Each political note has its own anchor in case you want to link to it.
My intention is to make links only to publicly accessible, stable URLs. If you find a link to a page that requires subscription, please report that as you would report any other broken link.
US citizens: call on Obama to prioritize human rights for the rest of his term.
Guber in the UK must now treat its drivers as employees, pay minimum wage, and provide benefits.
This may be a great step forward on one of the many injustices of Guber, but it will do nothing about how Guber mistreats its customers.
Violent attacks against dissidents in Zimbabwe are happening around 2 per day.
The film I, Daniel Blake is fiction, but so true to life that it might as well be a documentary about the cruel Tory welfare system.
I was thinking of calling it "heartless", but that word is not strong enough.
Homelessness Can Only Really Be Tackled If People Have Somewhere to Go.
For the medium term, we need legal and policy changes to increase the supply of housing. This means discouraging practices that keep housing space vacant, as well as zoning laws that obstruct construction. We may also have to fund housing construction publicly.
For the long term, we must reduce population growth, which puts an unbearable burden in many ways (housing development is just one).
Can art help people confront the reality of curbing global heating?
A Netherlands politician faces a trial for "inciting racial hatred" for raising the question of how many Moroccans it is desirable to have as immigrants.
This sort of question — substitute any group, it doesn't matter which — is a legitimate question to ask.
More fundamentally, laws against "insulting religion" are blatant injustice. Freedom of speech includes the right to insult anyone or anything. Even you, even me.
The UK is offering various businesses special deals and exemptions from whatever new rules will result from its separation from the EU. This assures that the whole burden will be borne by those who have no special clout.
The injustice of "free trade" is that it gives business more power over governments and society. To reduce "free trade" can be good, but only if the government has the courage to insist on decreasing that power. The Tories, who are on the side of the wealthy anyway, don't even think of trying to do that.
Adam Crapser was brought to the US at age 4 for adoption, but his parents did not arrange to make him a US citizen. Now he is to be deported to South Korea, where he does not speak the language and will be treated as an outsider.
It is wrong to deport people who came to a country as children and have remained there. Though they are not literally natural-born, the difference is of no moral significance.
PISSI has made thousands of civilians in Mosul into human shields, forcing them to move to places where fighting is expected.
It is urgent to help the people freed from PISSI's control to visit Muslims around the world, to inform young people of what PISSI is really like.
While you're at it, if you have money in any of these banks, how about moving it to a small bank that lends money to your local businesses?
US citizens: call for
better regulation and testing of GMOs.
[Reference updated on 2018-03-31 because the
link was broken.]
How the Federal Govt Is Using America's Concern with Bullying as an Excuse to Spy on Teens.
Perhaps that was justified. It seems wrong to accuse people of conspiracy for occupying some government facility.
The Bundy family places a burden on the world in two ways we can see: grazing too many cattle, and having too many babies. The latter is not illegal, but it is even more harmful that too many cattle.
Owning guns is not a human right.
An Indian charity enabled farmers to turn failing farms into profitable carbon sinks.
A noninvasive test for Down's syndrome eliminates the small risk of the old test. This might lead more women to get tested, and abort fetuses that have Down's syndrome.
According to Wikipedia, Down's syndrome is a combination of many kinds of medical misfortune. Thus, when carrying a fetus that is likely to have Down's syndrome, I think the right course of action for the woman is to terminate the pregnancy.
That choice does right by the potential children that would otherwise likely be born with grave medical problems and disabilities. As humans, they are entitled to the capacity that is normal for human beings. I don't advocate making rules about the matter, but I think that doing right by your children includes not intentionally starting them out with less than that.
When children with Down's syndrome are born, that's a different situation. They are human beings and I think they deserve the best possible care.
Homeless people in Berkeley have made a tent camp. The city government, representing the wealthy people and businesses that have no empathy for homeless people, keeps forcing the camp to move.
Republicans look beyond creating obstacles to voting and propose to legally disenfranchise most citizens.
Facebook lets advertisers direct ads at people selected by race.
Five Halloween Costumes for Digital Rights Activists.
Clinton finally made a statement about the Dakota Access Pipeline, and it was a series of platitudes designed not to take any stand.
If Obama takes action as he should, the conflict between pipeline protesters and thugs will de-escalate.
US citizens: call for an investigation of Clarence Thomas's other sexual assaults.
US citizens: phone the White House to call on Obama to protect pipeline protesters.
What happened to Koko the clown demonstrates why it is very foolish to talk with your clients through Facebook or to keep any important information in a Facebook account.
Hundreds of thousands of people in Syria live in areas under siege. Providing aid to them faces many obstacles.
A Russian who played Pokémon Go in a church as a protest could be imprisoned for years.
Laws against "insulting religion" are blatant injustice. Freedom of speech includes the right to insult anyone or anything.
Journalists in Venezuela now face violence and arrest when covering the large protests.
Israel's siege of Gaza involves frequent violence, occasionally fatal. By comparison, the rocket attacks on Israel from Gaza are rare, since Hamas is very effective at preventing them.
Everyone: Tell some large banks not to invest in fracked gas export terminals in Rio Grande valley.
Exxon's revenue is declining fast — even callous, selfish investors should get out.
Brazil's Congress has passed a law to promote coal.
US citizens: call on Congress to reject Clinton advisor Mike Morelli, and his advice that the US should start a war with Iran.
Pipeline opponents protested outside Clinton headquarters, which refused to accept a letter from them.
Her silence on the issue most likely indicates support for the pipeline and for fossil fuels in general.
If you want real action to curb global heating, vote for Jill Stein. If you want real action to curb the plutocracy, vote for Jill Stein. If you don't want the US to attack Iran, vote for Jill Stein.
The bigger the vote for Jill Stein, the louder will be our message that Clinton will pay a price in the future for disregarding our survival and our freedom.
UN Votes to Start Negotiating Treaty to Ban Nuclear Weapons.
The US and Russia, as well as some other nuclear powers, voted against.
CIA whistleblowers who try to report lies and corruption through official channels face repression, and that practice has continued for a long time.
Hundreds of thugs with armored vehicles arrested pipeline protesters.
The Fetishisation of Work Is Making Us Miserable. Let's Learn to Live Again.
International Whaling Commission has narrowed the loophole that Japan uses to label whale hunting as "scientific".
The EU is considering big reductions in certain fishing quotas as populations are collapsing.
Nato and Russia Playing Dangerous Game with Military Build-Up.
These reciprocal gestures are probably good for politicians on both sides.
Africa is threatened by vulture capitalists, and the UK could be their tool.
Cage Prisoners defends the principle that everyone accused deserves a fair trial and the other rights of the accused — even those accused of being terrorists. For this it faces constant state harassment and is labeled by mainstream politicians as a "terrorist sympathizer".
Meanwhile, in the US, charities to provide humanitarian aid for Muslims are shut down by a state that claims, on far-fetched grounds, that they are "supporting terrorism".
Global heating will turn southern Spain into desert by 2100, except for the cities that will be inundated.
Republicans have a history of stealing elections. Dubya stole the election of 2000 through several forms of cheating in Florida. However, Nixon and Reagan tricked voters through treacherous sabotage of US foreign policy.
This year, Republicans are trying a broad range of different methods to stop Democrats from voting, from terrifying them at the polls to denying them the right to vote.
The FCC has tightened privacy policies for ISPs, but only as regards advertisers. While that will limit profiling somewhat, it changes nothing about the more important privacy issues.
It is still wise to browse through Tor or use a popular VPN hosted in a country that wouldn't cooperate with the US government on snooping.
US citizens: call on the Pentagon to investigate and disclose civilian deaths in Syria.
Everyone: call on major social networks to
stop helping monitoring companies.
[Reference updated on 2018-03-31 because the
link was broken.]
Wallonia gained some changes that weaken CETA, perhaps making it less damaging, and providing more opportunities to kill it later.
US citizens: oppose the Millennium Bulk Terminal for coal export.
Washington State voters: support the carbon tax initiative, I-732.
There is an unfortunate dispute in Washington about what to do with the revenue from a carbon tax. I think it would be best to give part of the money to the poor and spend part of the money on green projects. But this detail is secondary: having a carbon tax is really important.
US citizens: phone your congresscritter again to oppose the TPP.
US citizens: call on the US to explain its policy and history regarding using depleted uranium weapons in Syria.
US citizens: call on Obama to stop military assistance to Salafi Arabia until there is a peace agreement in Yemen.
Internal documents obtained from the US Copyright Office show that its "neutral" advice about set-top boxes slavishly supported the copyright industry.
US And Allies Prepare to Take Raqqa from [PISSI] as Battle for Mosul Continues.
I wonder where they will find significant Syrian Arab forces that are opposed to PISSI. From Assad's forces? From other jihadis such as formerly-al-Qa'ida?
The pipeline security guards that set dogs on protesters may face charges because they didn't have proper licenses.
Anyone that sets dogs on people who are not presenting a violent threat ought to face charges, but it is absurd that this depends on the lack of some sort of a license.
In the long run, the only way to keep housing affordable is to make more housing in places where people need or want to live.
However, where many units are taken out of the housing supply as investments, a way to increase the supply of units available for living in is to heavily tax those that are not used for residence.
Don't Stigmatise Disabled People as Workshy.
Yemen's future is bleak, no matter what the outcome of the current war.
Only birth control can save Yemen. Lots of birth control.
More people are rejecting the idea of showing off company logos on their bodies.
(How foolish it is to identify your pride with something you bought.)
West's Failure to Reconnect Iran to Global Banks "Risks Breaching Nuclear Deal".
Clinton's leaning towards Salafi Arabia could lead her to make things worse.
Wallonia has surrendered to plutocratist pressure and dropped its veto of CETA.
Shouldn't young adults get the same second chance even if they're not white and wealthy?
Obamacare Made It Illegal to Deny Care to the Sick. Insurance Companies Still Do It.
By 2020, wild populations of vertebrates are expected to be only 1/3 of what they were in 1970.
Even worse than global heating, so far, is that humans are straining the Earth's carrying capacity. We need more people to avoid having children.
If we declare a new geological epoch, we should not call it "anthropocene".
The Tories have invented myriad excuses to cut off welfare benefits. A study of records demonstrates that this pushes people to go to charities for food.
Get the insurance companies out of the US health care system.
Coal is not a cheap way to reduce poverty — it causes poverty.
The latest bullshit for opposing legalization of marijuana is the mythical idea that children will be given marijuana cookies on Halloween. The article explains that no one has seen this happen, and for good reasons.
Logging in certain kinds of forests makes fires burn hotter.
Snowden: self-protection is not enough to make journalists safe. They need to campaign against surveillance.
The World Medical Association calls for divestment from fossil fuels.
Everyone: state your support for the protests of the students in the Beaumont Bulls football team.
Taskrabbit should be called Taskhamster, for the way it makes people run on a wheel.
Why it is very important to vote for Jill Stein for president.
One additional point that this article could have made is that Dubya wouldn't have even come near winning Florida in 2000 if not for disenfranchizing around 50,000 blacks, as revealed by Greg Palast.
In the name of "safe space", racial segregation is spreading in US universities.
If a certain group of students want to eat together, for whatever reason, they should have the right to do so. If a certain group of students want adjoining rooms in the dorm, that too seems within their rights. However, the school should not actively promote segregation, because that interferes with the goal that students learn tolerance for other groups.
Activists locked themselves to a pipeline under construction to prevent the danger of an oil leak into Indian Point nuclear power plant.
When the West Antarctic ice sheet slides into the sea, it will raise sea level by 12 feet.
The Tories have set up a system that provides countless oppornutities for mistakes, or shoddy work, to cancel people's welfare benefits. It takes months to win them back. It seems sadistic.
It systematically labels disabled people as "fit for work". This can even push people to commit suicide so their spouses can afford to live.
If your oppressors have pushed you to the point where you are ready to give up and die, don't die quietly. Use your death to strike a blow against your oppressors.
It's Time for Answers on Yahoo's Email Scanning.
President Duterte says he wants US troops removed from the Philippines.
This is surprising, given the dispute with China about control of the sea in between. The Philippines has historic reasons to distrust US influence, but it also has future reasons to distrust Chinese influence.
Clinton's favorite think tank calls for giving more support to Salafi Arabia and more hostility to Iran.
This is stupid (supports our worst enemies) as well as wrong.
Samsung has used DMCA takedown notices to delete mocking videos.
Those videos are clearly fair use — if indeed they copy anything at all. Samsung is demonstrating the injustice of the DMCA takedown system.
Trump is moving away from the "Trump" brand because it now arouses so much hostility.
Donald J. Trump Is a Libel Bully But Also a Libel Loser.
[Reference updated on 2018-03-31 because the
link was broken.]
Lawyers wrote that article for the American Bar Association to publish. The ABA removed everything even slightly critical of Trump, including the title.
Trump wants libel law changed so he could win those cases, which would undermine freedom of the press.
US citizens: Call on Republican officials to
obey court orders and
allow authorized voters to vote.
[Reference updated on 2018-03-31 because the
link was broken.]
US citizens: call on the US to end cholera & aid elections in Haiti; protect Haitians in the US.
US citizens: Tell the Department of Justice to put a stop to strip searches of pipeline protesters.
AT&T keeps records of all phone calls since 2008, and sells search results to various thug departments, which then fabricate phony stories for prosecution so as to cover up what they are doing.
Israeli soldiers attacked Palestinians who were harvesting their olive trees.
Israelis demand release of Palestinian poet Dareen Tatour, imprisoned for a poem.
Natanyahu equates criticism of Israel's occupation policy with opposing Israel.
The Israeli human rights organization B'tselem is facing repression for criticizing the occupation policy; its director has been threatened with cancellation of his Israeli citizenship.
Another US oil pipeline has leaked, demonstrating the principle that we must expect them all to leak.
Even $15 an hour isn't enough to live on in the US if you have to repay student loans.
Among many other things, the TPP would undermine safety of important seafood.
Global heating is behind the increased emission of methane, which in turn increases global heating.
A large medical study found more evidence that sodas lead to diabetes.
Trump has a big financial interest in the Dakota Access Pipeline.
Proposing that criminals up to age 25 should be treated as juveniles.
It is clear that people socially mature at an older age nowadays than 100 years ago, but I'm amazed by the idea that this is a physiological change.
Industries can be returned to cities with reductions in pollution.
Donald Trump Is No Outsider: He Mirrors Our Political Culture.
The Ethiopian government has been stealing Oromo people's land to sell it to foreign companies. The Oromo have now sensibly started attacking the facilities of those companies.
The business owners would like to say, "Don't blame us. It was the Ethiopian government that took their land, not us." But it is just as valid to say that the companies paid the Ethiopian government to do it.
The business owners are quoted as saying, "We can't change the world." Not true: they have already changed it, for the worse, by participating in the land-grab. The argument that "If we hadn't done this, someone else would have" does not excuse the ones who actually did it; rather it suggests that the system needs to be changed.
US citizens: call on the US to block the proposed ATT-Time Warner merger.
Police Viciously Attacked Peaceful Protestors at the Dakota Access Pipeline.
Lawmakers Need to Curb Face Recognition Searches by Police.
The only way these laws can achieve their purpose is if they limit the installation of cameras that allow remote viewing.
Species can now be protected in the US because they are expected to be threatened by global heating.
The Drug Policy Foundation
rates US congresscritter on drug policy issues.
[Reference updated on 2018-03-31 because the
link was broken.]
Leaked emails showed something admirable: a plan to raise a lot of money to advertise against climate denialism.
However, a whole year has gone by since it was discussed. It appears that the plan failed to materialize.
Publication of data about complaints against thugs makes it easier to detect lies.
The ruling party in Poland is not a simple right-wing party. It is right-wing in regard to human rights, but socialist in regard to helping the poor. Its main opponents are austerity parties.
There should be room for a party that supports the same socialism but with human rights and strengthening democracy.
Helping former conscripted child soldiers recover from the horrible crimes they were forced to commit.
Half the 2015 increase in electric generating capacity was renewables. The other half was additional fossil fuel capacity, pushing the world along the path towards global disaster. Overall, we're doing worse than at the start of 2015.
When we see a rapid decrease in fossil fuel generating capacity, and other industries that emit greenhouse gases, then we will be able to conclude that we're on the right track.
New Zealand thugs set up a phony drunk test roadblock to identify people who attended a meeting of Exit International, a suicide advice organization. Thugs are also harassing members at home.
This seems to be political manipulation against a proposed law to legalize assisting suicide.
This shows the dishonesty of the organization's name, "Right to Life". An honest name would be, "No Right to Escape".
If you are a progressive, Gary Johnson is not a good choice for your vote. His party wants to eliminate Social Security, eliminate the minimum wage, eliminate bank regulations, eliminate public education, and eliminate environmental protection.
The purpose of democracy is to enable the many non-rich to be collectively more powerful than the rich. It is our most powerful defense against all the abuses that the rich get up to. "Libertarians" (a name we should take back from them!) basically say, that it's wrong to use this defense, that each of us should stand alone against the most powerful. We see already what happens that way, because a large part of it is happening due to plutocratic control over our elections and our government. However, as the list above shows, if we just throw up our hands and elect Libertarians, things could get a lot worse.
140 students were arrested in Ottawa for a peaceful protest against pipeline construction, in which they dragged a large blackboard with information about climate science.
Multinationals based in the US are pushing for a big tax cut which they are presenting as "reform".
How the US Armed-up Syrian Jihadists.
Massive protests in Poland respond to the new proposal for adding restrictions on abortion.
Noam Chomsky on the Perils of Market-Driven Education: it undermines the goal of an educated populace.
Proposed Miami Beach Ordinance Would Take First Step Toward Limiting Surveillance State.
Philippine Senator de Lima calls on the International Criminal Court to investigate President Duterte's murder campaign. She says that she receives death threats and is afraid she will be murdered.
Duterte said his murder campaign is aimed at drug dealers. You might think that the rights of drug dealers are unimportant; but even if you think they deserve to be prosecuted and convicted, that doesn't mean they have no rights at all.
Once a state decides that certain people have no rights at all, it isn't a big step to take the same stance about other people. If it was drug dealers last month, it can be senators this month, dissidents next month, and anyone that gets in the president's way a month after that.
Car companies convinced the European Commission to increase pollution limits. This pollution kills hundreds of thousands of people in Europe each year.
The European Commission constantly tells people to surrender freedom to reduce the very small danger of terrorism; but when it comes to the big danger of air pollution, it doesn't dare tell car companies to give up anything. That's because it respects the car companies more than it does human beings.
A study suggests that telling a lie tends to desensitize the brain so that it feels less guilty about further lies.
Imagine what repeated "testilying" does to thugs.
New Layers of Dirt on Charter Schools.
Right-wing US Catholics are so committed to their politics of global heating denial that their response to the Pope's concern about the issue is to distrust the Pope.
Now that refugees want to go to Hungary, Hungary should remember when Hungarians were fleeing as refugees.
Turkish soldiers are cooperating with, and fighting alongside, the Kurds in Northern Iraq.
I don't see anything bad about that, but it puzzles me since Turkey considers the Kurds in Syria as its enemies as it represses the Kurds in Turkey.
A school in rural Paraguay aims to help girls escape from patriarchal domination.
A municipal environmental official in Brazil was killed by gangsters, apparently for enforcing laws against deforestation.
If we said CO2 is "radicalizing" the atmosphere, would politicians take the danger seriously?
I don't think so. The planet-roaster politicians are not ignoring this because of a mental quirk. It's fossil-fuel money at work.
Tunisia is considering a law to curb violence against women. It seems to be even more frequent there than in the US.
In India today, as several times recently in the US, the mass media are pushing for war.
Australia's dumping of refugees on Nauru and Manus violates humanitarian treaties and human decency in several ways.
How Prof. Lessig responded when someone else's private message that insulted him was leaked by a cracker.
I agree with Lessig that there was nothing in those insults that made its publication important for the public. I don't know what else was in that message, or whether it contained something else significant that was important to leak. But I do call for responsible publication of leaks.
That said, the leaks have exposed big scandals and their publication was very important.
Reversing the Corporations United decision is not enough: the US election system is broken in many ways. We need public campaign financing to override the power of business to fund campaigns.
Thugs attacked protesters in North Dakota both physically and chemically, then arrested them and placed heavy charges against them.
Torture creates permanent mental scars. Two of the victims of CIA torture, unable to get any accountability from the US government, are now suing the psychologists who helped design the torture system.
America has brought guilt on itself through torturing people. As a patriotic American I feel the weight of this. For the US to recover its honor it must fully confess, and accept the appropriate punishment.
Along with the Black Lives Matter campaign, a campaign that indigenous lives matter is also needed.
Wallonia is standing firm against CETA, while European and Canadian plutocratist politicians use absurd emotional arguments to present this as a great tragedy.
The article does not even entertain the awareness of CETA's harmfulness. It is a typical example of elite-dominated journalism.
Officials of Wallonia, you're saving Europe and Canada from a disaster. Please say so!
Ethiopia has shut down internet access as part of a general offense against human rights.
US citizens: oppose bill HR 5732, which would push the US into war in Syria.
US citizens:
on the Department of Justice to block the Enbridge-Spectra
pipeline company merger.
[Reference updated on 2018-03-31 because the
link was broken.]
US citizens:
Congress, don't "modernize" policy to facilitate fossil fuel
[Reference updated on 2018-03-31 because the
link was broken.]
A gas pipeline is being built close to Indian Point nuclear power plant. If the pipeline leaks, it could cause havoc at the nuclear plant.
Teachers and social workers in Nauru and Manus demand to be allowed to talk about the abuse that they witness.
For Australia to gag them, or anyone, from showing public the results of its treatment of refugees is an blatant act of tyranny.
An Oakland thug faces charges of being a customer of a prostitute, and warning her about which thugs might try to arrest her.
While in general I am glad to see thugs face criminal charges, that is a bad thing when that occurs under laws that are totally unjust, as these are. It should not be a crime to pay a prostitute, or to be a prostitute.
Some UK cities have proposed to fine homeless people a hundred dollars for sleeping in public. But the public reacted with outrage each time.
A British man and woman have obtained a civil partnership (instead of a marriage) by going to the Isle of Man, the one place in Britain where that is allowed.
The UK should allow it too.
Two sugar-sweetened drinks per day greatly increases diabetes risk.
Iraq and the US have not come near providing enough supplies to house and feed the million people that might flee from Mosul.
Geofeedia looks at several social networks, including Twitter, and combines the location tracking data. This makes it even more imperative not to let Twitter get your location.
(As for Facebook and Instagram, don't let them use you at all.)
Renewable electricity in the US is expected to grow from 8% to 9% by next year.
At this rate, it will take 91 more years to reach 100%. Earth's ecosystems can't wait that long!
One father made his front yard a place where children from the neighborhood are welcome to come and play.
A job which is stressful and gives you little control tends to kill the worker.
It takes more than public humiliation of one still-rich profiteer to teach business to stop cheating workers.
Activists are still trying to convince US immigration not to ask visitors for their social media accounts.
Ivan the Terrible is being rehabilitated in Russia because it is fashionable to want a strong (authoritarian) leader.
It is no accident that Trump admires Putin, since they follow the same approach: authoritarian personality seeks authoritarian follower personalities.
Ethiopia has arrested more than a thousand Oromo protesters.
Some of them were arrested for closing their stores or proposing strikes.
Almost a million people are short of food due to drought in Madagascar.
Activists in Detroit are trying to shut down an incinerator that produces toxic pollution as well as stink.
Polling Places in Police Stations? Why Civil Rights Groups Are Still Fighting for Voting Rights.
A UN special rapporteur warns that governments word-wide are "treating words as weapons", repressing journalism and dissent through laws that pretend to be aimed at "terrorism".
An exaggerated figure for deforestation in Haiti is often repeated.
(The article uses the term "lie", but the argument is that it is erroneous, not that someone is intentionally lying about this.)
A study finds that the US carries out overt war against nondemocratic states but uses covert war against democratic ones.
Memo to the DOJ: Facial Recognition's Threat to Privacy is Worse Than Anyone Thought.
The EFF's proposed measures are only a good start. We need laws to prohibit systematic collection or recognition of people's faces, except in places where there is specific authorization such as a court order.
Other organizations call for an investigation too.
Iran's President Rouhani points to the Clinton-Trump debates as showing a kind of democracy no one should want in their countries.
Spain's "Socialist" party has agreed to a coalition with the corrupt right-wing "Popular Party", assuring several years of right-wing rule.
US citizens: call for
removing obsolete dams on the lower Snake river
to help wild salmon survive there.
[Reference updated on 2018-03-31 because the
link was broken.]
Many kinds of tests show that wealthy Americans tend to have less empathy than the rest, for people that are having difficulties of any kind.
I wonder whether people who lack of empathy get richer, or wealth tends to induce less empathy, or both.
Why didn't civilians leave eastern Aleppo when Russia opened corridors?
The article presents proposed reasons, but what do the civilians there say?
An interview with Albert Woodfox, who says that US racism has changed little since he was imprisoned.
"It may be too late. In which case, hey, build the [Heathrow] runway. We might as well die prosperous."
Hawkish Hillary — the danger we will face if we don't elect Jill Stein.
10% of plastic debris in the sea comes from abandoned fishing nets. A company is now recycling discarded nets to reduce this.
This is a good way to call attention to the problem, but cannot directly fix more than a tiny part of it. Perhaps there should be a refundable deposit on plastic fishing nets, just as on plastic drink bottles.
Cash means freedom — beware the "cashless society". It's bad for you for the same reasons it is good for Apple.
Californians are voting on a big and expensive loan from a commercial bank. Using a public bank could save billions, over time.
Tesla has made it clear that "purchasers" of autonomous cars won't own them, by restricting them to Tesla's own competitor to Guber rather than Guber (or Lyft).
I expect that these systems will all require passengers to identify themselves and to run nonfree software.
The UK should go beyond pardoning those convicted in the past of homosexuality; it should apologize to those still living.
Amy Goodman: North Dakota thugs have given 140 arrested protesters a strip search, apparently for no valid justification, just as a form of bullying and harassment.
Thugs have repeatedly arrested journalists covering the protests.
US citizens: call on Congress to defeat the Utah Public Lands Initiative, which would take land away from Indian tribes and give it to mining companies.
AT&T wants to buy Time Warner (the media company, not the cable company).
This is one of the rare points where I agree with Trump (at least what he says; you can't expect him to mean what he says). I wish I could expect Clinton to oppose mergers.
PISSI in Mosul is proving to be a wily opponent, using tactics that opposing forces were not ready for.
Some US universities are feeding patent trolls regularly.
Egyptian thugs raided the Egyptian Commission for Rights and Freedoms, which takes cases about people killed and disappeared by Egyptian thugs.
Canada's prime minister, Justin Trudeau, promised to repeal the surveillance law, but seems to have chickened out.
Companies that offer limited licenses for digital copies and invite people to "buy" or "own" those copies are misleading consumers. In the US, that is illegal.
I think we should go further and legislate that such licenses are legally void. Also, technical measures to restrict use of copies of published works — DRM, in other words — should be a felony.
The UK "Prevent" program assumes certain Islamist political views are a precursor for terrorism. So it makes Muslims who are not inclined to violence feel persecuted.
To advocate Islamist government constitutes opposition to basic human rights, because an Islamist state systematically tramples those rights. But people have a right to advocate that kind of government, just as they have a right to advocate Republican policies.
Everyone, especially Canadian and EU citizens: thank Wallonia for blocking the unjust treaty CETA.
Leave a message at
and send an email to
[Reference updated on 2018-03-31 because the
link was broken.]
Also post publicly about your support and appreciation for blocking CETA.
The government of Venezuela has cancelled a petition drive for a recall election, and postponed elections for state governors.
Syphilis, chlamydia and gonorrhea are increasing in the US, and theocratic Christians are partly to blame. They have cut funding for the organizations that help people avoid STDs and promote unrealistic and ineffective abstinence-only sex "education".
The Pentagon made phony al-Qa'ida videos that subtly made al-Qa'ida look bad, and that reported who looked at them. Copies were left on CDs in houses in Iraq.
The US did very bad things in Iraq, such as invading it and strewing radioactive fallout everywhere, but just because this was done by the US doesn't make it wrong. It seems legitimate to me.
Since Zuckerberg personally decides when to make exceptions to Facebook censorship rules, he is functioning as the editor of the site.
Is it fair to condemn Facebook for being inflexible about its rules, then condemn it for being flexible? That would appear inconsistent, but both criticisms are valid. How can that be? Because the real wrong is the underlying wrong: Facebook has gained for itself too much power over world-wide publishing. There is no way to wield that power without doing harm. It is the size and power of Facebook that convert its general policies, and its specific decisions, to become in effect censorship.
We must take away Facebook's power.
A defendant testified that Chris Christie personally approved the "traffic study" that was apparently designed to cause traffic jams for Fort Lee.
Google quietly combined its ad-tracking profiles with its browsing profiles.
Trump has led a large fraction of Americans to dare to show their misogyny and sexism. It will be hard work to defeat that.
Like most pro-Clinton articles, this article presumes implicitly that the only possible cause of disapproval for her is a prejudice such as misogyny.
Not in my case. I am happy to vote for a woman for president. In fact, I voted for Jill Stein this week — for the second time.
I don't vote for Hillary Clinton, for the same reasons I didn't vote for Bill Clinton in 1996: they are not progressive. They support business-supremacy treaties. Ms Clinton doesn't intend to try very hard to avoid global heating disaster, and she kowtows to the banksters just as Obama does. Basically, she would give us four more years of Obama, only more warlike.
US citizens: phone your congresscritter to oppose HR 5732, which would push the US into war in Syria and undermine the Iran nuclear deal.
The Capitol Switchboard numbers are 202-224-3121, 888-818-6641 and 888-355-3588.
The ACLU talks about the danger thugs in schools pose for students.
The first step in solving this problem is to stop having thugs assigned to schools. However, the report shows that there is a secondary issue: when teachers should call for a thug, whether from inside or outside the school.
The UK has added some manufacturing jobs in the past few years, but they are low-pay, low-skill jobs.
A US appeals court ruled that torture is so clearly illegal that it is "beyond the power of even the president to declare such conduct lawful."
The US must prosecute all those that carried out or approved torture, especially Dubya and Cheney.
Trump supporters are using lies and trumpery to attack the women that accused him of raping or groping them. Their intention, apparently, is to scare off his other victims. No lie is too vile for them to tell.
We Never Voted for Corporate Rule. In no sense are companies entitled to the power, influence or profits that they currently get. So there is no reason we should not change laws so that they have to break up, make less money, and have less power.
How US elections really do get rigged or stolen.
The partisans of Russia and the partisans of the US present competing half-truths. Neither side deserves support.
35 US states have sued the manufacturer of suboxone, used to treat opioid addiction.
In the UK, many temporary employees are being forced to work through "umbrella companies" that take a cut of their pay. And they are forced to pay the employer's share of social security.
These "umbrella companies" are bad for workers. They serve only the ultimate employers, that can pay less for work, and the owners of the umbrella companies themselves. Therefore, they should be abolished entirely.
It is a fundamental mistake to charge any welfare benefits as a tax on employment. That creates an incentive for companies to employ fewer people. Businesses should pay for these programs through a tax that is not based on number of employees.
Everyone (but especially people in the European Union and Canada): show your solidarity with Wallonia in rejecting CETA.
Here are other ways to take action to stop CETA.
US citizens: call on the Fraternal Order of Police to rescind its endorsement of Trump.
"Inverted totalitarianism": a political analysis of modern plutocratic corporate rule.
Despite the murder of several many activists, and continued repression of protesters, the US State Department is satisfied that Honduras is improving its respect for human rights.
Well, it's not as bad as Egypt or Bahrain or Salafi Arabia. The US is "satisfied" with them, too, isn't it?
Mexicans in the US built a "wall" of taco trucks around Trump's hotel in Las Vegas, where he is trying to crush a union.
The UK gave advice to Bahraini thugs from the Special Investigations Unit about how to tell relatives of prisoners that were killed that the killers will not be prosecuted.
The Special Investigations Unit should perhaps be called the Phony Investigations Unit, since in practice its job is not to prosecute torturers.
Facebook banned a video made by the Swedish Cancer Society about breast cancer because it showed cartoon figures with circles as breasts.
It got Facebook to accept the video by putting in squares for the breasts.
The real problem here is not that Facebook draws the line at the wrong place (though it does). It is that Facebook has so much influence that organizations such cancer charities feel obliged to publish through Facebook.
If Only We Could Vote for Peace Instead of a 'Commander-in-Chief'.
Note: the president of the United States is, ex officio, the Commander in Chief of the US armed forces — not of the United States itself, or of US citizens or inhabitants in general. The point of a free country is that no one can command you.
Feds: Only Those Committed to Destroying Planet Can Bid on Fossil Fuel Leases.
Several executives of Backpage face unconstitutional prosecution in California because some of the adult ads that company publishes are, unknown to the company, for teenage prostitutes.
This case, if not dismissed, threatens our rights because it could force many platforms into intrusive censorship.
It also shows the danger of legal assumptions that twist the truth, such as "sex with someone under 18 is rape", "sex with a prostitute under 18 is enslavement", and "making a nude photo of someone under 18 is a sexual assault." In some cases, it is — but not always.
A woman who had a very late abortion, for vital medical reasons, urges people not to get the state involved in deciding for women.
Bravo! However, in having six previous children, she did something that was harmful for humanity and the natural world.
The British Empire was maintained, as late as the 1950s, through force. In Kenya, the empire crushed the brutal and violent Mau Mau movement with its own brutal violence.
What's amazing is that it was able to erase historical memory of this, even in Kenya.
500 British Muslim organizations are going to set up a program to avert terrorism by spreading the idea among Muslims that violence is the wrong way. The new program will not try to influence people on other questions or pressure them to become informers.
I am not an expert, but I think that a campaign coming from within that community and reflecting the views of most British Muslims (and most Muslims elsewhere too) will be less easily dismissed than one coming from the state.
Meanwhile, mainstream media give violent Islamists exactly the publicity they seek.
An interview with Bernie Sanders.
I never agreed 100% with Sanders, but 100% agreement with a candidate is too much to ask for. I agreed with him on the most important issues, and I saw his integrity and deep thinking; that was reason enough to support his campaign. I hope to have another chance to do so in 2020.
However, I am unpersuaded by his arguments to support Clinton now. I don't believe that Clinton will do the good things that he thinks she will do. More deeply, I reject the idea of voting for bad candidates because their principal opponent is worse. I decided in 2007 that Clinton was no progressive, not someone I could vote for. That her opponent this time is even worse does not make her acceptable.
I voted this week for Jill Stein for president.
A Perpetual Killing Field: South Sudan, where civil war never ends.
The western powers pressured Sudan's Islamist dictatorship to let the south have independence. But I have never seen an accusation that they exploited or oppressed people in South Sudan. The disaster does not seem to be caused by any western crime. However, I suspect that the civil war is fueled by oil exports.
Groups of Nuer and Dinka were perpetually raiding each other in the 1930s when Evans-Pritchard studied them. They stole cattle, and they took prisoners and sometimes killed them but not always. They used traditional weapons, not submachine guns, and neither group was united under overall leaders. It seems that things are much worse now.
Establishment politicians continue to pretend that the US debt is a serious problem. It's a great excuse for dooH niboR policies, such as cutting Social Security and Medicare.
Trump resembles his Italian precursor Berlusconi (il ducino).
Corbyn must reject the "allies" that go beyond criticism of Israeli policies to spout racism against Jews.
The European Court of Human Rights found Russia guilty of violating Garry Kasparov's rights, by fabricating charges against him long enough to stop him from travelling to a political rally.
This is part of a systematic pattern of abuses. Putin stopped Kasparov from organizing a political party by "convincing" every large auditorium in Moscow not to let them hold the meeting that is legally required for starting a political party.
Such conduct is not limited to Russia. It has occurred in the UK and in the US when a large protest in Washington DC was sabotaged by condemning its central organizing building to be unsafe, just as the protest was starting.
That was a protest against Bill Clinton for his support for business-supremacy treaties.
Ethiopia's dictatorial government, in which no opposition candidates win elections, has driven the Oromo ethnic group to the point of revolt.
The world's future hinges on supporting 10-year-old girls, says UNFPA.
A California judge is on trial for "willful misconduct" towards many defendants.
The judge says that thugs are always right, and defendants are always lying. However, it's the thugs that have lots of practice in lying on the witness stand. I would be very skeptical of testimony from a thug.
The judge admitted that the reasons for doing unfair trials was to squeeze money out of poor people, a practice that has spread around the US.
If 4 million Californians have lost their driver's licenses because they can't pay these fines, that amounts to 10% of the population of the state. Perhaps those 4 million were spread over a long period of time, but it still amounts to a crushing system of repression of the poor.
Spain's population is expected to decrease 10% by 2050. This is a good thing. The inconvenience of so many people over 65 can be dealt with: robots will do a lot to help take care of them, and elders who are still physically well can help too.
Political conditions are part of the situation and could affect the future age distribution.
For instance, many British pensioners live in Spain. If the UK goes ahead and leaves the European Union, the number of old people in Spain may be much less in the future.
Many young Spaniards have moved to other countries to find work. Policies of the right-wing Spanish government have driven down living conditions there. A progressive government might attract some of them back.
