain is becoming more arid and needs more water from the river for irrigation.
*Every leading Democratic candidate supports a form of conservation that can reduce greenhouse gases and create jobs in rural America.*
*If Bloomberg Wants to Buy an Election, He Should Run as a Republican Against Trump—Not Sabotage Democrats.*
Why didn't he? He may have judged that the bullshitter's fanatical supporters can't be swayed by mere mainstream media, or that the bullshitter is a master of stirring them up into hatred.
In any case, we have to deal with what he is actually doing.
You can't go far wrong by voting against the candidate supported by lots of expensive TV ads.
*Sudan says it will send former dictator Omar al-Bashir to [the International Criminal Court].*
Chile's very loud labels for food with high sugar, high salt or high fat have had a big impact: consumption of sugar-laden drinks has fallen by about 1/4.
Thugs tend to hold right-wing views, so it is no surprise that they sometimes frame anti-fascists, and sometimes succeed in putting them in prison.
*Utah cuts healthcare costs by flying employees to Mexico for prescriptions.*
Medicare for All, with its plan to negotiate an overall quantity price for drugs (as most European countries do), would eliminate this problem once and for all.
A company that sold encryption systems to 100 countries was controlled by US and German intelligence, and the equipment spied on the governments that used it.
Of course Huawei equipment will do likewise.
Moral: never trust a nonfree program, especially not for encryption.
Many different kinds of human activities are together responsible for driving insects to extinction, and if they die, we die.
*[The saboteur in chief’s] Proposed Budget Cuts Disastrous for Public Health, Clean Energy Investments.* He is going to subsidize coal instead.
He also wants to cut support for food and water.
The house will not pass this budget, but since the bully has said he wants it passed, we can judge him by it.
The US is spreading prudery to workplaces around the world.
If your main way of meeting and getting to know people you could hope to find love with is at work, and you're forbidden to have a relationship with them, you may have no way at all.
The UK is systematically deporting to Jamaica people who have lived in Britain since they were children — in some cases, since they were born.
People who grow up in a country deserve citizenship there, and it is unjust to exile citizens even if they commit crimes. That applies to the UK and the US.
*Pacific Islanders have been experiencing climate-induced disasters for years, now they have reached Australia.*
(satire) *Jared Kushner held a press conference Wednesday to make assurances that the administration’s Israel plan would relocate all Palestinians to a generous swath of the Mediterranean Sea.*
The next stage of global heating will be that of "climate apartheid".
People with more wealth and/or privilege will move to places that are safer from global heating effects.
I forecast that this will be temporary. Once global heating cuts into food production, while population growth leads to more demand for food, increasing numbers will be trapped in hunger. And if wars disrupt the globalized manufacturing system, technology will crash.
There are millions of people who imagine surviving this on their own. That is a pipedream. You can't stockpile a lifetime's worth of food and computers, Even solar cells need to be replaced eventually. In a Mad Max world, only a tiny fraction will survive even 20 years. You are not likely to be one of them.
The only way we can all survive — or at least most people — is to do it together. We have to avoid the situation that will cause climate apartheid.
That means, Sanders for President!
The new NAFTA is a lot less bad than the previous one. But it is still bad, as Sanders points out.
Americans are being pressured towards a state of "total work", in which every waking moment is occupied with one's job.
Referring to writers and artists as "content-producers", as the article does, is a reflection of this change. Please join me in refusing to describe works of art or authorship as "content".
*West Virginia Legislation Would Make Civil Disobedience Against Gas Pipelines a Felony.*
Chinese live under the total surveillance of a totalitarian state. The new face recognition systems can recognize people even wearing masks. And the systems automatically judge everything people do.
In the special emergency of the coronavirus epidemic, I might consider tracking justified as an emergency measure. It could, potentially, save thousands of lives, maybe even millions. I would pay the price of being surveilled to achieve that — if it were used only to prevent the spread of the epidemic, and would be removed when the disease is eradicated.
But once a country gets people used to surveillance, it won't stop surveiling people, and mission-creep is sure to follow.
Meanwhile, the US government uses location data from a commercial database to track unauthorized immigrants. The database is fueled by malicious phone apps.
*Virginia will eliminate a state holiday honoring Robert E. Lee and Stonewall Jackson. It'll make Election Day a day off instead.*
*The FBI Just Put White Nationalists and Neo-Nazis on the Same Threat Level as [PISSI].*
I think that the right-wing extremists are far more dangerous in the US than Islamists. There are other parts of the world where Islamist terrorists are a substantial threat, but they don't have much power here.
EU citizens: contact your MEPs and call on the EU to spend more on green energy and stop financing fossil fuels.
*In Thuringia, mainstream parties have allied with [the neo-Nazi AfD]. The response has been furious and chaotic.*
Can anyone tell me whether this is a case of channeling into bigotry the anger provoked by the all-suffocating power of business over every area of life? That is a foolish response, as the right-wing extremists won't give the non-rich anything but a scapegoat to look down at, but people do it.
The unfolding climate crisis is causing harm, so people fear more harm. This means people suffer from climate anxiety.
Don't let it paralyze you. If that starts to happen, join and work for an organization that works to curb global heating — the Sanders campaign, a Green Party, the Sunrise Movement, Extinction Rebellion.
There are many other systemic injustices that afflict humanity, and working to end any of them will help you feel better about your life. User-subjugating software is one of them; would you like to >help the GNU Project?
*Pete Buttigieg’s Policy Director Has Been Traveling the Country for Months to Meet With “Investors” in His Campaign.*
Senator Warren has a plan to revamp US agriculture to end the dominance of giant agribusiness and the contempt for small farms.
It could offer an opportunity to end wasteful overproduction and exhaustion of resources.
Immigration thugs tried to arrest someone in NYC and did not say they were official thugs. The victim tried to fight them off, and a relative helped. They shot the relative, fortunately not fatally.
There is a long history of prosecution of people who tried to defend themselves from unknown assailants, who later turn out to be official state thugs but did not reveal that at the time. Many of the people were convicted of various crimes for these acts of self-defense.
What were they supposed to do? Use telepathy?
Tim Flannery: *This is the age of the megafire — and it’s being fueled by our leaders.*
Another record high 65F in Antarctica should make us reflect on the coming submergence of New York, Miami, New Orleans, Shanghai, Tokyo, London, Amsterdam, Hamburg, and so many other great cities, after the ice melts.
*Drought and hunger: why thousands of Guatemalans are fleeing north.*
Global heating is gradually making things worse. We can see these people as the start of a wave of central-American climate refugees.
It is not just food that they need. They also need birth control, sterilization and abortion. Desperately supporting an increasing population where food production is falling is as futile as desperately preserving coastal housing as the sea level rises. It will inevitably fail, and cause suffering as described in the article. Humanity must reduce the burden it puts on the Earth!
Goober, which pays drivers peanuts, has changed some details of how it deal with drivers, so as to convince California voters that drivers shouldn't have the right of employees.
Leaving the EU offers the UK opportunities for deregulation, such as *Putting the lead back in paint, the sewage back on beaches and enhancing the lethality of children’s toys.* But even weak regulation needs people to write them and enforce them.
Varoufakis: *The EU's green deal is a colossal exercise in greenwashing.* It proposes to spend a fair pile of money, but that money was already in the plans. The real increases proposed add up to little.
Brazilian artists and musicians: *Brazil’s rightwing regime wants to censor textbooks, spy on teachers, and repress minority and LGBT groups. We need the international community’s support.*
A UK government inspection bureau has investigated 69 suicides possibly caused by cutting off welfare benefits in recent years, but suggests that there may be far more such cases.
The DNC is turning to Bloomberg and his money to block Sanders, but we can still win.
So don't give up!
The corruption of Instagram "influencers" has now reached election campaigns: Bloomberg plans to pay them as campaign advertising.
If influencers are influencing you, you have been suckered. But you don't have to allow this to continue. You can change your habits so that influencers no longer impinge on you.
Did growing up with apps deprive today's teenagers of the chance to learn to spend time on their own, or with a small group of people?
Professor Sussman thinks it also hampered them from learning to do activities as a group. He reports that clubs and community activities of many kinds are dying.
Four ways that global heating of the oceans is causing chaos and destruction, and what we don't yet know about it.
When the RCMP arrested pipeline protesters, it also drove off journalists with a threat to arrest them too.
After three months, Australia's enormous fires are being extinguished by heavy rain.
A pro-occupation campaign group is running ads claiming that Sanders is unelectable — the same old would-be self-fulfilling prophesy that is money can make believable. It doesn't try to argue openly in favor of the occupation of Palestine because Democrats have ceased to support that position.
I don't call it a "pro-Israel" group because defending Israel's existence (as do I, as does Sanders) is not the same thing as defending the occupation of Palestine. The latter is the real bone of contention.
The bully took revenge against impeachment witness Alexander Vindman, who worked for the National Security Council, and against his brother for nothing more than being his brother.
Turkey threatens war with Syria if Assad's forces continue advancing into Idlib.
Idlib is filled with millions of Syrians who are refugees from other parts of Syria that Assad's forces have conquered.
Chinese are honoring the public service of Dr. Li Wenliang, who discovered the coronavirus infection and tried to spread a warning, caught it, and then died.
China suppressed his warning because it was unpleasant news. If China had not been so repressive, the epidemic might have been stopped at the outset, or perhaps only delayed.
Chinese repression shares the responsibility for all the problems caused by the disease, and the Chinese people (on whom the suffering is now chiefly falling) are aware of this.
*Michael Bloomberg is trying to buy the presidency – that should set off alarms.*
If your goal is to save the republic, don't get sucked into a fight between Pompey and Caesar.
A citizen's crimes are no excuse to deny citizenship to per. Each country has the responsibility to treat per as a citizen, even when doing so means prosecution and punishment.
The Australian Labor Party (ALP) is straining to appear preferable to the original Liberal Party while supporting coal nearly as much.
It's not for nothing that it has been called the Alternate Liberal Party.
*More than half of women in Zimbabwe have faced sextortion, finds survey.*
The UK's National Health Service medical records are sold by the millions to data companies — in supposedly "anonymized" form, but they can be de-anonymized.
Continuous partial attention — a state of partial distractedness — could explain why people who are not stupid nonetheless forward fake news which they would recognize as fake after a minute's though.
*How Advocates Are Fighting Voter Suppression.*
Georgetown University has decided to divest from fossil fuels.
Australia's planet-roaster government said it would put limits on greenhouse emissions from big mining and industry companies, but in practice the limits do not limit them — companies get them increased as they wish.
Supporters of the bully did a DOS attack against the Democratic caucus hotline.
Australia is on the verge of prohibiting the use of cash in large amounts.
I don't think I would want to use cash to pay $10,000 or more, However, limits like this tend to start high and get pushed much lower. Some countries have limits of a few hundred dollars.
An officials of the Hinduismist BJP party is calling nonviolent protesters "terrorists" and says to shoot them all.
His statements can be summarized as "MIGA", "Make India Great Again", and it is as bogus as when the bullshitter says that about America.
Glenn Greenwald seems to be safe from prosecution for his journalism, because of a Supreme Court injunction that his journalistic acts are not crimes.
*The principal producer of chlorpyrifos has decided to stop making it. It has been linked to brain damage in children.* However, the Environmental Poisoning Agency has made sure agribusiness will be able to obtain chlorpyrifos elsewhere.
The former Environmental Protection Agency did not stand up to business fully or often enough, but it did some good.
(satire) *Senate Republicans Say One Mistake Should Not Ruin The Life Of A Naive, Promising Young Man Like Trump.*
Two members of the DNC's rules committee work for the Bloomberg campaign.
This is clear evidence of the DNC's bias against Sanders. More evidence is that DNC Chairman Perez, a plutocratist Democrat, demanded that the Iowa caucus work sheets be studied and accumulated again.
A poll by the American Psychological Association found that over half of US adults consider "climate change" the most important issue facing society.
I recommend calling it "global heating", and its consequences "climate mayhem" or "the climate crisis." "Climate change" was introduced on orders of the Dubya administration in the aim of downplaying its importance.
The UK deportation authority gave immigration prisoners cell phones to talk with their lawyers, but they can't get a usable signal in the prison so cannot make plans with their lawyers.
*Forget [the bullshitter's] Lies, Here's the Real Economic State of the Union.*
*Brazil's Bolsonaro unveils bill to allow commercial mining on indigenous land.*
Activists against female genital mutilation have a big task to do and little support.
Posting the codes for the locked toilets of London cafes has made it possible for a lot of people to find a toilet when they need one.
It should be illegal for a restaurant or cafe, with a toilet for patrons, to deny any orderly person the use of it.
Congress Quietly Adopts Exxon Mobil-Backed Law Promoting New Gas Pipeline, Arms to Cyprus.
I don't object to the arms, in this case, but every new fossil fuel facility makes war against humanity and nature.
US citizens: call on Japanese companies to stop financing the Vung Ang 2 coal plant.
If you sign, please spread the word!
Barbara Smith, campaigner for the rights of black women, endorses Sanders.
Russian anti-fascists have been sentenced to 6-18 years in prison for "terrorism".
The official bias towards fascists and against antifascists exists in the US too.
In Canada, pipeline protesters blocked ports and railways to oppose a new fossil fuel pipeline.
As unions endorse Sanders, *Attorneys From Union-Busting Law Firms Are Throwing Support Behind Joe Biden.*
Many colleges and universities in the US lead or pressure their students to agree to be surveilled through portable phones.
The best way for students to resist this is not by hacking the system, but by confronting it. "No, I won't install your app — nonfree apps cannot be trusted." Better, "No, I won't carry a smartphone — the nonfree operating system cannot be trusted." Or do as I do: "No, I won't carry a portable phone — they track people's movements and can listen all the time."