However, for the most part this is not a problem — this is a blessing. Global heating is turning Spain into a desert. It won't be easy to support so many people there; a decrease in population is a good thing, and sets an example that nearly all countries must follow in the future so as to reduce the burden that humans place on the world's natural systems.
US Citizens: call on the Bureau of Land Management to stop coal mining in Colorado.
Everyone: call on North Dakota to drop charges against journalists and protesters.
3/4 of Britons are in favor of land-based wind power generators, but the Tories have changed laws to put a stop to them.
I suspect that this is because wind power is so cheap that it isn't advantageous as a source of income to companies that lobby.
Air pollution in Africa kills 700,000 people per year.
A campaign to abolish the power of instant divorce for Muslim men in India.
Tens of thousands of women demonstrated in the rain in Buenos Aires to protest against violence against women. They were joined by thousands in other cities across Latin America.
Trump threatened not to accept the results of the election. This goes beyond his usual trumpery.
Gore and Kerry should have done more to challenge the fraudulent results of the elections in which Dubya "defeated" them. But Trump seems to be threatening to go beyond mere challenges. He is threatening armed terrorism or rebellion.
Australia has given permission to mental health workers (only!) to talk about the damage done by its offshore prisons for refugees.
Clinton voted in 2001 to make bankruptcy harder for poor Americans, and later said she did it because of lots of pressure from activists for women's and children's interests.
There was no such pressure: she did it for the banksters.
The ACLU calls on the US to release 23 secret legal opinions that are effectively secret parts of US law.
Two more Honduran activists have been murdered. The many murders of activists seem to be supported by the army, which took power with at least the approval of the US State Department under Secretary Clinton.
Melanesia depends totally on its ocean resources, but it is allowing development that destroys them.
Putting this in economic terms, as the article does, could break through the skulls of people who foolishly see all of life in economic terms. Unfortunately, it also helps train people to be foolish that way.
In parts of Georgia, the wait for early voting was 2 hours, and some people fainted from the heat while waiting.
This is one of many Republican measures for voter suppression.
Libya remains a mess, and continuing international intervention keeps stirring the pot.
The article doesn't recommend a solution, and I don't see one either.
Mountaintop-removal coal mining continues in West Virginia, and it continues to spew deadly pollution, both area where the coal is mined and where it is burned.
That's in addition to contributing to the coming megadeaths of global heating disaster.
Trump was so "smart" about bankruptcy that he screwed the employees of his casino.
He had encouraged them to invest their retirement funds in the casino itself, and they lost a lot of it.
Deia Schlosberg talks about the felony charges she and other reporters face for covering the climate protests in North Dakota.
The economic cost of medical problems due to toxic chemicals is estimated at 340 billion dollars a year in the US. And that's on top of the human suffering.
Tax the rich more — because they can't be trusted with money.
The UK is adopting a law requiring UK web sites to verify visitors' age by identifying them individually.
It won't succeed in cutting off teenagers from porn (nor should it), but it will be very bad for adults' privacy.
A lot of porn gives an unrealistic picture of what real women are like, what real sex is like, and what real sexual relationships are like. But there is no reason why most porn should be that way. Why not make other kinds of porn, to give teenagers a clearer and better picture of sex?
Leaks show that the FBI has an intentional policy of working with immigration agents to search and interrogate people from minority groups, without any individual grounds for suspicion. The initial interrogation then provides an excuse for continued harassment, designed to pressure them to become informers.
One bad policy of the Labour Party: more surveillance.
Senator Schumer, nominally a Democrat, says he will try to pass a big tax cut for corporations.
Disgusting, Yexx!!
Jewish journalists that criticize Trump have received lots of antisemitic insults.
Mobilizing to resist Trump's attempt to intimidate minority voters.
Untreated sewage is killing the wildlife in Lake Titicaca.
Jason Moyer-Lee: Why the Gig Economy Is a Threat to Us All.
The Iraqi Shi'ite militias are supposed to block communications between Mosul and Syria rather than enter the city.
Their not entering the city is wise, given that the inhabitants are Sunnis and afraid of being massacred by those militias. But the idea of blocking PISSI's fighters from fleeing Mosul seems absurd. That will encourage them to fight to the death, causing more casualties among the attackers and the civilians, as well as more destruction in Mosul itself. The intelligent strategy would be to encourage them to flee, those who will. Each one that flees will encourage others to flee.
Even if they return to fighting elsewhere, it is still an improvement to get them out of Mosul. Elsewhere, there won't be as many civilians.
Many of them would return to battle somewhere else after fleeing, but Indeed, it will probably be necessary to fight them somewhere else later,
UNESCO told Bangladesh to cancel a coal power plant that threatens to destroy the world-heritage Sundarbans, or it will declare that site threatened.
Establishment candidates who endorse business-supremacy treaties, and pretend those are good for the country, give Trump and other right-wing extremists an easy shot.
World's Mammals Being Eaten Into Extinction: over 300 species are threatened mainly by human hunters.
Large shipping companies have asked governments to impose "ambitious" emissions reduction goals on shipping.
I suppose the larger companies are better placed to implement reductions and expect to gain over their competitors. But that's a side issue: ambitious emissions reduction goals are needed urgently in every important area of greenhouse gas emissions.
Half of Americans age 18-35 said a meteor that destroyed the Earth would be better than a President Trump.
Almost 1/4 said that the meteor would be better than either President Trump or President Clinton.
I don't agree with them, perhaps because I am old. I think even a President Trump would not be as bad as the destruction of all life on Earth. Even global heating disaster, painful as it will be, will not be as bad as that. Perhaps 25% of existing species will survive, and in a million years evolution will be back to normal.
Expanding airports means global disaster, because planes can't operate on anything but fuel from petroleum.
If the UK expands an airport, it will be unable to meet even the emission reduction targets of its own laws, let alone what is really needed.
Expanding an airport is an investment intended to be recouped over a period of many decades. I expect that, by 2050, the effects of global heating will impact the global economy severely and there will be much less demand for flying.
Ecuador announced it has temporarily blocked Assange's internet access inside the Ecuadorian embassy, because he was interfering in the US election.
I agree with Correa that Clinton will do less harm to the US and the world than Trump. But she has already shown a propensity to support coups in Latin America, so the harm she does to leftist politicians there may not be limited to avoiding the Trumpish insults that strengthen their support.
Trump's campaign accepts donations from foreign lobbyists as well as large companies.
In America's "inverted totalitarianism", the two plutocratist major parties create pressure that can lead to fascism. Trump shows where that path starts.
Clinton, addressing representatives of construction unions, ridiculed climate activists.
Armored thugs surrounded five pipeline protesters who were praying by the side of a road, and "dispersed" those.
It seems petroleum attracts more than one kind of toxic dispersant.
The UK has closed the RT channel's bank accounts.
Girls that were kidnaped by Boko Haram, and refused to join, fear their families will reject them out of patriarchal bigotry if they return home.
Capturing Mosul may take months, but it will be easy compared with building peace in Iraq afterward.
On the complexities of reducing greenhouse emissions from fossil fuels.
An emissions tax. would put the market to work on this job.
Burundi will withdraw from the International Criminal Court to stop it from investigating the violence with which its president seized total control.
Too bad the US campaigns against the International Criminal Court.
Two Honduran environmental defenders survived an assassination attempt.
The coup-installed government there seems to privately support these killings. Hillary Clinton as Secretary of State seems to have supported the installation of that government.
US citizens: demand candidates give their plans to end the war in Afghanistan.
US citizens: call on the Department of Justice to prosecute banksters.
Several women have accused Trump of grabbing and groping them. In many cases, when he first met them.
A study in New Jersey found that nearly all the minors prosecutors ask to try as adults are black or hispanic.
Wikileaks published an email showing that US intelligence reported to Clinton that Salafi Arabia and Qatar supported PISSI.
She regarded this as a problem, of course, but to stop treating those countries as friends was unthinkable.
I suppose this decision was not in her hands then. But what will she do if elected?
Basically, the policy of supporting Salafi Arabia and treating Iran as an enemy has backfired big time, as well as giving preference to the worse Islamists.
Clinton is trying to smear Wikileaks and distract us from the substance of the leaks by saying, "Russia, Russia".
Not all of these leaks were important issues, but some have been. The substance of these leaks is more important for Americans than who leaked them.
The UK imprisons people for possessing copies of drawings depicting an imaginary child in a sexual way.
The article is too timid: this law is flat-out injustice and is inexcusable. If we were to tolerate prohibitions of various kinds of art or writing because their ideas are deemed "dangerous", it is clear where that will lead.
What's more, it is an injustice to ban possession of a copy of any work or publication whatsoever. Such laws put everyone in danger.
Merely having a copy of an image that shows a crime taking place against a person should not be illegal either. Should thugs be able to ban possession of videos that show them committing crimes, on the grounds that their victim is wronged again each time the video is seen? They would be delighted to use that excuse, or any other excuse, to cover up their crimes.
Thugs in Austin, Texas, are violent more often against blacks and hispanics.
An investigation found that San Francisco's thug department was pervaded by racism.
José Bové, protester later elected to the European Parliament, was going to Canada to argue against CETA. Canada forced him to leave before the event, because of his past protests.
Bias in driving practice is part of the reason blacks in the US are more likely to be killed by car collisions than whites.
Pakistan's blasphemy laws seen as incitement to religious hatred.
People have a right to hate, for whatever reasons, and a right to say so. People have a right to hate religion, and a right to hate blasphemers like me. Neither group has a right to punish the other. All laws against blasphemy, or "offending someone's religion", are an affront to human rights and must be eliminated
Comparing the casualties of Russian and US-coalition bombing in Syria.
Trump demonstrates that feminism is still necessary.
Hardly any jobs absolutely exclude women nowadays, but that doesn't mean women, or men, can find jobs that they can live on. On the economic plane, rather than competing with other downtrodden people for a share of the diminishing pie, we must strive for victory over the plutocrats.
The "solution" that Trump pretends to offer for working-class Americans is a poor substitute for the real solution that progressives stand for. Trump can take advantage of increased poverty because most Democrats, including Clinton, are not progressive.
The Agony of Aleppo, 2012 to 2014.
A court extended Florida's voter registration deadline, against the will of the Republican governor, who hoped that the hurricane evacuation would stop some poor or old people from voting.
Can disgust with Trump enable the Democrats to overcome Republican cheating and take control of the House of Representatives?
The article mentions gerrymandering, which is one form of Republican cheating. It doesn't mention voter-suppression, the other form of Republican cheating. Their systematic attempts to stop people from voting make them enemies of the Republic itself.
Clinton advocates "no-fly Zone" in Syria, but privately she recognized that this meant a shooting war.
A No-Fly Zone for Aleppo Risks a War That Could Engulf Us All.
Appreciating Brooklyn DA Ken Thompson, who freed people who had been erroneously convicted, as well as prosecuting people against whom there was proper evidence of crime.
This was unusual since most people in the legal system would rather keep an innocent person in prison than admit that the system made a mistake.
Trump's defense of his "just grab them" statement encourages men to assault women.
Many sorts of statements have real effects. That's not an excuse for censoring them. It does mean that the statements carry a moral onus.
An athlete says that such nasty statements are not tolerated in his locker room.
US citizens: Phone the White House at 202-456-1111 and call on Obama to completely stop the Dakota Access Pipeline.
The main reason is that existing fossil fuel facilities are enough to produce disaster, so any investment in new facilities is going in the wrong direction at great cost.
But you can also mention other reasons, such as the substantial risk of polluting important water supplies such as the Missouri River when the pipeline leaks because the owners cut corners on maintenance and safety (they surely will), and that it destroys archaeological sites, some of which indigenous people consider sacred.
It is supposed to be illegal for campaigns to coordinate with Super PACs (created by the Corporations United decision). Leaks show that Clinton's campaign is effectively doing so.
Rumor has it that lots of candidates are doing the same, we just don't have proof yet.
Thailand is in a frenzy of attacking anyone who doesn't mourn the late king in a strong enough way.
Campaigners are suing Norway for allowing oil drilling in the Arctic.
Murderous right-wing terrorist groups thrive in some parts of the US. They are claiming that Clinton will unleash repression.
More likely she will just gradually increase the existing forms of repression, such as massive surveillance.
How warm seas powered two major hurricanes.
Absurd charges against Amy Goodman were dropped in court.
Will this be enough to make thugs ashamed to impose such absurd charges?
People remaining in Mosul want to be rid of PISSI, but are afraid of what Shi'ite militias would do if they got into the city.
A prankster posted a hoax confession saying he had destroyed absentee ballots that voted for Trump. Millions of his supporters will now believe that this really happened.
This joke played into the hands of Trump, and I think that is not funny.
China and the US have criticized Japanese politicians who visited the Yasukuni shrine to demonstrate their nationalist and pro-military orientation.
It is a bad thing for Japanese politicians to honor war criminals. The US should prosecute its own torturers, and those guilty of the crime of aggressive war, so that it is in a good moral position to rebuke other countries.
Australia's refugee policy is one of deliberate harm. And there's no claiming "We didn't know".
Assange says that Ecuador cut off his use of the internet inside the Ecuadorian embassy.
I applaud Assange for showing us information about wrongdoing of Clinton and (even more important) the Democratic National Committee, which should have been neutral but instead helped Clinton against Sanders.
What I criticize about recent Wikileaks actions is only that the data were not checked to avoid doxxing people.
A lawsuit attempts to ban the use of the name "Cleveland Indians" during a baseball game in Toronto.
There is a big difference between urging or pressuring a team to change its name because of a perceived wrong, and trying to prohibit it by law.
Security measures in schools make parents feel their children are safe, but make students feel they are in prison.
When you include thugs stationed in schools, they put students in clear and measurable danger.
A Florida court rejected voter-suppression provisions for absentee ballots.
Why did the Dominican Republic send soldiers into Haiti to "protect" food aid that is supposed to be sent a week later?
I don't know that all the accusations in that page are valid, but some of them are.
Mohamedou Ould Slahi, author of Guantánamo Diary, has been freed.
The Guantanamo prison will stain Americas honor until every prisoner has been released or given a fair trial.
Governments and even business-supremacy treaties support agribusiness plantations rather than farmers' livelihoods.
Giant profitable companies, including Google, Microsoft, Amazon, Apple and Facebook, make towns compete to offer them subsidies to locate data centers there.
The solution to this is to give each competing locality a veto over any local subsidy (or tax break, it is equivalent) offered to a company.
Don't let physical stores send you the receipt by email!
The US pays some companies to hire disabled workers and pay them very little. Vermont has shown that using the funds for investing in enabling disabled people to take ordinary jobs has much more effect.
CETA would require Canada and Europe to pressure other countries to increase privatization of seeds.
Ascendance of Paul Ryan and Hillary Clinton equals big win for big business.
"As long as we have Citizens United, the polluters are going to be in charge of our country."
I prefer to call that organization "Corporations United", since that's what it always really was.
The idea of "true free market capitalism" is somewhat of a confusion, because (as this article shows) we need to regulate business strictly to protect ourselves from the systematic tendency of business to cheat and even poison the rest of us.
US citizens: phone FCC commissioners to adopt the proposal to limit ISPs' use of a customer's network contacts.
If you agree with me that ISPs should not even be allowed to record a subscriber's internet contacts without a specific court order, you can say that too.
Airbnb contributes to making cities too expensive to live in.
Many cities propose to use regulations to curb this. In New Orleans, Airbnb has broadcast deceptive ads against the regulations.
The UK government did massive illegal snooping for a decade.
In 2015, the practices were revealed, and now a court has ruled that they violate European human rights law.
I wonder, does Theresa May's new "snooper's charter" give permission for these practices?
Climate [mayhem] could drive 122m more people into extreme poverty by 2030.
This is because of forecast damage to agriculture in some parts of the world.
If we are more lucky, this harm would happen to only 35 million people by 2030.
Egypt has imprisoned Aya Hijazi for two years for running a charity to help homeless Egyptian children.
To Egypt's violent and tyrannical government, she is just a useful pawn.
Women on Web sends abortion medicine to women in Ireland who then use it illegally. It did a survey of the women it had helped. 98% said they would recommend that other women do the same.
This is to counter malicious rumors spread by antiabortionists.
Even with surgical abortions, the complications are small compared with those of having a baby.
An anti-nuclear candidate won election as governor of Niigata on the platform of blocking restart of the nuclear power station there.
European farms are making record use of the most vital antibiotics, which will surely make them fail to work for us when we need them, some years from now.
Someone did an arson attack against a Republican party office in North Carolina.
The Republican Party deserves condemnation for many reasons, but using violence only aids its opposition to the democratic republic we hope to maintain.
A lawsuit against Exxon charges "climate deceit".
The US will avoid war with Russia over Syria, it seems.
(A sigh of relief is heard.)
It can occasionally be correct to go to war to free people from a tyranny and give them freedom and democracy, but first we must make sure that (1) the people in question want to be helped in that way, and (2) freedom and democracy are likely to actually result. In Syria, (1) may be true for some, but I don't see any way to achieve (2) there.
Netflix may have trouble with its business model.
That business model is based on mistreating the public in three ways: DRM, tracking users, and imposing contracts that restrict the user (EULAs).
Any one of them would make it totally unacceptable. Flick off Netflix!
If we refuse to do business with Netflix, we might wipe it out!
Some states continue to resist the "Real ID" program which tries to make US state driver's licenses act as national ID cards.
I am disappointed with those states that have gone along with this.
The US calls for an immediate cease fire in Yemen.
Better late than never.
It was the US that kept the conflict going. When the US and Salafi Arabia intervened, the Houthis were rapidly defeating the previous government. If they had not intervened, the war could have been over more than a year ago. Iran is no friend of al-Qa'ida; the Houthis might have suppressed it there. And no one would be blaming the US for intervening.
Are small nuclear reactors a good idea?
Not needing pumps, they could be inherently safer than the traditional designs. But that doesn't mean they can't have spectacular failures. It doesn't necessarily mean they can't melt down, for instance. The high-temperature liquid in a reactor tends to cause corrosion. Structure which is quite safe can alter under the influence of corrosion and become unsafe. There is no way to see where things have moved to.
In addition, making 10 little reactors instead of one big reactor increases the opportunities to build one wrong.
The motive for Depleted (or Dirty) Uranium shells was to attack armored vehicles. Most of the time when A10 fighters fired them in the conquest of Iraq, they were aimed at cars and trucks.
This meant a lot of the fallout pollution was not even military useful: nonradioactive shells would have done just as well.
Posting this does not mean I think that Dirty Uranium are shells are legitimate at all. And would you want your army to pollute your country for millions of years in defending against an invasion?
Anti-Muslim terror-militias are rising in some US states.
People who reject the business-supremacy treaties are not against "trade", they are against the tyranny of business.
Democracy works very badly in the US, partly because most voters are very bad at thinking.
Look at the Trump supporters that have taken a stand that is almost opposed to the idea of rational thought.
Germany has extended its wind farms faster than its power grid; it can't transport all the power to people who need it.
There are ways to use the electricity, which while not optimally efficient are better than shutting off the wind turbines. Germany could build cables to sell this electricity to other nearby countries including the Netherlands and England, or use it to extract CO2 from the air, or extract CO2 from the air to convert into chemical fuels.
Superintelligent AI is a potential danger.
Here's my fictional idea for one way it might be made safe.
Any unarmed American is in danger of being shot dead by thugs (though mostly they do this to blacks), and there is no reliable way to avoid it.
Billionaires have funded surveillance of everyone's movements across a large part of Baltimore.
The private funds enabled thugs to do this without even telling the city government, let alone asking.
Cambridge, Massachusetts, adopted an ordinance so that city departments must get council permission for surveillance devices.
Amazingly, there is no federal law against gun trafficking.
Neoliberalism's decades-long attack on public universities.
Australia is paying refugees to move from Nauru to Cambodia, which might perhaps compensate for how difficult it would be for them to live there.
The big political argument being used against the UK's leaving the EU seems to be that multinational business will punish the UK for it.
What we see here is an example of the unjust domination of the world by business. Whatever issues ought to decide whether it is wise for the UK to leave the EU, "business won't like it" is not one of them.
What this says to me is that we must urgently take these businesses' power away from them.
One of the many ways they got this power is that the UK set out to attract international businesses by bowing to them and giving them extra power in the UK. And the Tories will certainly try to discourage them from leaving by bowing down to them even more.
Fighting with Russia in Syria would be crazy, but protests would do some good.
Filmmaker Deia Schlosberg, who was involved in making Gasland, faces charges carrying 45 years in prison for filming a pipeline protest.
One hopes these charges will be dismissed because they are unconstitutional, but just being charged with bogus charges does a lot of harm to a person's life. Thugs and prosecutors do this and think it is fun. When the victims sue, it is the city that pays, not the people responsible. To make them stop, we need a way to punish them personally.
Britain's National Health Service, the greatest achievement of democratic socialism, is on the brink of collapse because the Tories keep cutting the funds.
Trump said that not paying tax made him "smart". Tim Cook says that ordering Apple to pay tax is "political crap."
It's basically the same idea: "You little guys pay the costs of running our country. We powerful people and companies are too important to be bothered."
The Panama Papers show that UK lawyers are behind a large part of the international tax evasion schemes, and the Tories protect them.
I wonder if part of the motive for their insistence on taking the UK out of the European Union is so that the EU can't make the UK shut this down.
Farmers in India want to roast our planet so that they can put off their own Malthusian disaster for one more generation.
The problem is that they have been having too many children. They must stop.
Wealthy countries should help them stop, with donations of birth control products and sterilizations. But we must also deny our sympathy to those responsible for the overreproduction when they complain about the consequences.
US citizens: Call on the US army to
block the Dakota Access Pipeline.
[Reference updated on 2018-03-31 because the
link was broken.]
US citizens: Call on your senators to reject riders that authorize employment discrimination for religious motivations.
US citizens: Call on Congress to pull the US out of the Salafi Arabian intervention in Yemen.
A billion dollars in campaign contributions are trying to influence the US elections this November.
In general, this influence favors the rich.
In states where judges are elected, those elections give wealthy people and companies an opportunity to buy immunity from prosecution.
May Brown, in the UK, may die from leukemia because the government will not allow her sister to visit and donate stem cells to cure her.
It seems that the government is searching desperately for any excuse, no matter how cruel, by which it could reduce the number of immigrants, or even hypothetical immigrants.
The UK subsequently reversed this decision under public pressure.
The company that makes a drug to treat lead poisoning multiplied the price by almost 30 during 2014.
Thugs took a journalist's drone as he was making a video of the pipeline protest on Oct 10. They plan to prosecute him too.
Autopsy results show that thugs shot Keith Scott in the back.
Governor LePage of Maine, a right-wing extremist, said dissidents should be jailed for calling for a boost in the minimum wage.
It would be wrong to jail LePage for opposing this important measure, or even for being un-American (which he clearly is), because he has a right to freedom of speech. But people who want to continue American democracy should not vote for people like him.
A planned coal export terminal in Oregon has been blocked.
Bravo, because we need to end the use of coal, and soon.
Agriculture requires big changes in order to avoid global heating disaster.
1000 minors in the US were shot dead in gun accidents in the 912 days from 1 January 2014 to 30 June 2016.
In the US, the lack of effective regulation of guns poses a far bigger danger than terrorists.
Wikileaks reveals additional unjust requirements proposed for the TISA business-supremacy treaty.
Trump's support for a range of right-wing extremist causes has boosted neo-Nazis in the US that want to kill blacks and Jews.
The FBI infiltrated a right-wing terror group that was planning to use bombs to kill immigrants.
I am glad that the FBI is paying attention to right-wing terrorists as well as to Islamist terrorists. Reports say these people really had arms, not just pretend bombs supplied by their FBI operative, so they could really have carried out their plans.
The US has called for a cease-fire in Yemen and publicly ordered Salafi Arabia to support it.
It would have been better for the US not to help Salafi Arabia start the bombardment campaign, but this is at least an attempt to go in the right direction.
Anti-racist infiltrators reveal what KKK members say to each other.
A former Obama official that became a bankster is now offering Clinton advice on how to defeat progressive Democrats and impose a big tax cut for businesses.
The US and Salafi Arabia have acknowledged bombing a funeral in Yemen.
It is impossible to entirely avoid such accidents, though it appears that a lack of discipline enabled this one to occur, so this one might have been prevented through better control. However, there is no excuse for denying them when they happen.
Meanwhile, the whole US-Salafi bombing campaign has been an injustice since it first started.
Using Trump to explain "rape culture".
Interviews with people from Mosul: some still there, some who have fled.
A Brazilian court ordered blocking of access to Facebook from all of Brazil because Facebook refused to censor an account that published a parody of a politician.
On this one occasion, Facebook is doing the right thing. That's not enough to compensate for all that is bad about Facebook, however.
The judge, by trying to censor legitimate free speech, opposes human rights.
Pakistan has cancelled the travel ban on reporter Cyril Almeida.
The stronger Israel's strategic situation becomes, the more its leaders say it is in danger of being destroyed at any moment. They equate solidarity boats carrying peace activists to missiles.
They also equate Gazans that need treatment for cancer with terrorists.
Five activists were arrested for shutting off tar sands pipelines. People who came to make videos were arrested too.
It is true that the proposals of the politicians are all inadequate to prevent global disaster that is likely to kill hundreds of millions of people, if not billions.
Global heating is causing permafrost to thaw. This wrecks buildings in cities in northern Russia.
But that's a secondary problem. The big problem is that this melting releases methane, which exacerbates the global heating.
Clinton campaigned in Florida attacking Trump's global heating denial.
It is good that she focuses on the issue, but so far she has not shown a willingness to fight the fossil fuel interests and take the radical measures needed to avoid disaster after so much delay.
Quantitative easing has ceased even to work, as people and businesses don't want to borrow more money even at low interest rates.
In addition, it increases inequality.
"People's QE" appears to be a Keynesian version of QE: using it to boost government spending.
The US has started directly attacking Yemen.
This was a response to Houthi retaliation against US and Salafi targets for the 18-month long US-supported bombardment by Salafi Arabia.
Plutocratist state governments are undermining the Clean Power Plan.
Yahoo has presented, through a patent application, the idea of collecting data about people and cars passing by a location to choose what ads to display on a billboard.
The patent application itself is not particularly an issue (other than as an example of a practice, computational idea patents, that is bad in general). Collecting data as envisioned in the application is the issue.
The most important issue is not the use of these data for choosing ads, but collecting the data at all. We need laws to prevent that.
Japan is retaliating against UNESCO for recognizing documents about the massacre in Nanjing in World War II.
The world has agreed to phase out hydrofluorocarbons (powerful greenhouse gases) starting in 2024.
Short-sighted politicians wanted to start many years later, and India will not start until 2028. What idiocy!
Portugal plans a tax on sugary drinks. However, the tax rules might encourage companies to game the system by putting 79 grams of sugar in each liter. Why not tax per weight of sugar?
And why leave out dairy drinks and fruit juices? There is a lot of added sugar in many fruit juices.
A mining company lost its attempt to use a business-supremacy to sue El Salvador for banning a gold mine in the name of environmental standards.
More Americans are arrested for simple possession of drugs than for all kinds of violent crimes combined.
Poland's government dropped one anti-abortion bill, but is now developing another, which is likely to ban emergency contraception also.
Trump has used the psychology of group conflict to convince tens of millions of Americans to support him no matter what, even if he does things they would previously have condemned with outrage.
In the prosecution of Amy Goodman, the prosecutor argued that covering the attacks on pipeline protesters meant she was a protester rather than a journalist.
Not only is this false, but even if it were true, it would not justify criminal charges for making a video of a protest.
In the Chicago thug department, 69 thugs have received over 70 complaints each. The average thug gets 5 complaints in an entire career.
Even if some fraction of complaints are erroneous, it is clear that those thugs have a systematic pattern of wrongdoing.
Most thugs are not likely to beat people up or kill them. However, nearly all of them support the false accusations that other thugs make after beating up or killing someone,
Trump is the natural culmination of increasingly harsh Republican policies of the past few decades. Republicans who have participated in the development of this harshness cannot evade responsibility by criticizing Trump now.
Republican Senator McConnell, of West Virginia, has shafted the miners whose pensions were eliminated by coal companies that brought about bankruptcies.
If Trump Leaks Are OK and Clinton Leaks Aren't, There's a Problem.
Anas Abdalla was convicted in the UK of trying to go to Syria and fight for PISSI. It seems that UK agents put him under tremendous pressure to be an informer and harassed him when he didn't.
That doesn't excuse trying to fight for PISSI, but that harassment may have driven him to do it.
A US appeals court ruled that the president must be allowed to fire the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau.
This is victory for the banksters, who have too much influence on President Obama and would have too much influence on President Clinton.
Perhaps this 3-judge decision will be appealed to the whole appeals court.
A contestant on The Apprentice describes how she resisted Trump when he grabbed her.
Trump did not say that he could "grope and kiss women without their consent". What he said was that, due to his fame, all women would "let him do it". If that were really true, it would not be "sexual assault". It would be consensual sex.
However, his claim is apparently false. Lots of women are saying that they did not consent at all, and that they fought him off.
A Clinton speechwriter put a line criticizing the banks into a speech for Deutsche Bank, in case it ever got leaked.
I wouldn't call this dishonest — provided she really said that line in her private speech. However, it doesn't mean that she really will do anything against the will of the banksters.
The Tories are going to make the National Health Service collapse under the pressures they have imposed for 6 years.
In one scientific field, women PhDs get (in general) less enthusiastic recommendations for jobs than men PhDs get.
This doesn't prove that sexism is responsible, but one has to suspect that, given that sexism has been proved on so many other questions.
Two regions of Belgium have declared that they veto CETA.
Europeans must mobilize to support them against dishonest pressure from banksters.
Elizabeth Warren accused the head of the Security and Exchange Commission of being a sell-out to the businesses the SEC regulates, and said that she needs to be replaced.
Heterosexuals in the UK can now go to the Isle of Man to form a civil partnership instead of a marriage.
Coastal cities around the world are trying to figure out what to do about rising sea levels.
The real solution is what will solve lots of other problems at the same time: curb greenhouse gas emissions with dispatch. Trying to cope is not only harder, it is futile beyond this century.
"Before providing [DNA] specimens, patients are increasingly looking for compensation, commitments that useful medical information will be returned to them, or control over how their biological samples will be studied."
They are concerned about real problems, but proposing ineffective or useless solutions.
Under a well-run medical system, where advances in treatment and diagnosis are put to the service of everyone, and you don't risk commercial disadvantage or punishment due to whatever is in your sample, the chance that people will be cured because of one's contribution would be all the reason anyone needs to contribute. But instead we have a system with real problems.
One real problem is that under the US medical system, new treatments are in many cases too expensive for them. Another real problem is that insurance companies may use their DNA samples against them, and the state could accuse them of crimes based on those samples.
The "solutions" people ask for do very little to fix these problems, because they are individual "solutions" for a systemic problem. Any reasonable "compensation" for a DNA sample won't be enough to pay for an expensive treatment. Researchers could agree to provide whatever useful medical information they discover, but can't promise to discover anything useful for that particular patient. As for "how" the samples will be studied, it is hard to relate that to one's own interest.
The War on Pain Sufferers can kill.
A father was concerned that his daughter was sexting, so he asked thugs to convince her to stop. (The last thing your child needs is to have thugs involved in per life!) He copied the photos as evidence, so he was charged with possession of "child pornography" and labeled as a sex offender.
The "sex offender" list does little to protect anyone and a lot to ruin people's lives. But fundamentally it is unjust to prosecute people for having a copy of anything whatsoever.
The EU is paying the dictator of Sudan to keep immigration down.
The Houthis say they were not the ones that fired a missile at a US destroyer.
I have no basis for judging whether to credit this.
Facing public criticism, Canada decided that Jos� Bov� can stay and speak against CETA.
This demonstrates there was never any valid reason to keep him out.
How many attacks on various groups does it take to convince a Republican not to support Trump?
Russia is signaling that it would fight back against an attack in Syria by the US.
Google has warned some Russians that the Russian government is trying to crack their accounts.
Democrats are using disinformation against the documents that Wikileaks honestly releases.
Glenn Greenwald punctures the Democrats' invalid criticisms of the publication of the leaks.
I agree with Greenwald that Wikileaks should have omitted personal information that could hurt people and is politically irrelevant. However, the Democratic Party should focus on correcting its wrongs rather than on criticizing those that expose them. And it must stop arguing that people should help cover up those wrongs, because Trump.
The DEA is starting to reconsider its plan to prohibit kratom.
Maine Governor LePage said he supports Trump to provide "authoritarian power" because Obama is an "autocrat" (?!).
Australia is using the Paris climate agreement as an excuse to justify a new coal mine.
"Surely the government will make other cuts to cancel out the enormous emissions from this coal" is an absurd argument, given that in fact the Australian government is doing everything possible to keep emissions high.
The officials' strings are surely being pulled by the coal company's money, as part of a global plan to reject necessary cuts even though that is likely to kill billions. That the killing is not their goal, merely a byproduct, is no excuse for it.
The Financial Powers Behind the Dakota Access Pipeline Must Be Confronted.
The Philippine thugs' murder spree is aimed at more than drug dealers. Two disguised thugs were caught after murdering a woman described as an "anti-crime campaigner". They now face charges.
The system of trials is not entirely reliable for determining who is a criminal, but it is a lot more reliable than skipping directly to punishment.
Clinton (like Trump) refuses to take a stand regarding the Dakota Access Pipeline.
I think this means she supports it and she would rather not be criticized for that.
The fanaticism of Boko Haram has blocked polio vaccination campaigns for years in its region, so a new vaccination drive will try to vaccinate 41 million children there.
The UK's Tory government intends to put a hundred billion dollars on infrastructure projects that are pointless or harmful.
Facebook, its subsidiary Instagram, and Twitter, all gave special access to a company monitoring Black Lives Matter protesters.
"Official" US news misrepresents the situation in Syria.
A Nice-style truck attack in Reno was apparently an act of terrorism. Fortunately, this time, no one was killed.
Strange that the word "terrorism" is not being used. In the US, right-wing terrorists are as big a danger as Islamist terrorists, though neither one is large as dangers go.
18% of Muslim "violent extremists" in the US cited anger at US military interventions in Muslim countries as a reason. It was the most common single reason cited.
I expect the number of jihadis motivated by this in other countries is in the thousands or tens of thousands.
Some of these interventions initially had a justification, but it has evaporated. Some of them never had any justification. Either way, we need to stop these wars, for our self interest as well as in the name of justice.
Neoliberalism, putting everyone into harsh competition, is also making people suffer from loneliness that can kill. Meanwhile, replacing direct communication with digital communication adds to the problem.
Sumatran rhinos are likely to become extinct unless urgent action is taken.
A documentary, "Do Not Resist", shows how much US thugs have been militarized and how that spreads suffering.
Just Give Me Some Privacy — Anonymous Wikipedia Editors and Tor Users Explain Why They Don't Want You to Know Who They Are.
American Military Intervention Can't Save Syria.
The ACLU condemns New York Governor Cuomo's plans to fill the streets with face recognition cameras.
I am very glad to see the ACLU go beyond proposals to limit access to data already collected. Limiting the collection is what we need.
Clinton was on Walmart's board of directors, and when organizers asked her to try to get a raise for workers, her team consulted with Walmart about how to respond.
That shows whose side she's on.
Hungary's main opposition newspaper has abruptly closed and removed its archives from the internet. People suspect that Orban forced it to close.
US citizens: call on Bill Clinton to push to let José Álvarez rejoin his family in the US.
Álvarez lived in the US since age 12, without permission. He committed a nonviolent drug crime in 1995, served time in prison, and was released. Then he spent two decades in the US, gainfully employed.
When people who have been in the US just a few years commit serious crimes, I am favor of deporting them, provided it is done reasonably soon after the crime.
But it is an injustice to deport someone with decades of family ties in the US because of a crime decades in the past. It is an injustice to deport any adult who has lived in the US since childhood.
And most of these nonviolent drug crimes should not be crimes anyway.
Nobody should have six children, but that is a different issue and doesn't affect the conclusions on this one.
Big companies (and one union!) told the Democratic Party to cut down its (rather meager) progressiveness to get donations.
South Africa is trying to cure its long-term drought by killing invasive trees that use lots of water.
The FBI has outsourced handling of evidence for surveillance orders to a company.
Maybe this will lead to more whistleblowers.
If May wants to make the UK "work for everyone", she had better change the policies that are on the way to increase child poverty.
Some disabled people escape from denial of disability support by appealing against the denial. The UK now plans to limit appeals to sending paper documentation only, so that some obvious and absurd errors will not be corrected.
Cuban medical doctors are working in 1/3 of the world's countries, including Haiti.
A giant Australian mining company has paid no tax for a decade.
Rich bastards in San Francisco are funding a campaign to kick out homeless people.
They would be given a bus ticket to some place they probably can't remain.
Investors have told car manufacturers to reduce CO2 emissions.
Privatizing a part of the UK's NHS has already led to corrupt practices at the expense of the treasury. That's what privatizing state services tends to do.
The ACLU and Human Rights Watch call for decriminalizing possession of forbidden drugs.
The pressure to take a plea bargain even if you're innocent is so strong that only 2 accused in a thousand actually have a trial. It is impossible that so few of the accused are innocent. This is not a system of justice, it is a system of arbitrary punishment.
Republican Mega-Donors Ramp Up Efforts to Hold Congress after Trump Tape.
We need to be careful to prevent campaign finance restrictions from stopping people from publishing works through the usual publication outlets.
These outlets should not be held responsible for the content of the works they are used to distribute in the usual ways.
However, we can distinguish that from the case where a corporation pays for election publicity. If a company rents theaters to show a movie that is for or against a certain candidate, that is clearly a campaign expenditure by the company (but not by the theaters).
Republicans are horrified by the idea that women will be groped, but only if it is by male-to-female transsexuals. (They are probably not inclined to do such a thing.) But when it is done by arrogant men such as Trump, they look for an excuse.
Thugs are harassing pipeline protesters (and the general public in the vicinity of protesters) constantly, with cars, armored vehicles, and helicopters.
Women who have accused Trump of forcing himself on them.
Thug departments are switching to encrypted radio, but some have turned off the encryption, finding that concealing the information about their operations causes problems.
When the rebels took Eastern Aleppo, the inhabitants did not welcome them.
Allowing children to learn what interests them, in a nonstructured way, can give them tremendous life advantages.
Does it give good results in families that don't have a tradition of learning and curiosity, in deprived areas with no resources to stimulate minds and no libraries?
Striking US prisoners understand that the only effective action they can take is to refuse to be used as slaves.
Ethiopia is systematically crushing dissent, and kidnaped a dissident expat from another country who now faces execution in Ethiopia.
Giving Haiti the money it needs would be partial compensation for past injustice.
The US helped force Haiti to pay the ransom to France.
Congress may use the lame duck session (after the election) to make new tax breaks or subsidies for companies.
In California, for a prosecutor to alter or withhold evidence useful to the defense is now a felony.
Green Groups Warn Deal to Lower Aviation Pollution is 'Weak Shell Game'.
US citizens: tell Congress to stop the modern day Native American land grab.
The US is investigating Alabama's prison system for systematically mistreating prisoners.
Trump's tax-dodging was probably lawful. That doesn't make his actions right, or ethically legitimate, but it shows we must change the tax law.
"You know this is Thailand, it's like China. Not like Hong Kong!"
Don't visit Thailand on vacation. It is ruled by a tyrannical regime that has spit on human rights in many ways. Please don't spend your money there.
Junk food (probably mostly sugar) is causing rising obesity for children; tens of millions have diseases caused by obesity.
Various treaties either push farmers under the power of giant multinationals or protect their rights.
Florida Governor Scott won't give the people evacuating from Hurricane Matthew more time to register to vote.
Canada will allow refugees from Eritrea to sue the Canadian owner of a gold mine in Eritrea over how they were treated.
The Paris agreement could potentially be the beginning of the changes we need.
But it does not guarantee that they begin.
Former president Álvaro Uribe of Colombia procured disapproval of the peace deal with the FARC, using a campaign of false rumors. Now he is in a position to block any new agreement.
The FARC were Colombia's second-worst gang of terrorists. The worst gang, the paramilitares, had links with el Presidente Horrible. (as I called him — in Spanish, "Horrible" sounds fairly similar to "Uribe").
The government signed a peace deal with the paramilitaries, who were supposed to disband — but they didn't really do so.
Peace with the FARC might enable Colombia to put more pressure on the paramilitaries to really disband, but not if Horrible has anything to say about it.
While Horrible was president, Santos was the minister of false positives; the troops that murdered civilians for no reason except to produce corpses were under his control. I had a low opinion of him for this and because he supported the business-supremacy treaty with the US. However, I must acknowledge that he has sincerely tried to make peace with the FARC, which would be an admirable achievement.
Santos just received the Nobel Peace Prize for these negotiations. Some say that this might enable him to rescue the accord.
The Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court ruled that thugs are not allowed to treat a black person's attempt to avoid them as a sign of awareness of guilt. It could just be a sign that person is afraid of being persecuted by bigoted thugs.
Whether the thugs in Boston actually practice racial profiling is a separate question. I don't know whether they do. However, the issue here is not what they do, but what a person has a rational reason to think they are likely to do.
Ticks are spreading geographically due to global heating. They transmit diseases to humans and pets.
Tick bites make some people allergic to mammal meat.
The Satanic Temple, a rationalist group which does not recognize the existence of gods or devils, now has an after-school program.
A possible basis for prosecuting the Wells Fargo CEO has appeared.
I doubt that the US government wants to prosecute a bankster.
The only thing that's new, with apparently Russian meddling in US elections, is that the US is the target. In the past, the US has often been the meddler.
Eduardo Cunha, one of the main organizers of Rousseff's impeachment, has been expelled from Congress for corruption and perjury.
Poland proposes a punishment of years in prison for using the phrase "Polish death camps".
I sympathize with the Polish government's wish to correct the error. Those Nazi death camps were located in Poland, but they were not Polish. However, this method won't be very effective against foreign media outlets, and meanwhile it violates human rights.
I wonder if quoting or describing this law in Poland, supposing it is adopted, would be a violation of the same law.
Joseph Stiglitz: The Problem with Europe Is the Euro.
That may be the biggest economic problem, but the European Union has another deeper problem: it is not democratic. Fixing or eliminating the euro could end austerity, but as long as the EU is not democratic it will be susceptible to doing new wrongs.
US citizens: call on Obama to end US participation in the bombardment of Yemen.
Everyone: call on NBC and MGM to release the Trump tapes.
US citizens: urge Senators Sanders and Warren to campaign against the new nuclear arms race.
A campaign in India tries to teach the idea that baby daughters are just as good as baby sons.
I agree — but in overpopulated India it would be wiser to celebrate each year without a baby of any kind.
The World Health Organization calls for a tax on all sugary drinks.
It seems like a good idea to me, but they should keep in mind that artificial sweeteners seem perhaps to contribute to obesity by confusing the brain.
Rome has cancelled its application to host the Olympic Games.
That is a wise decision. The city has more important uses for its money and should not suffer the other harms of the games.
Yahoo has blocked users from setting up mail forwarding to other mail services.
Apparently, this is a measure to stop users from switching.
It is becoming common for hurricanes to cause as much flooding as Hurricane Sandy did.
Forest fires have doubled. National parks are suffering from changing ecosystems.
In a few decades, much worse will be normal.
Ilham Tohti, Uighur imprisoned for life by China, wins major human rights prize.
On military issues, both Clinton and Trump have bad policies.
The UK and European countries are treating the question of splitting up as a matter of conflicting economic interests.
The EU cites four basic principles, all a matter of mere trade: "free movement" of goods, services, capital and labor.
I think any political entity should adopt, as its basic principles, Liberty, Equality, Fraternity, Health and Well-being. The European Union does not treat these as very important, so Europe must either fix the EU or get rid of it.
Nigeria has banned female genital mutilation, but the law is not well enforced and the practice is still common in some parts of the country.
The economic advisor that the world needs to follow is Keynes.
The criticisms of the 1970s were based on an evident mistake: supposing that typical consumers are foresighted. All those Americans who foolishly got second mortgages would be proof of that, if there were any doubt. Anyway, most consumers don't know enough about economics to suppose that a stimulus program will lead to a tax increase later. And those who have to choose between food and medicine each week will spend all the additional money they get.
Plans for oil drilling on Australia's southern continental shelf have been shelved.
Most Democratic candidates have granted legitimacy to funding of campaigns by the rich, and it shows in what they stand for.
Physicians for Human Rights documents the mental damage left by US torture and how physicians violated their oaths by participating.
Indonesia has passed a law against "cyberbullying" which turns out to be used to stifle dissent.
Of course, criminalizing "blasphemy" is prima facie injustice. Condemning or mocking religion is a part of human rights. But even laws against insulting people are intolerable.
The Amazon rainforest is getting less rain, and more fire, due to global heating. This speeds the heating.
A Texas company is forcing a fracked gas pipeline through the US northeast despite objections of people who may be endangered.
A message from the crew of the latest boat that tried to break the siege of Gaza.
A noted Pakistani journalist has been banned from leaving the country because of his reporting.
Clinton told Deutsche Bank that she had promoted fracking world-wide.
The refugees Australia forced into Manus Island face violence from local inhabitants.
"Aid" from wealthy countries could be redirected into loans or investment in companies in those countries.
That would be instead of building systems for health and education and vital infrastructure.
It wouldn't do as much to help non-elites in those countries, but it would be more profitable.
The US and UK are closely involved in Salafi Arabia's bombing of Yemen, and US officials have warned that this involves the US in the war crimes of the bombardment campaign.
Australia exports increasing amounts of natural gas, but collects little tax from the exporters. The tax system is designed so they can fiddle their accounts to reduce the amount they pay.
This policy encourages increases in the amount of exports, which encourages roasting our planet.
Fracking is a form of [global heating] denial.
The UK's Science Museum has rejected further sponsorship from Shell but has accepted sponsorship from Statoil.
Museums and science programs must reject the corrupting influence of fossil fuels.
The US and Russia have both helped to trash the Geneva conventions. Repeated violations have endangered the agreement that hospitals, medics and wounded people should not be targets in war. We must reestablish this.
Surprise! In Yemen, the Houthis and their allies are starting to fire missiles at Salafi Arabia and the US navy, the countries that have bombarded Yemen for no valid reason.
It was wrong from the outset for Salafi Arabia and the US to intervene in Yemen. The civil war in Yemen would have ended soon if not for that external intervention. The Houthis, who were winning, were no enemy of the US at that time.
Geopolitical rivalry with Iran was not and is not a valid justification for war.
As for human rights, Iran regularly violates them, but Salafi Arabia is far worse.
The longer this intervention continues, the more suffering it will cause in Yemen, and the more it will tend to spread. The US should end this intervention as soon as possible, to stop doing any more harm.
EFF: Yahoo Email Surveillance: the Next Front in the Fight Against Mass Surveillance.
There have been proposals for a "no-fly" zone or a "safe zone" in Syria. What would those mean, and what military means would they require?
After the explicitly rigged Wisconsin Supreme Court quashed the prosecution of illegal campaign funding, the equally-split US Supreme Court did not touch the case. Democracy in Wisconsin exists only so far as plutocrats allow.
Dissident Nepali editor Kunda Dixit has been driven into exile by the state.
Apes have the ability to deduce what another ape is thinking based on what it has and hasn't seen.
VR games used as advertising for cannons.
Americans are starting to reconsider whether the US ought to be allied with Salafi Arabia.
Thin communities, where people have hardly any contact with each other, are what global business wants.
Pakistan has closed the loophole whereby husbands and relatives that murder women for "shaming" their families could be pardoned by those same families.
Women in the US and Europe are starting to admit that they regret having had children.
Uganda has begun support grants to old people, and it turns out that small amounts of money are a big help.
Homa Hoodfar describes her interrogation and imprisonment in Iran for the crime of "dabbling in feminism".
The IMF and World Bank recognize that the world is heading for more financial trouble. They don't recognize that their own policies have contributed.
Obama should take some action to rebuke Netanyahu for his policy of colonisation and his contempt for the US.
In Chechnya under Kadyrov, no one dares point out anything that the government has handled badly.
Trump's counterattack: presenting women that accused Bill Clinton of rape, and one that accused Hillary Clinton of serving as court-appointed public defender for an accused rapist.
It is not clear what is supposed to be bad about Hillary Clinton's part in this. Accused rapists deserve legal representation, like any other defendant — even if they are guilty.
The reason I won't vote for Hillary Clinton is that she stands for right-wing positions, which right-wingers like to call "centrist".
What Happens When the Alpha Males Run Politics? Donald Trump.
Although it is stretching things to apply that term to humans.
US citizens: call on the Secretary of the Army to overrule solitary the confinement sentence for Chelsea Manning.
No, Hillary, young voters aren't naive. The system doesn't work for them.
A witness cited a close ally of Chris Christie of saying that Christie and Cuomo talked about making a false report attributing the bridge lane closure to a traffic study.
This couldn't be used as evidence in court against Christie, since it would be hearsay. But it adds to the piles of evidence to convince us that Christie did this deliberately.
Off-duty thugs providing "security" at the Kansas City Public Library in a public event spontaneously decided to arrest an attendee for trying to ask a follow-up question. When the library official in charge told them they were not supposed to remove people except at the library's request, they beat him up, injured him, and then arrested him.
Don't take the risk of having thugs at your events.
The US imposed a broad gag order on Open Whisper Systems in regard to a subpoena relating to Signal.
EFF: Tell HP: Still a long way to go to make up for breaking our printers.
The three demands here are valid, but the most important demand is omitted. HP should promise never to apply DRM to its printers. Why does the EFF so often make insufficient demands?
Nearly half all children in Sub-Saharan Africa in extreme poverty, report warns.
This is connected with the fact that the population growth rate there is so high. It is African's duty to have much fewer children, and our duty to give them what they need in order to carry out that duty.
After Hurricane Matthew, will aid predators ravage Haiti?
Florida disenfranchises 10% of the voting-age citizens because they are ex-cons.
A large fraction of those disenfranchised are black, and this is partly a direct result of racism: black are more likely to be prosecuted than whites, in similar situations.
Racism is also the motive for the policy, since it stops blacks from resisting various racist laws through political organizing.
An executive of Backpage faces criminal charges because Backpage carries ads placed by teenage prostitutes that pretend to be adults.
The laws in the US against prostitution are based on prudery and prejudice; if the goal is to help women avoid mistreatment, they make no sense.
Excerpts of Clinton's private paid speeches to banksters have been released by wikileaks.
I don't see anything shockingly bad here. We have known all along that Clinton is no progressive, and this doesn't change that significantly.
The EU is fighting the opposition to CETA with a nonbinding document that attempts to reassure sheep that it won't be used to shear them.
Canada's government seeks the power to identify internet subscribers without a search warrant, and is trying the usual excuses: first "pedophiles", now "terrorists".
This suggests that the real motivation for trying to grab this power is neither of the above.
Trying to choose foods to reduce their carbon impact is so complicated that it is hopeless.
We have a simple system for solving such problems: the market. If we apply a big enough carbon tax, the price of various foodstuffs will guide you to reduce your carbon impact.
The US has begun "reviewing" its support for Salafi Arabia's bombing of Yemen after the bombing of a large crowd at a funeral.
I hope this gives the US an opportunity to stop what it should never have started.
Thug unions support Trump, because he encourages thuggishness in everyone that has privilege and power.
Everyone: Demand an independent investigation of the killing of Tyre King.
Former Yahoo staff say that the NSA's email-scanner was actually a "buggy rootkit" that gave the US government (and potentially others) many kinds of access to Yahoo's servers.
However, supposing this surveillance was limited to the pattern-matching that was originally described, the government is claiming the power to search everyone's communications, then claim it hasn't searched your mail unless it found a match in your mail.
The ACLU poses questions about how far this surveillance power extends and who authorized it.
A Trump supporter tried to attack reporter Kurt Eichenwald by sending him a racist video that was designed to trigger an epileptic seizure.
Coca Cola has a list of dietitians that it has paid to give it supportive PR. Now they are tweeting to oppose proposed soda tax.
Wisconsin voters, now required to show state-issued photo IDs, are getting the run-around when they apply for one.
Sacramento thugs tried to run Joseph Mann over, but when he jumped over the median to protect himself, they got out of their car and shot him repeatedly until he was dead.
A union organizing effort at Wells Fargo helped uncover the pressure on employees to commit fraud.
It has uncovered a similar pattern at other big banks, too.
Where medical marijuana has been legalized, older Americans are less likely to be disabled and more likely to continue working.
The UK referendum encouraged violence against queers, not just against the ethnic minorities and immigrants that were attacked by the political campaign.
It seems that the "leave EU" campaign encouraged the spirit of hate in a general way, independent of the target.
Non-college white men in the US have decreasing incomes. Their support for Trump may be a foolish response to this real problem.
Dirty and deadly oil train projects meet defeat in California and Washington.
The US war in Afghanistan has continued 15 years. Politicians ignore it and have no rational plan to end it.
"Do something (in Syria)!" means, in effect, "Bomb something!"
But the US can't make things better by starting a war with Assad or Russia. On the contrary, a war with Russia could make things a whole lot worse.
Criticism of Trump is being used to promote prudish sexual morality.
Why shouldn't someone of age 64 make a pass at someone younger? No reason, except prudery and ageism. As for marriage and fidelity, that is natural for some people and not for others. Society pressures everyone to agree to that way of life, then criticizes them when they can't follow it.
What's bad about Trump's conduct is that he puts pressure on women when they don't want him. Because of his power, and his practice of retaliating against anyone who thwarts him (and not only in sexual matters), they may be afraid to talk about it (note how this woman said nothing about it for years), perhaps even afraid to say no to him.
What's bad about Trump's attitude is that he regards women as collectibles. He seems to have no idea of tenderness or kindness; he is all cupidity.
A Faux News reporter cited the Berlin Wall as an example of success.
15 years ago, Howard Zinn warned that attacking Afghanistan would not make things better.
The Taliban had offered to kick out al-Qa'ida to end hostility with the US, but the US was not interested.
The Taliban are oppressive rulers, especially to women. To overthrow such a state might be justified, if the people it rules want that. But RAWA, the Revolutionary Association of Women of Afghanistan, did not want US intervention, and the replacement Afghan government didn't respect women's rights much either.
Iceland has convicted 9 bankers from the failed bank Kaupthing for illegal transactions that they used to expand the bank.
The expansion was risky as well as illegal, and the result was the bank's failure when the crisis came.
Big Pharma is conspiring with US ISPs and other internet companies to block Americans from using foreign pharmacy web sites to order prescription drugs.
This illustrates that ICANN is being lobbied to serve the cause of censorship.
EFF: FCC helped create the Stingray problem, now it needs to fix it.
Sen. Mike Lee: U.S. can't bomb Syrian forces without congressional approval.
It would be foolish for the US to intervene against Assad because none of the armed factions deserves our support except the Kurds — and they are distant enough from Assad's forces that the two groups are not fighting each other.
Facebook wants to supply limited "internet" access in the US after having been rebuffed by India.
Kerry calls for war crimes investigations against Russia and Syria.
I think that is valid; but so is a call for war crimes investigations against the US and Salafi Arabia in Yemen.
Bogus excuses states use to shut down the internet.
Clinton's private speeches to banksters have been leaked.
She advocated the Simpson-Bowles proposal for tax cuts for business and postponement of social security, and said she needed to have a "public position" and a "private position".
This, of course, is what we suspected.
Democrats should now recognize that Clinton said she would be the tool of the banksters. The evidence is clearly visible.
If she is elected, she will have to betray the banksters or betray the public. Where do her real loyalties lie?
Combat vs. Climate: The Military and Climate Security Budgets Compared.
The US government is giving money to charter schools, and some of them are diverting money to private profit.
The US warned Americans to stay away from public spaces in Egypt.
Egypt imprisons and kills people for no reason whatsoever. The US should warn Americans to stay away from Egypt.
Berta Caceres' case file was stolen — from the prosecutor.
Fortunately there are copies.
Either the state is trying to protect her killers, or private parties more powerful than the state are doing it.
Trump was recorded boasting that he could grab women and have sex with them.
Trump has a long history of treating women as objects, prizes, toys … anything but human beings.
Many Republicans are disgusted, but only a few have dared to withdraw their support.
USA FREEDOM Act requires government to declassify any order to Yahoo.
Is Your Big Data Project a "Weapon of Math Destruction"?
US citizens: call on the EPA to ban toxic oil dispersants.
US citizens:
call on the IRS to
investigate ALEC.
[Reference updated on 2018-03-31 because the
link was broken.]
Everyone: call on Florida Governor Scott to extend the voting registration deadline to make up for the delay caused by Hurricane Matthew.
Everyone: call on Billionaire Polluters to stop supporting heating-denialist pressure groups.
A study compares the conduct of 8 large fossil fuel companies.
Indiana thugs raided and shut down a large voter registration activity, trying to blame it because a couple of people submitted invalid and perhaps fraudulent registrations through the activity.
Republicans could use this excuse to block others from voting and deny them the opportunity to register. Attacking operations that register marginalized people is a standard Republican strategy for attacking democracy.
I have to wonder whether the invalid forms were submitted by Republican operatives to create an excuse for the raid.
The UK convicted Conrad Jones of intimidating a witness because prosecutors hid the evidence proving he was somewhere else at the time.
California just made such actions by prosecutors a felony. The UK needs to take equally strong action.
The moribund Federal Election Commission has refused to take action on accusations of campaign finance violations by the Trump an Clinton campaigns.
The FCC's new version of ISP privacy requirements is weaker than the previous proposal.
I wouldn't — and I don't — trust those ISPs with my personal data. I connect through Tor. That's feasible for me, since the amount of data I transmit through them is not very much compared with most people.
Nowadays, bottled water can fetch a high price if it has some exotic inactive ingredient or comes from an exotic place.
Don't be a sucker — don't buy bottled water in the US or Europe. If you worry about lead in the water of your town, buy a filter.
Armed Ecuadorian police took over the headquarters of a union of indigenous peoples that oppose oil extraction in their territory.
We now have a very simple argument to oppose to any and all proposals to drill more oil wells: the world cannot survive an increase in fossil fuel extraction facilities, because just operating the existing facilities is enough to cause global disaster.
Thus, while I sympathize with the desire to give Ecuadorians (who are for the most part rather poor) a better standard of living, the world cannot bear it.
Prisoner Siddique Hasan faces in-prison punishment for giving an interview to National Public Radio about the US prisoners' strike.
Hey prison guards, you have no right of privacy in how you treat prisoners. They do have such a right — but when they want us to know, you have no business interfering.
Now that the inadequate Paris treaty is in effect, activists call for serious measures.
World Needs $90tn Infrastructure Overhaul to Avoid Climate Disaster, Study Finds.
Support for the death penalty is declining in Texas, among the population and its court of appeals.
The US has recognized that Israel is building a permanent apartheid state but supports it anyway.
A considerable fraction of young Americans don't want to have children.
This is great news if it means less population growth. Still, it is a shame that this is brought about by putting an unnecessary and irrational burden on mothers.
Low-emissions cars tend to be cheaper to operate, when counting maintenance costs.
Haiti has been hit by a powerful hurricane shortly before it was supposed to have presidential elections.
The storm destroyed houses, roads, and crops. The election has been cancelled.
The election would probably have been phony. The US more or less imposed President Martelly, after arranging the removal of President Aristide.
It doesn't mention that cholera was brought by a UN force whose mission (since there was no war in Haiti) was to maintain in power the elites that Dubya had put in power.
Eliminating cholera is not rocket science. It just takes money to implement systems for clean water and sewage treatment. The UN ought to accept responsibility and pay for these in Haiti, but it hasn't.
Arms sales to Salafi Arabia carry so much plutocratic weight that they distort US foreign policy.
Some of Clinton's Pledges Sound Great. Until You Remember Who's President (and how for 8 years he has hardly tried to do these things).
A UK minister set aside a local government's disapproval of fracking.
UK fracking decision is nothing short of hypocrisy.
Fossil fuel handling leaks 60% more methane than previously believed.
Global heating could cause 30-year droughts in the US, with conditions in the west resembling the 1930's dust bowl.
The US is not feeding the world's poor people. Hardly any of US agricultural produce goes to countries with many hungry people.
Instead, US food exports go mainly to wealthy countries. About half are meat or feed for producing meat.
The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau has required digital payment systems to follow the same rules that apply to bank cards.
The Israeli navy captured the Gaza solidarity boat and forced it away from Gaza.
The only reason not to let it reach Gaza is to demonstrate Israel's power. It had no rational justification for using that power this time.
James Hanson says we need a carbon tax to make the price of fossil fuels honest.
Verizon has order its employees in Pennsylvania to replace copper wires with semi-functional links to the cell phone system. They can be fired for fixing a copper wire.
Some states are diverting welfare money to "crisis pregnancy centers" whose mission is to mislead women so they don't get abortions.
If there's anything a poor single mother does not need, it's another baby.
US citizens: Call on Congress to break up Wells Fargo and the other megabanks.
The CO2 we have already pumped into the atmosphere has made catastrophe inevitable, unless we manage to start removing large amounts of it. The question that remains is how big the catastrophe will be.
US citizens: Call on Congress not to reduce transparency for Pentagon contractors.
Bill Clinton made a statement against for-profit medical insurance.
Hillary Clinton has opposed making a public option. If she said what Bill Clinton has just said, that would be a good stand on this issue.
A college student was asked to make up a name. He combined a common given name with a common family name. The combination is the name of several people. One of them happened to be a nude model, so he was accused of sexual harassment.
Residents of Florida and those who visit Florida: call on Governor Scott to move for reexamination of the Sabal pipeline, in which he has a personal financial interest.
Urging Congress to allow some tax breaks for fossil fuels to expire instead of renewing them.
Frackers in Pennsylvania want to prosecute local officials for adopting laws to limit fracking.
73 US large multinational companies maintain 10,000 foreign companies in tax havens.
They have avoided $700 billion in US taxes by keeping money outside the US.
The world needs almost 70 million new teachers to provide universal education.
Protests made the Polish government reconsider its proposed total ban on abortions.
May this lead to reconsideration of the existing Polish near-total ban on abortions.
The Colombian government has ended the cease fire with the FARC.
Although the referendum rejected the peace agreement, I don't see why the cease fire has to end.
Thailand denied entry to a Hong Kong activist at the request of China.
If US victims of terror can sue Saudi Arabia, can victims of American terrorism sue the US?
It seems proper to me for them to be able to do so.
While there is no evidence that Salafi Arabia directly supported al-Qa'ida, it is certainly guilty of spreading fundamentalism (Salafism) across the Muslim world, and that contributed to all kinds of Islamism, both the violent part that commits terrorism and the more widespread part that merely advocates disrespect for many human rights.
Use of fitness trackers has an insignificant effect on most users' levels of exercise.
They do have a significant effect on the level of surveillance one suffers.
In Yemen, due to the bombing campaign by Salafi Arabia, children are now starving to death.
Duane Buck was sentenced to death for the specific reason that he is black.
Nobody, of any race, should be executed. The death penalty is unjust and we can easily do without it.
Honeywell has locked out a union that wouldn't agree to givebacks.
Has anyone got a plan to pressure Honeywell?
India has shut
down the Kashmir Reader newspaper.
[Reference updated on 2018-03-31 because the
link was broken.]
Teachers' bias against black boys begins with children of preschool age.
This prejudice directly harms the children, because children that teachers expect to do badly, do badly as a consequence of their expectation.
The German comedian who published a poem that satirized Erdoğan will not be prosecuted by the state. Erdoğan's private prosecution of him is still being considered.
Germany should repeal that law.
Nancy Doe is facing charges of "sexually exploiting" herself; the hateful DA wants to list her as a "sex offender" for years.
It sounds like the selfies she took would be acceptable in most magazines. But even if that had not been so, these charges would still be unjust.
I commend the courage of Nancy and her parents (presuming they have not pressured her) in refusing the "deal" where she has to admit guilt.
I think it would be appropriate for the boy who redistributed the photos she sent him confidentially to face some sort of punishment. Not a listing in the sex offender list. Not prosecution. Suspension from school would be too much. But the school should teach him that this sort of thing is not the way to treat other kids.
Everyone: call on Wells Fargo CEO Stumpf to resign for policies that pressured staff into fraud.
California's Proposition 61 would cut the cost of drugs bought by the state.
Erdoğan continues repression of the Kurds in Turkey.
He broke the years-long cease fire in order to get more votes.
Pakistan has expelled hundreds of thousands of Afghan refugees back into the war zone which is their country.
When Gerry Williams was a homeless alcoholic in Toronto, he was fined over and over. He got sober, but USD 50,000 in fines made it impossible for him to live a normal life with work.
Pew Survey: Republicans Are Rejecting Reality on Climate Change.
The right-wing media are effective in convincing right-wing Americans to reject reality.
New Jersey, under Republican Governor Christie, plans to privatize Atlantic City's water.
In justice, Trump should pay the money that the city needs.
Suggestions for dealing with the UK's housing shortage.
I disagree with one point: taxes on the wealthy are too low already, so when anyone proposes a new tax break to encourage A over B, we should look for a way to increase the taxes on B to discourage it in favor of A.
If funds are needed to make more housing, taxing potential residences that are no one's primary residence is a good way to get that money.
In general, it is important to eliminate the laws that limit construction of housing — for instance, zoning laws that limit the amount of housing on a tract of land.
The US government ordered Yahoo to scan all incoming messages, and Yahoo did.
Here's more about what happened.
Other companies say they would have resisted this demand, but it is hard to know whether to trust them.
Corbyn's platform for the Labour Party is good, but 12,000 new public housing units a year is woefully insufficient.
Two states, California and Illinois, have taken state bond sales and investments (for pension funds, I expect) away from Wells Fargo. This is good, but really all the executives responsible for the pressure that made staff cheat customers should face charges.
Wells Fargo agreed to a fine for repossessing soldiers' cars without a court order.
This is good, but what about us civilians? We deserve rights, too.
US citizens: call on Congress to debate the question of war with Syria or Russia rather than just leaving hands off.
California has blocked "civil" forfeiture (seizure of a person's property without convicting per of a crime) in nearly all cases.
An anti-refugee referendum in Hungary failed because less than 50% of the voters voted. There was an organized campaign urging people not to vote.
The dense heart of the Pacific Ocean's plastic garbage patch is almost 400,000 square miles in size. It contains millions of large plastic objects that are slowly breaking down into microparticles.
Two years ago, plastic in the oceans was believed to weigh almost 300,000 tons. Perhaps now the estimate needs to be increased.
US citizens: call on Congress to cancel the lame duck session.
US citizens: support a "public option" in health care for all Americans.
Mike Pence refuses to pardon a convict that has been proved innocent.
Pence, like the prosecutor Pence is protecting, defend the principle that The System Is Never Mistaken. When it makes a mistake, they deny the facts rather than admit the mistake.
The main debate about US foreign policy is between different excuses for pursuing global dominion.
America's main rivals are rather nasty themselves. China is a corrupt dictatorship that increasingly crushes human rights. Putin is an authoritarian ruler who does not permit serious opposition even though he is so popular he could win honestly.
It could well be true that most of the residents of the Crimea, before Russia took it over, wanted the Crimea to be part of Russia. However, the election Putin held after capturing the Crimea tells us nothing about the question, because he does not run elections honestly. If we are able to doubt the statements of Dubya, Obama, Clinton and Trump, why put more faith in Putin's? He is not trying to conquer the world, but that doesn't make him admirable. Most Russians support him, just as many Americans supported Dubya's wars — both countries were lied to.
The Earth's surface is hotter now than at any time in the past 115,000 years.
Back then, the sea was 6-9 meters higher, and it will probably rise to that level again if we don't drive the temperature down.
Is part of your city under 9 meters above sea level? Lots of Boston is.
Duterte boasts about how many drug dealers (or supposed drug dealers) he will arrange to kill, but meanwhile denies responsibility for the killings he organized before.
Should we call him President Do-dirty?
The investigation of the murder of sociological researcher Giulio Regeni has exposed the murderous nature of the Egyptian military state.
Its readiness to torture and kill people with hardly any rational reason reminds me of what I have heard about Stalin. Except that, unlike Stalin, the Egyptian regime has full support of the US.
Supposedly the Egyptian tyranny is the only bulwark against Islamist rebels. Of course, those disrespect basic human rights, those of men as well as those of women, those of Muslims as well as those of non-Muslims. That is the nature of the Islamist position. But the violent Islamist rebellion got a boost after the military coup, so I think that the military have done more harm than good.
Tenants in part of Berlin are trying to ban renovation of buildings so as to keep wealthier people from forcing them out.
The harm of housing bought as an investment and denied as a place to live is a consequence of unjust laws that regulate the housing market badly.
100,000 Polish women protested the new restrictive abortion law, which is even worse than the old restrictive abortion law.
President Correa says the US is organizing another campaign like Plan Condor, which organized assassinations of dissidents in Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Paraguay and Uruguay.
A fairly recent law says that the US should collect statistics about killings by thugs, but the US proposes to collect them in an inefficient and unreliable way.
Tories propose to cancel most of the European Convention on Human Rights in regard to war crimes. As an excuse, for those inclined to accept feeble excuses, they pretend that accusations of abuse were all bogus.
Microsoft has obtained influence in the Linux Foundation, even as it uses patents to push proprietary malware programs into products with GNU/Linux or Android.
How Trump arranged to get a billion dollars from the banks, and pass the tax liability to a company, which subsequently went bankrupt.
Trump (or some advisor) was indeed clever at figuring out how to cheat the US.
As always, when someone exploits a system this way, the system is responsible for having the loophole and the exploiter is responsible for taking advantage of it. We should condemn the exploiter and fix the system's flaw. The question is, just what is the flaw?
There are other instances of cheating by creating a company that was intended to go bankrupt. For instance, Peabody Energy created a subsidiary and transferred pension liabilities to it, as a way of cheating its current workers and its retired former workers.
I think we need to make it much harder to create a company and transfer current or future liabilities to it in such a way that the company is likely to go bankrupt. The obvious way is to designate such conduct as a crime. There might be a more clever way which changes some procedures to put obstacles in the path of the operation itself.
"A Chinese government investigation has revealed that more than 80 percent of the data used in clinical trials of new pharmaceutical drugs have been 'fabricated'."
It continues, "Not only did the report find that many of the 'new' drugs awaiting approval were actually a combination of existing drugs, they also showed that many clinical trial outcomes were written before the trials had actually taken place."
The corruption has not reached that point in the US and Europe, but it does exist.
Some UK universities now employ their professors as subcontractors as a scheme of union-busting.
US universities have other methods for union-busting.
The US and Europe want to pour more money down the "nation building" drain in Afghanistan.
Spending money to help make Afghanistan stable would be justified if we could expect it to achieve the goal. In practice, when we tried it our billions of dollars mostly went into corruption and ill-conceived useless projects. Is there any reason to think it would be more effective now?
Clinton described herself to wealthy donors as "center-left to center-right".
However, what the Washington and media elite calls "center" is really right-wing compared with the views of most Americans, who support positions that are more "left". That is the real center. Thus, really Clinton is in truth center to right.
Stumpf deserves more than a slap on the wrist. He should be prosecuted.
EFF: HP Promises to Restore Printers' Functionality, But Questions Remain.
Private agreements of internet communication companies have the effect of imposing censorship on the millions of people that use those companies.
The EFF is going to court to protect security researcher Matthew Green who could be prosecuted under the DMCA for publishing his next book.
Arkansas thugs arrested two men for making a video of the thugs as they handcuffed a black driver. The thugs dropped charges against one of the men on discovering he was a state legislator, but the other, a civil rights lawyer, faces absurd charges.
Vancouver is trying various measures to limit housing speculation, and one already in effect seems to be doing some good.
I recommend a substantial monthly tax on owning a residential property that is not someone's primary residence.
Ostensibly, the builders of the UK's new nuclear power plant will have to pay to clean it up in 2083.
There are just two things wrong with that claim:
1/5 of fish for sale is fraudulently mislabeled, and this is used to disguise fishing practices that wipe out species.
Sweden is considering offering a tax break for repairing products rather than throwing them away.
I hope they legislate to give people the right to repair and require manufacturers to publish repair manuals.
Former Guantanamo prisoner Lutfi Bin Ali is now semi-imprisoned in a town in Kazakhstan where hardly anyone will or can speak with him.
Philippine president Duterte compared himself to Hitler and said he wanted to kill 3 million drug addicts.
If we can use gene therapy to prevent a genetic birth defect, we are obligated to do so, rather than produce a child with a "natural" handicap.
However, abortion is another way to avoid that unjust outcome.
Some schools in New Jersey have installed
scanners in the cafeteria.
[Reference updated on 2018-03-31 because the
link was broken.]
US citizens: call on the FBI director to explain why they have not prosecuted the banks and banksters involved in causing the 2008 financial crisis.
US citizens:
on Obama not to ban kratom.
[Reference updated on 2018-03-31 because the
link was broken.]
US citizens:
ways to take action against banning kratom.
[Reference updated on 2018-03-31 because the
link was broken.]
Everyone: Call on the UN to kick fossil fuel companies out of climate negotiations.
US citizens: call on Obama to end militarization of US thug departments.
California farmers are competing to pump increasing amounts of water out of diminishing aquifers, as the rainfall remains low.
Global heating is expected to mean even less rainfall. I wonder how long it will take before some of those farms run out of water.
How Charter Schools Bust Unions.
US blacks become discouraged from calling the thugs for help when they see thugs kill blacks rather than help.
US citizens: call on the FCC to ban unlicensed use of stingrays.
This petition says it doesn't work with Javascript disabled, but that seems to be a bug — in fact, it does work.
Paramount and CBS are still planning to crush a Star Trek fan video, despite the efforts of the movie director to prevent this.
If he cares strongly enough, he can make it unbearable for those companies to continue their rampage.
Some women chess masters want to boycott the next world championship because it will be held in Iran. And that's not to mention the danger of being arrested on bogus charges.
FIDE should have known better than to hold an event there.
The Drug Enforcement Agency infiltrates the TSA as well as many companies involved in shipping and transportation, to get information about passengers bypassing the legal requirements for search warrants.
Turkey has just closed 20 more broadcast stations arbitrarily for political reasons.
Las Vegas has thousands of abandoned homes, but instead of making them available to destitute people, it uses harsh new laws to jail the destitute for trying to live in them.