Best of all, organize a group of students to make such a statement together.
When you do that, don't be belligerent in tone. Chances are it never occurred to the staff that surveiling people was an injury to their rights. You must be firm, so don't add anger to that.
Be proud that you are standing up for freedom. Even if you lose, you can be proud of trying.
The US Public Company Accounting Oversight Board is supposed to verify the honesty of the audits that big accounting companies do on publicly-traded corporations. One accounting company, KPMG, corrupted the PCAOB through the "revolving door", even hiring away its employees and telling one of them to regard his new salary as a bribe for telling KPMG which of its audits would be investigated.
To advance the campaign to curb global heating, stop feeling guilty and trying to make small decreases in your own use of fossil fuel, and join efforts to change the system that makes everyone live wastefully.
The exception to "stop feeling guilty" is for activities that make profligate use of fossil fuels. For instance, to have a private jet, a large boat, a mansion, or a child, are things you can and should avoid.
The same advice applies to the campaign against nonfree software. People often write to me asking me to forgive them for using some nonfree software. But I don't ask them to apologize for this; I ask them to support campaigns against nonfree software, such as the GNU Project.
Keith Martin approached a car to wash its windows, The driver was an undercover thug; he shot Mr Martin and then charged him with making a "terrorist threat".
I can understand how the "offer" to wash your windows can be annoying. These people often rush to start washing before you can say no, then they manipulate you into paying them out of a feeling of undeserved obligation, or to get the soap off your windshield. It is bad behavior, indeed.
But does it qualify as a "terrorist threat"? What an absurd exaggeration! Do they deserve to be shot for this? Obviously not. That thug should be prosecuted, because firing is not enough to stop those menaces to society.
What children need most, to learn anything or everything well, is curiosity. It is also a vital requisite for doing well on grades and tests. But schools systematically squash their curiosity in the name of maintaining order.
I conjecture that teaching a class takes more work for the teacher if the teacher encourages curiosity by answering the children's questions. I further conjecture that the extra work increases with the number of children in the class. Perhaps this is part of the reason why smaller classes are better: because they make it easier for the teacher to answer questions for all the children and avoid squashing their curiosity.
Getting to know people in your neighborhood, building community trust, makes your children safer than hovering over them, while giving them a chance to learn and explore.
The US should stop exporting oil — that would make a big reduction in greenhouse gas emissions.
The comparison with smallpox-infested blankets (which the US government gave to some indigenous groups during the 1800s) is misguided, since those two wrongs are wrong in different ways. The blankets were intended to, and likely to, kill only people in the targeted groups. Burning more oil, no matter who does it, is likely to kill more people all around the world. The one was a sneaky, treacherous act of war; the other a contribution to global suicide.
*Wales to ban parents smacking their children from 2022.*
When my father spanked me, he terrified and humiliated me. It only happened a few times, but each time it drove me permanently further away from him. I am sure it is better for families to avoid such anger.
At the same time, I am sure that if I were a parent I would arrive at situations where I was at my wits' end and saw no way to carry out my responsibilities without spanking. I don't understand how some parents do it.
It's one more reason why it is good that I have not had children.
*Was order to kill Soleimani lawful?* It seems to have been an act of war, not authorized by Congress.
The US deports lots of Salvadoreans to El Salvador. Since 2013, 200 of them have been killed, raped or tortured — usually by the same gang that had threatened them before.
*‘I'm not a robot’: Amazon workers condemn unsafe, grueling conditions at warehouse.*
This is one of the many reasons to refuse to buy from Amazon. I have never done so, and I refuse to start.
*‘Try to stop me’ — the mantra of our leaders who are now ruling with impunity.*
The UK responded to a small terrorist attack (three people wounded) with drastic proposals, such as a life sentence for terrorists.
The recent terrorist attacks in the UK add up to a tiny amount of violence compared with all the violence in the UK now. Even if these measures reduced the violence (and we don't know), that would make a very small difference in safety.
It is self-defeating to respond to this with disproportionate symbolic "toughness". What is needed is to search for an effective way to deradicalize.
The International Energy Agency says we should work out a plan with the fossil fuel companies to slowly reduce fossil fuel use, starting many years from now.
This is a plan to cause disaster. The article explains the details.
Finland has revamped the school curriculum to teach children and teenagers the practice and habit of checking facts.
The campaign distinguishes discusses three categories: misinformation, disinformation, and malinformation. All three have been used against me.
A retired general in El Salvador admitted that the US-trained Atlacatl Battalion killed 800 civilians in 1981. The US, under Reagan, helped cover this up, through attacking the US reporter who had written about it.
The "School of the Americas" became notorious for such "training". In response to demands to shut it down, the US changed its name.
A few years later, Reagan started funding a right-wing militia to destabilize Nicaragua through terrorism, and paying for it by selling arms to Iran.
*America, founded on the evils of slavery, genocide and the violent exploitation of the working class, is a country defined by historical amnesia.*
(The history of the US includes all three, but not all at the same time. Violent exploitation of the working class wasn't a very big factor until after the Civil War. Before then, most Americans lived on farms.)
The most interesting part of article is the part about Joseph Roth and what to do after vicious inhumanity has taken over your country and civilization has been defeated.
The US system of primary elections is badly flawed as a way of representing the voter's preferences. This article proposes improvements.
Unscrupulous right-wing extremists circulated false information about the Iowa caucuses to try to discourage participation.
One woman yearns to have a president who resembles her … and has concluded that resemblance in values is more important than resemblance in gender.
Republicans are ready to impeach at the drop of a hat, and are already thinking about how to impeach Biden for alleged shortcomings in the past.
The impeachment standard they propose does have one benefit: it would permit impeaching Kavanaugh for attempted rape in the past. But I think that this would not outweigh the permanent damage caused by debasing impeachment as Republicans generally debase things.
Meanwhile, Biden still claims he can "work with Republicans" in the Senate.
*Only Sanders among the candidates understands the urgency of the Crisis of Plutocracy and has a workable plan for dealing with it.*
Warren also understands plutocracy, and I have confidence that her plan is workable too. But Sanders does go further.
Switching from coal to fracked gas did not reduce greenhouse emissions. Meanwhile, fracking in the US is expanding so much that it guarantees disaster.
*A "sustainability charge" on meat to cover its environmental damage could raise billions to help farmers and consumers produce and eat better food.*
This tax would discourage people from eating meat — which is a good idea, for the sake of health. If the tax on beef is especially high, it would also discourage raising cattle, which makes sense because they generate methane.
However, it makes sense also to tax the cultivation of plants that are grown specifically to feed to animals farmed for meat.
Indigenous Australians in Western Australia are fined by human enforcers (thugs) of the rules of the road much more often than other drivers. Strangely, robot enforcers do not fine them especially often.
This seems to be proof of human bigotry.
Tanzania's government wants to accept repressive conditions (on non-rich people) with a loan from the World Bank — but there is opposition.
*Federal Judge Reverses Conviction of Border Volunteers, Challenging Government’s “Gruesome Logic”.*
*Airlines want you to think they’re serious about the climate crisis. They’re not.*
US citizens: support Medicare for All.
A family doctor insists on Medicare for All, and Sanders.
If you sign, please spread the word!
US citizens: call on the International Energy Agency to push for decarbonization, instead of asserting the world will burn more and more fossil fuel.
If you sign, please spread the word!
A few weeks ago, the US deportation thugs interrogated quite a few Iranians entering the US from Canada, including students with US visas to study, and did not let them return. The thugs said this was coincidence. An internal memo says it was a written plan.
London thugs want more power to crush Extinction Repression protests, which are nonviolent but inconvenient.
No matter how much people may care about distant matters such as the survival civilization, that must not be allowed to interfere with maintaining order today.
The Tories introduced a system of blindly insisting that disabled people are fit to work, and cutting their welfare benefits until they can prove otherwise. Errol Graham was too disabled to do this, so he starved in his cold apartment as they prepared to evict him.
Each disabled person who dies this way means more funds to give to the rich.
*Biodiversity hotspots with millions of years of climate stability could be among the world’s hardest hit regions*, in future global heating.
Most people feel false to themselves after buying some impress-with-your-wealth luxury product. The exceptions are people who feel highly entitled.
If I had bought such a product, I would feel mad at myself for having been manipulated into wasting my money on appearance rather than anything I really wanted.
*Fireflies under threat from habitat loss, pesticides and light pollution.*
Yazidis in the UK are working to preserve their traditional choral music.
I would very much like to hear it some day.
A leading Dutch politician fabricated an incident of harassment on a train, attributed to "Moroccans". He cited this a basis for bigotry.
(satire) *DNC Mulls Asking Donald Trump To Run As Democrat In Effort To Stop Sanders.*
*China's leadership admits ‘shortcomings’ in coronavirus response.*
In this regard, at least, they are more honest and responsible than the US leadership.
Bogus Johnson has rejected the extreme forms of climate denialism, calling for a weak pledge to aim for "carbon neutrality".
This would be a step towards what is needed, and if anyone can pressure the extreme denialist governments to make this pledge, it would be an advance, It has two big flaws: (1) 2050 is too late, and (2) "carbon-neutral" is an invitation for self-delusion. Are those trees you are planting really going to survive in the climate of 2030 the climate of 2040? Are they even going to survive this year?
The fines in Australia for destroying native forest habitat are insufficient: one rich farmer has been fined several times.
A few years in prison might be enough to deter this nearly irreparable crime.
The UK government held a press briefing but said that certain reporters were not welcome. The rest of the reporters walked out in sympathy.
Two workers at monarch butterfly sanctuaries in Mexico have been murdered in recent days.
What do supporters of continuing war in Afghanistan say to the parents of casualties of US soldiers who were killed in that war?
What do they say to the parents of Afghan civilians who were killed?
*Why is Boris Johnson waging war on the EU? To distract from his cuts.*
California's new law that requires companies to show a customer all the data it has about per is helping people realize how much Amazon surveilles their lives — especially any reading they do on the Amazon Swindle.
I hope you will join me in boycotting unjust e-books and Amazon in general.
An Indian law school has a special program to train women who were raped or enslaved, so they can bring about prosecution of the perpetrators.
"The rapist is you" could be condemning anyone whatsoever.
There are judges, thugs and politicians that facilitate and encourage rape, and they deserve the song's accusation. But that accusation can be aimed at any man. The song stirs up general hatred of men just as the bully's rhetoric stirs up general hatred of women. It is a form of three-minute hate.
Iran's government knew its missiles had hit the Ukrainian airliner before it hit the ground. The coverup started then.
*The Midwest was made with socialists’ sweat and abolitionists’ blood.*
If a book about Hispanics at the US border is written by someone who doesn't have that background, it is likely to be based on stereotypes and therefore crap.
Thus, a concept of "cultural appropriation" isn't needed for criticizing such books.
China is taking surveillance and control to a level that is shocking even by Chinese standards.
This may be justified for a national emergency that could potentially kill millions of people in China. But China won't get rid of all the new surveillance and control when the epidemic ends. Like the Olympic games (which a city can choose not to have), this epidemic can leave freedom permanently debilitated.
Hinduismist violence is driving Indians to try to flee to the US illegally.
Plutocratist officials are gradually encroaching on Canadians' right to nonviolent protest.
Sea otters can save kelp forests by eating sea urchins, but where there are no sea otters, humans need to do that job.
Past defeats of "centrist" Democrats.
They don't all lose. Obama and Bill Clinton won, but that didn't do us much good.
Libya's civil war is now between proxy forces for various foreign powers.
To understand this, we need to understand what those powers want. My first guess would be, Libya's oil — but that is no more than a guess.
All US internet discussion and conversation sites are in danger if their section 230 defense is repealed.
*Trump Administration Gives Texas the Green Light to Limit Family Planning Services for Poor Women.*
Putting this together with repression of abortion, it adds up to a plan to force poor women to have more babies.
New Yorkers protested heavy policing of the subways, saying it is racist and calling for the subways to be gratis.
*Palestinians cut ties with Israel and US after rejecting Trump peace plan.*
This was basically the Palestinian Authority's last recourse, to be used only in case of total desperation. The PA has also stopped helping Israel against violent Palestinian factions.
*Short story: The Ghost Town on the Moon.*
The mutilator has authorized the US army to plant landmines.
The new policy claims that advanced technology will protect civilians from these mines — but it would take years to determine whether the mines reliably deactivate as they were supposed to. Civilians would find this out the hard way.
Above-freezing water just found under the ice sheet coming off the Thwaites glacier in Antarctica shows that the glacier will eventually melt and raise sea level by 10 feet.
US citizens: call on Congress to stop the bully's plan to work with Republican states to cut funds for Medicaid.
These cuts would kill poor disabled people and perhaps their relatives.
If you sign, please spread the word!
US citizens: phone your congresscritter at (202) 919-7073 to support the Safeguarding Americans’ Private Records Act, which would correct some of the worst aspects of the PAT RIOT act's surveillance provisions.
It is far from enough, but any step forward deserves support.
The Capitol Switchboard numbers are 202-224-3121, 888-818-6641 and 888-355-3588.
*Climate, extreme weather, biodiversity, food and water crises could lead to 'systemic collapse'.* This could imperil human survival, as the combination is worse than the sum of its parts.
*UK taxpayers funding African fossil fuel projects worth $750m.*
As Democrats condemned the bullshitter's "normalization of lawlessness", Republicans demonstrated the truth of this by normalizing their own contempt for law and truth.