When the homes are truly abandoned, the state should seize them and sell them off. When they are held vacant by some owner, the state should impose a high tax until they have people living in them.
In US prisons, private companies do the cooking and get their profit by skimping on prisoners' meals.
The children in Jordan Downs public housing have high lead levels, probably because the land was contaminated by previous industry.
The Justice Department defends the use of unreliable forensic methods such as hair matching and bite mark matching.
Americans want to get rid of the Hyde amendment that bans Medicare funding for abortions.
To get this through the house, we will need to overcome Republican voter suppression and gerrymandering.
Senator Warren opposes allowing more charter schools.
As far as I can tell, most of them are schemes to divert public funds into wealth for a few.
Singapore Jails Teen Blogger Amos Yee for Anti-Religion Posts.
Can anyone find a transcript of what he said? I'd like to think about whether to say "right on!"
Thugs crushed a peaceful protest against the Dakota Access pipeline by menacing the protesters with shotguns.
Construction unions have great power inside the AFL-CIU and have pressured it to support fossil fuels.
For our survival, we need to disconnect the US labor movement from fossil fuels.
A study of several thug departments found that the consistent and predictable use of body cameras cut complaints about thugs' behavior by a factor of 10.
Both the thugs and the civilians seem to behave better knowing they are being monitored by an impartial witness.
Airlines are making air rage more frequent by reducing the space between seats.
Another reason why you shouldn't let web sites know who you are or what machine you are coming from: web sites are likely to move from targeted advertising to choosing what to show you in order to manipulate you to buy things.
Obama is worried that his successor will escalate world-wide drone warfare.
I agree, but he would have done well to try to limit the president's power to spread war when he had time and a better chance of success.
Canada has taken measures to curb speculation by foreigners in housing in Canada.
Canada's government has proposed a carbon emissions tax.
New York State ordered the Trump Foundation to stop fundraising in that state, as it has ignored laws about registration and auditing of charities.
It is also apparently guilty of diverting funds to Trump's private uses. He could end up in jail for this.
Greek thugs fired tear gas at a protest of a thousand retired people.
Old people are physically weak, but the thugs felt afraid because they have a moral weakness: defending an austerity government.
Black immigrants in the US are more likely to be deported after committing crimes than non-black immigrants, in similar cases.
CIA torture victims, later released, deserve compensation for the crime committed against them.
Tenants in Crown Heights, Brooklyn, fight to stop gentrification.
These struggles are worth trying, but what we really need is a lot more housing construction in our cities. To unlock this, we must eliminate the zoning requirements that limit how much housing can be built.
It is ok if the new housing is only for rich people, as long as there is plenty of it. That will drive down the price of the existing housing.
The tax on plastic bags in stores in the UK has been a great success in reducing litter. 90% of people carry bags with them all the time.
I've done that for several years now.
Colombians voted to reject the peace agreement with the FARC. The cease-fire remains in effect.
On top of rising seas, global heating will bring bigger hurricanes with bigger storm surges. There will be hurricanes in places where they don't happen now.
Apple is using forced labor in China and making people work 60 hours a week. Despite its enormous profits, it won't allow the expense of pushing workers less or attracting workers by choice.
The products being made oppress their users, too.
One reason why some working-class US whites feel Liberals don't understand them and don't care.
When it's a fact that some people feel this way, we can't argue with the facts. But I think they've drawn the wrong conclusion for who is responsible for what has happened to them. I say the ones to blame are the plutocrats that made the "waiting line" stall and move backwards. This is where distraction propaganda enters the issue: it focuses their attention on the blacks who were advanced in the line rather than on the billionaires that screwed workers in general.
Plutocratic politicians cause unemployment through macro-level policies. They promote the inadequate "solution" of job training as a distraction so people won't demand a real solution.
Plutocracy makes people sick: vaccinating chickens for salmonella in the US would prevent around 80,000 infections per year, but chicken farmers vetoed it to avoid the expense.
The system is culpable because it gives business this power, and the farmers are culpable for using this power.
Local journalists in Brazil were arrested for covering the massive eviction of slum residents whose homes had been demolished.
Trump is great at causing jobs to disappear. His casinos were "profitable" only because he used them to borrow money, then used bankruptcy to avoid paying it back.
On National Security, Trump and Clinton Found Plenty To Agree On.
In addition, they both condemn Snowden, which shows they're on the spooks' side, against journalism and democracy.
In many cases, invasive species flourish because some other competing species was wiped out by human action.
The hosting companies that run virtual servers for other companies are getting into the snooping game.
This means yet another reason why web site privacy policies are worthless: they apply only to the companies that publish them, which are the ones that use the virtual servers — not to the hosting companies that run them.
The US does not have a plan in place to meet the inadequate greenhouse gas reduction commitments it has made.
Facebook and Google enjoy so much power that it makes them dangerous.
I personally avoid being directly influenced by them because I almost never access them — but when they have influence over society as a whole, the consequences affect everyone. I can't avoid the effects of that influence, but I can and do avoid being an agent for their influence.
The Thai government stopped Amnesty International representatives from announcing a report on torture by the Thai police, by threatening to arrest them for "having the wrong kind of visa".
Despite the atrocious nature of Russia's attack on east Aleppo, it would be absurd for the US to intervene against it. Kerry wanted to do this, but Obama wisely refused.
Islamists such as formerly-al-Nusra (also formerly al-Qa'ida) are the main force on the other side, and it makes no sense to intervene in their favor.
The only force in Syria that deserves support is that of the Kurds, and it is far away from Aleppo.
The West Has to Look Beyond Aleppo's Agony.
Thugs attacked a protest in Ethiopia with tear gas, causing a stampede that killed 50 people.
They were protesting against the tyrannical nature of the government of Ethiopia.
Climate mayhem endangers puffins.
Perhaps we know why Trump doesn't want to show his tax returns: he claimed a billion-dollar loss in the 90s and may have used this to avoid paying any tax since then.
Wisconsin Republicans are defying court orders to cease voter suppression.
The Center for Political Accountability has pressured many large companies to adopt policies of reporting their political expenditures.
Student Ryan Turk is being prosecuted for "stealing" a milk carton from his school's lunch room. Although he wasn't stealing it, since he was entitled to milk with his lunch. The Authorities are unyielding; apparently they want to put someone in jail no matter how.
Parents, protect your children: insist on NO THUGS in your school!
The US government is investigating Mylan, manufacturer of the EpiPen, for misrepresentation to avoid taxes.
Quantitative easing keeps wages down, hurting workers, and keeps bank interest down, hurting the middle class.
The Justice Department found that Snowden was directly responsible for reducing the frequency of certain kinds of surveillance in the US.
Wells Fargo's pressure to sell its customers more kinds of accounts was established by 2000.
Integrating the US schools gave blacks a better education, and they came out better educated. Now resegregation has cancelled that out.
Mainstream economists keep reaching wrong conclusions based on bad theories, predicting that a plutocratist policy will have good results for people in general. When the opposite happens, they say, "What a surprise! Nobody could have predicted this!"
Then the plutocrats forgive them so they can make more such predictions.
Obama (and US newspapers) think it is dangerous to let relatives of drone attack casualties sue the US, but want to allow foreign companies to sue the US.
About Syria's "White Helmet" rescue volunteers.
A deceptive ballot question in Florida surreptitiously aims at abolishing "net metering", which was set up to encourage people to invest in solar panels.
MSF asks Syria to please stop bombing hospitals.
Prison strikes continue in 40 or more US prisons.
"Prisons are the new plantations" — a scheme to convert many US blacks (and quite a few whites) into the equivalent of slave labor.
Trump harasses and intimidates non-Christians at his rallies.
The Trump Foundation operated as slush fund for Trump's personal needs, receiving money from people that had some reason to give it to Trump. But it never obtained state authorization to ask for donations, Trump may have to return all the money.
With US bombers and commandos fighting in Syria, how can they claim it is "not direct military intervention"?
The UN Human Rights Council abandoned the independent investigation of war crimes in Yemen.
Forget Paris, Scientists Say 'Radical Change' Only Way to Stay Below 2 Degrees (of global heating).
Some kinds of honey and oatmeal in the US contain significant levels of glyphosate.
Trump illegally spent money in Cuba looking for business opportunities there.
Certain types of trucks, that limit the driver's vision, are particularly dangerous to cyclists. London plans to ban them for safety.
Obama is trying to put the TTIP "back on track" to run us all over, and is still trying to impose the TPP on us.
The TPP is treacherous plutocratic poison. If they impose it, we will not surrender. We will fight until we eliminate the TPP, and we will end the political careers of the traitors that voted for it.
Canada has approved a new pipeline for natural gas export that would bust its greenhouse gas targets.
The world cannot afford to keep operating the existing fossil fuel mines and wells. Creating new ones is suicidal.
UK Government Works "Hand in Glove" with Arms Firms, Say Campaigners.
How to confront antisemitism in the UK Labour Party without defending Israel's occupation of Palestine.
Desalination of water from the Persian Gulf is making the water there saltier, so desalination gets more expensive.
The New York City thug department infiltrated a Black Lives Matter protest.
Sudan is using chemical weapons against people in Darfur.
Perhaps HP said it will retract its new printer cartridge DRM.
I can't tell for certain whether that is what HP has pledged to do. Does anyone know?
Why I do not support Gary Johnson for president.
A federal court ordered the Federal Election Commission to take action against blatant illegality.
The FEC is totally paralyzed, neutralized by Republicans that want no obstacles to their use of billionaires' money.
A civil rights museum refused Trump's requests for special treatment if he visited there.
Anyone that publicly accepts a meeting with Trump, and any institution that welcomes him, is being used by him.
An Israeli right-wing party leader suggested using the US election as an opportunity to annex Palestinian territory.
His idea is to make a monkey out of the US while candidates are falling on their faces pledging slavish loyalty to Israel.
Israel has already claimed to annex land around Jerusalem, and this claim shouldn't be respected either.
US citizens: support Obama's new rule that states can't arbitrarily block federal birth control funds.
Thugs in Maryland pulled a teenager off her bike, then pepper-sprayed her while she was handcuffed. Her "crime" was saying she didn't want help from the thugs, after her bike collided with a car.
Censorship spreads: part of Australia has made singing an "obscene" song a crime.
Alfred Olango in El Cajon was killed by thugs who didn't take the time to see that he was holding an e-cigarette rather than a gun.
The thugs said he was holding it "in firing position", but that is not the way people hold e-cigarettes, so I think they made it up.
A powerful storm knocked down part of the power grid in South Australia, and planet roasters are falsely claiming the cause of the blackout was too much use of wind power.
But even if their claim were true, their argument would be absurd. If we could save the world from global disaster at the price of an occasional blackout, what a relief that would be.
Australia proposes to make it a crime to re-identify anonymized data, but only data published by the state.
It is an interesting idea for protecting privacy. Of course, it should have limited exceptions for security testing and research in certain cases. But as long as it only applies to data that came from the state, it can't address much of the problem.
The European Parliament has approved arbitrary internet censorship, without even a trial, as an "anti-terrorist" measure.
FBI agent Parkinson reported other employees for breaking rules, and was fired. The Department of Justice is going to great lengths to screw him.
Using the FBI's plane for personal travel is defrauding the US treasury. It is valid to report that. However, when this person complains that someone uses the services of a prostitute, or watches porn, he is being a jerk. He should stop harassing other staff about their personal lives.
However, he shouldn't have been fired for that, or falsely accused.
The former intelligence head of Peru has been convicted of murdering three people in his headquarters. 15,000 others were disappeared in that period.
Congress overrode Obama's veto and passed the bill to end Salafi Arabia's immunity from lawsuits about supporting terrorist attacks in the US.
I don't know whether the Salafi state directly supported any such attacks. However, the Salafi sect, which it has spread around the Muslim world, is the basis for a lot of cruelty, and perhaps indirectly for terrorism.
Nearly all the asylum seekers that Australia dumped on Manus island are valid refugees in real danger of persecution if they return home. Australia cannot forcibly send them back.
So it is trying to coerce and bribe them into "voluntarily" going back into danger of torture or imprisonment.
Physicians for Human Rights says medical facilities in Syria have been attacked 400 times, nearly always by Assad's side.
Assad's men just bombed Eastern Aleppo's two largest hospitals — twice in one day.
Meanwhile, in Yemen it is Salafi Arabia (backed by the US) that attacks hospitals.
Russian journalist Denis Korotkov obtained from poll workers a sticker to let him vote many times. He used it, and reported on doing so. Now he is being prosecuted, but not the corrupt poll workers that gave out these stickers.
The UK's referendum about leaving the EU was preceded by an increase in attacks against Eastern European expats, and there were even more attacks after the vote.
US trade sanctions on Syria impede humanitarian aid, including medical supplies. The limits on funds transfers have encouraged an underground banking system, which PISSI finds useful.
Ukraine is considering a law to censor Russian books that criticize Ukraine.
What a horrible idea.
Wells Fargo executives will forfeit millions in pay, but they ought to be prosecuted for engineering massive fraud.
Governor Christie laughed when an official told him about the traffic jams caused by the bridge lane closures, as they were happening.
According to the World Health Organization, 90% of the world's population lives in zones with air pollution above safe levels.
The article says "92%", but I expect that is excessive precision.
Israel blocked Nadia Abu Nahla from travelling out of Gaza for a medical exam.
She needs the exam to see if her breast cancer is coming back.
Gush Shalom calls on Israel to allow the current Gaza aid boats to land.
Orly Noy explains why she, as a citizen of Israel, feels a responsibility to participate.
To save the Great Barrier Reef from short term threat requires protecting the forests of Northeast Australia.
The International Criminal Court has recognized destruction of cultural heritage as a kind of war crime.
Destruction of cultural heritage happens in many other situations, too. Salafi Arabia has destroyed much of Islam's oldest cultural heritage. The Dakota Access pipeline threatens to destroy cultural heritage, too.
What should we say about the Bush forces' carelessness which allowed the relics of the beginning of human civilization to be looted and their archaeological information scrambled?
Australia is forcing refugees it sent to Manus island to leave the former prison.
However, those who have tried to live anywhere else found themselves under attack from the local population.
A study suggests Earth could hit 9C of global heating (compared with 1900) within the next few thousand years.
If technological civilization survives, we will be able to remove the greenhouse gases from the atmosphere. Perhaps with tailored bacteria. But if global heating's consequences put an end to high-tech manufacturing and science, everything we are letting loose will develop on its own.
US citizens: call for the US to block the Monsanto-Bayer merger.
The US teen pregnancy rate is falling, as more teenagers use contraception.
But the US still has a higher teen pregnancy rate than other developed countries.
The Dutch investigation concludes that flight MH-17 was shot down by a Russian Buk missile.
The launcher was spotted various times on its route to the territory of the Ukrainian rebels.
Of course it was a mistake. No one involved in that war would have fired intentionally at an airliner.
It would be wrong to prosecute the soldiers that fired the missile for this mistake. Errors are frequent in the fog of war, and they should not be criminalized.
The UK government got court approval to impose a harmful contract on most of the doctors in the National Health Service.
They planned a week-long strike, met criticism because that could have harmed patients, and their strength was defeated by this. The end result is a victory for the plutocrats.
Fussing about the fraction of high executives that are women is not just irrelevant for most women; it is a systematic distraction from the systematic factors that keep most women poor.
Now that we have found several bodies in the solar system that have liquid water, we should look for life in them.
The US drives destruction of the Amazon rain forest by importing oil extracted there.
The UK must put empty buildings to use as residences.
Residential property that has no primary residents, or too few, should be taxed very heavily. A few millionaires may still keep them, while supporting the treasury usefully. The rest will sell off their investment properties, and people will be able to live in them again.
Our atmosphere has permanently exceeded 400 parts per million of CO2, on the road to climate disaster.
Even if human industry stops, it would take millennia for the CO2 level to come back down to the safe level of 350 ppm.
The UN may call for negotiations on a new nuclear disarmament treaty.
This would be a good idea. Mutually Assured Destruction could work between the US and the Soviet Union, but it doesn't work at all against underground groups.
Thugs in El Cajon, California, say they shot and killed a black man because he pointed something at them in a "shooting stance".
He did not have a weapon, and there is no information on what it was the victim was pointing. But a witness said his hands were up when he was shot. Sounds like thugs fibbing again.
Helmeted hornbills are being wiped out by poaching and palm oil.
The bill appears to be valuable only because it is rare. In other words, a stream of fools draws other fools to follow them.
New York City, staring inundation in the face, will increase its push for renewable energy.
What it really needs to do is to force the big banks to stop financing fossil fuel projects.
As oil was extracted from the indigenous Loreto region of Peru, the money was extracted too, but the pollution and spills remain.
No Fracking, Drilling or Digging: It's the Only Way to Save Life on Earth.
In theory there is another way, but it is hardly feasible.
Neural networks have been trained to recognize blurred and pixillated faces.
This means current blurring and pixillation are no longer adequate for making a face unrecognizable.
In Syracuse [jail], A [teenager] Can Be Thrown in Solitary for Singing Whitney Houston.
The people in jail are minors but they are not children. It is important to avoid infantilizing teenagers. However, the point of the article remains valid.
Testimony suggests that Governor Christie knew about the plan to harass Fort Lee and its mayor by causing a traffic jam.
Requiring children to be driven everywhere, rather than walk, is dangerous to them and harmful to society.
Republican state attorneys general met secretly with Exxon to plan how to protect it from prosecution for its fraudulent global heating denial.
A religious nut in the UK has been convicted of the crime of telling a woman she would "burn in hell" for wearing tight pants.
While that religious doctrine is cruel, people should not be punished for stating it.
Obama has effectively blocked citizens from petitioning for endangered species protection.
The new rules are so hard that they make it effectively impossible.
Protesters keep blocking the parts of the Dakota Access pipeline construction that the government has not stopped.
Trying to have a democracy where corporations can act in politics is like driving on a highway with long heavy trucks that think they own the road.
The beginning of what we need is to amend the US Constitution to say that human rights are for real persons, not for corporations.
Don't give your (real) birthdate to an online service!
Actually, if the service wants to know who you are, you are well advised not to use it at all.
Despite a lot of opposition to CETA, it is not dead yet.
China is under pressure to stop breeding tigers for selling the parts.
I wonder why poaching continues with so much tiger farming. Surely farmed tigers are cheaper than wild tigers, so why does anyone take the risk of hunting them and smuggling them?
Airlines want to use carbon "offsets" as an excuse to continue increasing their greenhouse gas emissions, or else biofuels to reduce them. But neither method is reliable.
Growing plants specifically to make biofuel is sustainable only if they don't need fertilizer, pesticide, or much cultivation. And the "offsets" are often fictitious, such as planting trees and hoping that they grow.
A distraction campaign for fossil fools: banning fracking would cause "decline of manufacturing" in the UK.
This "decline" is by comparison with an imaginary world, in which global heating was not happening, and offshoring and automation of manufacturing had not happened.
The latest US terrorist attack was carried out by a right-wing extremist.
Overall, right-wing extremists commit a large fraction of US terrorist violence. Don't assume that Islamists are more dangerous than Christianists.
However, terrorism from all sources is a small danger in the US. Don't worry about it too much.
Washing synthetic fabrics releases lots of plastic microfibers that harm marine life.
Australia and East Timor are disputing which one will have the right to extract undersea fossil fuels and help destroy civilization.
The only safe answer to a dispute about who can exploit new fossil fuel deposits is, "Neither of you! Nobody!"
Thugs in Pakistan intentionally kill hundreds, perhaps thousands of people every year, then claim they were "resisting arrest".
They also use torture to extract confessions. These confessions may easily be false.
The Comic Book Legal Defense Fund defends US artists from censorship.
I endorse its firm stand on freedom of expression: there must be no legal limits of "obscenity" or "blasphemy" on what people can draw, write or say.
Wells Fargo workers who were fired or punished for resisting pressure to commit fraud are now suing the bank.
Wells Fargo has been using quotas to pressure staff into fraud for years, in various different areas.
Tony B'liar thinks it is a terrible shame that British soldiers face investigation and possible prosecution for possible war crimes.
What's worse, current ministers think the same.
However, one minister wants Russian officials investigated for war crimes.
I think both sides should be investigated.
The UK confiscated a Syrian journalist's passport because Assad's men said it was "stolen".
Section 702 of FISA supposedly authorizes massive surveillance of non-Americans' communications, but in fact it collects lots of Americans' communications too.
Unprecedented and Unlawful: The NSA's "Upstream" Surveillance.
While we talk about unjust massive surveillance of the internet, keep in mind that unjust massive surveillance is not limited to internet use.
A small but dangerous loophole in the Consumer Review Freedom Act needs to be fixed before it is adopted.
Switzerland's people voted to permit massive government surveillance.
That article doesn't state how the law allows too much surveillance.
John Kiriakou calls for Americans to push for peace, and reminds us that CIA torture was directly approved by Dubya.
A former UK soldier says that he planted listening devices in the homes of suspected IRA terrorists, and those devices are probably still operating.
And he says he was sent on a mission to shoot two of them dead, because they were believed to be about to go shoot soldiers.
It is legitimate for a court to order surveillance of specific criminal suspects, but I don't think the army bothered to make it legitimate in that way.
It is legitimate to take action to stop a killing, but outside of war, "kill them first" is the wrong action to take.
US citizens: call for the US government to pressure North Carolina to repeal its law restricting release of videos made by thugs.
The new law prohibits release of thug videos without a court order.
The ACLU explains why the thug videos showing the killing of Keith Scott ought to be published.
Trump promised fossil fuel executives he would give them everything they want. Even more than Clinton would give them.
Since Trump makes a habit of lying, he might have lied to them. But we cannot take that for granted.
Did Trump lie in a debate with Jeb Bush, or did he lie in court?
There is one other possibility: he could have lied both times.
Donald Trump's Police State … he wants to abolish the constitutional rights of blacks and Hispanics.
Bad laws lure US money into finance instead of useful industry, and the result is a large reduction of investment in real activity.
DuPont and Monsanto regularly violate health standards in their treatment of migrant workers.
The UK regularly deports people before they can appeal, and has made out-of-country appeal so expensive and difficult that hardly any of them can try it.
Some have been deported back to persecution.
The UK is starting to collect nationality data about children in school, which seems to be designed to catch children in school to deport them.
A little bit of progressive policy has boosted US wages for a significant fraction of workers.
Germany has ordered Facebook to delete the data that came from WhatsApp.
ICC Sentences Islamic Militant to Nine Years over Timbuktu Destruction.
A study estimates that China's air pollution kills a million people per year.
That would be 5% to 10% of all deaths in China
For those that want to boycott Nestle because of its water grabs, here is a list of brands that Nestle owns.
The Russian "bunker-buster" bombs used on Aleppo are so powerful that buildings collapse just from the shock waves of the explosions. Their inhabitants die.
The EFF takes a strong stance against HP's printer DRM.
The one thing I would add is, "We must change the law to make DRM a felony."
Thousands of Saudis Sign Petition to End Male Guardianship of Women.
Facebook closed the accounts of some Palestinian journalists, but reenabled them after public criticism.
US citizens: phone your congresscritter at 202-224-3121 in support of the bill to allow Americans to sue Saudi Arabia for terrorist acts, just as they can sue some other countries.
US citizens: call for closing the carried interest tax loophole.
US citizens: call on the Senate to vote on the Presidential Tax Transparency Act.
Everyone: call on Obama to pardon Snowden now.
Lenovo gratuitously made some new laptops incompatible with Linux, so the GNU/Linux system cannot run.
The Netherlands will end use of coal by 2030.
I fear this is still not fast enough.
Governments timidly approach the idea of reducing greenhouse gas emissions from airplanes:
"Please, sirs, could we have some less?"
The murder of editor Lasantha Wickrematunge is being investigated; an official is suspected of carrying it out.
65 Spanish banksters are on trial, accused of stealing from their banks. One of them was also a minister for the right-wing party that used to form the government.
US citizens: call on the Department of Justice to
investigate the
thugs that have harassed and framed people for recording the thugs'
[Reference updated on 2018-03-31 because the
link was broken.]
Immigrants Don't Steal Jobs or Wages. Billionaires Do.
One way all of us can can fight to curb fossil fuel investments such as the Dakota Access pipeline is to protest the banks that finance them.
The big banks hurt society in many ways, so let's take our money out!
The Clean Energy Future plan shows how the US can reduce greenhouse gases greatly while creating lots of jobs.
Alas, poor bankers, it won't give them the fossil fuel subsidies that they are getting now from enormous investments such as pipelines.
China has intimidated cinemas in Hong Kong so that they refuse to show a documentary about the protests there two years ago.
US citizens:
on Obama to fully stop the Dakota Access pipeline.
[Reference updated on 2018-03-31 because the
link was broken.]
US citizens:
for stronger regulations on on mountaintop removal mining and
requirements for local cleanup.
[Reference updated on 2018-03-31 because the
link was broken.]
What we really need is to ban it entirely, because continuing to burn coal means global disaster.
A Christian in Jordan was on trial for "insulting Islam". Even worse, he was assassinated before the end of the trial.
The Jordanian government, by prosecuting people like him, encourages violence.
Almost everyone in Nazi Germany took drugs, including the leaders, the soldiers, the workers, and the housewives. It was state policy.
Meth made blitzkrieg possible, but the long-term drug use surely ground everyone down. Defeat was almost inevitable, given enemies that didn't use amphetamines.
The latest effort to impose the Treacherous Plutocratic Poison is to present it as a form of global rivalry between the US and China.
To make us panic, they trace a chain of what-ifs leading to a possible conquest of Taiwan by China.
So, plutocrats — if there is something about the TPP that is so important, why don't you remove the unjust parts? Then no one would fight against it.
A new German law will crimp the sale of looted artifacts.
A hotel where Trump was going to hold an event arrested a journalist who was asking whether he would be allowed into the event.
The right-wing bigotry party in France is excluding some journalists from its rallies, too.
The Charlotte thug department released some videos of the killing of Keith Scott, which show he was not threatening anyone.
Most of the UK's brothels are connected to criminal gangs that are involved in other illegal activities.
This is the natural result of prohibiting brothels. When selling alcohol was a crime in the US, the underground alcohol trade was mostly controlled by mafiosi. Now it is mostly controlled by a few large companies, but they are not quite as bad as the mafia. (And our governments could and should have stopped the companies from merging.)
We should legalize them, and regulate them to protect their workers.
Senator McConnell and others are risking shutting down the US government merely to protect publicly traded corporations from being required to disclose their political spending. So not to this.
The UK is blocking a UN investigation of war crimes committed by Salafi Arabia in bombarding Yemen.
African gray parrots are endangered in the wild because of capturing them for use as pets.
The experience of being captured and caged is terribly traumatic for a wild parrot. Never buy a pet parrot without verifying it was raised by human breeders.
Assad's forces and Russia have reimposed the siege of Aleppo, and are bombarding civilians and rescue workers. They bombed the water supply station for the besieged half of the city.
Modern politically oriented crackers try to crack everyone's email in the hope of finding some dirt on some target.
The ideology of neoliberal globalization is losing out in politics to something even worse, exemplified by Putin, Trump, Erdogan and other authoritarians.
Watch out for a pitfall. The neoliberal elite (not to be confused with US Liberals, of whom I am an example) may be weakening politically, but the plutocrats who set it up and profited from it keep getting more and more power along with a bigger share of the world's wealth.
Clinton says she can destroy PISSI by killing its leader. That will be about as effective as killing bin Laden was for destroying al Qa'ida — not very.
Meanwhile, she proposes to "balance" privacy with surveillance, but I think the respect for privacy will be effectively only for show. The only real way to respect people's privacy is to redesign systems not to collect data about people.
Anthony Novak posted a parody of the local thug department's Facebook page. They charged him with a felony for this, and actually took it to trial. Now he is suing them.
Some US cities are taking action to limit how their thug departments use surveillance.
Ultimately the US sentenced Chelsea Manning to 7 days of solitary. That's not a lot, compared with what she endured in the past.
Solitary confinement as a punishment for a suicide attempt is an absurd idea, since solitary confinement tends to encourage suicide.
Perhaps the army wanted to drive Chelsea Manning to suicide, and then mostly backed down due to public criticism, but kept a token 7 days to save face.
Tawon Boyd called 911, and when the thugs came, one choked him to death.
Lobsters may be eradicated from US waters by global heating. Perhaps they will survive in the Arctic.
Corbyn won the Labour leadership campaign — with a higher percentage than last year. Labour's large right-wing fringe in Parliament must start acting constructively.
Egyptian thugs killed five people and accused them of killing Giulio Regeni, but now admit that they didn't do it and probably had nothing to do with it.
Britain is a tax haven and its foreign dependencies are even worse. Some Tory politicians already use them to dodge taxes.
Criticizing the idea of "parenting".
The UK government defines "non-violent extremism" as a threat, essentially a policy of punishing dissidents for being dissidents, and its example gives other countries an excuse to punish other kinds of dissidents.
A video shows Charlotte thugs were lying when they said that a gun fell at Keith Scott's feet when he was shot.
Apparently the thugs planted the gun there.
Protesters marched through the town demanding that the thugs release their videos.
SCROTUS rejected trying to limit campaign donations from foreign-owned companies.
Tar sands mining causes intense toxic local air pollution, as well as disastrous global CO2 pollution.
A Wells Fargo employee tried to report the widespread fraud, and was fired on a pretext.
US citizens: call on Congress to pass the Preventing Tragedies Between Police and Communities Act, to train thugs in de-escalation methods.
The Department of Justice says it will ignore the conclusion that some forensic methods, used in trials to convict people, are bogus.
The ACLU protects students when schools try to punish them for not giving positive endorsement to the national anthem or the pledge of allegiance.
Continuing to operate the existing fossil fuel mines and wells until they are exhausted would be enough to exceed 2C of global heating. To avoid disaster, we have to shut them down "prematurely".
Since exceeding 2C of heating would kill millions of people, I think that someone who destroys fossil fuel infrastructure should be able to claim the necessity defense (preventing a much, much bigger crime).
With each apparent act of terrorism, it takes less and less to excuse another attack on Americans' freedom.
Trump is the attacker now, but Clinton is not much of a defender of our liberty.
Under 8 years of Obama, the American people have forgotten the anti-war movement.
Brazil's acting president Temer admitted that the motive for President Rousseff's impeachment was her economic policies, not any wrongdoing on her part.
To end an injustice, you must campaign clearly against it. Resist the temptation to try to market yourself to the people who don't support the goal.
"Imagine if … Rosa Parks had said that … 'we understand the public's legitimate concerns' on desegregation."
Arguing that the only way to end poaching of elephants is to legalize raising elephants for their ivory.
I am not sure what will work.
Prisoners tortured by the CIA under the Bush regime describe the torture.
Germany's surveillance agency did massive illegal data collection and shared the results with the NSA.
"Free trade" cuts poor people's wages but not their cost of living. It tends to reduce the price of manufactured goods, but it doesn't reduce the price of food, and it can make housing more expensive. Poor people spend most of their money on food and housing.
The billionaire founder of Oculus is funding a project to spread irrational insults about Clinton, to support Trump.
I disapprove of Clinton's right-wing views, so I won't vote for her. But this tactic discredits those who do it, demonstrating that Trump is the candidate of the rich bastards without scruples.
Some US schools are firing teachers to pay for expensive high-tech "security" devices to "protect" against dangers so rare it is better to ignore them.
Belgium proposes to legalize massive surveillance with few restraints.
This is more dangerous to a free society than a few underground terrorists. By the way, now that Belgium is making a real effort to find terrorists, I think there will be few further attacks. The existing police powers are sufficient.
Trump defends the thugs that kill blacks.
He appeals to, and endorses (deniably, of course), every kind of bigotry or cruelty in the US that is widespread enough to get him substantial support. He should run on the Hate Party ticket.
Clinton, by contrast, is a more conventional Republican.
How global heating denialists can believe many contradictory "arguments" at once.
It is now clear that bicycle helmets cut the danger of a head injury in half, and the reduces the danger of a serious or fatal head injury even more.
Molly Crabapple comments about Trump, the sex fetish of the angry ignorant.
Professors and students in Ghana University want the statue of Gandhi removed, saying he was bigoted against Africans and endorsed the caste system (which he did).
I suggest they replace it with a statue of Dr Ambedkar.
Hydrofluorocarbons, used in refrigerators, are an important greenhouse gas.
"Paris climate goal will be 'difficult if not impossible to hit'." Especially since few if any countries are really even trying.
Thugs in Connecticut were recorded discussing what false charges to make against an inconvenient protester, after they illegally took away his recording device.
Poor countries borrowed lots of money, under the influence I suppose of banksters from rich countries that worked with corrupt governments or dictators. Now they won't be able to pay it back, and a financial crisis is feared.
This looks like an instance of what Naomi Klein calls the Shock Doctrine.
Now that the cease-fire is completely out of the way, Assad is attacking Aleppo.
Renters Unite to Demand Affordable Housing.
Trump's Ohio campaign manager claimed there was "no racism" before Obama was elected president. What, I wonder, was the NAACP fighting about 60 years ago?
US citizens: call on the Bureau of Land Management to stop selling leases to extract oil and natural gas.
Soil cannot absorb as much carbon as scientists had thought. That means the situation is worse than we thought.
EFF: A Digital Rumor (such as an IP address) Should Never Lead to a Police Raid.
The killer of Terence Crutcher has been charged.
The "gig economy" means goodbye to the 8-hour work day, pensions, medical benefits, unemployment insurance, and coverage for accidents at work>. And goodbye even to the minimum wage.
We can call it the universal sweatshop, with a large fraction of the income going to the parasites that own the platforms.
Some of the systems that helped full-time workers need to be redesigned to fit independent workers. However, beside that, we should use our democracy to make all the platforms treat workers decently.
Brazil's corrupt Congress tried to sneakily pass a bill to give the members of congress amnesty for the corruption charges against them.
Crackers broke the security in a Tesla car and took remote control of its brakes.
This is possible because the design of the car's systems does not make security a priority. If the car's computers were properly compartmentalized, the car's web browser would not be able to do anything to the brakes.
The US economy has not yet recovered from the recession of 2008. The real unemployment rate is a lot more than the official 5 percent.
The UK is almost finished adopting Theresa May's snooper's charter, which is vague in calculated ways. There is no way to tell whether the surveillance will be total or merely orwellian.
It won't prevent the occasional terrorist attack, or course, but it will be devastating to democracy and freedom in the UK.
Recognizing a Palestinian state in the whole of the West Bank doesn't require expelling the Israeli colonists or compensating them. Just invite them to stay — as expats.
Malik al-Qadi, imprisoned without charges or trial in Israel, has been on hunger strike for 100 days. He has decided to choose death rather that accept arbitrary imprisonment.
Israel has just put 36 more Palestinians in prison without trial.
The word "detained" refers to what happens to me frequently when someone in the street recognizes me and wants to talk. To use such a word to describe putting someone in prison is a ridiculous understatement, so I never use the word for that.
Facebook has censored a number of French anti-racist campaigners.
False-balance journalism has convinced half of all Americans that individual voter fraud is a significant problem.
Actually, the only voter fraud that is a significant problem is fraudulently stopping blacks and hispanics from voting.
The proper response to "But you need a government ID to buy medicine" is, "That's an injustice, too." The abuse of opioids does harm, but we can reduce that harm by legalizing marijuana and by eliminating the very high doses that are supposed to last a whole day.
US citizens: call for an investigation of the pharma company Gilead for tax dodging.
US citizens:
Oppose voter
suppression measures.
[Reference updated on 2018-03-31 because the
link was broken.]
US citizens: call for adding a public insurance plan option to Obama's medical care system.
When parents are grief-stricken because their child died in a freak accident, they are likely to advocate very bad "safety measures". Let's not get our safety advice from people in that state.
Many thugs regard any large black man as threatening. Therefore they would shoot him dead given half an excuse.
Syrian aid workers say that the air attack on their aid convoy lasted a whole hour.
Russia is the chief suspect for the attack because it was done accurately at night — something Assad's air force generally cannot do.
Fitbit is not very good for helping people lose weight.
Meanwhile, it gives the manufacturer personal information (which it then offers to sell back to the user).
Thugs shot and killed Keith Scott, apparently because he tried to pull a book on them (though they claimed it was a gun).
I hope someone throws the book at them now.
The FBI inserted malware into thousands of computers based on an invalid, inadequate court order. The Supreme Court has already declared such orders valid for the future, which is dangerous to everyone.
8 suggestions for the next president to avoid climate mayhem.
Wells Fargo bank is set up to systematically encourage cheating customers, and this has resulted it cheating for years.
In Finland, children don't start school classes until age 7. Before that, they play — sometimes freely, sometimes led by a teacher.
After that, there is no need to struggle to get your children into a good school, because all the schools are good.
Another key to Finland's great educational system is a very good welfare system that ensures that hardly any children live in poverty. That saves them from stress that could contort their minds later in life.
To a large extent, the cause of bad educational outcomes is (1) insufficient funds for the school and (2) poverty in children's lives. Thus, when the US and the UK construct excuses to put the blame on the teachers, the teachers are being used as scapegoats.
Frackers dump toxic waste straight into the Gulf of Mexico.
In Arizona, bathing a baby or changing a diaper is now sexual assault. This is the natural development of the general US paranoia about anything that involves an adult and a child.
Officials surely won't prosecute every adult that touches a baby's behind — only those that officials dislike for some reason.
Curiously, I read that in the past it was common for Hopi mothers to rub male babies' penises to calm them down.
Some big US banks sponsored "climate week" to publicly endorse curbing global heating, but privately they still fund fossil fuels.
The banks are Bank of America, JP Morgan Chase, and BNP Paribas. Bank of America is funding the Dakota Access Pipeline.
Whenever a large company that is heavily involved with fossil fuels talks about reducing emissions from its own operations, it always strikes me as a distraction campaign.
Romanian gymnasts were brutally beaten by their trainers when they did not perform well.
The public option is not the same as a single payer system, and would not bring us the same advantages.
Thugs shot Terence Crutcher dead while he had his hands in the air. Various thugs have told lies to try to make the killing appear justified.
That's thugs for you.
Once Sanders conceded the Democratic nomination to Clinton, she cut down her mention of global heating by 50%.
Aside from a few schools which are especially violent, students are safer if there is not a thug in the school.
The Clinton Foundation is a real charity with some associated abuses. By contrast, the Trump Foundation is a pile of abuse with some occasional associated charity.
Trump used money from his "charity" to pay legal judgments against him.
Trump avoids losing support when these wrongs (perhaps crimes) are exposed by refusing to recognize that they are shameful.
Turkey plans to conquer a certain area of northern Syria, currently divided among rebels, PISSI and the Kurds, and settle Syrian refugees there.
The Israeli military does a lousy job of investigating itself for possible war crimes.
375 members of the National Academy of Sciences warn Trump that nature would punish his planet-roasting plans grievously.
The past year's global coral bleaching event might be an annual event 10 years from now, as the heating accelerates.
Bayer and Syngenta did research which determined that their neonicotinoid pesticides harm honeybee colonies, then covered it up.
Campaigning to encourage vasectomy world-wide can reduce population growth.
The US Senate failed to block the arms sale to Salafi Arabia.
China has imprisoned Ai Weiwei's lawyer
This is part of a general campaign to make it easy to ignore laws when persecuting dissidents.
Archaeologists and historians condemn the Dakota Access pipeline for destroying historical artifacts.
The SEC is investigating Exxon's climate deception as possible fraud against stockholders.
Kyler Davies, on the first day of school, found a knife in his backpack which had been purchased used. He turned it in, and was suspended from school.
Kyler and his classmates got a valid lesson about the injustice of applying "zero tolerance" in a school. But we do wrong to make students learn such things the hard way.
A coral reef used for lots of movies has 30% of the coral dead and more dying.
It is part of the Great Barrier Reef.
The countries in the UN have agreed to prioritize preventing antibiotic resistance.
To carry out this pledge requires changing laws.
Samsung, LG and Vizio TV sets are designed to be energy-efficient in government tests, but not in real use.
A radio device can detect people's heartbeat and determine their emotions from that.
It should be illegal to operate such a device in such a way that it could detect people outside your own residence without a court order limited to a specific place and time period.
Low-level programmers in San Francisco work 15-hour days and can rent a closet for $1500 a month.
Give it up and become an activist for Sanders — you have a better chance of a decent life that way.
Wage Gap Between White And Black Americans Is Worse Today Than in 1979.
The US still plans to punish Chelsea Manning with solitary confinement for her suicide attempt.
You have to be vicious to punish a person for despairing of life.
The US and China have released lists of their subsidies for fossil fuels.
I wonder when the planet roasters will propose a special subsidy for amphibious cars as the way to cope with the increasing floods caused by global heating.
Activist Andy Hall was convicted by the Thai military regime for investigating and reporting on enslavement of workers in Thailand.
We should suspect every company in Thailand of using enslaved workers, since the state will not allow people to distinguish which of them do and which of them don't.
Today's society is so isolating that people are starting to pay for dining companions and walks.
I don't see anything wrong with offering these services, or using them, but the need for them is a symptom of a deep problem which is very important.
I suspect the cause is so much use of digital communications.
The leaked text of the Trade In Services Agreement shows that negotiators are planning to directly oppose efforts to save Earth from global heating disaster.
The draft text calls for "energy neutrality" between renewable and fossil fuels, and a ban on subsidies for renewable energy.
Would it require an end to fossil fuel subsidies? I doubt it. The planet roasters will have set up some sort of loophole for themselves.
Italy's Supreme Court ruled that newspapers must delete articles after two years, if someone objects to them.
Haiti has cut down its forests; the Dominican Republic has preserved them. This makes a big difference.
However, don't think that Haitians chose the wrong path because of some absurd fault of theirs. The heavy burden of reparations, imposed by France in exchange for recognizing Haiti's independence, probably helped direct Haiti into a trajectory of permanent poverty, which the US has helped perpetuate ever since.
Facebook threatens to subsume newspapers and magazines, gaining unprecedented power.
When a company has dangerous power, it is irrelevant whether it got that "fairly" in a "in a competitive open market". We should not let that irrelevance distract us from what matters: protecting ourselves from their power.
Either Russia or Syria bombed UN food aid trucks, in a gross war crime.
Putin will surely try to equate this to the accidental US bombing of Syrian soldiers in a town besieged by PISSI. That's a typical Putinesque background lie.
A mother explains why she has stopped buying toys for her children, since they cause several kinds of harm.
Too bad the author doesn't apply the same ability to analyze and judge to the question of how she plays music. She would see that the modern "replacements" for CDs have problems comparable to those of Toys R Us.
UC Berkeley has reinstated the class on the occupation of Palestine after determining that it did not impose a specific point of view.
Matt Taibbi: Today's false-balance news stories exist because the public has encouraged that approach to journalism, and other bad approaches.
When people do things that cause harm, the first obvious idea is to call it "human error". They are clearly making bad choices. But we can look more deeply and ask, did the system encourage these errors?
When lots of people make a foolish choice, there is generally a systemic explanation. People don't choose clickbait because they like to be disappointed by the story they finally see. Rather the functioning of journalism is a system, and the system has a flaw that leads to results we find flawed.
People don't prefer clickbait because they like to be disappointed by the story they finally see. And news sites don't deliver clickbait, or horse-race journalism, because that's what readers people sincerely and deeply want. Rather, they are operating in a system which leads publishers and readers to go down that path.
Can we find a way to change the system of publication so that it gives different results?
Perhaps surveillance-based advertising is part of why the system works this way. We need to get rid of that anyway, for privacy's sake. Would that have the byproduct of encouraging better journalism?
Italy is considering a law that would fine web site operators for publishing anything that someone takes offense at.
The UK plans competition among water companies.
I hope it produces better results than competition among train lines.
The AFL-CIO takes a narrow view of oil extraction and pipelines: anything that makes jobs today is good.
The thugs that killed 13-year-old Tyre King probably lied when they claimed he pulled his BB-gun on them, because "more likely than not" he was running away when they killed him.
The [UK] Austerity Agenda Isn't Over. More People Will Sink Further Into Poverty.
Reich: Every Aspect of Trump's Trickle-Down Economic Plan Benefits Him.
Experiments on animals are essential, in some cases, for progress in medicine.
I am in favor of these experiments.
A soak-the-poor law in Chickasaw, Alabama, that made it a crime not to pay a water bill, has been repealed.
A soak-the-poor legal system in Ferguson led to systematic repression of the black inhabitants there.
The Syrian cease-fire has problems, but the US and Russia have not given up hope.
The other problem is that the US and allies bombed Syrian troops on one occasion, in a town besieged by PISSI. The US says that this was a mistake and that PISSI was the intended target.
Many car companies sell diesel cars that grossly violate NO2 emissions standards.
It's not just Volkswagen.
This pollution causes lots of deaths, but the EU does not seem to be taking the issue very seriously.
Peter Van Buren apologizes to his daughter for an America contorted and sickened by irrational fear of terrorism.
A statistical model suggests that air pollution from the forest fires in Indonesia last year killed around 100,000 people.
Those fires were set in order to destroy rainforest and create plantations.
Turkey is blocking Syrian refugees from accepting resettlement offers from the US simply because they have university degrees.
The motive may be a valid one.
US citizens: call on the DOJ to hold Wells Fargo executives accountable for the recently admitted massive fraud against large numbers of customers.
Experiments show that more CO2 than now won't help plants, but future higher temperatures will hurt plants.
Don't Just Pardon Edward Snowden; Give the Man a Medal.
Global heating is spreading plant plagues that are wiping out many species of trees and other plants in forests around the world.
"When Alexa is listening, what do you tell houseguests?"
I think you should unplug the device for the sake of your guests' privacy. You'd be a fool to believe it listens only at the times they claim it does.
When I stayed in a home with an Alexa device in the room where I often worked, I unplugged it.
Airport-style security theater has been applied to the Smithsonian museums and even Arlington National Cemetary. It does no good and lots of harm.
I might have wanted to visit some Smithsonian museums if I were ever in DC again, but not if there's a 30-minute wait to get in.
The author's conclusion is not strong enough: we are already far beyond the point where security measures compromises our principles. These searches are just a big annoyance, but it is no disaster to stay away from those places. Other "security" measures, such as massive surveillance, put democracy in danger.
I hope someone starts a campaign to withdraw these security measures.
U.S. Taxpayers Have Been Forced to Pay Over $3.2 Billion on Sports Stadiums.
Dams in tropical areas cause mega methane emissions.
David Smith was unable to get a job because a data base recorded a criminal named David Smith.
I agree that these data base checks should be more careful, but in addition, if we don't want to force all real ex-cons to pursue a life of crime, we need to make sure that lawful jobs are available to them.
A school thug handcuffed a 10-year-old kid for crying. Literally.
The Washington Post calls for prosecution of its own news source (Snowden, that is).
An Indian army base in Kashmir was attacked by suicide bombers apparently based in Pakistan.
Pakistan has a long history of supporting terrorism/guerrilla in Kashmir. However, not everyone in Kashmir that criticizes Indian rule is a supporter of terrorism. India's repressive laws in Kashmir are not that different from terrorism.
Around 1950, India promised Kashmiris a referendum about whether Kashmir would be part of India or not. India should hold the referendum and allow Kashmiris to decide the question in a peaceful way.
US citizens: Call on Democrats to push for a public option for medical coverage.
This was part of Obama's original proposal, but lobbying from private insurance companies pressure Congress to remove it. Now we see the results they were lobbying for.
Private insurance is the wrong model for medical care, since everyone needs that and we must make sure no one is left out.
US citizens: call on the Department of Justice to investigate harassment of people that document thugs' violence, and train thugs to respect their rights.
In the Canadian Arctic, it is now sometimes warm enough to swim.
A gasoline pipe broke in Alabama and spilled a million gallons.
Through a great stroke of luck, this spill avoided polluting rivers and flowing down to the Gulf of Mexico. Next time, we might not be so lucky. Clearly the laws about pipeline maintenance have to be enforced strictly. If ever there was a place for zero tolerance, this is it. "Fail to check your pipeline every month, go to prison."
The FBI decided to allow agents to pretend to be journalists.
While that has a clear short-term advantage, in the long run it threatens journalism.
Photographer Edward Burtynsky says his photos show that: 'We've reached peak everything', as we overuse every major resource.
Our leaders go to war without real need, and without paying attention to the harm that it may cause a few steps down the road.
Uri Avnery says that peace can happen even between old enemies. He believes that a true Palestinian state can make peace possible in Israel/Palestine.
A large US project will direct more water into the Florida everglades.
To try to reestablish lost wetlands could be useful in the long term but only if we curb global heating. The whole of the Everglades are under 4 meters above sea level. If global heating continues, a large part of the Everglades will be inundated in this century, and the rest afterwards.
Trump announced a "press conference" in Washington DC which was really just publicity for his new hotel.
The US press are so obsessed with "balance" that they are putty in the hands of a bullshitter such as Trump.
Republicans in the Federal Election Commission killed a proposed rule designed to block foreigners from donating to US election campaigns.
Norway intends to kill 47 wolves out of a total of 68 living in the country.
It is always possible for a species to multiply out of control, but 22 wolves in a country the size of Norway can hardly be too many.
US citizens: call on Senate Republican leaders to vote on new federal judges.
Six former New York prison thugs have been sentenced to years in prison for beating up a prisoner.
Trump has returned to suggesting the idea of assassinating Clinton. Apparently he thinks his supporters are more murderous than hers.
Professor Plante teaches a course called Sociology of Sexualities, but she had to omit coverage of sexual violence because too many students said it triggered their trauma memories.
When New Jersey thugs take people's cash without charging them with a crime, they go through legal shenanigans to push up the filing fee to challenge the seizure. Victims have to pay more money to object than was actually taken from them.
My view is that "civil forfeiture", i.e. punishing people on mere suspicion, is unjust and unconstitutional. The law claims that it isn't a punishment, but the law is lying.
1/3 of Salafi Arabia's air attacks in Yemen have hit civilian sites.
When poor Americans get out of jail, typically broke, they are told they have to pay a fine right away.
UC Berkeley's administrators cancelled a class that was dedicated to studying and criticizing Israel's occupation of Palestine.
It is an error to equate criticism of Israeli policy with antisemitism, but it seems valid that an academic course should not endorse a specific political position.
US citizens: call for an investigation of the Crosscheck scheme for disfranchising minority voters.
US citizens: call on Obama to make the EPA take quick action to protect pollinators.
Indonesia has made a deal with the EU to indicate the source of all timber. This is an attempt to end illegal logging.
European countries are sending Africa diesel fuel that produces extra high levels of toxic air pollution.
The US is increasing its annual donation to Israel to 38 billion dollars. The donation consists of US military equipment plus support for extension of Israeli colonies in the West Bank.
A company that makes internet-controlled vibrators is being sued for collecting lots of personal information about how people use them.
The company's statement that it anonymizes the data may be true, but it doesn't really matter. If it sells the data to a data broker, the data broker can figure out who the user is.
The Tories have made the NHS "junior doctors" back down from their planned strikes.
The term "junior doctor" sounds like a sort of apprentice, but that is not what it means. Those people are not trainees. Unfortunately, I have been unable to find a clear, simple description of just who the term does include. These news articles never give even a hint.
The result of this is that the NHS will increasingly struggle to find doctors. It will have to use people that are less qualified, and run them ragged so they make lots of mistakes.
The Tories surely know this; surely they are banking on it as an excuse to say that the NHS is a failure. Then they can replace it with a US-style system that provides real health care only to the wealthiest Britons.
Specific everyday words are correlated, in the world's languages, with specific sounds.
Colombia has legalized medical marijuana.
US planes bombed some of Assad's troops. The US says this was a mistake; Russia says it was intentional, but that claim is absurd.
The claim is absurd because hitting Assad's troops in that one place doesn't serve any US interests. Putin is pushing another nutty conspiracy theory, hoping to be believed by people who will believe any accusation as long as it's against the US.
A dog or cat in a wealthy country uses a lot of resources.
Of course, having a pet is less long-term ecological burden than making another human being. But why not have a parakeet or cockatiel? They are delightful and sweet, eat only plants, and not a large quantity of those.
A refugee imprisoned on Nauru by Australia has severe heat disease and needs medical care he cannot get in Nauru. Australia decided to make him stay on Nauru.
We should not let the squabble for resources under the Arctic Ocean distract us from the magnitude of the global heating disaster that makes the squabble possible.
It is more important than ever to prevent oil extraction in the Arctic. To the risks of drilling for it and pumping it have now been added the certain disaster of burning it.
If someone can find a way to collect and ship the methane that will increasingly bubble out of the sea bottom, that would be a good fuel to use. It would cause less global heating (for the first several decades) burned as CO2 than in the air as methane.
Everyone: call for dropping charges against Amy Goodman.
Eritrea Is a Prison State — No Wonder So Many Are Desperate to Escape.
The description reminds me of the Soviet Union under Stalin, but even more so.
Does anyone know whether the US loves and supports the dictator of Eritrea?
The neighboring countries, Egypt and Ethiopia, are US-supported dictatorships. Ethiopia remains hostile to Eritrea. I wonder if it is possible for Eritrean activists to get Ethiopian sponsorship to organize to overthrow the dictator.
The Tories say the announced, pending cuts in welfare payments will be the last ones.
They have not promised to stop the policies that reduce public housing and drive up rents, or to stop sabotaging the NHS to convert it into a US-style system that will let non-wealthy Britons die like non-wealthy Americans.
Israel has created a secret agency to try to fight the Palestinian
boycott, divestment and sanctions campaign,
it calls "terrorism". It uses public propaganda, a network of
foreign supporters, and secret operations, and aims to set up laws
blocking participation in that campaign.
[Reference updated on 2018-03-31 because the
link was broken.]
The propaganda includes widely spread disinformation. For instance, the boycott does not apply to Israelis (human beings) at all, only to Israeli institutions and corporations under certain conditions.
I do not support that campaign overall, but I support the efforts to block Israel from crushing it with prohibitions. It is wrong to label this nonviolent campaign as "terrorism" or to equate it with antisemitism (a form of bigotry which which I condemn).
Israel has already adopted a law that punishes individuals and organizations that advocate the limited boycott of West Bank colonies and factories therein. Gush Shalom was forced to drop that boycott, lest it be destroyed through this law. I, as a supporter in spirit of Gush Shalom, continue to advocate this boycott, since I am safe outside Israel.
Some US colleges now nearly force students to rent textbooks from Amazon.
If you are a student at such a college, please refuse to buy from Amazon. Everyone should refuse to buy from Amazon.
An ACLU staffer suggests a way to respond if thugs ask for your DNA to see if you are a suspect.
Global heating could make people more inclined to violence.
California is trying to lead the way in reducing greenhouse gas emissions.
The EU Court of Justice ruled that operating an open WiFi network does not make one liable for damages to the copyright industry.
However, the court suggested that the enemies of sharing might get an order to put a password on the WiFi network. That may do just as much harm as was threatened.
I urge people in Europe to systematically operate open WiFi networks so that there are too many for our enemies to get rid of.
The Guardian published long articles about how the Senate investigators struggled with the CIA to get the truth about CIA torture. US media ignore the story completely.
this petition opposing the merger of Bayer and Monsanto.
[Reference updated on 2018-03-31 because the
link was broken.]
When Trump accepted that Obama was born in the US, he took the opportunity to spread additional bullshit lies.
Everything he says about what he would do if elected is bullshit; if you believe any of it, you're asking to be taken.
Bluetooth devices frequently announce their identities, even when on standby, making it easy to track people by whatever bluetooth stuff they are carrying.
The Sioux word "wetiko" denotes a sort of hubris in which people think they can dominate nature.
A plan for bringing an end to plastic pollution, particularly in the ocean.
Legalizing medical marijuana leads to a decrease in opioid use.
EU citizens: sign the Change Copyright petition.
I post this while holding my nose about some points in the formulation of the petition. For instance, its mention of Facebook and Instagram without condemnation grants them undeserved legitimacy. Also, it describes publications as "content".
These are definitely not all the changes needed in copyright in the EU, but they are needed and they are not bad.
The page malfunctions with LibreJS, but it does work when Javascript is entirely disabled.
An Indian court recognized the true purpose of copyright law: to serve the public.
Here's my explanation of that issue.
Wells Fargo executives claim, in effect, that the company is too big to be managed. Thus, Public Citizen proposes the company should split up.
Drug factories release their wastes, including antibiotics, into local waters — promoting drug resistance.
The simplest way to end this is to impose a rising tax on antibiotics made in factories that have not certified acceptable waste handling. The tax would start small, but it would be twice as much in the second year, three times as much in the third year, and so on. Manufacturers would make sure to correct their problem within a few years.
US citizens: call on Obama to revoke the permits for the Dakota Access Pipeline.
The drug baclofen seems to cure a lot of patients from alcoholism. Some are permanently cured.
Experiments find that MDMA can be very good for treating PTSD.
What makes a good leader? Perhaps having the courage to take unpopular stands that are vindicated by subsequent history.
India blocked Kashmiri activist Khurram Parvez from traveling to Geneva to submit a report about Kashmir to the UN Human Rights Council. He was then jailed arbitrarily for no stated reason.
Tens of thousands of prisoners in the US are probably on strike, but it is hard for them to get news out.
Senator Warren called on the FBI to release its internal investigations of banksters so we can see how they decided not to accuse them of crimes.
The thugs who killed Tyre King claim that he pulled out his airgun and pointed it at them.
Not a very plausible story.
Dakota thugs have charged nonviolent pipeline protesters with felonies. This is repression getting serious.
Trump can't release his tax returns because people would find a lot to criticize.
Trump's energy policy is to burn everything in sight, fill the air with toxic pollution, and melt the ice caps.
He doesn't say, but I guess he figures his family will buy its way out of the resulting disaster.
Italian anti-fascist activists say that an undercover thug infiltrator tried to convince them to commit arson. They were not inclined towards violence.
Chinese thugs beat up and arrested Hong Kong journalists who were trying to visit a town where people are protesting.
The Federal Trade Commission held a consultation about privacy with researchers … funded by Google.
I fear that the questions considered will be minor details of a fundamentally unacceptable system that collects massive data about everyone.
The bird population of North America has dropped by 1.5 billion since the 1970s, due to human activities of course.
Full details on Scott Walker's ties to the "independent" political action group, Wisconsin Club for Growth.
Culture exists to be remixed — reject any attempt to forbid remix.
Universities must be safe spaces for free speech.
The US government underestimates the number of poor people by setting the "poverty level" too low.
The UK is considering setting up a
internet filter to block malware sites. This is supposed to be ok
because the UK imposes filtering on the internet. However, that just
shows the injustice of the UK.
[Reference updated on 2018-03-31 because the
link was broken.]
Here are more arguments against the plan.
For the second time, thugs in Ohio shot a tweenager for carrying an air gun.
It appears that they were so quick to shoot that they didn't bother to check the situation. 911 was informed that the gun was "probably fake". Did the 911 operators ignore this or did the thugs ignore this?
The International Criminal Court will henceforth consider cases of environmental destruction or taking people's land.
ITT Tech charged students lots of money for degrees which did not enable them to get the promised jobs. It has shut down, but its former students are stuck with big debts for the loans to pay for the worthless degrees. They have started a debt strike.
Thugs often legitimize the violence of Trump supporters against protesters, and the major media don't mention it much any more.
US Marine Corps drill instructors go in for frequent brutality and hazing, sometimes causing serious injury, and drove one cadet to death.
More on why the Monsanto-Bayer merger would be harmful.
Would the combined company be called "Monyer"?
If Trump becomes president, his business will turn into a pile of conflicts of interest involving foreign entities.
The Syrian government is blocking UN humanitarian aid in Syria.
I wonder how much the cease fire is holding, aside from that.
US citizens: phone your senators at (202) 224-3121 to support SJ Res 39, which is the resolution to disapprove the proposed giant arms sale to Salafi Arabia.
This arms sale is meant to continue the US-Salafi bombardment of Yemen.
The population of the Marshall Islands are fleeing, a few at a time, to the US. It is clear the islands are doomed by sea-level rise. They would all be wise to by the end of the agreement in 2023, except for those who are likely to die anyway before the islands are uninhabitable, which will take just a few decades.
The UK decided to build the absurdly expensive Hinkley Point nuclear power plant, which will produce the most expensive electricity available and dangerous nuclear wastes besides.
The tremendous expense will hold back investment in renewable generation and power storage.
Everyone: call on debate moderator Lester Holt to focus on making democracy represent everyone.
Junior Sterling, who needs a wheelchair, is housed in London in an infested apartment with moldy walls. The shower is turned off, and the kitchen can't be used. It is not easy for him to get down stairs to go anywhere.
A Philippine militia member testified that Duterte ordered him and his colleagues to carry out murder. They killed a thousand people.
In the past 8 years, just 9 prisoners released from Guantanamo have joined groups that fight the US.
How many others joined those same groups because they were angry about Guantanamo? Surely more than 9000.
We should release all the prisoners in Guantanamo, or in a few cases give them a fair trial.
The staff at one Finnish company set up a sensor and computer system to indicate vacant toilet stalls and to see where in the office their friends are working.
When the staff decide to do this, it is a good hack; but you know it won't take long for employers or insurance companies to impose total surveillance.
Doñana national park in Spain has lost most of its water supply to human activities, and the wildlife there are in danger.
India hasn't enough water for all the human activity, and riots are breaking out about a decision of how to divide it up.
In Spain, the problem is due to business, but the amount of agriculture in the world today is a problem because of human population. With only one billion people, we would have no problem.
In India, the problem is directly related to overpopulation. India must curb its population growth to have a chance of lifting its people out of poverty.
Climate models now permit scientists to quickly determine how much global heating contributed to any particular weather event, including unnatural disasters.
on several large companies to remove deforestation from their beef.
[Reference updated on 2018-03-31 because the
link was broken.]
US citizens: urge your congresscritter to reject anti-science riders in the budget bill.
Feyisa Lilesa, Ethiopian Olympic runner, made a gesture of support for the Oromo people when he raced. Now he has asylum in the US, as he would be persecuted if he returned there.
Many Americans respond to Colin Kaepernick's protest by trying to make the US more like Ethiopia.
The Oromo are running into the combination of ethnic hostility and state-supported corporate landgrab.
US citizens: call on Congress to pass a robust tax on financial transactions.
While Trump makes rash threats of nuclear war, Clinton avoids the issue of how to deal with nuclear weapons.
I disagree with the idea that nuclear weapons are the number one threat to security. The number one threat is global heating. Nuclear weapons may be number 2.
Greater Good Versus Lesser Evil: don't make the mistake of voting for an evil candidate.
In the two year period 2011-2012, thugs in schools made 64000 arrests.
From 2013 through 2015, 59 people were shot in schools and 124 were injured by shooting in schools.
Even though they are not the same periods, it is clear that having a thug in your child's school is hundreds of times as likely to ruin the child's life as to protect it.
Chelsea Manning gained her demands for gender-change treatment and ended her hunger strike.
Trump and the Republican Party Are Doing Big Oil's Bidding.
Why it is difficult and takes time to determine whether e-cigarettes are helpful or harmful.
"Extinction is the bycatch of consumerism."
If you refuse to have children, you will do some good.
Household dust contains many chemicals known to be toxic to humans.
If it is in our products, it will get into the dust.
The Pentagon has decided to consider future global heating effects in every aspect of its operations.
Why don't the rest of us?
A study predicts computers will replace 6% of existing US jobs in just 5 years. Even if it overestimates by 2, losing just 3% of jobs would be a disaster already.
The US has no plan for how to help the millions of newly unemployed. As increasing numbers of people compete for fewer jobs, plutocratist politicians will surely blame those who lose for not being superior enough to win. Some will try to organize whites to gang up to deny blacks a chance in these contests; but that tactic, besides being unjust, won't suffice for long. By 2030 there won't be enough jobs even for the whites.
Here's an idea: tax the use of automated drivers, customer service, and other things, and use that money to give the unemployed a decent life.
The UN Human Rights Council is sponsoring negotiations for an international treaty to restrain the power of international corporations.
Young Americans continue their lawsuit to require the US government to protect them (and everyone else) from the disasters that global heating will increasingly cause.
Join Demonstrations against DRM in W3C standards.
Scott Walker's fundraiser directed campaign donations from embarrassing sources to an "independent" PAC. This seems to be illegal.
California has given farm workers the right to overtime pay.
Ex-president Lula faces corruption charges. The judge seems to be honest and nonpartisan.
US citizens: call on Congress to protect the CFPB and Dodd-Frank law from the Republican attack.
Our extermination of large marine animals will
ecosystems for millions of years.
Wisconsin Supreme Court judge Prosser voted to kill a state investigation
into suspected
illegalities in his own re-election campaign's fund raising.
Some of the money came from Trump. That may not have been illegal,
but it should show Americans where Trump
on democracy.
(He's against it.)
Maybe the DEA wants to ban kratom so as to have something to do
when marijuana
is legalized.
Some cities give medals to cops (perhaps they qualify as police
officers) that de-escalate confrontations to a peaceful end, but one
thug department in West Virginia fired an employee
for not killing a
man who was carrying an unloaded weapon.
Housing and Urban Development took a step to get
of the local laws that evict people for calling 911.
Obama's medical insurance law reduced the number of Americans without
medical coverage by 40%, but that still leaves almost
30 million
people without coverage. Meanwhile, many who do have medical insurance
have to pay unaffordable amounts from their own pockets.
We need a national health service, like what Canada has. Nearly all
advanced countries have one.
Donald Trump's Not Anti-War, He Just Wants the U.S. Military to Focus
on Stealing Oil.
US citizens:
phone your congresscritter to oppose the TPP.
Monsanto wants to merge with Bayer, but this concentration in the seed
and pesticide business must not be allowed, and it would
violate US
antitrust law.
US-based companies that leave cash parked outside the US should lose
all the legal advantages of being
I disagree with Reich when he legitimizes contributions from corporations to
political campaigns. Even the companies that don't dodge taxes should
not be allowed to get in the way of democracy.
15 years of fear-mongering have made Americans so frightened that they
assumed the man giving away teddy bears must have a
vicious intention.
But all he had was a pile of teddy bears his father no longer
to keep.
US aid funds, distributed in Afghanistan without much accounting,
corruption there. Corruption was their tradition already, but
the US gave them a lot more money to be corrupt with.
More about how sugar companies
medicine in the 1960s and continue trying to distort it now.
Governments now regularly crack anyone's computers to
spy on them,
and they are rapidly discarding all effective legal restraint.
Please don't call security-breaking "hacking"; that is an insult to us
hackers. Please call it "cracking".
Five Deadly
Sins of Big Pharma.
Donald Trump, After Blasting Iraq War,
Picks Top Iraq Hawk as
Security Adviser.
Here's what it suggests to me: Trump wants to say one thing out loud
to the public and another thing quietly to the military-industrial complex.
Facebook is consulting with Israel about
of Palestinians.
The lines are drawn in different places for Israelis and Arabs.
Here is a summary
of charges against Oakland thugs from their involvement
with non-adult prostitute Celeste Guap.
The first two — sex with a minor and engaging in prostitution
— should not be crimes at all. "Lewd act in public" should at
most be a minor crime. The others should be crimes.
Long Island University planned in advance to lock out all the
have been ordered to teach as scabs in fields they are not
qualified to teach.
The students support the professors against the administration.
The Students for Justice in Palestine at City College, New York,
campaigns to end Israel's occupation of Palestine. As typically
happens, it was accused of supporting anti-semitism. An investigation
found that this accusation was
totally false.
The City College campus is not entirely free of anti-semitism, but
that and the SJP are separate.
of Gazans that ask for permission to travel for medical treatment
do not get permission. Most of those don't even get an answer.
Israel demonstrates its double standard when it legalizes houses built
without permission by Jews, and
houses built without permission by Palestinians.
Libya has become a failed state in which there are
factions that don't trust each other at all. They also distrust
foreign support, for good reason. There is no obvious path out of
A meta-analysis found proof that fluoridation
not cause cancer and does not reduce children's IQ. There is no
sign it does any harm.
If Americans could sue Salafi Arabia
for the September 2001 attacks,
could sue the US?
Chile privatized its version of social security 35 years ago.
Now it turns out that the resulting pensions are
enough to live on.
The private fund managers paid themselves big management fees and took
all the capital gains away from the retirees.
Trump spreads bullshit in
to science, just as on other topics.
Clinton believes that the Federal Reserve is sacrosanct and that presidents
should not
even express an opinion about its decisions.
Well, we already knew that she was inclined to obey the
The US government is recruiting teachers and therapists to report on
Muslims who meet vague and unsupported guesswork criteria suggesting they
might later be radicalized.
Some mental health professionals explain why
will refuse to do this.
US thugs intimidate
people into "voluntarily" providing DNA samples for permanent inclusion in a massive data base.
Don't Punish Chelsea Manning —
Release Her
Sony was sued by users after its firmware downgrade for the Playstation 3
took away the capability to run GNU/Linux on it. Now it will offer them
as a settlement.
This is not enough to stop companies from making such changes in the future.
We should either make it a crime, or make sure it is impossible.
CIA whistleblower Jeffrey Sterling was
for giving information to the New York Times. Prison treats him harshly because he is black.
Shame on you, Obama, for your
on journalists' sources. We need
to make digital systems safe for democracy.
The Tories want to
the UK's election districts to give themselves
an advantage in future elections.
Snowden presents arguments why
should pardon him.
Jill Stein supports the call.
Democratic socialism
is gaining support in the US.
The price for US
security" is paid in freedom and in money.
If we consider only the money, it is a ridiculously inefficient way
to save lives, costing over a hundred million dollars per life saved.
We could save a lot more lives by spending the money on medical care.
Los Angeles and other cities give medals to police officers who
a confrontation and avoid violence.
As for thugs,
their representatives object to the very idea of honoring
or teaching such techniques. Thugs
are supposed to solve every problem
by immediate killing.
This August was the hottest August
recorded. It followed the hottest July ever recorded, which followed
the hottest June ever recorded, and so on for almost a year.
The climate
mayhem this process will cause has already started.
Republican state governments are still fighting hard to
minority and poor voters in November.
Citizens of California:
on Governor Brown to sign AB 2298, the bill to reform the Calgang
Indigenous Environmental Network has
tribes around the US to oppose environmentally dangerous projects,
with support from other ethnic groups too.
If the Dakota Access pipeline is built, it would produce
million tons of CO2 emissions per year.
The very efficiency of the pipeline would make ending the oil
extraction very difficult, as the owners would do just about anything
to recover their investment. Our government lacks the courage to tell
a company, "We are going to shut you down to stop your pollution."
Blatant wrongs such as Facebook's censorship of photo of the burned,
naked Vietnamese girl are just the tip of the iceberg of
injustice, and there is no way to measure what it adds up to.
When one town fires a thug for misconduct,
other town nearby will surely hire him.
Perhaps we need a "registered thug
offender list" to prevent this.
The Trump Foundation
money from others, not from Trump, but he lets people think that
the money it hands out is from him.
Jim Wright forcefully condemned the pressure put on Americans to
endorse all the bellicose or dangerous "responses" to the September 11
attacks. Facebook
it, apparently for political reasons.
This shows the danger of depending on facebook.
Lionel Shriver
the opposition to "cultural appropriation" to shreds. If
presenting the viewpoint of someone different from you were rejected,
storytelling would be impossible. But even the opposition that some
now demand would impoverish culture for everyone.
Here's a real example: Sikhs in the UK tried to stop a
wedding between a Sikh and a non-Sikh. They made the claim that
the Sikh religious ceremony is the property of Sikhs, so no one else
has the right to hold such a ceremony. This possessiveness violates
the religious freedom of others. No matter what your religious
practices may be, you have no right to stop others from following
similar practices.
This applies to other cultural practices, too. Before my foot injury,
I enjoyed doing Croatian dances and Serbian dances, although my
enjoyment of them was shadowed in the 90s when those two countries
were at war. I am proud to cook Italian dishes and Chinese dishes,
even though I probably don't do them quite like a good Italian or
Chinese cook. I read that Iraqis in the 1960s used to cook the
Persian dish fesenjan, knowing full well that it was Persian. Bravo
for them — fesenjan is delicious. They are entitled to do this,
and so am I, and so are you. Culture is for imitating, and obstacles
to such imitation are an injustice.
There are fatuous ways to imitate. When a Mexican restaurant hands
out sombreros and customers wear them, the customers are being
childish, and I could criticize the restaurant for is leading them to
be childish. Do they enjoy that food, or are they only using it as an
excuse for a fantasy? And why should they need an excuse? If you
want to fantasize about being in Mexico, go ahead, but do you really
need a sombrero, or a restaurant?
It is possible to imitate a cultural practice in an embarrassingly
ignorant way, or even an insulting way. But there are lots of ways to
be embarrassingly ignorant, or to insult someone. That is no reason
to condemn imitation.
Why We Should Have Fewer Children: to
the Planet.
Many churches block women from access to contraception and abortion,
them to have too many children.
There are
plenty of other
reasons why it is advisable not to have children under current
Canada has suffered greatly from NAFTA, and companies are
because they have been blocked from fracking or mining to protect
water supplies and endangered species.
harmed Mexico even more, and
US as well.
The reason a treaty between three countries has harmed all three is
that it's a
treaty. Its effects are to harm the environment and the non-rich
in all countries that sign.
The US would do well to stop obsessing with the September 2001
terrorist attacks. Pledging to dwell on them
the fear-driven errors and injustices of those years.
Where I was on September 11, 2001 is not important. What I did that
day would have been important, if it had succeeded. I started writing
an article about the next attack, which I foresaw would be
directed at
Americans' freedom by American officials in the name of
Oil drilling off the coast of South Australia risks
local damage at each step.
That's a high price for a certainty of adding to
the account of activist Shaun King after he posted a racist email
that was sent to him.
Canadians are
from visiting the US simply because they admit they used marijuana in
Canada — which is an absurd policy even if their usage of
pot was illegal in Canada.
The US has done much nastier things to Canadian visitors, such as
beating given to science fiction writer Peter Watts.
Every road in Canada that leads to the US should have a sign,
"Warning, Unprovoked Beatings Ahead."
The endangered species protection conditions that Australia imposed on
a new coal mine are
of loopholes.
Worse, the idea of "offsets for destroyed habitat" is
But that's nothing compared to the inherent idiocy of allowing a new
coal mine. We
to shut down coal mining as quickly as we can.
The idea that corporations should put the owners' wealth above all
else repeatedly
to great harm.