People are calling this a "cover-up." If only it were merely that. The conman's basic strategy is overt contempt for the law, and the checks and balances that are supposed to defend democracy.
The US government is not much more democratic than Maduro's, and it's just barely legitimate enough to justify rejecting a coup.
AOC: The official US "poverty line" is far too low and systematically underestimates poverty.
40 million Americans now live in poverty, and 1.5 million public school students are homeless.
Salafi Arabia is trying dissidents in a special court for "terrorists".
The practice of labeling dissidents as "terrorists" is found in many countries, including the US and the UK. Salafi Arabia's "justice" is more violent and arbitrary in general, and especially where dissidents are concerned.
A woman who shot the man who had raped her, as he was fighting with her brother afterward, has been denied the benefit of Alabama's "stand your ground" law.
That decision seems absurd, but even without that law, isn't this clearly a case of justifiable homicide?
Collin Clabaugh moved in with his grandparents after his parents died. But the homeowner's association says they are not allowed to let him live there, and demanded they kick him out.
I think states should pass laws guaranteeing people certain rights that override all homeowners' associations. Not only the right to have dependents live with them, but also the right to post a sign supporting a position regarding an election or political issue.
*Help bees by not mowing dandelions, gardeners told.*
Australia's current bushfires are so hot that they break even rocks. Old rock art has been destroyed.
The fact that these fires have destroyed rock art that had come through many fires in the past reflects the increased heat of these.
*‘I’ll destroy your family’: India’s activists tell of false arrest and torture in [prison].*
South Dakota proposes to imprison doctors for giving puberty-blockers to people under 16.
But they can't wait until hey are 16. By then, it is too late — they have already had puberty.
Protesting face recognition by wearing the makeup designed to fool it.
*By denying witnesses, Republicans made clear even a smoking gun would not be enough.* That was blatant contempt for the truth, the constitution, and their country.
A book explains how Russia's political system functions: illustrating how it forces people into compromises that corrupt them and uphold the corrupt system that corrupts others in turn.
This resembles some aspects of the US social and political system, but they are not as pervasive or complete as in Russia.
Please don't buy books, or anything, from Amazon and please reject unjust e-books.
How an ecological ricochet from global heating caused whales to get tangled up in crab lines.
*An oligarch [Bloomberg] has bought his way into the 2020 race. Why is no one talking about this?*
Allowing oil demand to continue to grow could create the need for a sudden change later, which could cause an avoidable economic crisis. This will look small compared with the climate crisis itself, but suppose it is as bad as the recession of 2009. Crises give plutocrats the opportunity to take wealth away from every else. They did that after 2009.
Perhaps they are planning to cause this mini-crisis in order to profit from it.
Global heating has helped to fuel the devastating plague of locusts in East Africa and Arabia.
'Screaming the Quiet Part Into a Bullhorn': Sen. Joni Ernst Admits GOP Using Impeachment Trial to Damage Biden in 2020.
I am not outraged on Biden's behalf — he deserves it — but I am disgusted by the disrespect Republicans show for anything that limits their power.
*EPA Proposes to Re-approve Bee-killing Pesticides With Token Restrictions.*
*A Majority of Americans Support Decriminalizing Sex Work.*
Coronavirus is stimulating bigotry against Chinese people.
The EPA approved glyphosate again.
This may not be as wrong as it seems. There is evidence that glyphosate is not carcinogenic by itself, but becomes carcinogenic when combined with other ingredients of Roundup. If that proves true, it might be valid to rule that glyphosate is not carcinogenic, and rule separately that Roundup is carcinogenic.
But I don't think the EPA is going to do the second half of that.
Roundup has other dangers, too.
The mutilator has deployed a "low-yield" nuclear weapon on a Trident missile on a submarine. This threatens to lower the political and moral threshold against starting nuclear war.
I suspect it is also a stunt. It doesn't make practical sense to put such small warheads on an expensive Trident missile.
For the first time, the House of Representatives voted to cancel the 2020 Authorization for Use of Military Force.
However, even if the Senate passes this too, the mutilator can veto it. This is treated like an ordinary bill.
That seems nonsensical to me. Since the AUMF is Congressional permission for the president to make war, Congress should be able to withdraw that permission on its own; it should not require the president's approval.
Does anyone understand why it isn't treated that way?
Salvini cut off all aid for immigrants, which hit Sicily very hard. Now that he is out, people are starting to help immigrants again.
121,000 immigrants in one year, as occurred in 2017, is not a real burden. At that rate, the population of Italy would double in 500 years. But if we don't curb global heating, in a few decades it could become a million per year, or ten million.
Wells Fargo bank and its executives have suffered greatly for 14 years of frauds.
Antisocialism — also known as propertarianism, but calling itself "libertarianism" — has foundered because its philosophy cannot permit any way to limit greenhouse gas emissions.
*Chicago [thugs]' predictive policing tool has been shut down after 8 years of catastrophically bad results.*
It did no good, while embodying racial bias.
Don't restrict scraping — ban face recognition!
California's bill to reduce zoning limits on housing was defeated, so there will continue to be little housing construction in the cities that need it most.
Unless a city has a lot of vacant land, there is no way to build more housing units except to demolish some buildings and replace them with bigger buildings. However, the law can put requirements about how this is done — for instance, the requirement to include at least as many low-income units as were demolished. The law could even assure the old tenants of returning at the same rents they paid before. But there needs to be more housing space.
*US underprepared for coronavirus due to Trump cuts, say health experts.*
Everyone: call on the judge to release Chelsea Manning from jail.
If you sign, please spread the word!
80% of the migrants that the bully forces to wait in Mexico suffer violence of some kind while there. Many are kidnapped for ransom.
US citizens: call on the Minnesota Public Utilities Commission to Stop the Line 3 Tar Sands Pipeline.
If you sign, please spread the word!
US citizens: call on Congress to support the NO-BAN Act, which would put an end to the bully's cruel policy towards visitors from certain countries.
If you sign, please spread the word!
US citizens: call on the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee to end its blacklist policy.
If you sign, please spread the word!
With the support of a judge prepared to twist any law, and an army of its own lawyers, Chevron has crushed the life of Steven Donziger, who won the lawsuit against Chevron for pollution in Ecuador. Next step, to put him in prison.
Pressuring US universities not to use face recognition.
Israeli soldiers have left 50 Palestinians half-blind by shooting them in the eye with rubber-coated steel bullets and tear gas canisters.
This is intentional. Hitting someone's eye by accident is extremely unlikely.
Legal ways that a progressive US president could pressure Israel to respect Palestinians' rights, without passing new laws.
Senator Warren's political journey began with recognizing that bankruptcy laws for corporations can be designed either to concentrate wealth or to spread wealth.
For decades, Big Pharma has used the US government to push broader and longer patents on the rest of the world. Now the conman and Modi are about to kill the Indian generic drug industry which supplies many poor countries.
I advocate abolishing patents on medicine and treatments.
Please do not refer to patents (or anything else) as "intellectual property"; that term spreads confusion.
*For all its fiery rhetoric, Riyadh actually benefits from a standoff between Iran and the US.*
David Miranda and Glenn Greenwald: *The far-right Bolsonaro movement wants us dead. But we will not give up.*
Chinese local officials endangered the whole world (starting with China) by covering up the danger of the new coronavirus for a few weeks. To avoid public attention required skipping crucial precautions that would have revealed the danger of the disease.
Bruce Schneier is mistaken in claiming that there is no important difference between face recognition and other kinds of surveillance systems.
The error starts in the article's first line: "The whole point of modern surveillance is to treat people differently," referring specifically to commerce. That is only one of the points of modern surveillance: repression of dissidents, whistleblowers and journalists is another. The article's reasoning simply doesn't address that.
Face recognition is especially dangerous for this because it is especially hard to avoid. It is not hard to leave a portable phones (if you have one) home one day, and pay cash for travel and food that day. But it is very hard to avoid face recognition and license plate recognition. Therefore, those two types of surveillance pose a special danger to political freedom.
Hong Kong protesters are boycotting Chinese-owned business.
The Tories' welfare reform (a plan that shuffled benefits around so as to disguise how much it cut them) is "sending people into arms of loan sharks."
Sanders has introduced a bill to tax companies that make PFAS to pay for water treatment to take them out of the water supply.
*Companies [in France] to be banned from destroying unsold clothes, cosmetics and other items.*
They will have to be put to some use, recycled, or given away.
Americans have learned to recognize the reasons to decriminalize sex work, and many Democratic politicians too.
If a country installs Huawei wireless networks, it would be impossible to prevent China from spying on them. The same is surely true with with US wireless networks: it would be impossible to keep the US from spying on them.
The Australian government may not mind if the US spies on Australians. Indeed, reports are that the US government spies on Australians and gives the data to the Australian government so that it can bypass the legal protections of Australian law (and vice versa). Still it seems foolish to build in vulnerability like that.
India's repression of dissent knows no bounds. The leaders of a primary school face various criminal charges for a school play that included "slurs" against Modi and criticized the discriminatory immigration law.
A Hinduismist fanatic shot marchers who were peacefully protesting against that law. He chose the date and time to honor the 1948 murder of Gandhi by another Hinduismist.
I predict that Modi's supporters will praise the shooter try to get charges against him dropped, just as Israel's right-wing extremists lionize the fanatic that assassinated Prime Minister Rabin in 1995.
Several Swedish media sites condemned Chinese attempts to repress European journalists, editors and diplomats, and asked the Swedish government to push harder against China.
Sweden's power to do this is limited, but it could give this more priority and the Chinese market less. The EU could require foreign manufacturers to hand over the circuit diagrams and source code for security analysis.
The conman's lawyers told the Senate that he is allowed to do anything whatsoever in order to win the next election.
Turkey planted 11 million trees in November as a project for National Forestation Day. Checking them suggests that around 10 million of them have already died from lack of water.
Valve turner Ken Ward: *The US government claims I'm a 'domestic terrorist'. Am I?*
Privatization made the UK children's care homes both profitable and inadequate. If Tories privatize the NHS, it will do the same sort of damage to the adults of the UK.
PISSI is coming back to life in Syria and Iraq.
The bully contributed to this through his abandonment of the Syrian Kurds, and will have difficulty recruiting their help again. Meanwhile, Iraqis consider the US an invader and want its troops out. Shall we describe this as "Make America Hated Again"?
He is an expert at manipulating people through bullying. I wonder if his goal is to make sure that PISSI, like a comic-book supervillain, never really dies and therefore is always available for use as a villain.
*Tom Perez Stacks 2020 Convention Committees With "From the Swamp" Nominations.*
Some of them have lobbied specifically against progressive policies.
In one simple image: https://i.imgur.com/KNGsrSo.jpg
*In the topsy-turvy world of Israel's High Court, international law is nothing more than a disguise to delegitimize the state and its settlements.*
The court equated condemnation of Israel's policies with "delegitimization of Israel". Then the overbroad definition of antisemitism (the same one used to demonize the UK Labour Party) equates that to "antisemitism". Thus demonstrating how to relabel criticism of occupation policies as "antisemitism" in two easy leaps.
Global heating effects, and their ecological ricochet effects, threaten to wipe out many of New Zealand's unique wildlife.
One species, the cobble skink, survives only in a zoo. There is no longer any place it can live in he wild.
Such conservation efforts could go on for centuries, provided society continues to maintain the interest, the wealth, and the organization to carry it out. But those are likely to disappear as the crunch gets harder. In 50 years, will society still be able to carry out such efforts in he midst of calamities such as starvation, fire, and migration war?
Salafi Arabia appears to have cracked Bezos's phone and installed spyware. UN special rapporteurs call for an investigation.
If it were only a matter of justice for Bezos, we could call this crack poetic justice for Alexa. Morally there is little difference between inserting spyware in a product after sale and building it in before sale.
But Bezos is not the only person whose rights matter, and Salafi Arabia's doing wrong to Bezos will not protect the public from the wrongs Amazon does.
Salafi Arabia has committed far worse crimes: repression of women, diffusion of fanatical Salafi Islam, torture, murder, executions, and the war of aggression in Yemen.
Erdoğan's right-wing party is trying to punish rape victims by making them marry the rapists.
Several Islamic countries have such laws and have had them for a long time.
The right-wing fanatic that attacked reported Owen Jones has been convicted. He writes that the UK has not figured out a way of sentencing fanatics that will deter or avoid future violence.
Qatar will make an improvement in the laws that now effectively trap foreign workers in the country, but a new requirement might have almost the same effect as the requirement being eliminated.
A campaign in Rajasthan aims to make it acceptable for women not to cover their faces in public.
I am in favor of encouraging women to go unveiled if they wish. However, I worry that requiring them to unveil in order to vote could have the harmful effect of discouraging them from voting.
*Republicans push to weaken court that caught them rigging elections.*
In effect, they plan to gerrymander the election of the Pennsylvania Supreme Court.
The Guardian will reject advertising from fossil fuel extraction companies.
The Supreme Court has approved the bully's scheme to block non-rich people from immigrating.
*Who Will Protect My Right NOT to Pay for Your Child’s Religious Education?*
Decriminalization of sex work in New Zealand has protected prostitutes from violence from all sides. This makes it safer to continue doing sex work. Paradoxically, it has also removed an obstacle that hampered moving out of sex work. The organized sex workers have overcame efforts to criminalize their clients.
*The for-profit U.S. healthcare system is so broken that a growing number of people who are fortunate enough to have private insurance coverage are still unable to afford doctor visits and other essential services due to soaring costs — leaving a larger [fraction] of Americans with unmet medical needs today than there were two decades ago.*
The article says "larger number", but lest you think that simply reflects the increase in population, here we see that the fraction has increased too.
The share of adults aged 18-64 who were unable to afford to see a doctor rose by nearly a third—-from 11% to nearly 16%—-between 1998 and 2017.
3% of the current US military budget could pay to end starvation for human beings worldwide.
Modi's right-wing religious nationalist party, the BJP, is trying to pass itself as the heirs of Dr Ambedkar, even though it is the enemy of everything he fought for except small details.
The BJP is a Hinduismist party (Hinduismists are to Hinduism as Islamists are to Islam). Caste prejudice is deeply rooted in Hinduism so Hinduismists cannot help perpetuating caste prejudice.
India has little traditional of liberalism — that is, championing freedom to disagree peacefully and to advocate different views.
(satire) *Secretary of State Mike Pompeo stated Monday that the United States has overwhelming and undeniable evidence to support going to war with whoever.*
*"Like a Kleptocracy": Investigation Details How [Republican] Lawmakers Cashed In on [the conman's] Tax Cuts.*
Byung-Chul Han contended in 2018 that the digital surveillance society seduces people into building their own panopticon.
If you want to buy his book, or any book, make sure you cannot be identified as the purchaser. And don't accept an e-book if it tramples your freedom.
In a reversal of what 19th-century socialists believed, surveillance capitalists sells citizens the rope to tie themselves up in.
In 2019, Shoshana Zuboff described the system of surveillance capitalism. She explained how this new system of tyranny functions and how it developed.
But what do we do about this?
The first part of the solution is free software — we users can make sure it doesn't spy on us. But that addresses only the programs we run on our own programmable computers. To go beyond that, we need laws to prohibit systems from collecting people's personal data.
Don't fall for foolish substitutes that wouldn't fix the problem, such as the idea that "you should own your own data". People would sell the use of that data for a pittance, if they don't see a path towards truly changing the surveillance society.
*Sick of Big Pharma’s pricing, health insurers pledge $55M for cheap generics.*
Creating a drug company with other motives aside from profit is a good thing to do. Its competition could hold back other companies from gouging. However, there is a danger that the other companies could get out of that business or merge. That could lead to even less competition.
I hope the founders have taken very firm measures to prevent this company from being co-opted later and turned into a monopolistic super-gouger.
Huawei executive Meng Wanzhou, facing possible extradition to the US, got support from protesters at the court house. One of the protesters said he was paid to appear and had been told it was for a music video.
It's not only Chinese businesses that do this sort of thing. Not long ago, Senator Warren spoke to a group of black voters and met with a protest organized (though they didn't publicly say so) by an organization that campaigns for charter schools. I suspect that organization is funded somehow by businesses that extract money from charter schools.
The UK government wants to prohibit "possession of terrorist propaganda".
The UK is already taking a stab at labeling Extinction Rebellion and Greenpeace as violent extremists. Prohibition of their publications would be only a few more steps further down this path.
Furthermore, prohibiting the possession of some kind of writings or art, no matter what kind, puts people in danger.
* Misguided assumptions about race are going mainstream, but hard facts can help you combat entrenched attitudes.*
In particular, one can't deduce anything about large groups of people from the few who are so atypical as to be finalists in an Olympic sport.
A video recording shows that the bully discussed dismissing Ambassador Yovanovitch with Lev Parnas in 2018.
This refutes several of his lies. It may challenge some Republicans' capacity for blackwhiting.
(The term "blackwhiting" comes from the book, 1984, where it meant telling lies even though they are obviously false.)
*Interim Bolivian Government Taps the Same Lobby Firm Hired to Sell the Coup in Honduras.*
EFF: The charges against Glenn Greenwald, for reporting on corruption in the Brazilian prosecution of Lula, are an example of a dangerous practice: stretching vague "computer crime" laws to attack the reporters and activists. The same was done to Aaron Swartz.
The expression "playing the race card" is the racists' excuse to bury the issue of racism.
For burying the issue of gender bias, the expression is "You must be a feminist." Meanwhile, the supporters of plutocracy say you are "trying to start a class war" if you talk about their War for Poverty.
The giant vampire flower of Sumatra is endangered due to habitat destruction, and needs protection.
Don't worry, it can't attack people. It only sucks sap from plants, as mistletoe does.
*Bernie Sanders’s Lonely 2017 Battle to Stop Iran Sanctions and Save the Nuclear Deal.*
Over 100 human rights defenders in Colombia were murdered in 2019. Likewise in 2018, and it hasn't slowed down this year.
When the article refers to the government's "military-focused response", I suspect that really means the paramilitaries, Colombia's unofficially state-sponsored terrorist group.
Pompeo blew his top in an NPR interview in response to questions about Ambassador Yovanovitch.
*TV shows erase racism, normalize police misconduct and leave women and [racially disprivileged people] of the creative process, study finds.*
The American Nazi terrorist organization, "the Base", has been exposed by leaks, and some of its members arrested.
The reintroduction of wolves to Yellowstone National Park has enabled the willows, aspens, eagles, songbirds, beavers, foxes and badgers to recover. The elk, deer and coyotes are now kept in check.
Lebanese protesters accuse thugs of torturing protesters.
An effort to replace illegal gold mining with cacao farming in the Yanomami reservation at the North of Brazil.
The US wants to deport Omar Ameen to Iraq, where he would probably be killed, accusing him of having committed murder there for PISSI. In fact, it has good evidence that he was a refugee in Turkey at the time, but it is keeping this secret in the name of "national security".
Seeing their parents occasionally naked at home seems to be good for children in many ways.
There are suspicions that China suppressed information about the coronavirus epidemic in Wuhan until too late to contain it there.
On the other hand, as long as the epidemic was small, quarantining an entire city may have been politically impossible even in China.
US citizens: call on your (present or former) university to reject face recognition.
If you sign, please spread the word!
US citizens: call on the Senate to pass the Voting Rights Advancement Act.
This would undo some of the damage that the Supreme Court did to the Voting Rights Act, thus launching the modern era of voter suppression.
If you sign, please spread the word!
US citizens: call on Massachusetts state legislators to pass a law to avoid helping the deportation thugs harass immigrants
If you sign, please spread the word!
US citizens: call on senators to remove press restrictions in the impeachment trial
If you sign, please spread the word!
(satire) *[The bully] Makes Powerful Pro-Life Case By Speaking About The Joys Of Neglecting A Child.*
*Over 200,000 Iraqis protested against the U.S. military presence in their country on Friday, demanding American forces leave.*
The US forces should leave. They are not doing Iraqis any good, now. Having betrayed the Syrian Kurds, they cannot be very effective against PISSI. The Iraqi Army could not face PISSI in 2014, but maybe it has learned how to do so.
London thugs will set up face recognition systems on streets, to check the face of each person that passes by.
They say that each system will have a specific list of suspects' faces to look for. However, today's face recognition systems are inaccurate. If a suspect in the list is black, the system is likely to trigger on other blacks who resemble the suspect. The thugs will stop them and identify them, and determine that they are not that suspect. This does not imply they will be allowed to proceed down the street. They could be searched, arrested, whatever.
In effect, these systems can provide an excuse to stop large numbers of people "for cause".
It doesn't go all the way to China, but it takes a big step in that direction.
*Greta Thunberg: Davos leaders ignored climate activists' demands.*
Biden and Buttigieg keep misrepresenting Medicare for All in order to attack it. This goes well beyond a mere difference of opinion: it is dishonest, and makes them unfit to be president.
Sanders or Warren for president!
Kindergarten in the US (at least in some places) has been converted into rigorous training that most children can't handle, and teachers can't bear to make them suffer.
The article talks about "standards" that require this. I am curious where those standards come from. If from government, is it the US government, some state governments, some cities, what?
The campaign for racist censorship has launched a new battle, targeting a book about Hispanics that live near the US-Mexico border, written by someone who is basically a gringo.
We must reject any attempt to claim that someone has no right to write about a certain subject. However, if the book repeats stereotypes, that is a valid criticism of it. And it is entirely legitimate to criticize publishers and demand that they publish and promote the writing of Hispanics that live near the US-Mexico border.
Please don't buy this (or any) book from Amazon. For your freedom's sake, always pay cash for books, and without identifying yourself. And never accept commercial e-books that impose DRM, surveillance, or an antisocial contract that forbids sharing copies.
*The Assange Precedent: The Spark That Lit the Fire in the War on Journalism.*
*Emails show Trump and appointees tried to craft a narrative that forest protection efforts are responsible for wildfires.*
*Frequency of intense floods and storms could double in 13 years, says study.*
Floods have caused a food shortage in East Africa.
*The real issue of 'representation' isn’t that there aren’t enough powerful women. It’s that what is represented as feminism is actually corporatism.*
I've long had the feeling that focusing on how many women are executives of large companies is a distraction from the issues that affect the lives of millions of non-rich women for whom a steady 9-to-5 job would be a dream.
*Most political unrest has one big root cause: soaring inequality.*
UN Special Rapporteur Agnes Callamard is keeping the heat on Salafi Arabia's acting king.
The EU is pushing to standardize the connectors on phone chargers. Apple is fighting this.
An experiment concluded that glyphosate-containing pesticides damage human DNA, but pure glyphosate does not. They attribute the damage to the presence of secret secondary ingredients.
A Monsanto scientist was aware of this as far back as 2002.
I conclude that all pesticide should be sold with full disclosure of chemicals included. If the manufacturers complain about not having trade secrets, the proper reply is "Tough! People's lives are at stake."
*Millionaires like me should pay more taxes. Giving to charity is a fig leaf.*
Egypt's vicious military rulers jail people for the slightest criticism, and try to silence exiles by taking their relatives hostage.
That regime has the full support of the US government.
I would not feel safe visiting Egypt; I urge everyone to stay away.
New York City now requires retail businesses to accept cash.
It is true that rejecting cash discriminates against poor people who don’t have a bank account or a credit card. If you are not poor, that problem may not affect you — but your privacy is not safe.
Poland enters a constitutional crisis as the Supreme Court rejects the legislature's attempt to punish judges at will.
Tories propose to reduce the UK's energy efficiency standards for new buildings.
Why would they do this? To serve business, or course — but which and how? I suppose builders would spend less and profit more, but I am surprised that the increased profit would pay for the sort of lobbying needed to win this.
*The persecuted Rohingya now have legal protection, but will it amount to anything?*
(satire) "As you address members of this deliberative body, please bear in mind that nothing you say or do will have any effect on the completely predetermined outcome of these proceedings," said Chief Justice Roberts to the senators.
There is evidence that the conman's inaugural committee gave some of its funds to the conman's own business.
*Humanity Risking 'Global Disaster' as Material Consumption Passes 100 Billion Tons Annually.*
The EPA's new Dirty Water Rule aims to give some lucky Americans once again the chance to see a river catch fire. However, the most common result will be toxic drinking water.
(satire) *In response to ongoing complaints of unexpected outages and subpar customer service response times, cable provider Comcast debuted a new bundle deal Thursday that includes 24/7 live-in technical support.*
The bully admitted his plan to cut funds for Medicare.
The Bulletin of Atomic Scientists has set the "doomsday clock" at 100 seconds to midnight, representing the dangers of global heating, pollution and resource exhaustion as well as possible nuclear war.
Venezuela's coup-supporting opposition has been thwarted, and visible US support has driven Venezuelans away from it. Now the political division is between supporters of Chavismo and Maduro, and supporters of reforming Chavismo to move on from Maduro.
Italy's efforts to prosecute people-smugglers have gone astray. They concentrate on the boat drivers, who are usually migrants conscripted into that job, and can't get evidence to identify the real smugglers, who stay in Africa.
US citizens: Call on Microsoft to liberate the code of Windows 7.
If you sign, please spread the word!
Everyone: state your support for Glenn Greenwald.
If you sign, please spread the word!
US citizens: phone your congresscritter to support modifying the PAT RIOT Act to reduce government power for warrantless collection of data, in Section 215.
The bill under consideration would affect section 215, which allows the FBI to collect almost any data base of personal data with "national security letters". The FISA court admitted that it was unable to exercise effective control over the FBI's use of these powers. I think section 215 should be eliminated entirely.
The Capitol Switchboard numbers are 202-224-3121, 888-818-6641 and 888-355-3588.
Everyone: call on NYC Speaker Corey Johnson to enforce regulations on facial recognition technology.
If you sign, please spread the word!
We should prohibit face recognition network companies, but we need to go further than that. Some years ago, I called for something stronger: to prohibit cameras that transmit images over the net more than once in a while.
This prevents not only the purpose-built face recognition networks but also cameras that could be incorporated into such networks.
*Snowden Warns Targeting of Greenwald and Assange Shows Governments 'Ready to Stop the Presses—If They Can'.*
2C of global heating will eliminate over half the world's vineyards.
With a 4C rise in global temperature, I don't think anyone will have attention to spare for making or drinking wine. They will be too busy trying to find a little butter to put on their insufficient bread.
Pompeo is now using lies to attack NPR reporter Mary Louise Kelly,
in whose interview he blew up when he couldn't intimidate her facts.
Pakistan has arrested a leading equal rights activist and accused him of advocating unacceptable political views. Specifically, criticizing the country's constitution, on grounds of justice.
Whether we agree with his position or not (I don't know enough about Pakistan's constitution to have an opinion), we should defend his right to advocate that position.
The cheater's deal with China will allow China-grown chicken meat to be sold in the US without labeling, and with no inspection except China's untrustworthy inspection. Disease is sure to come with them.
Robert Reich: Republican senators will not remove the bullshitter from office because that would require courage and integrity. We will have to remove him in November.
Increased poverty and the danger of becoming homeless inspire people to the short-term thinking whereby they protest against plans to reduce subsidies for fossil fuels.