Contrary to the way it appears, that idea was not always accepted.
In the US, its adoption
from the 1980s.
Many US teenagers are coerced into prostitution by their need for
food. In poor communities, there is
other work for them. Those not sexually attractive enough to
succeed that way have to resort to even more desperate measures, such
as stealing food or salable items, or selling drugs.
Stealing food should not be a crime when you need it to live.
Italy's court
a wise decision on that. But we are wrong to put people in a
position where they need to do this just to live.
It is clear who is to blame for this state of affairs: the plutocrats
that are taking an ever-larger share of our wealth and squeezing
everyone else.
Amy Goodman faces charges for covering the
thugs' attack on pipeline protesters.
information about that attack.
Nigeria is facing
famine, especially in the northern area where
Boko Haram is a threat.
Is it possible for a party
replace a candidate in September?
I hope so. To be confident of winning the election, the Democratic
party should replace Clinton with Bernie Sanders.
Stingray devices that track all the cell phones in the nearby area are
extremely easy to use, and have almost no controls to restrain state
suppression forces from
laws at the spur of the moment.
A Salafi/US bombing
attack in Yemen killed workers drilling a well,
then came back a few minutes later to kill the people who were
giving first aid.
This "double-tap" tactic is used by many terrorist groups.
The 10
biggest corporations have more income than 180 countries.
Influential research that
the role of sugar in causing
heart disease was funded by the sugar industry, which also meddled in
the publication.
Insys Therapeutics gave half a million dollars to
oppose legalization
of marijuana in Arizona because it has a pharmaceutical product that
contains a chemical found also in marijuana. It therefore may be
a coincidence that the company also sells an opioid painkiller.
Which one do you think is more expensive, the marijuana-like artificial drug
or natural marijuana?
Trump supports school vouchers as a way to partly subsidize private schools
for families that can almost afford them. The money would
be taken
away from public schools.
Protesters in North Dakota heard that they had lost their court case;
then, the same day, that various US government departments had
the pipeline's permit.
Pittsburgh water has been
with poisonous metals for years, and Veolia is being sued for mismanaging the system.
Don't agree to let anything authenticate you by your EEG, since the
system will also
out a lot about you.
The only way you can trust an EEG authentication system
is if you own it and it runs solely free software.
Paramount, the movie company, issued a
takedown notice for a torrent containing Ubuntu GNU/Linux, claiming that it infringes the
copyright on a movie.
If I were sharing a Transformers movie, I'd be ashamed of myself, but
not as ashamed as Paramount should be for making it. But the War on
Sharing is much worse.
When Britons go to Syria to join the Kurds in fighting PISSI,
the UK government
investigates them for "terrorism".
The BBC continues to treat
heating denial the respect it
doesn't deserve.
Farmers that ignored Monsanto's request not to spray dicamba on a GMO crop
have caused lots
of damage to neighboring farms.
Ahmet and Mehmet Altan, novelist and professor, have been arrested in Turkey
on absurd charges.
They are accused of announcing the military coup with
messages", which is comparable to accusing the weather of making
a cloud which reminded someone of a human face.
Brazilian thugs
students before protests.
Truck brakes and tires release dangerous particulate air pollution,
and the amounts have been
over the years.
Trump is winning support from former Democrats in deindustrialized
communities hit badly by
globalization and business-supremacy treaties.
The charity World Vision has
all its activities in Gaza, apparently responding to accusations
that the funds were diverted to Hamas military groups.
US citizens:
on the DEA not to ban kratom.
US citizens:
call on
Obama to keep fossil fuels on public lands in the ground.
The UK's chartered deportation flight to Jamaica was
and unjust on every dimension.
Their families in the UK may never again see their dear, deported
relatives. Some face a likelihood of death as a result of being sent
to a country where they don't know anyone and can't get the medicine
they need.
I am always sad when I see that a petition I would like to support is
hosted on change.org. That site requires visitors to run nonfree
Javascript code in order to sign any petition. I won't publish a
suggestion that people do this. I wish the site maintainers would fix
Alternatively, would someone who knows Javascript like to figure out
how the site works and write a free script or Web-extensions front end
for signing petitions on that site?
I wish I could sign the petition, but it is on a site that requires
nonfree Javascript code, so I will neither sign it nor suggest that
anyone else do so.
lies saying he gave money to charity which the charity did not
An East German skater describes how she was
doping drugs without her knowledge, which later caused her to develop
Trump praised the Chinese government's
suppression of the protest for democracy in Tian An Men Square,
and now associates closely with leading white supremacists in the US.
I think Trump was honest in what he said about China. He doesn't
support democracy, or freedom and justice for all; on the contrary, he
thinks the strongest should control everyone else.
The US and Russia have made a deal to
PISSI and former al-Nusra, and push the other Syrian sides into a
cease fire.
Prisoners across the US
on strike on Friday against dangerous working conditions and
against wages as low as a few cents an hour.
I think it is legitimate to require prisoners to work to keep the
prison going, as long as the working conditions are not oppressive.
However, when they compete with free workers they should get a union
Otherwise, they are being used by plutocrats to drive everyone's wages
The rate of serious or fatal injuries inflicted by US thugs has
50% since 2001.
The kratom plant provides a mild high, and can help heroin addicts
stop taking heroin. Absurdly, the US government
to ban it, and ban research on it too.
an exception to its censorship rules to permit distribution of the
photo of the Vietnamese girl burnt by US napalm.
This does not make it acceptable for Facebook to be in a position to
decide what news sites can publish.
As Trump keeps praising Putin,
presses Trump harder than the feckless US media.
Maybe Putin doesn't love Trump. For me, Trump's admiration of Putin
is despicable regardless of what Putin thinks of Trump.
Trump has admitted he
to get something in return for his investments in politicians'
Iran has sentenced Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe to
years in prison. Maybe now it will announce charges against her.
This reminds me of the Fannish Inquisition, where the first thing is
the verdict (always "guilty"), followed by the charges. Except that
the sentence came at the end (Eric Raymond was sentenced to fuck
himself to death with a computer, but given 50 years to do it).
Alas, in Iran it is no joke.
A Mississippi thug has been indicted for
a black driver during a traffic stop. The thug said that the
driver pulled a gun, but since he had not turned on his body camera,
he has not been believed. Especially since it seems the gun was
planted by other thugs.
Israel is
to instigate a Palestinian civil war.
I consulted with someone from the Israeli peace movement, who said
that the article is basically accurate but it is not clear whether
Lieberman can convince the army leadership to do what he wants.
Institute for Development Studies and Oxfam say that increased prices
for healthful foods
2008 to 2012 pushed millions of parents around the world to work
long hours for cash, and buy fattening fast food for their children.
Should we sell arms to Saudi Arabia
to keep arms manufacturing jobs going? Some numbskulls think so.
Violence in South Sudan
by Government, UN Report Reveals.
US citizens: call for an investigation of
for bribery.
Everyone: call on Burger King to
GMO apples.
The EU has already
met its 2020 target for reduced fossil fuel use.
This shows that conservation efforts can be a success. However, the
EU targets are not really ambitious — even though they are better
than most of the rest of the world.
Rep. Barbara Lee
15 years ago that the Authorization to Use
Military Force was a "blank check to the president to attack anyone
involved in the Sept. 11 events — anywhere, in any country, without
regard to our nation's long-term foreign policy, economic and national
security interests, and without time limit."
Her only error was to make the statement too narrow. The words
"involved in the Sept. 11 events" need to be deleted.
Large fractions of Trump supporters agree with
racist views,
in some cases almost 50%.
The campaign to take the UK out of the European Union
up racist hostility towards people from Eastern Europe, and similar
forms of racism are increasing all across Europe.
Human Rights Watch calls on Brazil to respect protesters' rights
and investigate the
by thugs on protesters.
US elections are extremely vulnerable to rigging, through voting computers
and through dishonest
illegal) practices.
Violence against women is a
problem that is constantly met with distraction responses.
North Korea demands recognition as a
"legitimate" nuclear power.
How the CIA attacked the Senate's report on CIA torture
and tried to justify torture.
Global heating has
the prevalence of clean air turbulence
which can strike an airplane without warning and cause injuries.
The US regulation for automobile safety
car manufacturers to
make changes that have prevented 3.5 million deaths and many millions
of injuries.
It was possible in the 1960s to adopt such a regulation because the US still
had a functioning democracy. Under today's plutocracy, business does not
allow this.
Use of DNA data from patients needs to be
better regulated.
Recently published papers, formerly secret, show that UK
thugs conspired to
a group of miners and frame them, with support from ministers
including Prime Minister Thatcher.
Al-Jazeera broadcast the documentary about corruption in the Maldives,
and the tyrant responded by raiding a newspaper office.
The editor
has fled abroad.
A company that sells the opioid fentanyl is donating money to
legalization of marijuana in Arizona. Apparently the company's
executives believe that they will sell
more addictive opioids if they can deny people a safer option.
Humanity is depleting soil at a rapid rate: 1/3 of all arable land has
been ruined
in 40 years.
It is hard to believe we can avoid mass starvation in another 40 years.
Remember this if you ever think of having a child.
Perhaps regenerative
farming can repair this damage.
Samia Shahid's father and her ex-husband conspired to kill her;
the ex-husband did the deed,
the father to "pardon" him
on her behalf.
Trump admires Putin because Trump
all authoritarian rulers.
Trump admires them for squashing whoever gets in their way,
and never mind things like human rights.
In other words, Trump is un-American and hates everything the US
stands for.
Chelsea Manning has started a hunger strike to demand to be
as female, and an end to harassment measures.
Sanctions failed to stop North Korea from developing nuclear weapons,
but a world-wide
rejection of nuclear weapons might be worth trying.
call on the American
Geophysical Union to reject sponsorship by Exxon.
On the correct pronunciation of
on McDonalds and Walmart to pay employees a decent wage.
US citizens:
Kaepernick for his protest.
21 countries
a good chance of eliminating malaria by 2020.
To get the rest of the world would mainly take a sufficient lump sum
of money.
"Texas is
a court order intended to prevent it from suppressing the vote,
according to the U.S. Department of Justice."
UN Human Rights Chief Urges Action
Western 'Demagogues'.
Between voter suppression and the possible rigging of voting machines,
and the design of the Democratic primaries to favor establishment
candidates such as Clinton, the mechanics of democracy are
Facebook's Instagram division
that the activist campaign LitterGram change its name.
I hope LitterGram stands firm long enough for public pressure to come
to its support.
US TV network news has mentioned the pipeline protests just once:
than a minute, at 4am, and biased against the protesters.
I don't have a TV set, but I sometimes go to places where people are
watching them. I actively avoid watching mainstream TV news programs,
figuring that their purpose is only to poison our minds.
Clinton is
it very clear that there is nothing progressive about her.
Some of us never expected anything different of her. We should learn
to reject right-wing Democrats the way we reject Republicans. You
can't build democracy and give people in general a good life if your
main goal contradicts that.
North Dakota thugs
want to arrest Jill Stein for spraying graffiti on
a bulldozer as part of a
against the new pipeline.
No sign that they want to arrest the private security guards that
used dogs and pepper spray to attack protesters. These "laws"
are just instruments for plutocracy. Nothing here about democracy.
The reason toilets in many BART stations are closed is
about terrorism.
It may be true, to some small degree, that the toilets are a security
risk. But there must be thousands of such small risks, and it is
folly to pay any real price to eliminate one of them. Thus, while I
am glad BART has found a way to convince itself that it has made the
toilets "safe", it made a mistake shutting them at all.
Catholic Herald published an article about "god's love" and declined
to mention that the author was a high official
for sending Abdel Hakim Belhaj and his wife to Libya for Qadhafi's men
to torture.
Then it refused to publish an article by Belhaj that asks for the
author to understand and apologize.
There is only one global civilization nowadays, and differences
between groups fall in the gaps between the many areas of
universal agreement.
"Increasingly the tech business is all about
good products artificially redundant and mediocre ones seem
Facebook's power over journalism has morphed into
of the news.
The Prime Minister of Norway posted to criticize the censorship.
his post.
It is dangerous for Facebook to have this much power. Instead of
trying to compromise, we should take it away.
Instead of the proposed "link tax" that would serve no valid public
purpose, I suggest passing a law that would stop Facebook from
distributing journalistic works published elsewhere. Perhaps this
could apply to companies that have over total of over 1 million user
accounts, or generally to all companies that run social networks.
These sites should be allowed only to make links to independent
original publication sites.
Another idea is to tax publication of each such article, with the tax
rate determined by the number of users the company has. To republish
a few articles each day would not cost them much; to publish thousands
would be prohibitively expensive.
Air pollution
1/10 of all human deaths. The economic cost in lost work due to
illness is tremendous too.
The harm falls disproportionately on
people and mistreated minorities.
The University of California is outsourcing IT support to India and
wants the employees that will be fired to
their own replacements.
If they have courage they will quit before doing that.
Pour Cash into Mass Surveillance.
Elizabeth Warren:
Tax-Shirking Schemes Show Congress Must Reform US Code.
Apple Sells its Controlling Ways as Futurism.
Should we trust Apple? No way! I will not join the oppressive future
that Apple has in mind for us.
Ferguson protest leader Darren Seals was murdered, and the
thugs were
careless about investigating the killing.
I have a feeling that thugs had something to do with his death.
Humans Have Destroyed
Tenth of Earth's Wilderness in 25 Years.
Don't assume it will take another 225 years to destroy the rest.
It will tend to accelerate, as people get increasingly desperate.
The crews of fishing boats operating around Hawaii are
to leave the boats, as they have no US visas, so they are
effectively used as slaves.
Trump praised Putin as a
Putin is indeed a leader — an authoritarian leader who spits on
the rights of Russians that don't want to follow him.
Trump plans to
taxes on rich people and businesses in five ways.
Makes it pretty clear whose side he is on.
Global heating
made the record-breaking Louisiana floods
40% and 100% more probable.
Most teenage girls with smartphones habitually retouch their photos,
a fictional beauty.
The next step would be to avoid physically meeting anyone.
The Tories are cutting the
that enable disabled people to live.
make it essentially impossible to curb global heating as called
for in the Paris agreement.
Fanning is one of many veterans who sit, not stand, with Colin
Greece has been
signs of resistance to the harsh conditions of the "bail-out" of
its creditors.
Google is trying a method of discouraging support for
PISSI by leading
people who seem interested in its propaganda to
made by witnesses to its oppression.
Another article, paywalled alas, suggests that the program is
effective at attracting people's attention.
The UK's new snooper's charter is being considered in the House of
Lords, and
all that was oppressive in it is still there.
take giant class-action lawsuits to defeat pervasive snooping by
the Internet of Stings.
The Tories have cut funds for tax audits, which enables rich people
and businesses to get away with more cheating. They even
businesses to write laws to tax them less. Can treason be clearer
than this?
Not All Men Commit Abuse against Women. But
Must Condemn It.
The US presidential debates are
by the two major parties to protect them and avoid serious
confrontation of ideas. Therefore they make sure not to admit
other candidates — but most Americans think they should admit
The League of Women Voters used to run these debates, but after it
allowed a third-party candidate to participate, the two major parties
took the debates away from the League so that this could not happen
Some leading US advisors are
against a new cold war with Russia.
The reason we still see propaganda for making more US arms is, I
suspect, the power of the large companies that make the arms and that
want our money to go to them, rather than to more constructive
purposes (medical care, infrastructure, schools, public transit,
welfare, etc.).
A US court sustained Uber's practice of
its drivers from class-action suits.
This law gives businesses more rights than people. It must be
Republican state attorneys general
their time to planet roasters for whom they are now attacking the
clean power plan.
Amitav Ghosh warns that global heating will lead to the
of the armed lifeboat", with rich countries fighting to keep
millions from fleeing places where they can no longer live.
Meanwhile, the rich countries have their own vulnerability: they
depend on lots of technical systems to keep functioning, such as
electric power supply, and don't know how to function when those fail.
I've pointed out the vulnerability of globalized manufacturing: a war
or disaster in one area can disrupt the whole world's production of
some part that is needed for various products.
Climate mayhem is
already provoking wars, and disasters of the sort that used to be
called "natural", and this will tend to increase as the decades pass.
People in Oakland demand that some Oakland
thugs be prosecuted for two
"crimes" after they had sex with a teenage prostitute.
I am against giving thugs any special privileges, but I oppose
prosecuting them (or anyone) based on lies.
It used to be that one dishonest law defined sex with someone under a
certain (varying) age as "rape", which it clearly isn't. It is now
joined by another dishonest law that defines sex with a prostitute
under that age as "human trafficking", which it clearly isn't. These
laws establish a state policy of proclaiming a falsehood as truth, and
punishing people based on the falsehood. The lie is essential for
misleading the public into supporting these punishments.
When the law sets out to lie, it is worse than an ass. It is a
man-eating tiger.
Rain from a typhoon
part of the "ice wall" that is supposed to keep ground water out
of the ruined Fukushima reactors.
With somewhat more rain, the contaminated water would have come out to
the surface and run along the ground. It appears that nothing can be
done to completely prevent water from flowing through the site and
becoming contaminated.
US citizens:
on the FCC to finish regulating cable companies' use of data about
what customers watch.
The FCC won't go far enough, but it is still a step forward.
US citizens:
on North Dakota to stop private violence against pipeline
protesters and investigate possible illegalities on the attackers'
US citizens:
on the Department of Justice to investigate Trump's voter
intimidation campaign and other Republican voter suppression.
trend among plutocrats is the attempt to eliminate cash.
The rich can make large bank transfers anonymous by routing them
through shadow companies in tax havens.
idiocy — the tendency to think that morality does not apply
to one's own actions — is found in many of those who have pushed
the US into war.
big US pipeline companies want to merge.
It should never be permitted for two companies that are among the
largest 10 in any industry to merge.
The UK is rushing to deport people to Jamaica even though all their
families are in the UK,
their appeals are even heard.
The real purpose of constantly testing children in school may be to
provide an
to call teachers failures and privatize public schools.
Texas proposes a text to teach about Texas's Mexican heritage. People
of Mexican background say it is
of insulting stereotypes.
The Maldives tyrant has
opposition leaders and a newspaper using the expected al-Jazeera
documentary as a pretext.
As predicted, Apple's latest iPhone has
headphone jack.
This is directly nasty, since it means users need to get special,
expensive headphones. It is also a preparation for possible future
DRM plans.
One reason you shouldn't buy this iThing is that Apple
US taxes by diverting its profits offshore.
Of course, you'd be a fool to buy or use a product that runs only
nonfree software, and has
functionalities such as censorship.
Trump now claims he
to greatly increase US military spending and send the US Army to fight
Clinton is hawkish too, but this is even more hawkish.
Large companies, including Google, have signed
pledges" but give money to campaigns of global heating denialists.
We need to be concerned about protecting endangered species
if they are not cute or closely related to humans.
The most vital actions for wildlife conservation are (1) to cap global
heating and (2) to avoid increasing the human population. Global
heating will wipe out most species that live only in a limited range,
because that range will no longer be suitable for them.
Resistance to the last resort antibiotic,
is developing in farms already.
Young supporters of the African National Congress marched on its
that the whole leadership resign.
The ANC after Mandela has been totally disappointing.
Public defenders in the US are stretched so thin that many non-rich
Americans charged with crimes get
advice except "plead guilty".
Methane is
out of the ground from melting permafrost in Belyy island.
It is unprecedented, but the danger is that it will become commonplace.
This is just part of how burning fossil fuels is
Air pollution from combustion
be contributing to Alzheimer's disease.
carrying rifles appeared outside the home of Brock Turner in Ohio.
I find armed protests to be frightening. This group says it wasn't
threatening to kill Turner, but it is a step towards return to
The idea of shooting a rapist in the act is absurd, since that would
never be necessary. For instance, anyone who was present at the scene
and determined to intervene could have made Turner stop without any
weapons. Just to confront an angry person, he would have found it
necessary to stand up.
Turner's punishment will continue for years, or perhaps the rest of
his life, since he has been put on the sex offender list.
That's another political issue.
After an organized gang of Irish teenagers beat up a gay man, the
Irish thugs
to put the blame on him.
Most humpback whale populations
be taken off the endangered species list, as they have grown
considerably since the ban on whaling 50 years ago.
In this case, it may be safe to delist them, since whaling remains banned.
However, when wolves were delisted because their numbers in the US had grown,
that was the signal for several states to
hunters to kill them. This is likely to drive wolf numbers down
to the point that they will need protection again.
To prevent that, there needs to be an intermediate level of partial
The tyrant of the Maldives
to punish those who contributed to an al-Jazeera documentary about
corruption there, and thus intimidated the channel into not
showing the documentary.
The tyrant took power through a
which ousted the elected president, who vocally championed acting with
dispatch to curb global heating.
I therefore suspect that the coup
was organized by planet-roasters.
For a state to require a
visa for journalists is an injustice in itself. The US should set
an example by dropping that requirement.
Brazilian thugs
a large peaceful protest against the political impeachment of
Dilma Rousseff.
In 1970, a roomful of US soldiers who didn't know each other all
decided individually to refuse to stand for the national anthem, as a
about how they had been used for injustice in Vietnam. The
article is written by one of them, an antiwar veteran.
The US has blocked Craig Murray, UK citizen, from visiting the US for
the awarding of the
Adams Award for Integrity in Intelligence.
The US gave him no explanation, but it is hard to imagine any possible
reason other than his own inconvenient integrity.
what circumstances is a famous person's sex scandal actually
Local Governments Are
Silicon Valley Skirt Public Disclosure Laws.
Protection efforts have
several endangered species back from the brink.
That doesn't mean they can survive
global heating, or a collapse
of civilization that could end organized protection efforts.
Germany is
to legalize massive surveillance even as an internal investigation
finds that its massive surveillance is currently illegal.
An estimated 750,000 asthma attacks each summer are
to burning oil and gas in the US.
Clapper says he is
the possibility that Russia seeks to cause chaos in the US
election in November by attacking computer systems.
That would be a very hostile act, but US and state governments have
been extremely irresponsible in adopting networked computers for
election purposes.
Turkey plans to subsidize
new coal-burning power plants.
This is almost an act of war against the rest of the world.
People in Indonesia connected with palm oil farming hired
nonofficial thugs to kidnap smog inspectors, who were taking note
of fires that were burning down forest to make more palm oil
acted on 100 apparent tax law violators revealed in the Panama
Thugs often
private jobs to work, in thug uniform, for some private employer.
Who are they supposed to "serve and protect" at such times?
13 million people in the UK are poor, and this is due to government
policies, which are
the number that live in poverty. But the British state could end
poverty by 2030 if it wanted to.
The Sydney city council has
to divest from fossil fuels, and to pull hundreds of millions of
dollars out of banks that invest in fossil fuels.
Bravo! Other cities threatened by
global heating should do something
The gender pay gap is not due to lack of assertiveness on the part of
female employees,
survey in Australia shows. Women there ask for raises as often as
men do.
Global heating in the oceans is already causing painful
of sea life, in a foretaste of disaster that will develop over the
next few decades.
Asian typhoons are
stronger nowadays than 40 years ago, due to global heating.
China forced 1/3 of the population of Hangzhou to go away as a way of
a city with no one to interview other than the omnipresent
"security" as a bland and empty backdrop.
Connected cars
record personal information from the driver's mobile phone.
The article does not mention that it may have its own cell phone, which
phone company would track its movements.
Private thugs
attacked the protesters blocking the Dakota Access Pipeline
throwing attack dogs at them, and with pepper spray.
question", how to assure workers get paid for the value of their
work, is connected with many of America's worst problems. Especially
since the plutocrats have been attacking the old solutions for decades.
The prevalence of bad employers that force workers to be independent
contractors complicates the labor question. Probably massive
technological unemployment threatens to complicate it even more. We
need other measures in addition to "help more workers unionize", but
we surely still need that.
Americans: Remember That Martin Luther King's Last Campaign Was
Workers' Rights.
Public criticism has
the AARP to stop supporting ALEC.
The French tradition of republican secularism is
distorted into a system of discrimination.
The loss of a satellite on the launch pad has not stopped Facebook's
to control internet access for users in poor countries.
Anti-radicalization campaigns in various countries fail, partly
because they are
on a false picture of who is likely to become an Islamist terrorist
and how.
It may be that a previous generalization of European Islamists
(typically not violent) developed out of more mainstream Islam.
Antibiotic-resistant bacteria are
common in supermarket chicken and pork in the UK.
This comes from feeding antibiotics to masses of pigs and chickens,
and shows the urgency of prohibiting that practice.
Human population growth is already
to overload the world's food capacity and fresh water capacity.
It is a very good thing to
have no
children, but we need to go beyond that and help reduce the
reproduction rate of other people.
The Italian state has
policies to urge Italians to have more children. What lunacy!
I sympathize with the criticisms given in the article, but they are
focused on secondary issues and avoid the crucial one. Italy's
birthrate, rather than being "too low", would be a big improvement if
the whole world adopted it. Decreasing population can cause to some
short-term dislocations, but it is easier to cope with those than with
the long-term effects of increasing populations.
Italy should present itself as an example for its low
birth rate.
Happy Labor Day!
Has Never Been a [large] Middle Class Without Strong Unions.
"It's time to reclaim Labor Day's
The article mentions the workers dangling from portable phones who
have little time they can count on not having to work. However, lots
of low-wage service workers have a similar problem: they can be called
to work a shift on short notice at almost any time.
To protect them, we should pass laws requiring overtime pay for any
shift that wasn't planned a week in advance. Also, these workers
should be entitled to declare time off in advance, whether for a day
or occasionally for a week, without worrying they might be punished
for not being available then.
I work every day … but that's ok since most of my work is
volunteer work anyway.
forceful opposition politicians have gained seats in Hong Kong's
legislative assembly.
The elections to the assembly are
rigged, even worse than in the
House of Representatives, so there is no prospect that the
opposition can form a majority no matter how much popular support it
Dalits and other castes despised by conservative Hindus have
a march to protest floggings, and plan a ceremony of conversion to
One practical reason for the ceremony is that India registers people's
religions and conversion
submitting a government form. Dalits have faced repression when
trying to do this, whether individually or in groups.
Korindo palm oil has been caught apparently
forest in order to make more palm oil plantation.
Even when genetically modified crops are good in themselves, we must
not ignore the damage done by companies such as Monsanto that
subjugate farmers.
The efficiency of bt-cotton does not benefit all the Indian farmers
that grow it. A farmer always takes a risk that bad weather will wipe
out the crop. When farmers get loans to buy the bt-cotton seed, the
damage of loss of a year's crop gets worse. That
thousands of Indian farmers to commit suicide a few years ago.
Eastern Gorilla Now Critically Endangered Due to
Australia's Climate Change Authority
its recommendations for the sake of "political feasibility" (i.e.,
bowing down to resistance from planet roasters in the governing
parties). Two members of the commission refused to sign the
recommendations, calling them inadequate.
When a real solution to a problem has no support in the legislature,
what should we do? The obvious approach is to advocate a change so
small that you might win it in a few years. The problem with this is
that it fails to show people why they should advocate anything bigger.
For a chance of a bigger victory in the long term, we must advocate
the larger change that we really want. (Or, in the case of global
heating, what we really desperately need.)
Fracking wastewater has caused many small quakes in Oklahoma. Now
the US Geological Survey is
whether it played any role in causing the recent strong and damaging
New Tory cuts
close most refuges for battered women.
the Tax Havens to Fund Clean Energy Revolution, says Friend of the
Both of these steps are necessary.
has organized in NYC something reminiscent of a company union
for its drivers, except it
even a union.
As insurance companies pull out of providing insurance plans in line
with Obama's medical care system, the system is
danger of failing.
The insurance companies are exploiting a systemic weakness that they
imposed on the system. Obama's original proposal included a "public
option" to compete with the insurance companies, but they lobbied
against it and
caved in. If the public option existed, the same insurance
companies could pull out but that would not cause such a problem.
The UN, in delivering humanitarian aid in Syria, is compelled to obey
strict limits set by Assad. This includes
the aid funds through his cronies.
I don't blame the UN for this: I think its officials estimate that
they don't have the clout to make Assad back down from these demands.
Perhaps the US and Russia could agree that Assad has to change them.
Experts Raise Alarms as
War Hawks Push for Deeper Syria Intervention.
What makes this push especially dangerous is that it is supported by
Long before the US intervened directly, it
allies such as Salafi Arabia,
Qatar and Turkey to support Islamist
The quotation of Clinton's statement in the meeting in Riadh is from
State Department publication.
Washington DC has many private "special" thug forces that are
less accountable than the municipal thug department.
Contestant Sheena Monnin
seeing proof that the Miss USA contest winners were hand-picked in
advance by contest owner Donald Trump. He sued her for ten
million dollars.
Family of Alan Turing to
Government Pardon 49,000 Other Men.
Russia tries to confuse Western political debates with
parallel currents of disinformation.
I've seen forms of this from time to time — for instance, articles
that claim Russia didn't take over the Crimea by force of arms, that
the Crimeans rebelled spontaneously and Russia just happened to
protect them.
This does not mean Sweden should join NATO. That is another question.
It also doesn't mean that the US is on the side of right. That is yet
another question.
Trump has
for his campaign one of the architects of Corporations United,
which champions the cause to give corporations human rights.
The brother of Clinton's campaign manager (John Podesta) is
representing Salafi Arabia.
This is not an isolated fact. It is part of a relationship that has
gone on for a long time. Salafi Arabia clearly expects to get things
from Clinton.
The FBI is
to try again to persuade the US to ban secure encryption. We are
supposed to let our guard down towards the biggest danger from fear of
secondary threats.
spying helps to create extremists. My father was one of them."
With all other roads barred because he had supported fascism, his
father saw no path to anything except more extreme and focused support
for fascism.
For the board in charge of treating Puerto Rico like Detroit and
Flint, including cutting pension funds and medical care, Obama chose
four Republicans and three Democrats.
One of the Republicans has
for privatizing Social Security. We can imagine what he will do
to Puerto Rico's pensions.
Obama showed his true party affiliation by gratuitously choosing more
Republicans than Democrats. And at least one of the Democrats is a
Selecting employees through secret algorithms imposes
prejudices as well as the predictable social biases.
No one verifies scientifically that the algorithms choose good
employees or that they reject bad ones. But they certainly reduce the
pool of choices, and for many employers, that's better than nothing.
A lawsuit in Germany aims to
the European Commission from imposing CETA on Germany without
waiting for Germany's ratification.
The US has
some common antibacterial chemicals in soap.
Triclosan is dangerous because it is an
Antibacterials in household products are also suspected of preventing
children's immune systems from developing properly, by denying them
experience with a range of bacteria. To avoid this, it won't help to
replace one antibacterial with another. Soaps and other such products
would need to be free of antibacterials.
countries must ratify the Paris climate agreement for it to take
official force.
I think that the US can't possibly ratify it this year, because that
requires the consent of the senate, and the Republican planet-roasters
won't give it.
However, what is worse is that the deal doesn't commit countries to
any minimum plan of action — only
each country decides to do. They
plan to reduce carbon emissions enough to avoid disaster.
American blacks know better than to believe Trump would try to do
anything good for them, but they recognize he has a point when he says
existing power structure doesn't care about them.
I wish they had recognized that in January and voted for the one
major-party candidate who would have sincerely tried to fight racism
and inequality.
How to be at War Forever —
making "progress" but never winning.
To be fair, there have been some real victories against
PISSI, such as
the recapture of cities. PISSI
is first of all a state, and only
secondarily an underground terrorist movement; states can be defeated
However, PISSI
is the exception. Underground terrorist movements
are not defeated by killing their leaders.
People have been jailed in Russia for the "unauthorized protest" of
that criticized Putin's handling of the hostage-taking in Beslan.
I don't have an opinion about the events in Beslan, but it is an
injustice to punish people for expressing their opinions. Putin's
repression of dissent is not as harsh as that of the Egyptian regime,
but it is repression and wrong nonetheless.
Convicted sex offenders, as a class, are especially unlikely to repeat
their crimes, so the registration laws that
their lives for many years afterwards are gratuitous harm.
By cutting those people off from society, their families, and work,
the registration system may increase the fraction that commit another
sex crime.
white supremacists love Trump's immigration speech.
The citizens of Oakland
a system for massive combined surveillance. They were aware of
how dangerous it is for the state to know everything.
Citizens everywhere need to realize that a state with such
surveillance power is more dangerous than any criminals or terrorists.
Some republicans in North Carolina
that their voter ID law was for voter suppression. Amazingly,
they think that is legitimate; they say any party would do this, for
political advantage.
In effect, they have declared themselves to be unprincipled enemies of
the United States.
US citizens:
for rejection of GMO Fuji Apples.
This petition has trouble when Javascript is disabled, but here is a
workaround for it.
After signing the form, you will need to replace the [URL] in the
provided page, including the square brackets, with the default domain
name, which is http://salsa3.salsalabs.com in this case. Copy this
edited URL into the address bar and visit it; that will make the
signature go through.
Note that 'URL' does not stand for some other URL. It literally
means the characters U, R and L.
US citizens:
on Obama to block the Dakota Access Pipeline.
US citizens:
Colin Kaepernick's right to refuse to stand up for the US national
large Australian universities have divested from fossil fuels.
Milwaukee thugs blocked off a usual protest area, then
arrested people merely for watching the events. Oops, one was a
state legislator.
The thugs
must feel a little embarrassed, but they are brazen. Mere
embarrassment won't restrain them from abusing their power again.
Being jailed themselves might do the trick.
Amazon and Starbucks "pay
tax than a sausage stand".
Tax havens are estimated to deny governments
billion dollars a year in tax revenue, which is a large fraction
of what it would take to convert the world to renewable energy.
The Tories are
the state school system. Many teachers are giving up because pay
is becoming too low. The remaining teachers have to work extra.
15% of Earth's land area is protected for wildlife conservation,
important ecosystems are not represented.
The deeper problem with wildlife conservation is that
global heating
is going to mess up ecosystems around the world. Many species will no
longer be able to survive in the places where they are now protected.
Nauru told the Danish embassy that it
some Danish MPs because they had criticized of Nauru's treatment of
The question of who is morally responsible for what happens to
prisoners in Nauru is very simple. Australia pays Nauru to hold them
and subject them to rape, torture, injury and sometimes death.
Australia and Nauru are jointly responsible.
A Pakistani thug has been
for suppressing evidence and protecting the perpetrators of a
patriarchal murder.
Australians discussed the bloody elimination of aboriginals in
Queensland: a special thug department
tens of thousands of them.
I recommend The Other Side of the Frontier, by Henry Reynolds, for
an explanation of how this proceeded across Australia.
Clinton's Embrace of Republicans
Harm Her Own Party's Future.
America's True Role in Syria … is
secret from Americans.
Under Thatcher, a Tory, the well-off in Britain got a lot more income,
poor got nothing.
By contrast, under B'liar, the poor got more income, but the top 5%
got a bigger increase.
This confirms the point that New Labour worked mainly for the wealthy.
of populists: they say, "We represent the people, the real people
— because the real people are those who support us. All else,
shut up!"
The "revolving door"
idealless politicians in Europe just as in the US.
Vast marine "protected areas" may do little for conservation, since
most of area is far from shore, which means it
where most damage occurs, and will be hard to police.
They may be some help for species that live in the remote seas,
but they don't fill the big need.
Some 300 refugee minors now in France are authorized to live in the
UK, but the UK government
to great lengths to keep them out anyway.
explanation of the major injustices of TISA, a proposed
business-supremacy treaty that would yoke 49 countries to irreversible
It could also indirectly permit foreign companies to sue governments
for any laws or decisions that limit the companies' income to less
than their wildest dreams.
A former ministers says that the Tories cut welfare for the poorest,
including public housing, because they
this would weaken the Labour party.
Shame on the Catholic Church for
parasite Mother Teresa a saint.
"I'm a journalist on the run from Erdoğan —
have no idea what I've done."
Clinton proposes a measure that
reduce the worst kinds of drug price gouging.
The US should permanently and universally legalize imports of
US-approved drugs from countries whose drug approval regimes are
If the organization Our Revolution is to deserve and win broad
support, it needs to stand for clear and concrete goals, as Sanders
did as a candidate, and it
to heed its base.
The dictator of Uzbekistan died, and the government
to keep it secret for several days since his powerful cronies were
not sure what to do next.
Obama had already
military support to Uzbekistan. He continues the US tradition of
supporting dictators except when they get in the way of plutocratic
Anti-pipeline protesters
themselves to machinery, expecting to be arrested.
The last US manufacturer of cluster bombs has stopped, but there are
of cluster bombs, doing plenty of damage in Yemen.
US Arms Makers
in a New Cold War. You can bet that their lobbying convinces
politicians and think tanks to say that a new cold war with Russia is
Just because Putin does not respect
rights or
is no reason for a military confrontation.
Apple's scam: keeping cash outside the US, while
money at interest in the US for its needs.
tax on corporations would put an end to that.
Brazil's new right-wing rulers have already started
public health and the environment.
Responding to apparent corruption by fossil fuel money, 35 candidates
for the Massachusetts legislature have
to reject campaign funds from certain fossil fuel interests.
I hope those companies don't negate the pledge by giving indirectly.
In Prison in Egypt, It's
to be Stripped, Beaten, Witness Torture.