Ironically, right-wing planet-roaster governments use this to win support from the poor. Once elected, what they give those supporters is even deeper poverty.
In other words, electing Sanders is the way to curb global heating soon.
Waste brine from frack wells in some places carries a very high load of radium. If it gets into dust (particulates) in the air, people can breath it in and develop cancer from its radioactivity many years later.
The desperate search for new sources to release more atmospheric CO2 is bringing us to frack and ruin.
*Google’s ads just look like search results now.*
In effect, when Google Search started offering advertising, that was the first step on the path to total corruption.
The article exaggerates slightly. The user can distinguish the ads by a slight difference between two icons.
*Police called on man for attempting to deposit checks while black.*
Warning! What if they do "reinvent every industry" in the next 10 years?
Change qua change is not necessarily bad. But if this "reinvention" is done under a plutocratic regime, the plutocrats will make this an opportunity to give business more power to get away with mistreating customers, and more "flexibility" to tie workers' lives in knots.
The specific change that Diamandis yearns for would create a surveillance dystopia. People will say it is "impossible" to live without participating in those dis-services, but the first condition of participation will be "consenting" to be tracked. Further conditions will control many aspects of people's lives -- for instance, requiring them to buy from particular allied companies, use certain products, not use certain other products, do exercise on command, or allow video and audio recording inside their homes.
Companies are rushing to mine metals from the ocean floor.
This will increase pollution of the ocean and endanger the unusual species that live near the undersea volcanoes that deposit metals.
*Southern Peace Activists Help Soldiers Become Conscientious Objectors.*
Calling for mobilizing to fight global heating as we mobilized to win World War II.
The effective approach for leading youth away from fanaticism is a positive one, but the UK plans to step up the ineffective punitive approach.
On the other hand, the punitive approach will work great for scapegoating and boosting the right wing.
The commercial orientation of universities tends to turn them into mere professional training.
Increased pressure on young people, the big gap between the good jobs and the bad one, leads many of them to gladly focus everything on training for a job. Some of the benefit that college used to bring about disappears. Studying at home through proprietary software using rented textbooks, with little contact with other students let alone teachers, will eliminate another piece of it.
*'Mexico has become [the bully's] wall': how AMLO became an immigration enforcer.*
Pacific Ocean’s rising acidity causes Dungeness crabs’ shells to dissolve.
Eventually all crustaceans and corals will be wiped out by the excess CO2 in the water.
Palestine has no allies that will strongly resist Israeli annexation/occupation.
However, no Arab country showed support for the bully's annexation plan.
US citizens: call on U.S. banks to cease funding drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge.
If you call, please spread the word!
US citizens: call for abolition of the Electoral College.
If you call, please spread the word!
85% of Americans want a transition away from fossil fuels. The main disagreement is about how fast. Around 45% want to hurry.
Ralph Nader: *Trump Is an Unparalleled Threat to Safety and Security [of every American].*
several meanings of "deep state" and whether they relate to the US.
*Harvard Law School Students Disrupt Recruitment Event, Calling on Major Law Firm to #DropExxon.*
*Senate Urged to Convict Trump After GAO Says White House Broke Law by Freezing Ukraine Aid.*
Forest ash washing into rivers in Australia are killing fish. In some places they have killed all the fish.
Scientists say it could take decades for the river to recover, but that projected recovery is not guaranteed. In a decade or two, there is likely to be another such fire every few years, so the rivers will always be full of ash.
Or perhaps the minerals lost in the ash will stunt regrowth of forests entirely. Maybe there won't be enough plant life to produce much ash.
*Stella Nyanzi, imprisoned in Uganda after writing poem about president’s mother’s vagina, lambastes regime's "fear of writers".* She has just been given a PEN award in the name of freedom of expression.
I can imagine that that poem was rather insulting in tone. The point is that freedom of expression includes the freedom to offend people, even insult people. We must not gag people merely because we disagree with or resent what they say.
*EU eyes temporary ban on facial recognition in public places.*
This could be a first step towards proceeding beyond the GDPR, which are insufficient.
*Biggest food brands 'failing goals to banish palm oil deforestation'.*
Guatemala is serving the US government by blocking refugees from Honduras from trying to reach the US.
Guatemala suffered civil war for decades under a repressive governments that obeyed the US, and its citizens still try to flee the violence.
Lev Parnas said that his efforts to dig up dirt on Hunter Biden were explicitly known to the conman — the two discussed them on the phone. Barr, Bolton and Giuliani also knew.
Videos of responses to real victims of street violence showed no sign of a "bystander effect".
The idea of a bystander effect was launched by reporting in the New York Times of the murder of Kitty Genovese. Wikipedia says that the New York Times admitted in 2016 that the original story was fabricated — the reporter did not find evidence of a bystander effect after all.
Bruce Schneier: 5G mobile networks are so pervasively insecure that it hardly matters who built the hardware — people and countries are screwed anyway.
In South Korea, graduates need to study how to fake out AI systems used to choose who to hire.
The UK has made no changes in its auditing system in two years since a major government contractor went bankrupt while its directors concealed what was happening.
The directors made out handsomely from this. Perhaps laws should be changed so that directors cannot do that in the future -- but unscrupulous rich people wouldn't want those laws. Do you think Tories would ever pass such laws?
If you are having something made in China, avoiding forced labor is not going to be easy.
*Gun Violence Isn't a Problem — it's actually 5 Problems, with Different Solutions.* Not all, but most deaths due to guns, fit into 5 specific patterns, and it might be possible to prevent many of them with specific actions.
Fast, efficient, domain-limited voice-command recognition can operate locally without sending personal data to anyone.
This technology can in principle respect privacy, but that doesn't guarantee it will respect privacy. It could transmit data just so that a company gets personal data. How can we make sure it doesn't?
Former state fire commissioner Greg Mullins tried in April to warn Australia's planet-roaster prime minister that "adapting to climate change" is insufficient to avert disaster.
The minister did not pay attention.
US deportation thugs often ignore court orders not to deport someone. Especially for Iranians.
The hypocrisy and dishonesty of a "moderate" Republican senator has a good chance of preventing her reelection. Overcoming the damage she has done will be more difficult, and I suppose she will be paid well for her service.
*'A Fact-Free Sham Trial Perpetrated in the Dead of Night': McConnell's Trump Cover-Up in Senate Begins.*
Israel labeled around 1/5 of the territory of the West Bank as "fire zones" for the army, to create a pretext to force most Palestinians out of those areas.
The US press has mostly ignored the report that the bully assassinated Soleimani at the request of Republican senators wanting a distraction from his trial.
He could have been lying when he said this. His supporters could have made it up. But it also may be true. Indeed, maybe the senators asked him to do it.
*Addameer Collects Hard Evidence on Torture and Ill-Treatment Committed against Palestinian [prisoners] at Israeli Interrogation Centers.*
*If the [US] minimum wage kept pace with productivity growth since 1968 it would be over $24 an hour today.*
Since 1968, it has not even kept up with inflation, let alone productivity growth.
The second article refutes some of the plutocratist arguments claiming this problem is inevitable.
African gray parrots tend to help other African gray parrots even when they don't expect any direct benefit from doing so.
*Warning of 'Environmental Ruin and With It a Human Tragedy,' Report Details Triple Threat to Coral Reefs.*
*Mayfly populations have fallen 50% since 2012.* They are an important food source for other animals, so their populations are falling also. *We Risk Living in an 'Empty World' If Assault on Nature Not Stopped, Warns UN Biodiversity Chief.*
"People's lives depend on biodiversity in ways that are not always apparent or appreciated. Human health ultimately depends on ecosystem services: the availability of fresh water, fuel, food sources."
Not-exactly-natural disasters cost 3 trillion dollars in the last decade, up from 1.8 trillion in the previous decade.
Global heating effects are responsible for much of the increase.
A survey found that 57% of Australians have been affected directly by the fires.
The fires are still spreading, so the number may yet increase.
A quarter of the population has experienced medical problems from the fires.
After removal of dangerously flammable insulation from two housing projects in London, heating has become so expensive that the residents are starving and/or freezing.
The local government needs to replace the insulation with something not flammable.
Unexpected levels of PFAS chemicals have been found in water supplies in various US cities.
These chemicals do not break down naturally, and can do various kinds of damage. No one knows yet what levels of them are safe.
Brazilian prosecutors want to charge Glenn Greenwald for publishing information, obtained by crackers, about the corruption of Brazilian prosecutors.
This is not exactly parallel to the US case against Julian Assange (since the information he published was leaked), but they are mostly parallel, and they pose similar threats to freedom of the press.
US border thugs forced foreign student Shahab Dehghani to fly back out, defying a court order saying that for the moment he could stay in the US.
The US and France agreed to push for an agreement on taxing internet sales.
If Sanders wins the Democratic nomination, Clinton said she will not endorse him.
I don't think Clinton has an obligation to endorse a candidate simply for having the Democratic nomination. But why does she not want to endorse Sanders? I conjecture it is because he is progressive — and she is not. We saw in 2016 that she was a dyed-in-the-wool corporatist.
Former Clinton supporters ask, *Why is Clinton amplifying destructive myths about Sanders and his supporters just weeks before the primaries begin?*
I conjecture the same answer for this question too.
Psychologist and torturer James Mitchell testified about his torture for the CIA, saying he was so determined to ensure that the US used the best possible torture that he felt obligated to carry it out himself.
The American College of Physicians has endorsed Medicare for All.
*Does Letting [thugs] Enter Your House Give Them Permission To Wreck It?*
The doctrine of "qualified immunity" assures that when thugs commit mayhem in a way that no court has ever ruled on, no court will ever rule on it and they will always get away with it.
Tilli Buchanan faces charges of "lewdness" in Utah for stripping to the waist, along with her husband, inside their house, while his children were present.
If convicted, she could be put on the sex offender's list. As this shows, people can be put on the sex offender's list for things that are not very wrong. Some didn't actually do anything to anyone.
*Countries from Britain to Greece are guilty of democratic backsliding.* It is not only Hungary and Poland.
George Monbiot: *Police say climate groups such as Extinction Rebellion are a ‘threat’. They’d have done the same for the suffragettes and Martin Luther King.*
The most violent of extremists are those whose plans will bring about the premature death of hundreds of millions of people: the planet roasters.
Gangs which splintered off rebel groups are now enslaving everyone who lives in the llano region around the Venezuela-Colombia border.
*Rising temperatures put more US workers at risk of dying from heat.*
A interview with the president of Planned Parenthood.
She discusses the right-wing attacks that target many aspects of sexual and reproductive medicine for women.
When Biden first ran for the senate, in 1972, he adopted progressive positions. By 1982, he was working with Republicans against Social Security.
*'A perfect storm': US census imperiled by Trump rhetoric and growing distrust.*
For Republicans, corrupting the census is one more method of voter suppression. They know that it will reduce the representation of areas where people that face discrimination live.
Global heating is increasing wildfires in Europe, too; even in the Arctic.
The fires in Sweden in August 2018 were the worst ever observed there.
*Unsustainable use of resources is wrecking the planet but recycling is falling, report finds.*
US citizens: phone your senators to urge them to vote to block war with Iran.
If you call, please spread the word!
Some UK teachers say how they would respond to commands to report students to the government for supporting Extinction Rebellion.
Taking women's reports of violence and danger seriously could protect everyone from grievous harm, including the Flint water supply kind of harm as well as mass shootings.
*Greta Thunberg tells leaders at Davos to heed global heating science.*
*As [the bully] goes on trial, so does the conscience of the Republican party.*
*The case for … cities where you're the sensor, not the thing being sensed.*
Poor men in their 50s in England today are considerably less well than comparable men who were in their 50s four decades ago.
Australia has stripped a woman (perhaps a supporter of PISSI) in Syria of her Australian citizenship.
The Australian government backdated the penalty so that her last two children, born in Syria, will not be Australian citizens either. They are, apparently, stateless.
China's birth rate continues to fall. This will be inconvenient in the next few decades, then tremendously beneficial in the long term for China's land, water and air, and may enable the smaller number of Chinese to escape with less damage through a smaller global disaster.
Iran is holding Kylie Moore-Gilbert in prison because she refused to work as a spy for Iran.
I am sad to point out that the US has punished people simply for refusing to work as spies.
AirBnB is canceling customers' accounts for engaging in certain kinds of sexual activities not carried out in an AirBnB room.
This is a little taste of the developing US social credit system. We must protect anonymity.
*'Modi is afraid': women take lead in India's citizenship protests.*
A scenario of justice implemented with machine learning.
California's governor intervened so that the homeless mothers (with their families) who squatted in a house in Oakland will be allowed to buy it.
Fixing one instance of bullying by a company is nice, but what we really need is to prevent such situations from arising again.
*The European Union risks wasting €29bn of taxpayers’ money … in gas projects which will be unnecessary under Europe's climate action plans.*
I wish this were nothing worse than a waste of money.
Operating the Guantanamo prison has perverted the US military and legal system in ways that have spread beyond Guantanamo.
You may enjoy my song parody, Guantanamero.
About teaching students about the causes of US war, the professed reasons for them, and resistance to these wars.
On learning the skill of listening.
The article advertises a book. If you want to buy it, please defend the right of anonymity by buying it anonymously with cash.
*Countering Annual Whitewash of His Legacy, Progressives Remember the 'Anti-Capitalist, Anti-Imperialist' Martin Luther King Jr.*
Indigenous Australians propose to use their traditional fire management technique — small controlled burns — to prevent large fires. The problem is that global heating effects make that harder to do.