A clinic tested 173 samples of street heroin and found that
contained some fentanyl. Because fentanyl is much more powerful
than heroin, it often causes overdoses.
Overdoses are unusual when using heroin that is reliably made and
pure. That is why allowing addicts to get heroin from a clinic
greatly reduces the danger.
The people who die from heroin overdoses are casualties of the War on
Drugs. We should help that war get off drugs, so it will stop ending
and ruining lives.
Honduras's coup-derived government
to permit murder of environmental defenders.
The army is
suspected of organizing the murders.
Tens of millions of workers in India have gone
strike for higher wages.
A sizeable fraction of India's population have comfortable incomes,
but the majority live in poverty just like decades ago.
The necessary long-term solution is to have fewer babies, but
redistributing some wealth is necessary in the short term and will
help encourage contraception.
A Malaysian minister acknowledged that the head suspect in a
corruption case in the US is Prime Minister Najib.
Peruvian soldiers that massacred civilians have been
and sentenced to prison.
The Tories are flagrantly
meetings with ministers. Aren't they obliged to resign for this?
In other human cultures, children learn to do a broad range of challenging
jobs by 5 years old,
being taught. It seems we are being overprotective.
New smartphones have a light sensor, separate from the camera. Web
sites can access that data to
users and map their homes.
Browser developers should design them not to give sites access to this
data, or the battery charge, or many other things that help violate
Get off WhatsApp now! Or you will be
other people to be used by Facebook.
Want Apple to Pay Its [US] Taxes?
US Tax Laws.
A woman in Illinois urgently needed her IUD removed, but
get that done because her medical insurance was limited to
Catholic hospitals that refused to do it.
Hospitals should not be allowed to opt out of an area of medicine for
religious reasons. We should tell the owners of these hospitals to
change their rules or sell to other owners that will.
Business-imposed "wellness programs"
very little for employees' health. Their real purposes is an
excuse for businesses to cut the staff's medical care benefits by up
to 30%.
Nearly all models of car give less fuel efficiency than
reported by the tests. For some models, it is only half
the reported level.
less is a typical figure.
"Predictive policing" functions as a sort of
laundering: a proprietary program tells the thugs to concentrate
in the places where minority groups congregate, but the prejudice is
hidden in the program so no one can be held accountable.
This, combined with thugs'
tendency to jump to the conclusion that
blacks are guilty of something, leads systematically to injustice.
Angela Corey, "America's cruelest prosecutor",
her bid for reelection.
11-year-old Brennan Hawkins was lost in the woods for 3 days. He
people searching for him, and avoided them because he had been
taught to fear the mythical "stranger danger".
Teen pregnancy in the US dropped almost 1/4 from 2007 to 2012, and it
to using contraception more.
"Abstinence only" sex education is a
in its own terms.
But even if it were a success, it would still be a gratuitously
harmful way to achieve the goal. It is cruel to teach people that
pleasure is bad.
The US intervention in Yemen (operated by Salafi Arabia) has
Although New Mexico has a law to prohibit theft by thugs,
thugs are still doing it.
The Albuquerque thug department is famous for
people without justification, so the thugs must be shocked at the
idea they can't even steal cars.
Many US states put children in jail
their parents can't pay court fees or fines.
This seems to be part of the modern US practice of squeezing money out
of the poor, while letting the rich out of paying their fair share of
Residents of Manhattan Beach, California, and nearby areas:
the plan for surveillance cameras to track all cars entering and
leaving Manhattan Beach.
"Georgetown University, which in 1838 profited from the sale of 272
slaves, will begin to award the descendants of those slaves
advantages typically reserved for families of the Catholic
school's alumni."
Said descendants
on being included in planning how this will be done. "Nothing
about us without us."
Apple says it will bring some of its billions of European cash to the
US, but this may be just a way of
for a special "tax holiday" so they won't have to pay tax on it.
Politicians have been pushing that crazy idea for months. We need to
make companies pay more tax, not less. As always, they claim that
less tax and regulation will enable these "wealth creators" to "create
more wealth", hoping we will believe that they will let the rest of us
have some of it. What baloney!
Whatever companies offer us in exchange for reducing tax, it's sure to
be a bad deal for us if it is a good deal for them.
Panicky aerial spraying with pesticide naled killed
of honeybees in one area of South Carolina. The authorities were
in such a foolish rush that they forgot to warn the beekeepers. The
beekeepers will sue, I presume.
This carelessness suggests that the decision to spray was not very
careful either.
Every shocking multiple shooting is
advertising for gun companies.
US military veterans are
statements to defend Colin Kaepernick, who refused to stand for
the national anthem, against right-wing "patriotism".
There is nothing more patriotic in the US than to campaign for equal
rights and the well-being of all.
The FBI claims that every time someone looks at a photo of sexual
abuse of a minor, the minor suffers fresh harm. So
can it excuse distributing those images for months as a sting?
Wasn't this a bigger crime than the crime it was trying to catch?
If all we know is that a photo is prohibited, we should not assert it
is "child pornography". That may or may not be true.
We should not assume that the people appearing in those photos were
children. I suppose many of them really were children, but not all.
Surely some were minors (under 18) but sexually mature, thus not
children. Surely some were adults who looked like minors, or else the
photos were retouched to make them appear to be minors.
The US should close the
loophole for bonuses for CEOs.
California, already short of water, gives extraction companies
permission to pollute certain aquifers, and it's
to give more of these exceptions soon.
A killer thug has been
with murder in Georgia. The state has repealed some of the
privileges that helped thugs get away with murder.
Although Mumia Abu-Jamal's death sentence was quashed, authorities
hope to kill him by
his hepatitis C untreated.
Must Let Online Readers Pay for News Anonymously.
The impeachment of President Rousseff
the corrupt conservatives in control of Brazil.
US citizens:
demand an
end to laws that evict people for calling 911 for help.
Nude Selfies: What If They Are Just an
Part of Teenage Life?
In the UK,
minors have been reported for "crimes" involving nude photos. We
must suppose that most of them either made the photos of themselves,
or received them from minors that photographed themselves.
(The article calls them all "children", but most of them are surely
teenagers, too old to be considered "children".)
I hope society relaxes and stops making a twisted fuss about nude
photos. As a plus, we wouldn't need to prohibit "revenge porn" if the
"victims" didn't care.
fraction of US parents believe vaccinations are "unnecessary" for
their children.
For diseases that infect only humans, it might be perfectly safe to go
unvaccinated if everyone you come near is vaccinated. Of course, that
is not what these parents really choose. What they choose is to
increase the population of unvaccinated children ready for an
a challenge from violent Islamism.
It stirred up by years of
funded by Salafi Arabia.
Clinton intentionally supported the coup in Honduras, after the fact,
the reinstatement of President Zelaya.
This does not mention the argument that the US military must have
at the coup in advance. Although the Secretary of State does not
control the military, the policy would surely have been coordinated
between the two departments.
The US military gave strong support to the Honduran military
the years following the coup.
Giving teenage girls a robot baby to take care of for a weekend did not
discourage them from getting pregnant. On the contrary, it
to have encouraged that.
I suspect that a weekend isn't long enough to show them what a burden
it is to take care of a child. It could seem like fun, for just 3
days. If they did it for 6 months, day and night, while also trying
to do their schoolwork, perhaps it would teach a more realistic
Liberia will allow a company to run some public schools, putting
teachers under
redolent of the Amazon warehouse.
Teachers will be tracked by thumbprints, and their "every move" will
be monitored. No wonder they are talking about a strike.
Meanwhile, there has to be a catch. Who will these companies squeeze
money out of? They wouldn't participate unless they can squeeze it
out of someone.
Turkey's refugee deal with the EU has
apart; it depended on a subsequent visa deal that was never agreed
"Pre-search" is a general
for circumventing the fourth amendment that prohibits unreasonable
searches and seizures.
The decline in level of union membership in the US means
wages for employees in general, even those in jobs that were
non-union before.
The Trade in Services Agreement
to make every privatization permanent. The US would never be
allowed to set up a National Health Service, since it does not already
have one.
Aetna insurance is tremendously profitable, and would remain so if it
continued to participate in Obama's medical insurance system. It
doesn't have to pull out, but it
Aetna's misleading PR doesn't end there — the article presents
more levels.
Lesson: don't let private insurance companies select the healthiest
patients. Set up a single payer system that will take the sickest
along with the healthiest, and which doesn't aim for profit.
states can now decide to keep the Common Core or repeal it.
Common Core
literature to a narrow point of view: "What did the author mean"
is the one and only permitted question.
Calling on the Justice Department to
all US thug departments provide accurate and timely data about
their killings.
London thugs
came down heavy on the Notting Hill Carnival.
searched some blacks because they came to look at the black man
who was kept in handcuffs after the
thug said he wasn't accused of
anything. They searched others for no reason at all, except perhaps
trying to find some more-or-less harmless drugs.
African elephants are
rapidly for extinction, because they don't reproduce fast enough
to make up for the rate of killing them.
Mylan has undone part of its price hikes for the EpiPen,
some patients only.
The EU has made its network neutrality rules more strict,
a number of loopholes.
However, the new rules still allow ISPs to
with Bittorrent.
US citizens:
call for
ending use of privatized prisons for holding people that may be
call on
Google to stop running ads for phony abortion clinics.
We must stop manufacturers from limiting repairs to
service providers".
Mbuti can protect their forests better than a Congolese state
human exclusion zone.
However, in a few decades, global heating combined with population
growth of the surrounding people is likely to overwhelm the Mbuti and
destroy them and the forest. When there are suddenly millions of
starving people desperate for some land, little can resist them in the
short term. It is essential to make sure those millions are not born.
are attacking US state election systems and have succeeded in
least two states.
These crackers didn't alter any data, this time. However, Republicans
challenging the voting rights of many individual Democrats.
The system pretends to check for people that are registered to vote in
two places. But its comparison is so sloppy that it often identifies
two different people as the same one. Nothing stops states from being
as sloppy as their Republican officials wish. Thousands of Jose
Garcias are likely to be purged, in those states where Republicans
want to purge Hispanic voters.
laws are still in use, too.
Australia's right-wing head of the environment committee
to cut subsidies for solar power, and instead fund some sort of
long-range research.
More research can't be bad, but that's just an excuse to avoid
reductions in the fossil fuel sales. You can tell that that is the
goal because the man calls himself a "skeptic" (i.e., denialist). He
denies everything that real climate scientists know.
Microsoft is "embracing" various parts of GNU/Linux in a
of patents. Just which patents they are threatening companies
with is a secret.
Meanwhile, Microsoft
itself keynote speeches in "Linux" and "open source" events, as
shallow propaganda.
The open source non-movement doesn't teach people why they should
regard this as dangerous. It does not say that there are principles
at stake, only
So they don't push back as they ought to.
When Microsoft releases free programs that do something useful in the
free world, they are legitimate contributions to the free software
community. But they do not compensate for Microsoft's aggression
against our community.
The campaign for abortion rights in Ireland is
Don't believe claims about
— they are actually superstitionfoods.
The cleanup of Fukushima has cost
billion dollars, although it is still in the initial stages.
In 50 years civilization may collapse due to
global heating's effects.
If the cleanup is unfinished, it may never be finished, and over the
subsequent thousand years some larger amount of radioisotopes may get
out and spread around a larger area.
Good jobs in the US are disappearing, and wages are going down in
absolute terms even as per capita production increases. We need an
automatic income for everyone.
Fortunately, evidence shows that
automatic income works well: people use it to improve their lives,
not to waste it on doping themselves.
I wonder, however, if we should tie it to use of birth control, to
bring about a decrease in population.
Torture victim Abu Zubaydah
to be released from Guantanamo.
The officials who conspired to torture him are
ones who belong in prison.
67 Organizations Urge Justice Dept. to Improve
Collection Mandate on Deaths in Police Custody.
Various Pentagon officials allowed staff or contractors to charge
personal entertainment expenses as government expenses, even after
they were warned to stop this.
It's wrong to charge personal pleasures to the taxpayers, never mind
what they are. Let's not make the mistake of thinking that a strip
club is worse than a symphonic concert or that a game in a casino is
worse than a game of golf or tennis.
experiment suggests that perhaps Americans overestimate the danger
of leaving a child alone for a while because they have come
to believe it is immoral for a mother to do this.
Of course, they derive the conclusion that it is immoral from their
exaggerated idea of the danger. The two ideas make an unsupported
irrational cycle.
Working single mothers would find it a lot easier to cope if they
could do as my mother did: give their children keys so they can
let themselves in at home.
The EU Competition Commission ruled that Ireland
"illegal state aid" to Apple by charging it hardly any taxes.
This ruling means that Ireland is required to collect the missing
Ireland chose to be a tax haven, which meant, in effect, choosing to
starve other EU countries of taxes they need in order to carry out
their missions. So it won't give up so easily. I think Apple and
Ireland together will look for excuses not to comply.
Meanwhile, the US
to get some of the increased taxes.
Perhaps these taxes should be given to the countries they would have
been paid to if Ireland had not helped Apple dodge them.
Meanwhile, countries including the US should change the laws that
allow this sort of dodging.
As for Apple's claim that we cannot criticize it, because it obeyed
the law, that is morally bogus. We certainly can criticize actions as
nasty even if they are lawful — and even more so, when the actor
is a company that lobbied for the US and Irish laws that it "obeyed".
Nauru blocked a visit of Danish legislators
the last minute.
The visit was arranged some time ago, but once they arrived in
Australia, Nauru decided that a few of them were unacceptable. Rather
than accept this insult, they all refused to go.
Insurance companies demand that the G20 countries
fossil fuel subsidies by 2020.
If those governments weren't corrupted by fossil fuel companies, they
would end all fossil fuel subsidies next month.
In a thousand years, the Earth has never heated
fast as it is heating now.
people want to be idle and collect a check; governments must stop
trying cruelty to the poor to "make" people work.
Those few people tend to be nobles or plutocrats — those are the
ones who, in the Virginia colony, had to be told, "If you don't work,
you don't eat." But they were brought up to think that way; it isn't
a natural human tendency.
The UK government is
all out to knock down wages and working conditions for sailors.
The decision to cut back on training Britons for maritime work makes
sense, since the government's plan is to hire foreigners for low
I suggest that foreign-flagged cargo ships be allowed to trade in our
ports only if they have made port in the flag country within the past
year. That will be no obstacle to the ships of countries that are
real trading partners, but will put an end to the "flags of
convenience" that enable so many ships to evade all sorts of labor and
safety regulations.
[Australian thugs] Using Journalists' Metadata to
Down Whistleblowers.
The state of Victoria, in Australia, will
fracking entirely.
This is a wise decision, which should be spread world-wide.
Erdoğan maintains the support of most Turks while
civil liberties.
I see one specific error in the article. Erdoğan did indeed
launch a pogrom against the Kurds, when he broke the truce which had
lasted for many years in order to boost his electoral results.
The article calls Erdoğan's practice a kind of democracy, but
it is closer to the ancient Greek idea of tyranny. Tyrants took steps
to win the support of most people, especially the poorer ones, but
they were ruthless against those who disagreed.
Erdoğan has
another pro-Kurd newspaper. Surely not for participating in the
coup attempt.
The Tories
to redraw electoral districts and might use this as an opportunity
for gerrymandering so that it can never be removed from power.
of the groundwater in the northern Indian subcontinent is
contaminated and not safe to use.
tax on each person's total wealth, even occasionally, could help
reduce inequality.
Recovery funds for New Orleans were
mainly at white inhabitants. 1/3 of the black residents from 11
years ago have not been able to come back.
I think it was foolish to rebuild New Orleans in the same flood-prone
spot while seas are rising. We should have moved it to high ground
where the city would be safe for a few centuries.
to bypass European food safety standards — just what
agribusiness companies in Canada want.
I suppose that the EU received a
in exchange", which would allow companies in Europe to bypass some
important Canadian regulations.
on the Harris County district attorney to resign.
US citizens:
on Democrats to cancel plans to pass the TPP in the lame-duck
session of Congress.
US citizens:
future car fuel economy standards.
The US says it is "unacceptable" that Turkey is
the Syrian Kurds, not PISSI.
Erdoğan launched the offensive by taking Jarabulus away from
but that was only a way of misleading people, and to get at the
Kurds on the other side of Jarabulus. Now that he can attack the
Kurds, I forecast that he won't bother with PISSI.
US Immigration and Customs Enforcement is
ending use of private prisons to hold people facing deportation.
Argentina's right-wing president is
to minimize the murders committed by the military government, in a
way that suggests they were not important at all.
The military regimes in Argentina, Chile, Uruguay, Paraguay and Brazil
were secretly coordinated by the US, and they all claimed that their
victims were "terrorists".
Terrorism is bad, but it is small potatoes compared with an unjust
state. And we must take great care to stop governments from labeling
people as "terrorists" without proof.
With over 100 news sites and publications forcibly shut down, and 48
journalists arrested, Turkey effectively
longer has a free press.
Global heating effects
ruin half of today's coffee-producing regions in a few decades.
If 60 million people lose their livelihoods because we in the
developed countries burn too much fuel, how will we compensate them?
What will we do if they try to flee to the developed world?
We ought to provide them with reliable contraception now so that they
can at least avoid having babies they won't be able to care for.
A right-wing Russian politician
to legalize domestic violence.
He previously championed a law to repress homosexuals. He apparently
advocates a very traditional kind of family consisting of a man, a
woman that he beats up, and children that he beats up.
A Pennsylvania man has been
for receiving nude photos from his 16-year-old girlfriend, and
will have to register as a sex offender, but "only" for 15 years.
The willfully blind law pretends there is no difference between
a teenager and a child.
Clinton's whole transition team is made up of
Democrats that back invading other countries, bowing to the
banksters, and impoverishing most Americans. They support
business-supremacy treaties and privatization.
Clinton looks increasingly like another Bush, except on women's
"Rapidly developing technology exposes communities of color to
surveillance and over-policing."
While campaigning for racial equality, we must remember that massive
surveillance is an injustice to all, and
democracy. Eliminating the racial bias in use of surveillance is
a misguided goal; we must eliminate the surveillance, too.
The US National Anthem Is a
of Slavery.
The TTIP seems to be dead, as Germany says it
US demands.
Unfortunately, CETA is not yet clearly dead.
Europeans must mobilize now to defeat CETA.
Mariah Walton says, "I would like to see my parents prosecuted"
— for
her needed surgery and condemning her to a life of suffering.
She is living (for the time being) proof that prayer is not effective
medical care.
I support your right to decline medical treatment for yourself, for
religious reasons. But not for others.
The German minister for control and repression
to put facial recognition systems in airports, even train stations.
Pervasive state surveillance is more dangerous than terrorists.
Bangladeshi journalist Shafik Rehman is
prison with no formal charges. He might face the death penalty,
but he is likely to die from imprisonment before any trial is held.
The UK is concealing a study of Bangladeshi prison conditions, whose
release would probably put more pressure on Bangladesh to release him.
It's important to acquire general science and history
your own brain. Having the option to look things up (in
Wikipedia, or even Google if you must) is no substitute.
It is also important to avoid the mistake of equating internet search
with Google, or thinking of various web sites as "the cloud".
The war with separatists in Ukraine simmers along with
Experts Criticise
Response to Schoolgirls' Sharing Explicit Images.
The concept of "slut" is not only sexist (since only females are
condemned in that way), it is also perverse (there are no grounds to
condemn anyone for liking sex). I have never used that word.
On the twentieth anniversary of Bill Clinton's "welfare reform",
we see that
as many Americans now live in extreme poverty.
TANF stands for There Ain't Nothing Foryou.
In the Philippines,
Justice Is No Justice.
Even mild head injuries to children
cause lasting mental problems.
The anti-Corbyn executives of the Labour Party are
members that support Corbyn so that they can't vote for him.
Ortega is moving Nicaragua towards one-party rule by
with the main opposition party. This evil is gratuitous, since he
would probably have won the coming election fairly.
Ortega is also responsible for banning abortions in Nicaragua.
Uber's deficit was
$1.27bn in first half of 2016. A representative of Uber singled
out one of the company's expenditures (which Uber perhaps would rather
dispense with) as the supposed cause of the loss.
I hope you see that this claim makes no sense. A loss is caused by
the total of expenditures' exceeding the total income. No one
expenditure is responsible. If your expenditure exceeds your income
by $500 in a certain month, and you spent $500 on food in that month,
is it rational to say that your deficit was specifically due to food?
One could equally well say it's because you rented that large and
expensive apartment that costs you $5000 a month, when you could have
lived in another apartment that costs only $4500.
The reason Uber is running at a loss is that it charges too little.
The reason it charges too little is that its management is
intentionally running the company at a loss to wipe out the
Isn't that unfair competition? Uber should be prosecuted.
The Olympic games in Rio de Janeiro have saddled the city with a
permanent jump in surveillance,
the ground and in the air.
The rate of human use of resources is
much slower than the population and the economy.
This gives hope that if we cut population growth we could grow the
economy slowly while reducing our use of resources to a sustainable
level. But we have
a ways to go to reach that point.
The Kurds in Syria have refused to pull back as demanded by Turkey, so
now Turkish bombardments are
civilians in Syria.
U.S. Army
Its Accounts by Trillions of Dollars, Auditor Finds.
The total error is more than the total budget, because the errors
overlap. Basically, they are falsifying so many figures that the
accounting means nothing.
It's absurd to evict hunter-gatherers from a wildlife refuge and then
invite in
Venezuela's right-wing opposition leader has been
and accused of planning violence.
The right-wing opposition launched a coup (endorsed by the US) around
15 years ago, but I doubt it would do that now since it seems likely
to be able to take power through elections. It seems more plausible
to me that President Maduro made it up.
The crucial requisite for success as an entrepreneur is to
with so much money (or your parents' money) that you don't need to
worry about what will happen if your start-up fails.
Fungicides are going the way of antibiotics: we have used them so much
on crops that they
longer work in humans.
The reason we can't preserve their effectiveness is that our
government cares more about agribusiness than about our lives.
Plutocracy can kill you.
Pennsylvania public health employees were
to ignore calls about illness possibly due to fracking, and not
talk with the callers.
Arguing that the closure of Gawker had nothing to do with
transgressions — rather, Thiel found a way to
a lawsuit Gawker could not afford to properly defend.
He could destroy any other publication the same way.
Chicago thus' "predictive policing" predicts mainly who they are going
to harass. And that is a
Prosecutor Angela Corey has
children as young as 12 as adults. This means they are put in
solitary confinement awaiting trial, and if convicted of murder or
another grave crime, will have to spend many more years in solitary
Sci-Hub, the
site for scientific papers, defies oppressive copyright law and
the scientific publishers.
Please don't repeat the publishers' propaganda term, "pirated".
Sharing is good; please join me in avoiding words that smear sharing.
Whether body cameras on thugs
protect the people from them depends on
how they are used — and on
controls their use. Does the public have access to the
New York's thug department has started keeping
information on investigation and punishment of thugs secret.
Children of the American Police State: what US public schools teach is
to arbitrary repression.
Joakim Eskildsen documented the
and cultural poverty of disadvantaged Americans in 2011.
"I was sometimes thinking that I would prefer to be poor in Cuba than
in America, because there's a culture that is so present, even despite
the economic situation — there's another kind of life."
The Federal Trade Commission has
Facebook not to take data from Whatsapp.
The problem with Obama's medical care system is that it
on for-profit companies.
language so as to claim that certain massive surveillance programs
— PRISM, and snooping on fiber-optic cables — are
"targeted" surveillance.
More NSA
Blight Children's Lives For The Sake Of Five Good GCSEs.
The root of this problem, I believe, is the shortage of jobs that pay
decent wages. There has to be some way of selecting those who will
get the few good jobs. Whatever it is, people will be
hypercompetitive trying to get it.
US citizens:
call on
Obama to end the offering of fossil fuel leases.
US citizens:
call on Obama
to do whatever he can to restrain price gouging on medicines.
Nike donates to a charity called "Girl Effect" to distract attention
from how it
the women that work indirectly for Nike making shoes.
The US (and other wealthy countries) should make companies that sell
products legally responsible for the treatment of its indirect workers
no matter what country they work in.
Acclaimed Turkish novelist Aslı Erdoğan (no relation of
the tyrant) has been
for her political views, along with the rest of the staff of the
newspaper where she published her non-fiction.
Denied access to her medicine, she faces the threat of permanent
The Tories are going to cut welfare support for
children as an "incentive" for their parents (usually single) to
"find work".
It's "too dangerous" to let a third-grader
across the school's field to meet her disabled mother in her car.
When I was in second grade, my mother didn't have a car; but if she
had had one, nobody would have expected her to drive to school to pick
me up. I just walked home, as did everyone in my school. It was only
five blocks, and there was a traffic light at every street corner
(since this was Manhattan).
On arriving home, I used my key to enter the apartment and enjoyed the
precious hours of solitude before she got home from work.
Clinton, as Secretary of State,
very often with donors to the Clinton Foundation.
One must suspect that their donations were, in effect, payments
for access to a high official.
Politicians leading the anti-EU campaign in the UK stirred up
Stingray Documents Offer Rare Insight into
and FBI Surveillance.
The Australian government is trying to persecute a leaker who
a waste of money, using special "national security" powers.
Eaten Fish, a cartoonist prisoner on Nauru, has received an
for courage from the Cartoonist Rights Network International. His
cartoons show what imprisonment in Nauru is like.
Colombia and the FARC have signed a
Now Colombia can face the even bigger challenge of dealing with a
worse terror group, the
which the article refers to as
"right-wing death squads".
The US government is
in many ways to protect big companies from paying taxes.
Clinton, will you pledge to support the necessary measures to make
them pay a lot more tax?
People who live near frack wells are more likely to suffer
severe fatigue, and persistent sinus problems. There is no
possibility that people vulnerable to these problems tend to move
where there is or will be fracking. It has to be that the fracking
causes these problems — along with asthma and prenatal problems.
To avoid global climate mayhem
need to leave 80% of all known fossil fuel reserves in the ground (as
well as all the now-unknown deposits). Let's include fracking in
that 80%.
Today's biofuels make
greenhouse emissions than gasoline.
The American Petroleum Institute runs
TV ads to convince people to support roasting Earth's ecosphere.
The planet-roasters' influence goes beyond ads. They have Obama
too timid to acknowledge in Louisiana that fossil fuels caused the
unprecedented floods there.
Minnesota has
limits on pesticides that endanger pollinators.
Colorado is
a ballot measure to approve single-payer health care.
Pakistani Law Could Enable
Internet Censorship.
Does the all-seeing eyeball make you feel
US Needs to Lead By Example on
Drones Agreements.
UK thugs refuse to say why they
three men out of a car and made them get down on the ground at
Supposedly it was for some vague "firearms offense", but it can't have
taken long to determine that they were unarmed.
The thugs' human robot recited the official line as if it had
something to do with reality: "Officers follow the national authorised
professional practice, which define standards and tactics necessary to
maintain the safety of the public, the individuals themselves and the
Does "If you don't put that fucking phone down I'll blow your head
off" follow the "authorised professional practice"? Do they think
that a phone is a deadly weapon?
Rising Sea Levels
Nearly a Trillion Dollars Worth of US Homes. That is about 2
million homes.
We can still stop it if we defeat the planet roasters.
Why it is
mistake to worry about the US national debt.
The problem the US faces is that government spending is too low. We
need the Green New Deal, which would boost the economy by funding
renewable energy. We could pay for the money through debt, but we
could also do it with less deficit if we make rich people and
businesses pay their fair share of taxes.
Worker-owned co-ops are an
way of running a business that does small service jobs for lots of
However, in order to be ethical, it needs to offer anonymity to its
surveillance of the public can't be excused just because the business
treats its own workers well. I will never use Juno, any more than
I would use Uber, if I have to run a nonfree program to call for a
ride and/or let them know who I am.
Would anyone like to check whether Juno requires either of those
The Dallas thug department has
its policy of always waiting 72 hours to ask thugs why they shot
[Reference updated on 2018-03-31 because the
link was broken.]
[Reference updated on 2018-03-31 because the
link was broken.]
[Reference updated on 2018-03-31 because the
link was broken.]
[Reference updated on 2018-03-31 because the
link was broken.]
Dallas seems to work pretty hard to reduce the thuggishness of its cops.
The University of Chicago has explicitly rejected the idea of "safe space" and trigger warnings, for the sake of academic freedom.
I read an article comparing trigger warnings to spoiler warnings, and I think they are similar. Giving spoiler warnings is considerate and helpful, but it is not a vital issue. No one is castigated for failure to give a spoiler warning, especially not when any more important subject is under discussion. Why not give trigger warnings on the same basis, when it isn't difficult? But we must not grant them more importance than that.
Many US cities have laws that stop unrelated people from sharing a house. The result is to drive rents up and make it impossible for low-income people to live there.
While I can understand that some people would like low population density, we must give priority to the people who can't afford a place to live. These laws, and zoning laws that limit the amount of living units constructed, must go.
Neil Woods, retired undercover narc, found that the only long term result of imprisoning drug dealers was that they murdered many junkies they thought had informed on them. Meanwhile, corruption spread in the narc squad and was constantly covered up.
He advocates prescribing heroin for addicts, and legalizing all the other illegal drugs.
Trump's campaign head has a fraudulent voter registration.
Maybe this is why Republicans make such a fuss about individual voter fraud — because they practice it. (Note that requiring a state-issued photo ID would not prevent this kind of fraud.)
US jails systematically trap poor women, even more so than poor men.
Indian women are standing up to feared harassment by going for unaccompanied walks in their cities.
Anna Neistat of Amnesty International says that that prisoners in Nauru have worse trauma, in general, than people in the conflict zones where she has worked.
The Tories have cut the UK's National Health Service to the point where it can't continue, so now they plan big cuts and call it "transformation".
I've seen people refer to death as a "transformation", too, but that doesn't convince me that I'd like to die.
The EpiPen "savings card" won't help most Americans that need them.
Mylan is raising prices on lots of medicines, not just EpiPen.
Fetal exposure to PCBs correlates with autism.
Facebook bought WhatsApp and committed not to combine that data with Facebook's other data. Now it is going to do just that.
For Facebook, any commitment is meant to be broken, after a delay for people to forget about it.
In Honduras, reporter Ariel Armando D'Vicente has been sentenced to years in prison for accusing a thug commander of taking bribes.
Old oil wells, made watertight, can be used for temporary energy storage.
Al-Baghdadi, now the leader of PISSI, was a prisoner in Abu Ghraib. He was likely tortured by the Bush forces.
It's the clearest possible demonstration of how Dubya's crimes have come back to haunt the US. We Americans should prosecute Dubya (and his henchmen) for these crimes, not only because that will encourage Iraqis to forgive the US for them, but because justice and our country's honor demand it.
The Pentagon has lost track of hundreds of thousands of guns that it shipped to Iraq and Afghanistan.
I suppose PISSI got a lot of them in Iraq, while the Taliban got them in Afghanistan.
The Burkini Ban Shows How Badly France Has Failed Its Minorities.
"French politicians should admit beach-loving Muslim women are allies in the fight against perverted [PISSI] ideology."
Thugs in schools don't just arrest students and direct their lives towards prison. They also tase them gratuitously in the process.
The EU may require encrypted messaging services to
messages on demand.
[Reference updated on 2018-03-30 because the
link was broken.]
The question is, what will happen when the software is properly designed, so that the developers can't decrypt messages?
A thug shot and killed Daniel Kevin Harris for making gestures, which were in fact sign language (he was deaf).
An explosion scattered radioactive waste inside the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant, and it will cost nearly a billion dollars to clean it up.
Where have our school dollars gone? Gone to business, every one.
When will they ever learn, when will they ever learn.
Bangladesh has arrested a suspect in the murder of a secular publisher Faisal Arefin Dipan.
In Tulsa, Oklahoma, many people can't get enough food, partly because they can't reach a grocery store.
In Texas, it is lawful to carry a gun in university campuses but illegal to carry a dildo. Students are protesting by carrying dildos.
Sanders's new organization, Our Revolution, has been hit by a management dispute: most of the employees quit because they objected to the chosen leader.
A rabid Trump supporter suggests that he in the habit of getting paid for votes, or at least considers the practice legitimate.
154 Australian scientists wrote to the prime minister calling for curbing fossil fuel extraction before it is too late.
They expect him to ignore the letter, because he's a puppet of the fossil fuel industry, but they have to try anyway.
Investigators accuse Assad's men and PISSI of using chemical weapons in Syria.
People who appear to be Muslims or Arabs face bigotry that manifests as treating them as suspects based on nothing but readiness to jump to a conclusion.
The same thing happens to blacks in the US, but they tend to get shot for no reason, rather than pulled off an airplane for no reason.
Everyone: call on Enterprise car rental to quit ALEC.
Everyone: call on Mylan to cut the price of the EpiPen emergency allergy treatment. At its new high price, people will die because they can't afford it.
Here's more information.
US citizens: phone and urge your congresscritter to sign the Lieu-Yoho-Conyers-Mulvaney letter against the arms sale to Saudi Arabia.
The Capitol Switchboard numbers are 202-224-3121, 888-818-6641 and 888-355-3588.
The Pentagon has admitted, and prohibited, some ways it used to spy on the antiwar movement.
As the EU considers whether Apple's tax dodging is illegal, the US threatens to "retaliate" if the EU determines that it is.
The ironic thing here is that Apple famously keeps this money parked outside the US so as not to pay any US taxes on it.
The US ought to retaliate by making European companies pay more US tax; but that would require government by the people, for the people. I expect our current government — by the corporations, for the plutocrats — to do the corrupt thing: look for a way to hurt Europe to make it keep Apple's taxes down.
Shame on you, Obama.
Baltimore's thugs are secretly using an airborne wide area camera which enables them to track any person or vehicle's movements across the city.
We need to make it illegal for anyone, even the state, to carry out systematic collection of images that enable such tracking.
The thugs say there was no "conspiracy" to conceal the airborne surveillance — they just didn't bother telling anyone about it. Same difference.
They say people should not be concerned, because it's not different in principle from their network of ground-based surveillance cameras.
That's true: those cameras should be eliminated too. We should not allow anyone to systematically watch large numbers of people as they go around the city.
George Lakoff: Trump chooses his words very carefully, even though sometimes dishonestly, and intentionally communicates gruesome messages via hints he knows his supporters will get.
A long commute tends to promote obesity.
Graduate students who work as teaching assistants or research assistants in the US are now allowed to form unions.
I hope that adjunct professors unionize too.
The Theater of Security Agency suspected a child's external pacemaker was a bomb, so they searched him all over and made the family miss their flight.
They said this was because he lacked a certain form that he had never previously been asked for.
Bangladesh's proposed "cyber-security" law is actually a sweeping censorship bill which would imprison people for stating certain unwanted views and opinions.
This resembles what France and Turkey have already done.
In France, repression as begun against women who cover their heads and arms and legs while at the beach.
Wearing a hijab is a provocation, like wearing a cross. Freedom of speech (in the broad sense) includes the right to make provocative statements. If you disagree, say something back.
However, that's not the worst repression here. Much worse is the threat to punish people for posting photos and videos of the thugs at work. Posting them is our only defense against whatever brutality feel inclined to impose.
Foolish and Dangerous (and illiberal): Europe's Clothing Attacks Against Muslim Women.
This is ethically no different from Iran's clothing police that punish women for not covering up as much as their oppressive religion requires.
A century ago, a bathing suit like the burkini was illegal in the US. It was considered too revealing.
Does anyone know whether the burkini is prohibited in Iran?
High Birth Rates And Poverty Undermine a Generation of African Children.
Ban Ki-moon wants information from the US, UK and Belgium to determine whether Dag Hammarskjöld's plane was shot down.
Anthropogenic global heating can be detected in measurements from 1830.
Thugs in Newark ran after a child with drawn guns, and only a human chain of neighbors stopped them from killing him. The thugs said he resembled a suspect they were looking for, someone who actually looked nothing like the child — except that they had the same skin color.
Some US high schools have special "homeland security" programs that train students for jobs imposing strict order on the US.
However, the security measures of the school itself strike me as even worse. They are a lesson in subservience, ideal for a subject people.
The US has backed Turkey in demanding that the Kurds yield Manbij.
It makes me sad to see the US take the side of Islamist tyrant Erdoğan against the secular libertarian Kurds.
Women imprisoned for a long time, awaiting a decision about whether they can stay in the US, have temporarily stopped their hunger strike because the prison thugs threatened to take their children away.
The prison is operating in violation of a court order not to hold them for more than 20 days. Some have been jailed for a whole year.
This prison is not officially called a "prison". but that's what it is.
Some Texas prisoners get half as much water as people normally need, even though the extreme heat conditions inside the prison mean they need more than normal. The heat can be deadly.
US citizens:
for protecting Big Cypress wildlife preserve from oil drilling.
[Reference updated on 2018-03-30 because the
link was broken.]
Nine US national parks that are likely to be drastically changed in this century.
Zika damages fetuses' brains in many different ways. Even those that don't develop microcephaly often have other structural abnormalities.
It may be too soon to know what effects those abnormalities have on mental capacities.
Berkeley's tax on sugar-sweetened drinks seems to be working to reduce consumption of them.
Leading Doctor Calls Climate Change Gravest Health Threat of 21st Century.
Calling for Europe to send more election monitors to the US to check for voter suppression.
North Dakota has cut off water to the protesters blocking an oil pipeline that threatens to ruin their water supply if it leaks.