Before English colonization, the aboriginals kept forests much thinner using fire. It was easy to walk through the forests in those days, with spaces between trees and little underbrush.
*Citing Threat From Armed [right-wing extremist] Groups, Virginia Gov. Declares Emergency and Bans Guns at State Capitol.*
Canada's Supreme Court ruled that the province of British Columbia cannot block the Trans Mountain planet-roaster pipeline. Canada agreed to a business-supremacy treaty with China that requires building the Unkinder Morgan pipeline. The penalty for not doing so could be even more billions than the cost of building the pipeline, and the government might pay it secretly.
Seven questions expose the ways mainstream media implement their bias against progressives.
The mainstream media are big corporations owned by giant corporations. Naturally they support the policies that serve giant corporations, on the issues that those care about.
Shipment of live animals between countries is dangerous for everyone — many bring infections with them.
China ended manufacture of the greenhouse gas HFC-23, but emissions have increased despite that.
Nasty behavior by thugs inspires distrust, and this seems to lead to increased gun violence — not only by thugs.
On a raid of a nail bar accused of enslaving workers.
University professors nowadays are regularly treated by the university with the same abuses that the staff of fast-food joints have long had to suffer.
*Climate refugees can't be returned home, says landmark UN human rights ruling.*
*Humans risk living in an empty world, warns UN biodiversity chief.*
I think that is an exaggeration. Surely some weeds and cockroaches will survive.
*Big oil is the new big tobacco. Congress must use its power to investigate.*
The Tory victory is rapidly increasing the price of housing. Rich people now feel secure that they will be able to exploit the poor with high rents.
Scientists at the Environmental Poisoning Agency say that the Republican officials at the top have excluded them from the process of developing new rules to facilitate poisoning the US.
I wish that statement were satire, but it is true.
Many museums are changing to expose children to new kinds of joy via learning and exploring,
However, I am not taken with the child's idea that "objects have rights"; it seems to be an instance of the childish mistake of personifying everything.
Objects cannot have rights because they are unable to exercise any rights. To do that requires feelings, wishes, preferences, and a way to express them. If we can ever make objects which have those faculties, such as are familiar in science fiction, they might deserve to be considered persons — but they don't exist now.
This is an instance of a gratuitous conceptual rigidity, according to which the only way to conclude that a non-person ought to be protected somehow is to say it has rights. Thus, we can't simply protect a river from pollution, we would have to say the river "has rights."
Experience shows that laws against polluting rivers will do the job, given political will to uphold them. Absent that will, defining that protection as "rights of rivers" won't help much; governments that don't value justice often allow the rights of human beings to be trampled.
A company plans to track people on streets all around the world by facial recognition.
The article mentions secondary ways this could be used to oppress and mistreat people, by stalkers and foreign governments. It tiptoes around the biggest threats: that companies and your own government could do this.
My recommendations would make this system's operation illegal.
DiEM25 members are voting on a proposal regarding "Tech Sovereignty".
The proposal is inadequate because it fails to tackle the crucial issues: moving government agencies to free software and stopping the collection of data.
Removing the bias from Oxford's admissions process.
Sanders tells New York Times editorial board: *Trump's Racist Demagoguery Only Works Because Too Many Americans Feel Establishment Has 'Failed Them',*
A stolen Afghan statue from the 2th century AD has been found. It will be returned to the museum in Kabul to await destruction by the Taliban.
The US Space Force represents an eager plan to extend war into more theaters rather than try to limit space arms.
(satire) *"This new evidence proves beyond a doubt that Bernie Sanders strongly wants to lead a nation that has repeatedly enabled, supported, and encouraged misogyny …"
(satire) *Stephen Miller Hurt At Being Passed Over For Job Stalking Female Ambassador.*
*Grand Jury Backs Murder Charges Against Houston [thug] Who Lied to Justify a Deadly Drug Raid.*
Other thugs may be charged too.
*The Missouri Library Association says it is monitoring a bill put forward in the state House by a Republican lawmaker, which, if passed, could create committees across the state with the power to jail librarians for distributing material the panels deem "inappropriate."*
This is an example of the general conclusion that "inappropriate" describes a judgment call, so we must not use that as grounds to punish or restrict anyone.
Public Citizen: The New NAFTA isn't very good, but it is a lot less bad than the old one.
In my view, in order for a trade treaty to avoid being a business-supremacy treaty, it would need to avoid helping companies become larger and develop more political power.
Bogus Johnson is, surprisingly, not going all out to crush the poor and weak.
*Montessori education could reduce the advantage gap between rich and poor, but it's only available to the rich.*
Society should make sure every child gets the education and other requisites to realize per potential. Denying this to anyone is not only unfair, it's a waste.
Virginia's new Democratic legislature voted to ratify the Equal Rights Amendment, but it is not effective because the deadline passed in 1982. The process will have to start over again in Congress, and that will require taking control of the Senate.
Leatherback turtles, pikas, monarch butterflies, puffins, polar bears: each of those species is falling victim to an ecological disconnect that puts its survival at risk.
China is pushing hard to reduce plastic waste.
The PLO calls on the European Union to recognize the State of Palestine.
Exposure to sugar caused changes in pigs' brains similar to those caused by opioids.
It would be harmful to ban sugar — just as it is harmful to ban other recreational drugs — but it could be helpful to change social systems to reduce the social pressure to use them.
Australian planners recommend buying the land from people whose isolated houses in the forest were burned.
This will surely reduce property damage and deaths from future fires. It may also make containing those fires a little easier, as fire-fighting will not be complicated by the wish to save houses where there are no houses.
However, over the decades as the fires get ever worse, that won't make a noticeable difference. Short-term improvements are good, but we must not let them steal the show from what we need for the long term: to curb global heating.
US citizens: call on Congress to defund the bully's border wall.
If you sign, please spread the word!
US citizens: call on lawmakers to preserve the right to encryption.
If you sign, please spread the word!
Parts of the US sanctions against Iran are hitting US citizens and residents of Iranian origin.
Aside from the question of whether US economic warfare against Iran is necessary, or makes any sense, it clearly makes no sense to stop parents in Iran from paying their children's school in the US. The bully has introduced hatred into the issue, and officials seem to think that anyone that hurts or rejects some Iranian is good.
The IRS has terminated its commitment not to release its own tax-filing software. Does this matter?
When the article says "free", it means "gratis" — zero price. The gratis digital filing options offered by companies almost surely require the user to run a nonfree program. (Can anyone check the facts for me?). In addition, they require trusting the company with your personal data.
A gratis digital filing option from the IRS won't require trusting a company with personal data, but no other improvement is assured.
The IRS would be able to release it as free/libre software, but we can't expect that to happen by itself. More likely it will release that software in the unjust way most software is released. A nonfree program is equally unjust whether it comes from a company or a government agency.
We will need to urge, perhaps pressure, the IRS to respect taxpayers' computing freedom by releasing free/libre tax-filing software.
*Kimberly Gardner, first African American circuit court attorney in St Louis, accuses city and police union of conspiring to remove her from office.* She is suing them and has the support of other black prosecutors.
The UK government classed nonviolent Greenpeace and PETA along with Nazis.
*Beetles and fire kill dozens of 'indestructible' giant sequoia trees.*
Mature, healthy trees are proving vulnerable in ways that didn't happen before.
*Oakland’s Moms 4 Housing Were Evicted by a Giant Corporation That Runs National Home-Flipping Operation.*
There is no reason to allow companies to buy large numbers of houses, and no reason to allow a company to conceal who its owners are. In particular, there is no reason to allow a company with concealed owners to buy real estate at all.
*Choking point: how Australia's bushfires have left its citizens struggling for air.*
US pesticide companies have persistently manipulated the media and science to prevent recognition of how dangerous neonicotinoid pesticides are to various kinds of animals.
A constant effort may succeed in protecting the honeybee population, but no one is trying to protect all the wild insects that get exposed to the same pesticides.
The danger may not be limited to insects. If neonicotinoids can cause birth defects in deer, we cannot rule out a priori that they might do so in humans. And since these compounds last for many years, we may be accumulating more of them every year.
The UK sentences Islamist extremists to longer prison terms than right-wing extremists, for similar crimes. Three times as long, on the average.
The UK does not fully recognize freedom of speech, and some of the crimes in question involve posting extremist opinions and nothing more. I condemn those opinions, but imprisoning people for their opinions is dangerous too.
Putin's plan to reduce the president's power seems designed to transfer the power to other offices which he could hold for the rest of his life.
*Brazil culture secretary forced out after appearing to paraphrase Nazi Goebbels.*
Bolsonaro often appoints ministers for sharing his extremist ideology.
*Germany will pay billions to speed up coal-fired power plant shutdowns.*
It is important to shut down the coal-burning plants, but the idea that electric utilities should not have to pay any part of the cost of this change seems unfair to me. If it is a matter of supporting the poorer eastern regions of Germany, the support should go to those regions and their people, not to electric utilities.
Florida's citizens voted to allow ex-cons convicted of felonies to vote, so the Republican legislature found an excuse to block 80% of them: requiring them to pay all their fines and court fees first.
There is no record of what any ex-con owes, so those who wish to pay these fines and fees have no way to make sure they have done so.
It looks like nothing will convince Australian PM Scott Morrison to stop trying to convert Australia and the rest of the world to ashes. How can Australia bypass his power and protect itself?
Senator Paul threatens that if other senators call Bolton as a witness, he will call Hunter Biden as a witness.
Hunter Biden's testimony, whatever he may say, will be irrelevant to the question of the conman's guilt or innocence. Biden may have done something corrupt in Ukraine — it would not surprise me — but the conman did not seem to have evidence of this. If he had evidence that Biden had committed some crime, he had many legitimate ways available to act on that. The military aid shakedown was private political manipulation, not a legitimate channel of law enforcement.
Wendell Potter apologizes for helping inventing a powerful message which US insurance companies use to oppose universal medical care (Medicare for All): the mostly-false claim that the existing system gives Americans some meaningful "choice".
Seattle Bans Foreign-Influenced Corporations From Spending in Local Elections.
More precisely, corporations with over a certain minimum percentage of foreign stockholders are not allowed to do that.
Really, all corporations should be barred from political spending. Corporations are not beings; they have no feelings or wishes. They are not entitled to human rights.
Everyone: call on companies that sponsor the Olympic Games to ask for elimination of Rule 50 which prohibits political gestures by athletes.
*Backtracking in light of recent polls that indicate public dismay over his handling of Iran, President Trump announced Wednesday he was moving forward with a plan to reverse the killing of top Iranian general Qassem Soleimani.*
Released documents seem to show the bully's henchmen talking about possible violence against Ambassador Yovanovitch.
Democrats say the bully is concealing documents pertinent to proving the case against him.
*UN sounds alarm over unprecedented levels of hunger in southern Africa.*
Since this involves flooding and drought, I suppose it's climate mayhem.
*Key Architect of 2003 Iraq War Is Now a Key Architect of Trump Iran Policy.*
With only one letter of difference between Iraq and Iran, why distinguish? Fight one, fight 'em all!
Good thing there are no countries Irao and Irap for the US to fight.
*In a sense, this moment calls for Sanders and Warren supporters to be better than their candidates, who've descended into an avoidably harsh conflict that hugely benefits corporate power and corporate Democrats.*
Arguing that BlackRock's climate pledge represents an attempt to forestall the sort of fossil fuel legislation that we need for those companies.
Putin announced a plan to transfer some political power from the presidency to the legislature.
The article calls this a "power grab" but I don't see how he personally could gain any power from this. Although I am not inclined to trust Putin, this seems to be a plan to make sure that his successors as president don't have the same power he has had.
Unusual heat in a large area of the Pacific Ocean seems to have killed around a million seabirds in 2015. They died because of a shortage of the small fish they eat, one of many consequences of heat in the ocean.
*Taliban offer to stand down fighters to restart peace talks with US.*
It appears that YouTube gives gratis advertising to global heating denialism.
Before handing decisions (even about how to treat individual humans) to AIs, the previous step is to tell the human officials or service representatives to follow rules like AIs. This is already common and we can see how badly it malfunctions.
3 million Syrians are trapped in Idlib province as Assad's forces slowly advance and squeeze them tighter.
Assad may kill many of them if he captures them.
The offensive includes systematically attacking hospitals and clinics.
It is unconstitutional for the US government to prioritize someone for deportation because of dislike for per political statements and activities. Activist Jean Montrevil is suing for the right to return from Haiti.
Instagram (one of Facebook's mouths) deletes postings simply for containing photos of General Soleimani.
This reflects badly on the freedom of speech which the US defends.
In 10 years since the Corporations United decision, 25 billionaires have spend 1.4 billion dollars to influence US elections.
There is no way of knowing how much corporations have spent.
Macron, president of the French Republic, hopes his crowning achievement will be to proudly lead his country in complete surrender to the empire of globalized business.
That disgusting editorial likewise makes surrender the goal.
Je ne mange pas les avocats, mais les mac(a)rons oui.
*Victory for Democrats as Wisconsin appeals court puts hold on voter purge.*
*Yes, Iranians can protest against both US intervention and their government.*
*Netflix … pushed up to £330m in profits through low-tax state [the Netherlands], despite generous UK reliefs and rebates.*
Offering special tax discounts to incite a company to profit from you is being a sucker.
*The [bully]'s decision to kill Suleimani stemmed from ego rather than the country's best interests, Douglas London [former CIA employee] claims.*
US citizens: call on Facebook not to publish the bullshitter's false ads.
If you call, please spread the word!
*Germany’s abortion law: made by the Nazis, upheld by today’s right.*
Bogus Johnson has now learned that a trade deal with the US would require servile support from the UK.
*When it comes to growth versus green, the short-term view always prevails.*
Teaching and leading the public to choose pain starting now to avoid death and disaster later is not easy, but the first step is having the courage to try.
The Tories are embarrassed each time the underfunded NHS fails to meet its targets on metrics of good care, so they will cancel the metrics.
*Warming oceans force leatherback turtles on longer journeys to feed.*
Over time, this could wipe them out — if something else doesn't get them first.
Frequent sex correlates with later menopause, according to one large study.
This study doesn't demonstrate what causes what.
A meteorite that crashed on Earth contains pieces of material emitted by dying stars before the Sun was formed.
*[Australia] refuses to reveal extent of exports as arms sold to UAE, Saudi Arabia, Sri Lanka and Democratic Republic of Congo.*
*UN draft plan sets 2030 target to avert Earth's sixth mass extinction.*
Australia's climate denialists have "adapted" to evident global heating.
Now they attack a strange straw man by saying that the amount of wildfire can't be related to a specific greenhouse gas reduction policy. That may be true but it isn't pertinent to anything.
11 endangered Australian animal species that the fires have brought closer to extinction.
The oceans continue heating up. 2019 saw an especially great rise in ocean temperature.
The Department of Harassment and Subjugation (DHS) listed the nonviolent Valve Turners as "suspected environmental rights extremists."
To criticize climate defenders as "extremists" shows the conceptual error in using "extreme" to define "dangerous". Not all extremists are dangerous, only those who lean towards violence when there is no justification for violence. When plutocrats have maneuvered almost everyone into disregarding the harm that plutocrats are doing, the few who try to oppose that are by definition "extremists" -- but that doesn't make them a menace to society. Quite the contrary.
The right concept to use here is "fanatical".
The EU offered to let UK banks do business in Europe in exchange for letting EU fishing boats fish in the UK.
Each of those would make the world a worse place.
Iran's failed denial of having accidentally shot down an airliner has reminded Iranians of their criticism of the regime — from which they had been temporarily distracted by the bully's rash act.
The criticism of the regime is strong.
The wisest thing for the US to do is avoid any hint of meddling. Iranians will not welcome advice from the US about a domestic matter. If the bully had any concern for the interests of the US, he would heed advice to do that.
The regime's best hope is that the bully will commit another rash act that will unify Iranians again.
This reminds me of the way Dubya and al-Qa'ida used to strengthen each other's support base through belligerent and offensive statements.
*Human Rights Watch head says China is a ‘surveillance state’ using its economic clout to stifle international criticism.*
*Activists cheer BlackRock's landmark climate move but call for vigilance.*
When companies promise to reduce the harm they do to the world, it often turns out to mean no effective change.
Most scientific researchers feel great pressure, from job insecurity with bullying on top.
Indigenous groups in the US are fighting to be counted in the census.
"Dumb" cities can do many things better, even preventing floods and cleaning ground water. And they can do it without tracking people.
However, a "dumb" city in China will surely track people too.
Wollemi pines have survived 200 million years, and are known to survive in just one place in Australia. Helicopter water-drops saved them from fire — this time.
It will be hard to keep them alive for the rest of this century.
*Sacked or silenced: academics say they are blocked from exploring trans issues.*
Puerto Rico, which has still not recovered from the hurricane which struck over a year ago, was recently hit by damaging earthquakes. The US government is holding back money to support repairs.
An unintentional experiment suggests that air filters in schools improves students' work.
In the UK it appears that participatory local government strengthened and protected the vote for the Labour Party. I wonder if it might have a similar effect, in support for progressive politicians at the national level, in the US.
UK thugs put Extinction Rebellion on a list of terrorist ideologies to be repressed by schools. When this became public, the thugs said it was a mistake.
This illustrates the danger of repression inherent in that system for controlling ideologies.
*Droning the World: The Assassination Complex From Bush to Obama to Trump.*
We can make it easier to recycle plastic by changing the system for making aid distributing plastic objects. But that won't do the job that needs to be done. We need to reduce the amount of stiff that we make, buy, and throw away.
Global heating is drying out Tunisia and destroying the date palms.
*Justin Trudeau: US escalation partly to blame for Iran plane deaths.*
I think he is right about this. Both sides engaged in the escalation of violence which created the situation in which the airliner was shot down. I don't think either side intended that outcome, but playing with fire made deadly accidents more likely.
I wonder why Iran is arresting some of the people who fired on what they believed was a cruise missile.
Sanders and Warren have started attacking each other.
I am very disappointed with this. They are the only two progressive candidates for the Democratic nomination. If they tear each other down, they will benefit plutocratist candidates. They should end their dispute forthwith.
Oslo has made tight constraints against driving that have cut down the use of cars.
This depends on truly good public transport, reaching into the suburbs, but the great benefit of that will be worth the price.
A total surveillance app invites parents to snoop on children 24 hours a day. At least it teaches the children to resent and resist being tracked.
Senator McConnell demonstrated blatant contempt for Senate ethics rules when he said he would not act as an impartial juror in the conman's trial.
Leaked messages show that the conman approved assassinating Soleimani months ago. When he said it was because of an immediate threat, he was apparently lying.
The reason he gave at the time was in the nature of revenge or reprisal, not prevention.
US citizens: call on the EPA not to relax regulations for coal ash.
If you call, please spread the word!
Rick Wilson (former Republican campaign consultant)'s latest book presents the conman's corruption.
Do not, as my party did, underestimate the evil, desperate nature of evil desperate people. Do not come to this fight believing that the Trump team views any action, including outright criminality, as off limits. [The 2020 election] is a battle that decides whether they have an unlimited runway to create a dynastic kleptocracy based on an authoritarian personality cult that makes North Korea look like Sweden, or whether the immune system of the Republic kicks in and purges them from the body public … There is no bottom. There is no shame. There are no limits … He is surrounded by cowards with frightening and tremendous skills …
*More than 300 human rights activists were killed in 2019, report reveals.* The worst countries were Colombia, Philippines, Brazil, Honduras, and Mexico.
The first four are ruled by murderous regimes.
(satire) *[the bully] Warns Iran Not To Kill Any Protesters Who U.S. Already Has Dibs On.*
A report proposes that the US spend $100 billion (over a period of many years) to prevent extinction of hundreds or thousands of endangered species.
The proposal does not include curbing global heating, but it depends on doing that. Without that, preventing a mass extinction is hopeless. In addition, without curbing global heating, technological society is likely to take such a big hit that it will no longer have the capacity to do the things proposed in this plan.
We must do both.
The moderators Facebook employs to moderate postings suffer regimentation comparable to the Amazon warehouse. Facebook counts the seconds of their toilet breaks.
It also punishes them for the time they spend looking up the rules they are supposed to judge by.
They need a union. However, the worst of this should be illegal for any employer.
Please don't call people's communications or works "content". That term disparages all communications indiscriminately.
A survey of women who had abortions, asking them across five years how they felt about the abortion, found that 95% of them felt relief.
The campaign to divest from fossil fuels has won support from half of the UK universities.
Nepal is considering 5-year sentences for offensive postings or ridicule.
Three news announcers have quit Iranian state TV, apologizing for telling lies for the state.
*Joe Biden Has Advocated Cutting Social Security for 40 Years.*
Iran's terrible mistake, on top of the death of Soleimani, has weakened Iran's influence without immediately sparking violence.
New York City is a good place to document languages that are on the verge of extinction.
US citizens: call on Congress to guarantee a home for every American.
If you call, please spread the word!
US recycling capacity for paper and plastic is so insufficient that many cities are considering ending their recycling programs.
A real solution for this requires limiting the commercial distribution of plastic to make it easy to recycle.
On Jan 18, participate in the global Women's March for Human Rights.
It is not easy to see the list of events in the organizing site without running nonfree JavaScript. I found a way: first, click the EVENTS button, then move the mouse onto the list of events and a scroll bar appears with which I believe you can see the whole list.
If you click on the word MARCH or ACTION in an event, you may get a page with some additional information. But in some cases, not enough. The crucial information to participate is where and when. Some of the events do not say precisely where, at least not in that page.
Perhaps you can see it if you run some nonfree JavaScript code, but doing that is bad for your freedom.
If you can get in contact any event organizers and suggest adding the missing information directly in the event's own page, that would help some people find the event and participate.
If you go, please spread the word!
*This wave of global protest is being led by the children of the financial crash.*
*Has the climate crisis made California too dangerous to live in?*
Has it made the main populated parts of Australia too dangerous to live in?
Will we stop greenhouse emissions before they make much of the Earth too dangerous to live in?
BlackRock has joined other big investment funds to demand companies reduce emissions.
Kentucky Republicans hope to defeat the state's new Democratic governor by means of a stricter voter-ID law.
US citizens: call on the BLM not to strip polar bear habitat protections.
The US militarily dominates Iraq, and its oil, from two large air bases. Iraq does not have a real air force so it must obey.
This is challenged by the Shi'ite militias that Iran supports, and were the work of General Soleimani.
Sports fans in the UK protested against face recognition at a match, and covered their faces.
*Scientists reveal how they are dealing with a profound sense of loss as the climate emergency worsens.*
We all need advice on this. Global heating disaster will be worse, in many places, than military conquest and occupation has usually been.
Android phones subsidized by the US government come with preinstalled adware and a back door for forcing installation of apps.
The adware is in a modified version of an essential system configuration app.
The back door is a surreptitious addition to a program whose stated purpose is to be a universal back door for firmware.
In other words, a program whose raison d'être is malicious has a secret secondary malicious purpose.
All this is in addition to the malware of Android itself.
Recordings show that the deportation thugs falsely accused visiting foreign students of seeking to enroll in their fraudulent university so as to cheat immigration requirements.
The students wanted to enroll in a real university, take real classes, and fulfill the requirements. Only the deportation thugs wanted them to cheat.
Amazon gets access to video from Ring devices.
This was highlighted by the fact that some Ring employees who were authorized to look at the videos used that access for personal motives and were fired. There will always be employees who do this, and with Ring the uniformed thugs often can do it too, which is far more dangerous.
Facebook gives video-publishing media sites exaggerated view counts to attract them to move from YouTube. Some of them borrow money to invest to profit from this increased popularity, and they go bankrupt.
Another drawback is that if you refuse to be a zucker, the site becomes inaccessible to you when it is on Facebook.
Tulsi Gabbard's campaign staff attacked protesters who criticized the powerful right-wight Hindu extremist group, RSS.
A New York City thug has been convicted of perjury for trying to frame someone for an imaginary attempted murder.
The sentence, four years probation, seems too light to me. Will it succeed in deterring similar crimes in the future?
30,000 in Sydney demanded to get rid of the denialist prime minister who will defend fossil fuels at the expense of humanity.
Almost 2/3 of Americans support Senator Warren's wealth tax proposal.
There is a report that the bully had General Soleimani assassinated to help Republican senators stand up to criticism of protecting him blindly from impeachment.
Freedom of humor is under attack from both political sides.
We all lose from censorship. You don't have to like every joke, and neither do I, but we must fight against censorship.
International judges participated in a march in Warsaw for judicial independence, which the authoritarian government plans to eliminate.
US citizens: call on your congresscritter to cosponsor the Pregnant Workers Fairness Act.
If you call, please spread the word!
*The [saboteur's] administration has filled the parks department with anti-public land sycophants.*
Lula and his foreign minister helped the US and Iran negotiate the nonnuclear deal. Their motive was to avoid a war.
Greta Thunberg and associates call on the elite meeting in Davos to end the investment in destroying their future.
*Ballooning debt [and international pressure] forces poor countries to cut public spending.*
*Citizens' panels ready to help Macron set French climate policies.*
I don't know whether this is a good idea, but I suppose it can't make things worse.
*UK "deliberately" separating families in flagrant breach of international law, report finds.*
Millions of people can no longer deny the global heating danger we all face. This will lead to anger — but if the anger fades with time, how do we go on?
Boeing employees' told each other in emails that the design of the plane was grossly disregarding safety.
"This airplane is designed by clowns who in turn are supervised by monkeys." "I’ll be shocked if the FAA passes this turd." One message referred to "the very very few of us on the program who are interested only in truth."
The New York City Bar Association called on Congress to investigate the US Attorney General for partisan use of his official powers.
*Iran admits shooting down Ukrainian airliner 'unintentionally' — state TV*
This mistake was very sad, but the only moral lesson to be drawn is that it would be good for the US and Iran to reduce tensions.
Globalization has decoupled US companies from Americans. The success of the former means little for the latter. The "success" of the bullshitter's deal with Russia is entirely for the former.
The Environmental Poisoning Agency (formerly Environmental Protection Agency) approved over 100 products using toxic pesticides it previously committed to eventually prohibit.
Increasing the US minimum wage saves a few thousands of lives per year per dollar of increase, simply by reducing suicides.
People should have the right to kill themselves, and to get help. But a good society will avoid driving people to the despair that leads to suicide.
I am confident that the minimum wage increase saves even more lives by enabling people to afford food and medicine.
Ralph Nader: Democrats Need to Rip Off the Mask of Timidity and Impeach Trump on All Counts.
*Sanders, Khanna Lead Dozens of Lawmakers in Introducing No War Against Iran Act.*
US citizens: phone your senators and insist on a real, proper trial for the bullshitter — not a rigged excuse to let him off.
Also sign this petition.
Plutocratist Democrats proposed a climate protection plan which would be insufficient to avoid disaster.
It seems that their aim is to placate supporters who really want to protect the climate.
The border thugs started a "pilot program" to separate minors of all ages from their parents, a year before they made that the standard, blanket practice.
The blanket practice was cancelled, but they didn't really stop. Rather, they came up with various excuses to separate some minors from their parents, and still do this quite often.
*Corporate Media Welcome Back Iraq War Hawks To Make Case for Iran.*
Online shopping has cost thousands of jobs in the UK this year. It also costs heavily in tax revenue, and attacks privacy (which depends on anonymity). It would make sense to penalize online shopping.
The flora is changing on high Himalayan mountains, perhaps due to global heating.
This could lead to flooding in India and neighboring countries.
Now that Democrats in favor of gun control govern Virginia, right-wing extremists there are threatening violent disobedience. Some sheriffs and some local governments have announced in advance they will defy whatever new gun control laws are passed, and threatening to start a civil war.
Comparing this violent mob to a "powder keg" is fundamentally wrong. It exempts them from responsibility from the violence they are planning to cause. (Powder kegs do not pack themselves with gunpowder.) The consequence is to presume, for the Democrats, a moral onus not to irritate the mob — in effect, to obey its orders.
A better analogy for this mob is a gang of terrorists with powerful suicide belts. I think we had better take their guns away.
Right-wing extremists used this approach in Oregon and intimidated the state government. Virginia must find the way to overcome the scheme. It must not let a violent faction impose its will by force.
India's Supreme Court ruled that keeping Kashmir incommunicado indefinitely is unacceptable.
Will Modi take this as an opportunity to display his power through contempt for the court?
A study found that 1/3 of adults in Hong Kong are suffering from PTSD. Following the news on social media seems to increase the risk.
The study did not cover minors.
The smoke from far-away wildfires subjects everyone to toxic pollution. It fills hospitals and makes some medical equipment unusable. It injures babies as they take their first breaths. Author Gemma Carey wonders whether the pollution caused her to miscarry.
She now doubts whether it is right and proper to get pregnant again.
If the fires next summer in Australia are not as big as this summer, don't let that fool you. As long as temperatures keep increasing, worse fires are inevitable. But ever-increasing temperatures may not be inevitable yet.
Global heating could cause temporary shutdowns of the Gulf Stream. This would make winter in Britain cold and snowy like winter in Scandinavia.
The US Congress hardly bothers to scrutinize the warlike acts ordered by the bully.
A billionaire has warned other rich Americans to get ready for President Sanders.
It is unwise to assume that Bolton's testimony to the Senate will hurt the conman.
The Sunrise Movement, youths campaigning for a Green New Deal, has endorsed Sanders for president.
Overall, it is wise for society to encourage people to attend college.
The article argues that it is beneficial in the US to go to college. That may be true for most people, but there is a substantial risk of a bad outcome.
The article reports that college graduates earn a lot more, on the average. On the average, they can pay back their loans. But I suspect that a considerable fraction of graduates make much less than the average and can't pay back their loans. Especially those whose college degrees did not aim narrowly at a particular profession. And then there are all the people that didn't graduate from college, don't get the higher incomes, but do get the enormous debts.
And this doesn't take account of the graduates that do get higher incomes because they are doing evil things such as working on nonfree software products or on internet dis-services. They may avoid being trapped in debt, but their lives have been harmed anyway.
*San Francisco has nearly five empty homes per homeless resident.*
This bespeaks the need for changes in the law that will get those housing units put into use. As a last resort, the city should be empowered to lodge people in those units without asking the owner's permission. However, other milder measures should suffice to achieve the job.
The bullshitter's surely killed General Soleimani to manipulate the public. His critics' responses should be more emotionally powerful.
The bullshitter's effort has not worked with most Americans. Most Americans believe that the assassination of Soleimani made America less safe. Almost 2/3 believe it made war more likely. Likewise, a majority say that the bully's actions towards Iran were reckless.
However, the minority that supports the bully are surely jumping up and down and longing to see more blood flow.
Rumor has it that Iran is developing a tiny drone equipped with a cigarette lighter, which they will use to target the bullshitter's pants while he is not wearing them.
*"As long as the cloud of impeachment exists, it would be a grave mistake for the Senate to allow the president to continue making lifetime appointments to the federal judiciary."*
The US and some of its Five Eyes allies claim that Iran fired missiles by mistake at the Ukrainian airliner that crashed recently just from after taking off from Tehran.
Since the claim is based on secret intelligence material, I have no way to judge its validity, but there is some other evidence that missiles destroyed the airliner.
Morally the question is not crucial, if it was a mistake. A mistake is not a crime.
The largest national group of passengers in that airliner were Iranian. If indeed Iranian soldiers destroyed the plane by mistake, there is no call for other countries to harass Iran about it. Rather, I pity whoever made the mistake (or whoever Iran blames for the mistake).
This recalls the air liner shot down some by the USS Vincennes over the Persian Gulf.
It also recalls the air liner shot down by the Ukrainian rebels a few years ago, also apparently by mistake.
The "fog of war" leads soldiers sometimes to kill civilians without intending to. There is no way for any army to avoid that completely. What we should criticize is the recklessness about civilian casualties and intentional killing of civilians.
Military occupation of conquered territory is not supposed to result in long-term repression of nonviolent dissent. A report from Human Rights Watch explains that Israel systematically imprisons Palestinians for nonviolent criticism of the occupation, and for journalism, on strained excuses.
Israeli thugs destroyed the homes and sheep-pens of Palestinian shepherds. People gave them tents, so thugs came back and took away their tents.
This is part of a slow-moving campaign of ethnic cleansing, described by Uri Avnery as aiming to make the West Bank "araberrein".
An interview with Chomsky on the world's most powerful rogue state and how the egoist has used its power to mess everything up.
I was surprised that he suggests that the downing of an airliner by the USS Vincennes was intentional. I find that theory implausible. Would Reagan have ordered a crime that would arouse hostility to the US, and gain nothing? I don't think so. It requires being worse than merely unscrupulous.
*Mike Bloomberg Says He’s Immune to Corporate Influence. His Campaign Is Managed by Lobbyists.*
Traditionally, conservatives advocate prudence to prevent a problem rather than waiting and fixing it. Plutocratists, even if they call themselves "conservative", are nothing like that.
They rediscover their conservative views each time they need an excuse keep poor people down.
A Christian evaluation of the conman.
Congress should limit profiteering on war. Capping CEO pay could be part of that, though I think more is needed.
70% of people in one zone Detroit are black, and polluting industries have concentrated there. Life expectancy there is 10 or 15 years less than in the suburbs.
The residents of "Cancer Alley" in Louisiana have finally got some attention from their congresscritter, a thoroughly plutocratist "new Democrat".
A new form of gentrification is filling San Francisco with empty storefronts. Perhaps empty condos. too. Landlords would rather have no tenant than a rent lower than their wildest dreams.
This calls for a heavy tax on housing units that are not anyone's primary residence. This may be blocked in California by the tax-limiting initiative adopted in the 1980s.
India's unions held a 24-hour general strike in protest against Modi's policies that prioritize the rich over workers.
Carlos Ghosn said he escaped from Japan because he was likely to remain in jail for years unless he confessed.
It's true that Japan does this to accused people. That doesn't imply he isn't guilty, but he might not get a fair trial.
Many non-rich defendants in the US face a similar unfairness due to the bail system and they are often effectively compelled to plead guilty.
US citizens: call on the Senate to hold a fair impeachment trial.
If you sign, please spread the word!
British prosecutors blame budget cuts for failing, in half of all trials, to hand over the evidence that defendants are entitled to.
The bully's officials presented a "briefing" about the "imminent threat" that supposedly required and justified assassinated General Soleimani, but when senators started asking probing questions, the officials walked out.
US citizens: call on Forest Supervisor Russell Bacon: Don't strip away protections for Thunder Basin's prairie dogs.
If you sign, please spread the word!
Everyone: call on Netflix to cancel its program that is propaganda for the border thugs.
But do keep in mind that Netflix systematically shreds its customers' freedom. For your freedom's sake, join me in refusing to be a customer of Netflix.
Sharing is good. The only ethical way to watch a movie is a way that enables you to share copies.
If you sign, please spread the word!
A book accuses Trump Jr and Ivanka Trump of intentionally lying to sell condos.
This could be fraud, which would be a New York State crime. The conman could not protect them from prosecution there.
The will to war is so strong in Washington and Tehran that we cannot rely on them to keep stopping short.
*The thing about maximum pressure is that it normally causes things to explode.*
We can't expect the reckless US president to look for a way to de-escalate the conflict with Iran. But Congress can.
It would also be nice if Congress were to legislate that the US cannot refuse or delay visas to attend UN sessions, for foreign officials entitled to attend under the UN treaty.
The superfluous bureaucracy of the US medical system costs $2000 per year per person.
Medicare for All would eliminate this. It would also save costs in other ways. As much as $8000 per year per person.
Economist Thorsten Veblen, from 1890 to 1920, analyzed how the plutocrats dominated US politics in the first "golden age" of inequality and poverty. What he wrote illuminates this, the second such "golden age".
I just wish the author had not called this the "age of Trump". The conman wasn't the leader in creating today's inequality and poverty. What he did do was escalate the attack on the idea of seeking to know and state the truth. But he doesn't deserve to have us affix his name to the whole practice or to the age as a whole.
The US government has been claiming for 12 years that Iran was chiefly responsible for arming Iraqis to fight the US army, with no evidence for it.
Iran has backed the Shi'ite militias in Iraq, but they were not the Iraqis that fought the US army. On the contrary, those who did so were Sunnis. They regarded Iran and its Shi'ite militias as the enemy.
Biden, in 1998, already advocated attacking Iraq to overthrow Saddam Hussein. He continued to advocate that in 2003 when he voted to support Dubya's invasion.
What I said in 2003: invading a country to remove a dictator is justified if (1) we are sure the people of that country want this sort of help, and (2) we can be confident the new government will be better than the existing one. I also said that I didn't believe either condition was true in Iraq.
The Tories have not reestablished "select committees" whose job is to monitor the conduct of ministers.
One might think that Tory ministers are trying to evade accountability.
US citizens: call on Congress to adopt a Social Security cost-of-living adjustment that reflects the real costs of living.
The bully held a meeting in the White House with Salafi Arabian military minister, and tried to conceal that bare fact from the public.
*In Australia's Nightmare, a Vision of the Planet's Terrifying Future.*
Part of Western Australia has a food supply problem because fire has closed the only highway for supplies for the last two weeks.
The assassination of General Soleimani was another step in the US practice of erasing the border between war and peace.
Science fiction has imagined tiny killer drones that can be programmed to seek and kill any particular person and can be employed by anyone willing to commit murder. If this happens in the future, we will be able to thank Dubya, Obama and the bully.
UMass Amherst Removed a Professor for Showing a Downfall Hitler Parody Video made by a student. Most of the students laughed. Later, most of them protested the decision to remove her.
I think Professor Lowry would have done better by being less contrite.
Climate emergency is a bigger danger than nuclear war. Nuclear war could happen; climate disaster is inevitable unless we go to great lengths to avoid it.
*By killing Qassem Suleimani, [the bully] has achieved the impossible: uniting Iran.*
*Venezuela: Maduro opponents storm parliament to reinstall Guaidó as leader.*
Smoke from Australia's fires has a global reach. It has arrived in Chile.
*TV Pundits Praising Suleimani Assassination Neglect to Disclose Ties to Arms Industry.*
The whole world is facing a slow-motion climate emergency. Some places, such as California and now Australia, have reached acute climate emergency.
Normally wet New Zealand is starting to have significant wildfires.
*The Australian fires are a harbinger of things to come. Don't ignore their warning.*
I am gratified that someone else is using the term "Pyrocene", which is one of the names I recommended for this epoch. However, I now believe that nothing less than "Obscene" does justice to it.
I'd be even more gratified if people started taking sufficient actions to prevent this from getting worse.
In 1972, UK thugs infiltrated nonviolent protests against South Africa's apartheid system.
In my view, trying to defend apartheid is the biggest wrong revealed here.
US employers increasingly require workers to participate in oppressive "wellness programs", imposing on them to contort their lives to overcome problems that are substantially due to being underpaid.
*More than 60,000 people are missing amid Mexico's drug war, officials say.*
The Boston public school system has been collaborating with the US deportation thug department for years.
A four-day work week overall increases productivity and reduces greenhouse emissions. The problems that arise can be solved.
The die-hard planet roasters of the Australian government insist on keeping taxes on fossil fuel companies to a minimum.
Holding them liable for the damage of global heating could be useful in a world with the political will to shut them down, but it does not guarantee a good outcome by itself. It is not a substitute for the political will to curb global heating.
It would be just and right to make the various businesses that are responsible for global heating pay the cost of the damages. But I think the damages will amount to more than the worth of those companies. The effect of holding them 100% liable would be to seize the companies. That would leave their shareholders with nothing — which is arguably more than they deserve — and effectively nationalize the companies.
That won't guarantee that the companies change their actions. The government would have the power to order nationalized companies to change; but that would take firm political will. The government might be tempted to keep running the companies for short-term profit instead of shutting down the fossil fuel operations, or to sell off their assets to other private companies that would operate them. In the short term, those actions would be advantageous — and fatal only in the long term.
*Expert Notes US Bombing of Iran That Didn't Target Cultural Sites Would Still Be 'Terrible and Illegal'.*
To end and reverse the "insect apocalypse" requires an end to use of some pesticides and fertilizers, and curbing global heating rapidly.
The dearth of insects will harm the many animals that eat them, and this will impact plants too.
Scientists recognize that human overpopulation and overconsumption are among the roots of this developing disaster. It is very important to have fewer children, or none.
But this is a long-term issue; the other recommended actions can have much faster effects.