That oil which does not leak will instead be burned, so it will contribute to an even worse global disaster. We need to leave that oil in the ground.
Likewise the oil not yet leased in the Gulf of Mexico, which if burned would emit the equivalent of around 10000 years of operation for a typical coal-fired power plant.
Obama visited Louisiana and praised FEMA's response to the floods. However, real leadership would be to use these floods as an example to mobilize the country to build renewable energy. Protesters understood this, as they occupied the office of the agency that does the leasing. "President Obama: More Drilling = More Floods," they said.
The US Fish and Wildlife Service has a long backlog of species waiting years for an initial evaluation.
42 species have gone extinct waiting for protection.
I see the hand of business-dominated government at work.
As Wikileaks posts leaks en masse, not selectively, they often contain private information including people's medical records that are of no political significance but can hurt people.
Wikileaks ought to make arrangements with the press to be selective about what it publishes, as it used to do. This way of handling the matter threatens to give all leaking a bad name.
UK MPs propose to ban plastic microbeads in cosmetics and toothpaste, because they harm water animals.
New pun: Scranton again.
Half of the working women in the UK have been "sexually harassed", using the broadest conceivable definition of "harassed".
The article equates "harassment" with "unwanted behavior". That definition is too broad, because no one should be given the power to prohibit absolutely any treatment that person considers "unwanted". That is dictatorial power.
A study finds that constructing new nuclear reactors will tend to hold back reduction of greenhouse emissions, by sucking up investment funds.
Donors to the Clinton campaign and foundation were able to get meetings with her for nasty clients, such as the coal company Peabody Energy and a prince from repressive Bahrain.
Under Erdoğan's protection, Gülen's followers infiltrated and took over Turkey's military schools, and gained power in civilian organizations.
This reminds me of what right-wing Christians did in the US Air Force Academy. Non-Christian students organized to resist this.
Such religious influence is indeed dangerous. I hope Obama moved out all the people in charge in he Air Force Academy, and ended the pressure to be a fanatical Christian; does anyone know? It would be legitimate for Turkey to do likewise with those who use government schools to impose a particular religion.
But people should not be imprisoned for that.
As She Rakes in the Cash, Clinton Fundraisers Still Shrouded in Secrecy.
US farm policy encourages practices that are wasteful, and degrade land and water.
India is telling web users that merely
at certain blocked web pages is a crime and threatening them with
three years in prison.
[Reference updated on 2018-03-30 because the
link was broken.]
The UK government refuses to say whether it intervened to block prosecution of the officials that turned over Libyan dissidents to Qadhafi to be tortured.
Mexican journalist Noé Zavaleta has been forced to flee Veracruz by threats, after publicly criticizing the governor.
In Mexico, as in the US, people accused of minor crimes may be jailed for years awaiting trial.
Assad's forces are now directly fighting the Syrian Kurds, which threatens to lead to fighting between the US and Russia.
Climate mayhem is already hitting US national parks. As it gets worse, many are likely to be changed beyond recognition or even destroyed.
US prisoners trade packets of ramen, because their food is so horrible.
125 years of records of Arctic sea ice show how fast it is disappearing.
A leader of the Islamist extremist group that destroyed old mausoleums of Muslim saints in Timbuktu has pleaded guilty at the International Criminal Court.
Malaysia banned a music video for supposed blasphemy, and the musician has been arrested.
I hope someone saved a copy of the original version, which apparently was not intended to offend anyone. But even if it were, that wouldn't change anything. Freedom of speech includes the right to criticize, offend, insult or mock any person, any organization, any group, any idea, any practice, and any belief.
Any person, group or organization that tries to impose repression on those who would "disrespect" it is not entitled to our respect.
Iraq: Researchers Identify Exposure to Toxic Materials from Explosion of Munitions And Burning of Military Waste by US Army as Cause of Birth Defects And Cancers.
Exercise, for women and even for some men, has become an imposed impossible beauty norm.
50 years from now, middle-class people will be able to buy pills to get body shape they like. The fitness industry will become part of the fashion industry, so each season a different body shape will be fashionable.
Hundreds of thousands protested in Chile for pensions adequate to live on.
A WiFi router in your home can track individuals.
Make sure to convert your router to free software.
For Real Progressives, Jill Stein Is Now the Only Choice.
Developers seem to prefer code contributions written by women, when they don't know the author's sex. But when they know, they are prejudiced against women.
An article claims that we exaggerate the hostility between Sunnis and Shi'a in Syria and Iraq.
The comments say that the article leaves out a lot, but it may be true that the two sects are not at each others' throats in Iraq as they were 10 years ago.
Whitewashing US support for the coup in Honduras and the subsequent big jump in the murder rate.
Aetna's withdrawal shows the flaw in Obama's medical coverage system: it was designed to depend on private medical insurance companies like Aetna.
Gender-based division of labor in marriage is bad for men and for women.
US citizens: call for an end to private prisons.
US citizens: call for prosecution of HSBC for its crimes.
US citizens: support the
Recovery Act.
[Reference updated on 2018-03-30 because the
link was broken.]
Here is more information
about it.
[Reference updated on 2018-03-30 because the
link was broken.]
Hookup culture dominates US college campuses, but only around 14% of students are enthusiastic about hooking up. Those who wish for a loving relationship find that the very idea is socially unacceptable; it is harder to ask for a date than to ask someone to have casual sex.
US national parks are under threat from a political system dominated by extractivist plutocrats.
The International Federation of Journalists condemned Israel for keeping Palestinian journalist Omar Nazzal in prison without trial.
The US GDP is projected to be almost 1/4 less in 2100 due to global heating. That is comparable to the great depression of the 1930s. However, global heating won't stop in 2100. Things will continue getting worse.
Put this together with plutocrats' concentration of wealth, and the impact on non-rich Americans is likely to be more than a quarter. This will kill millions of Americans.
And much larger numbers of people in other parts of the world.
Governor McAuliffe of Virginia has restored the voting rights of 13,000 people previously convicted of felonies. He promised to do this for the other 200,000 disenfranhised people in Virginia, but it is going to take time; some will miss the next election.
Republican policies amount to a war on the poor.
Joseph Stiglitz: Seven Changes Needed to Save the Euro And the EU.
However, this doesn't include the changes needed to make the EU a good thing. To be a good thing, it has to be democratic.
Lots of French women want burkinis, and mostly not for religious reasons.
How Foreign Aid Became a Casualty of War: the UN agencies for humanitarian relief have been integrated into making war, to the point that locally targeted enemies fight against them.
The UK is going to cut its contribution to relief for civilians affected by war, but not its contribition to affecting them.
Maybe teaching people about science is not the effective way to defeat pseudoscientific superstition.
Sea Shepherd Will Keep Harassing Japanese Whaling Boats Despite US Court Ruling.
Here's How Ferguson Has Kept Blacks off the Local School Board.
Teaching Americans about racist terrorism: The Equal Justice Initiative investigates past lynchings to make a museum about the practice.
The word "terrorism" applies to lynching because these murders were intended to intimidate blacks from protesting against the racist laws of the South, and even from fully exercising the limited rights they nominally had.
Turkey is helping some anti-Assad Arabs to capture Jarablus before the Kurds do.
Obama has sent a small number of US troops "temporarily" back to Lashkar Gah.
I said, years ago, that the Afghan government did not inspire enough loyalty to defeat the Taliban, and that the US could either keep propping it up or let it fall. Perhaps Obama really thought it could stand up without US forces. Or perhaps he wanted to let it fall, but couldn't go through with it. In any case, the US once again has the choice to either prop it up or let it fall.
Mexico's president learned to lie in law school: 29% of his thesis was plagiarized.
What the UN Must Do To Wipe Out Cholera in Haiti.
Enterprise Rent-A-Car has begun supporting ALEC.
I don't think it makes any difference that the support is ostensibly about one particular issue. Any support for ALEC makes ALEC more powerful.
US citizens: call on the FDA to get phthalates out of our food.
Everyone: demand immediate release of the video of the killing of Sylville Smith.
US citizens: call on Obama to ban export of tar sands oil by ship.
US citizens: call for taxing alcohol enough to cover the social cost of its use.
Australia is sabotaging UN efforts toward nuclear disarmament.
Liberals need to condemn the repressive aspects and varieties of Islam, while refusing to treat Muslims as second-class citizens.
But that is not just for Muslims. Other religions have their own oppressive aspects and sects. We must not let any religion off the hook for its oppression on the grounds that it is a religion.
Companies now want to pay to have mountains named after them.
Extra, extra! Trump makes a good point about Clinton: blacks can't hope for much from her.
However, that doesn't mean they should vote for Trump. That would make as much sense as strapping on a big lead weight and hoping it will make you float. Black Americans should vote for Jill Stein.
The military-industrial complex sees a bonanza in the possibility of a new cold war with Russia, and thinks of Clinton as the road to get it.
It looks like Germany will ban face veils or masks in certain specific places, but not in general on the street.
For public offices, in court, etc., I don't have a quarrel with this — but why, I wonder, do people need to see your face when you are driving a car?
Photos from a security camera show how the US abuses prisoners awaiting deportation. 15 people were made to sleep in one cell, with no beds or bedding, only mylar blankets (which don't keep you warm if they are squashed against the floor).
Zoning laws are a major obstacle to building enough housing in the US.
Are Donald Trump, Stephen Bannon, Roger Ailes Cooking Up a Post-Election Media Empire?
That would make sense of Trump's actions, which seem more calculated to build support for that business than to win an election.
The black ghetto in Milwaukee is a police state — all there is for teenagers is regular harassment by the thugs.
Theresa May was going to act to reduce obesity, but backed down against the food corporations.
Inequality is one of the causes of obesity, but Tories consider increased inequality a sacred duty.
Even a Clinton landslide has no chance of overcoming Republican gerrymandering.
The American people no longer decide who controls the House.
Oracle is funding a pressure group that demands Google explain itself.
The cause is good, but should apply to Oracle too.
Low paid workers for a British bicycle delivery company organized and defeated an attempt to cut their pay. The workers of other companies could organize, too.
US citizens: call for an end to use of private prisons for people facing deportation.
Third Parties Aren't 'Spoilers'. They're at the Cutting Edge of Democracy.
How 'See Something, Say Something' Culture Punishes Innocent Muslims. Many Americans, when they see a Muslim, perceive a terrorist.
The Department of Justice argues in court that it is unconstitutional to jail people for being too poor to pay bail.
Managers of France Télécom face prosecution for creating a work environment that pressured employees to suicide.
However, this was just an extreme case of a general world-wide tendency for work to become more stressful and cause more suicides.
The gradual disappearance of Arctic ice leads to more heat absorption and more methane emissions. We will soon have a year where Arctic ice disappears entirely, and avoiding disaster will be more difficult.
"Extinction tourism" in the Arctic spews lots of carbon that will hasten the extinction — of polar bears, of Inuit way of life that depends on sea ice, and of the very land that their villages are built on.
We need to see Clinton's speeches to the banksters, as well as Trump's tax returns.
Fear of wildlife is, in most cases, more dangerous than the wildlife.
An Irish activist is campaigning for abortion rights by tweeting about her trip to England for an abortion.
Whether a fetus is alive or dead, be careful not to call it a "baby". That plays into the hands of those that wish to ban abortion.
Green Party Candidate Jill Stein Calls for Climate State of Emergency.
Congresscritters with special authority over banks get more favorable loan conditions, amounting to a corrupt gift.
How biased are UK media against Jeremy Corbyn? They
him for not recognizing the names of some reality show hosts.
[Reference updated on 2018-03-30 because the
link was broken.]
I don't recognize those names, either. Perhaps Corbyn, like me, has better things to do with his time than keep up with trivial details of things that completely don't matter.
Sanders' plan to make college education gratis would remove the major cause for increased indebtedness among working Americans.
To fully end the increase in equality requires tax reforms too. Rich people get away with paying too little in taxes.
Fire and flood in the US due to
global heating have produced
climate refugees.
This is a foretaste of much worse to come, if we don't
the planet roasters.
Eric Ben-Artzi was offered 8 million dollars in reward for reporting
crime at Deutsche Bank, but he says he
give it to charity because the US didn't prosecute the top officials
who were responsible for the crimes.
Citizens of Massachusetts:
on Massachusetts legislators not to shrink Monomoy National
Wildlife Refuge, a crucial rest stop for migrating birds.
US citizens:
on the Census Bureau to count prisoners for the places their homes
are, not for the where the prison is.
US political parties and campaigns collect so much data about voters
and donors that the possibility crackers will get copies of the data
is a
I think this is a symptom of a bigger problem: campaigns have too much
data about people. That data can get misused in various ways. Even
the normal practice of campaigning suffers, because this invites
campaigns to say different things to different supporters, and
something else to the public.
Sanders and Activists Say DOJ Ban on Private Prisons
Go Far Enough.
That's true, but eliminating private prisons has to be done step by
step since various departments and state governments control the
decisions. This step could influence others.
Texas Republicans have
the maternal mortality rate by cutting funds for contraception and
prenatal care.
Boston thugs are
hard against wearing body cameras.
The wealth of the US doubled from 1989 to 2013, but the benefit
entirely to the wealthy. The median American gained nothing, and
the poor are generally deeper in debt that in 1989.
It is
in the US for Apple to void the warranty on an iThing just because the
user has jailbroken it, but the gutless FTC won't act to stop it.
Maybe users can start a class-action lawsuit about this.
One reason why it is necessary to jailbreak an iThing is to bypass
Apple's political and commercial censorship of apps. However, a
jailbroken iThing still trashes your freedom, and what you should
really do with an iThing is get rid of it, for your own
freedom's sake.
Strict reporting laws regulating distributors of porn now
anyone that posts sexually explicit photos of perself in the US.
When the NSA hoards vulnerabilities in widely used software, it
the users to attack by others as well as to attack by the NSA.
Some of the NSA attacks that were leaked by crackers are
Cisco routers for many years.
Republicans want the US government to blind itself about how current
and planned facilities will be
to future global heating effects.
When I saw the new US courthouse in Boston, right on the edge of the
water and not very high above it, I thought, "What fools they are to
have built it that way. Don't they realize it's likely to be flooded
by 2100?" Apparently Republicans will advocate intentional folly
rather than acknowledge the facts.
Call on
Norway to allow Snowden to receive his prize there safely.
Guber's drivers recognize that they were
a stepping stone.
A very small victory for poor people in part of the US: state prisons
demand they pay for their children's imprisonment after driving
them to bankruptcy.
Ready to Sue Banks, Private Companies for Unpaid Property
Anarchist Group Installs
Donald Trump Statues in US Cities.
Maintaining the
of Ballots Returned via the Internet is "Technologically
"Ghost corporations" are set up to
the origin of donations to US political campaigns. Finding out
who really gave the money can take months.
Australia in 2001
a Norwegian ship that had rescued refugees from boats, and forced
it to Nauru.
UC Davis Chancellor Katehi
$400,000 of state funds trying to whitewash her net reputation.
transactions if the word "Cuba" is used — never mind how or
why it is used.
Zephyr Teachout has challenged her Republican opponent's billionaire
sponsor to a
US citizens:
call on Obama to
cancel the coming Gulf oil auction.
Louisiana was badly flooded, due to
global heating, and the more
oil we burn, the worse it will get.
Trump says he
some unspecified things he said, which "may have caused personal
I presume he means he regrets the statements that provoked replies
that caused personal pain for him, in a reversal of
Pseudolus's line that he is impervious to physical pain but "Not my
It doesn't matter what he means, because, as a bullshitter, he will
change his mind about it next week.
One more state has given domestic workers many of the
rights of other workers.
The Democratic and Republican platforms are
towards Iran.
Over 250 Sanders delegates to the Democratic Convention have
Clinton's choice of nonprogressive Salazar.
In the United Arab Emirates, even sending someone the address of a
charity not registered in that country is a crime,
by imprisonment.
This is one additional reason to refuse to go there, not even to make
a flight connection in the airport.
More than 10% of women giving birth in the UK have a
illness associated with that.
The wife of deceased Chilean tyrant Pinochet is accused of stealing
properties valued at hundreds of millions of dollars
the treasury.
The "Independent Women's Forum" pretends to be "non-partisan,"
"independent," and "neutral," but its leaders privately say
that they are
The UN has
admitted its responsibility for bringing cholera to Haiti.
The Justice Department has
to stop using privatized prisons.
Indigenous resisters against pipeline construction in North Dakota
mind getting arrested.
Aetna tried to bully
the US government into allowing a mega-merger by
threatening to pull out of Obama's medical coverage scheme unless
allowed to merge. Publicly, Aetna claimed it wasn't doing this, but
now there is
that was a lie.
You wouldn't expect a megacorporation to tell the truth, would you?
The Koch brothers are
a lot to defeat a South Dakotans ballot initiative for clean
As Clinton
Republicans, Sanders' Faithfuls Fear They Will Be Forgotten.
Lots of us understand she is no progressive.
Somalia has set up a program to
people who leave al-Shabaab.
California is considering a bill to
it a felony for a prosecutor to withhold or falsify evidence.
This seems to be a response to gross, persistent misconduct by
prosecutors in Orange County.
Such misconduct is currently a misdemeanor. I tend to think that the
prospect of being convicted of a misdemeanor would be enough to deter
prosecutors from committing this crime; but it seems they usually get
away with no penalty at all. Perhaps if it is a felony they will
really be punished.
Israel is planning another colony in the Palestinian West Bank,
which would
split the
West Bank into two disconnected parts.
This follows Netanyahu's strategy of making sure no Palestinian state
can actually function.
An Argentine judge is trying to investigate
killing of Federico García Lorca by dictator Franco's forces in
Spanish courts shy away from this. A few years ago, Spanish friends
told me that Franco's supporters still had too much political power in
the right-wing party, which is currently in power again.
Bolivia Opens 'Anti-Imperialist' Military School to
US Foreign Policies.
The number of women in prison in the US is
It could be a consequence of the spreading practice of jailing
people for habits typical of poor people, for having fines,
or for symptoms of mental illness.
In the 1980s, the MIT folk dance club performing group
performed in a women's prison. It appeared that a sizeable
fraction of the prisoners were taking medication.
The Australian minister in charge of abusing refugees claimed that the
leaked Nauru reports were phony — but Save the Children had
twice informed him and other ministers of the
spectrum of abuses.
Thugs can
your property (such as a phone or wallet) and call it "evidence",
then drop it into a bureaucratic limbo so that you can't ever get it
Neocons retain their political influence in the US because the major
look away from the harm that they have done, over and over.
for land use and wildlife can reduce wildfires.
By 2084, if we don't curb global heating, nearly all cities will be
too hot
to hold the summer games. If a heat wave strikes, they would have
to be cancelled, and the risk would be too great.
The only candidates in the Americas will be San Francisco, Vancouver,
and Calgary.
But who are we kidding? With that much heating, the world will be in
such desperate straits that nobody could even think of holding a
world-wide sporting event.
US citizens:
call on
Congress to legalize federal funding for abortions in the US.
A new US rule will require newly built large trucks to be
more fuel-efficient, as of 11 years from now. The require
increases will be applied in three steps, with the first step being in
This would be just the sort of thing we needed, if there were no hurry
about reducing CO2 emissions. But it fails to recognize
the urgency of the danger.
As Bill McKibben says, it's a real war,
just a metaphorical one, but he doesn't recognize that an
organized human enemy is waging this war against civilization. It is
led by the likes of the
Koch brothers,
Chamber of Commerce, and the
Institute. Clinton showed her contempt for the issue by including
Ken Salazar, who resembles the anti-mobilization business magnates
McKibben describes from World War II, to lead her
team". Apparently she is planning a "transition" to a fried
Progressive organizations had better start endorsing Jill Stein,
to show Clinton she can't take them for granted.
The US already bars people from visiting the US for
views such as advocating human rights and democracy.
Kuniyoshi Takimoto was wounded in the Battle of Midway. After World
War II, he campaigned against militarism. Now that Japan is turning
again towards militarism, he suspects that outside pressure is
a high school cancelled his speech.
US citizens:
for including more candidates in presidential debates.
Here is
call on
Obama to push hard to provide relief to civilians in Aleppo.
The idea of "parenting" as a results-driven job that one has to do
with great care
to crush children's creativity and spirit.
Tourists are rushing
see the Great Barrier Reef before we kill it.
Protests call attention to
crime scene.
About a billion people
lose their source of food in a couple of decades if ocean
acidification and heating continue. But the impacts of global
heating are not limited to the ocean. We have already seen crops fail
due to
heat waves,
all of which will happen more often as drought heating goes on.
Billions of people are likely to lose their source of food by 50 years
from now — including you, if you are young enough to live that
The rich planet-roasters must believe that their money will buy
protection, for their descendants and servants and guards, from the
billions of dying climate refugees, whose killing, at that future
time, is being arranged today by the same planet-roasters. In other
words, they are engaged in a scheme of mass murder for profit, what
Bill McKibben describes as a
and they think their descendants will be able to use those profits to
lord it over what remnants of humanity they choose to save and reduce
to serfdom.
An empirical study found that body cameras
with a small increase in the rate of killings by thugs, especially
killings of unarmed people.
However, if the thug
department studies the record statistically, that
correlates with a small decrease in the rate of killings.
I wonder whether these effects relate to the policy for when
recordings are made — for instance, whether the
thug can turn
off the camera.
Nauru's president says that
reports of abuse of imprisoned refugees have been falsified.
Hey, president, why not
in journalists to make their own reports for comparison purposes?
Plants that live on cold mountains in Scotland have been
up the mountains, apparently chased up by other plants to global
Eventually they will run out of room to move up, and they will
Some of these plants live in other lands further north. Are any
unique to Scotland?
Matt Taibi: The
major media are divided into Trump partisans that never criticize
him, and Democratic Party partisans that never criticize it. Neither
of those is honest journalism.
California is having
bad wildfires this year.
Global heating
has made the fire season almost 3 months longer. By
2050, the fire season could be most of the year.
Clinton's "transition team" will propose all her other appointments,
and its announced head, Salazar, is a
of the revolving door.
We can expect all the officials he proposes to be pre-corrupted.
Vote for Jill Stein for president!
The Washington Redskins want a new stadium,
public expense.
We have to learn to say no to these extortionists.
Egypt has held about
protesters in prison for 3 years, awaiting trial on political
charges, while torturing them and making them watch the torture of
Assad and Putin are
incendiary bombs on Aleppo and elsewhere in Syria.
Treating women as sex objects
with their activities. Men too can be treated as sex objects, but
it doesn't happen in a way that causes real problems for them.
Trump said, though not in so many words, that
like him should be blocked from becoming US citizens.
The US already has a very basic
test for those who wish to be citizens. The test seems legitimate
to me. There is no reason to welcome an immigrant that isn't
well-disposed towards the US constitution and domestic peace. But
note that Communist parties nowadays do not necessarily advocate
setting up a Communist dictatorship. I think that membership in many
of them is entirely consistent with support for the US Constitution.
I've suggested that would-be immigrants be required to make a
statement of support for certain human rights, including religious
freedom, as a visible rejection of the influences in their previous
country that might pressure them to oppose those human rights.
The Standing Rock Sioux tribe is
a pipeline that will endanger the water supply of millions of
Americans, while contributing to
global heating disaster.
The Supreme Court ruled that thugs can
poor people at any time, provided they first stop the people and
discover they have unpaid fines. Since poor people in the US can't
afford to pay all their fines and survive, that approach will almost
always work.
The article also gives lots of other information about the systematic
injustice of the US legal system.
Gays Against Guns Activists Begin Campaign With
at BlackRock HQ.
Muslims in the West face
A Muslim woman's face veil, or even headscarf, is a statement of
endorsement of a specific religion. It's comparable to wearing a
cross, or a yarmulka. In all of those, any secularist can see the
seed of something that on occasion has grown into a dangerous
fanaticism, much as we can see in a stove or a candle the seed of
something that has devoured whole cities.
surveys show that spraying oilseed rape with neonicotinoid
pesticides is in fact harming the kinds of wild bees that feed from
those flowers.
Argentina risks election fraud with digital voting machines, and is
about to
investigation of security flaws in the system.
US presidential debates, controlled totally by the two major parties,
have become
in many ways.
Salafi Arabia
another MSF hospital in Yemen.
July set another monthly world heat record, being the
July ever recorded. It is the ninth straight month to set such a
US citizens:
this anti-TPP petition also.
of New Zealand's children live in poverty. Right-wing politicians
have demonized the poor.
However, New Zealand workers launched a campaign against zero-hour
contracts, and pressured the right-wing parties so much that they
the practice.
A persistent decline in snow in the Rockies is
the dam-made Colorado lakes to shrink.
In a few decades, as drought gets worse, they may disappear, and the
dams become useless.
Portland, Oregon,
set up a school for children from families that don't have a
stable place to live.
It's a good band-aid for a problem that we ought instead to fix.
Three More Reasons
[Europeans] Need to Stop CETA.
Thousands have formally quit the Mormon church in protest
against their
against children of same-sex families.
Clinton shows that a female candidate can be
as Machiavellian, just as ruthless, just as hawkish, just as corporate
and just as neoliberal as her male counterparts."
A methane leakage "hot spot" in New Mexico has been traced to
gas extraction.
The US is having record floods again, this time
Global heating
has made floods bigger and more common, and the problem
getting worse.
Salafi Arabia has
a clinic in Yemen
with US support as usual.
the petition for Congress to block the arms sale to Salafi Arabia.
Milwaukee was on the verge of a riot, before Governor Walker
things worse.
Scott Walker is a corrupt Republican who
the Supreme Court to stop an investigation of his corruption.
A mother was
to discover that she wasn't the only one snooping on her kids via
a camera in their bedroom.
The [US] Racial
Wealth Gap Will Persist Until Neoliberalism and Its Peddlers Are Defeated.
The extent of inequality in the US, and the extent of poverty in the US,
are injustices even as regards whites — though they hit blacks harder.
Some errors in measuring and comparing
temperatures have been found,
and the result is that observations now agree better with climate models.
The US is supposedly
required to release families from immigration prison in 20 days.
Some mothers are on hunger strike after spending a year in that prison.
Note how the officials duck questions about what they are doing in the
name of "privacy". This is standard practice — indeed, it is amazing
how they discover the importance of respecting our privacy once
journalists press for information about how we were mistreated.
How can we defeat that excuse for stonewalling? I have two ideas.
Of course, officials can continue to stonewall despite these measures,
but they would lose the fig leaf that they now use to cover their
Economic figures show that the Tories are
but steadily privatizing the UK's National Health Service.
Australia criminalizes statements that
someone based on race etc. There is now a push to repeal this law.
I agree that section 18C should be repealed entirely. It should be
replaced with a Bill of Rights.
US citizens: call on Congress to allocate funds for Zika and stop holding
its victims hostage.
Nearly every one of the unwanted immigrants that Australia imprisoned
in Papua New Guinea has been determined to be a
refugee, fleeing persecution.
The International Criminal Court could prosecute the Australian officials
responsible for
them there.
Marine heatwaves are
more often, and this is messing up life in the sea and on the coast.
Social security's income is decreasing (in proportion to the GDP) as a
bigger fraction of
goes to the wealthy who are above the cap on
payments. Raising the level of the cap would fix the problem.
John Lott, a favorite source of "scientific" articles supposedly
demonstrating that guns are useful for self-protection, has been
exposed as a persistent
liar and fabricator.
US citizens: call on the Bureau of Land Management to
all the 52 oil leases in White River National Forest.
Everyone: Tell Betagro to help the recently freed chicken-farming
slaves and check its whole supply chain to
any others.
US citizens:
call on
Obama not to sell oil leases in the Gulf of Mexico.
US citizens:
on Congress to block the arms sale to Salafi Arabia.
Trump is talking about
people to try to intimidate voters in Pennsylvania. He seems to
be planning to accuse them of fraud, but really the fraud would be
Clinton's adviser
the advice: kill Russians.
Clinton insists she really really dislikes the TPP, but still
to help stop Obama from passing it in the lame duck session.
What this implies, for me, is that Clinton wants to see the TPP
adopted while pretending it was not her fault. In fact, she already
as Secretary of State in getting it started.
The UN again
Australia stop keeping refugees in prisons in Nauru and Papua New
A retired US Army officer says that the greatest threat to US national
security is the current perpetual war. He urges Americans to stop
idolizing soldiers and the military, and
soldiers to report the injustice and corruption they see. (The
article also explains the many pressures that deter soldiers who
recognize wrongs from saying so.)
I agree, and I have refused to idolize the US military for as long as
this site has operated. That is why, for instance, I don't use the
term "gold star families". Captain Khan was an honorable
American—he's not the one that hijacked the US military to fight
an unjustified personal war. Trump did wrong to insult Khan's
parents, but we would make a mistake if we worship them.
The IMF's independent evaluation body has criticized the IMF for
in abusive Euro-zone "bail-outs".
Many think tanks' are in the business of bias-laundering for
companies. The companies donate to the think tank, the think tank
does a study and publishes a report that is
to serve those donors, and the credulous media (which often
publish press releases with little checking) accept the report as
objective truth.
The Republican Party has for decades encouraged rabid right-wing
extremism while denying responsibility for it. Suggesting violence
against the state is a standard part of that. What Trump does is
that rabidity into the heart of the party.
Zika has hit Puerto Rico
full strength.
Bangladesh Journalists Could Face
Years in Prison for Refuting Rumor.
PISSI's fighters reportedly took
civilian hostages while fleeing Manbij.
Muslim relatives of someone who is being radicalized may find it
useful to say, "Do you think that a gang that kidnaps people like us
as hostages is the model of Islam?"
A US air attack has
the main leaders of the PISSI group in Pakistan and Afghanistan.
I wish I could expect this to make a difference, but history shows
that killing the leaders of a guerrilla group means only that it has
to draw a new hand from the pack.
Baltimore thugs
systematically mistreated women, sometimes accusing
them of prostitution just because of where they were, sometimes
reports of rape.
Threatening to arrest women for "loitering" reminds us that the mere
existence of a crime of "loitering" is an injustice.
Although the Baltimore thug investigation demonstrates that the
of black residents are valid, residents doubt that local officials
will take adequate steps to change the cruel practices documented in
the report.
I agree that the administrative structure needs to be changed.
that lie or conceal evidence should be prosecuted, while
thugs that
support other thugs in doing those things should be fired.
The US
a national debate about austerity. A debate between Clinton and
Trump won't do the job.
People in the Florida keys distrust and oppose the plan to wipe out
Aedes aegypti mosquitoes locally with an
gene drive.
Using gene drive to wipe out a noxious species is potentially very
useful. It also carries imponderable risks, which might be small, but
it is not clear that we have done enough to be sure that is true. I
don't know whether we are ready to try the technique in the wild.
We could reduce these risks by including a way to deactivate the gene
drive. Here's one idea: make it depend on a promoter that detects the
presence of some harmless but unusual chemical which will disappear
from the the environment in a few weeks or months. We could strew
that around the experimental area, and continue providing it for as
long as needed, but stop if anything goes wrong.
All consequences considered, organic farming
be more sustainable than conventional.
Since many of the benefits are long-term and for society as a whole,
rather than for the farm in the short term, it is rational to pay
organic farms a certain subsidy for providing them. That would help
them increase and replace the farms that degrade the environment more.
But we should also work hard to encourage fewer births, around the
world. A population of 9 billion humans is not inevitable.
Implementing Obama's medical coverage law in Kentucky
health care for people in that state. Now an extremist Republican
governor wants to make things worse again.
A South Carolina Student Was
for 'Disturbing a School' When She Challenged Police Abuse, So We
The root cause of this abuse was the presence of a
thug in the school.
That's where we have to fix it.
A statement of The Movement for Black Lives is
being criticized for
describing the Israeli occupation of the West Bank as "genocide".
I think that word is too strong. Israel is not acting so as to
destroy all or part of the Palestinian people.
However, when the same paragraph proceeds to describe the specific
wrongs of the occupation, it is accurate. Israel does
the Palestinians, and that includes
gradual ethnic cleansing in
of the West Bank.
I wish they would correct that word, but the accuracy of the substance
is the more important point.
Shannon Morgan won a lawsuit against New Jersey officials who
to give her a license plate saying 8THEIST.
Imagine if they rejected Christian-associated words claiming that
those are "offensive"!
Itemid Al-Mata was wearing a backpack and a face veil, so Chicago
assumed she was a suicide bomber and manhandled her. They found
no bombs or weapons, so they
to make an excuse to charge her with something.
A moderate sum, such as a thousand dollars, given at the right time
can save people from being homeless, which is
cheaper than helping them when they do become homeless.
The DEA uses spies inside airlines and Amtrak to find people they
suspect are carrying cash. Then agents
the cash, without charges or trial.
Accusing Clinton supporters of rigging the election by
young people from voting in Democratic primaries.
Ralph Nader supports passing a law to
members of Congress from asking anyone for campaign contributions.
President Madison: No Nation Can Preserve Its Freedom
the Midst of Continual Warfare.
The EPA's advisory board said that the EPA's report on fracking (which
claimed fracking didn't tend to poison water supplies)
to be corrected.
Amnesty International's pressure on President Erdoğan.
US citizens:
on federal judges to adopt a rule that they cannot accept gifts
from likely litigants.
US citizens:
call on
the Department of Education to protect students from commercial
college ripoffs.
US citizens:
on Congress to consider shifting funds from the military to
civilian needs.
Trump is quietly signaling the military-industrial complex that he can
militarist as Clinton.
Meanwhile, neither of them is concerned very much with
They will probably both increase poverty, with policies that increase
dooH niboR.
A tape of a speech by Ayatollah Montazeri
that Iran killed thousands of dissidents (and people who converted
from Muslims to anything else) in 1988.
What a shame that Khomeini was replaced by another cruel theocrat,
rather than by Montazeri who might have ended theocratic tyranny.
It appears that Assad's army
using poison gas. The more this goes on, the more the idea of
chemical weapons may come to seem normal and acceptable.
However, it is hard to see how to punish Assad for this in the complex
situation of Syria.
A woman, who was in a peaceful protest in Baton Rouge when
thugs rioted, reports on what she saw.
The US has made it so difficult to survive legally without a
government ID that ex-prisoners can be
back into crime because they can't get one.
Elephants are on the
to extinction.
Tropical forest trees
on elephants to disperse seeds. Thus, elephant poachers endanger
the whole forest.
One of the founders of Greenpeace has become a professional
greenwasher, now
to save Asia Pulp and Paper from condemnation for cutting down
large parts of Sumatra.
The US Registry of Copyrights is now
the rights of libraries and archivists.
Privatized US prisons are
violent and harsher than prisons operated by government staff.
It seems that the food and medical care are worse in the privatized
prisons, too.
US citizens:
call on the
US to condemn Duterte's murder campaign and cut military aid to
the Philippines.
Foreign women that join PISSI often regret it, but it is
difficult to escape.
We should invite those who do escape to give speeches about it rather
than putting them in prison.
Trump is un-American because he
the ideals that the US is based on.
to rebuff progressives.
The motto of US daycare, schools, and clinics when dealing with
children is to
the worst about the parents. The staff are afraid they will be
punished if they don't do so.
Until this is fixed, it is inadvisable to have children in the US,
unless you are so rich that you will hire a nanny instead of using day
care and a private tutor instead of a school.
A guard at Australia's refugee prison in Nauru
a 5-year-old child down with a heavy blow, and the company covered
it up instead of firing him.
Cannes has
Islamic bathing suits on the beach.
To me, this seems just as wrong as the attempts by fanatical Muslims
to ban women from wearing bikinis or from showing their faces.
Moreover, it is a clear case of punishing people because they might be
the targets of violence without actually doing anything wrong.
Human rights groups are
to challenge this.
Clinton's right-wing record started in the 90s with Bill Clinton's
welfare fraud, that
extreme poverty in the US.
Don't let the secondary issue of lies about secondary issues distract
you from that.
Workers at the Trump Taj Mahal casino are on strike after Trump's pal
their pay and abolished their pensions.
Trump said he might appoint Icahn to a cabinet position. He could be
even nastier than some of the
jerks that Obama has put
his cabinet.
If Trump wins, US workers will get the same sort of child care
services that Trump employees get:
Republican budget cuts are responsible for the
economic growth in the US since 2011.
Sad to say, Obama and the other right-wing Democrats didn't fight hard
against them. He made a deal which accepted the misguided goal of
The cease-fire in Syria
apart in April due to an offensive launched by the US-supported
resistance in conjunction with al-Nusra (then still associated
with al-Qa'ida).
Exxon's ads
to distract people from its core business (roasting our ecosphere)
with lots of small side issues.
On the correct pronunciation of
New French
Pun: Bouddiste.
Warren and Whitehouse:
Climate Scandal a 'Master Class' in Corporate Rigging.
Trump's real economic program seems to include
driving wages down
for most Americans.
DOJ Report on Baltimore Police Is
Catalog of Discrimination'.
Read the Most
Blood-Boiling Parts of the Justice Department's Scathing
Report on Baltimore Police.
How Baltimore Police
and Systemically" Failed
Sexual-Assault Survivors.
(The word "survivors" seems like somewhat of an exaggeration.)
A thug
shot a woman during a role-playing exercise. His gun was supposed
to contain blanks or non-injurious simulation shots, but instead it contained
real bullet.
If the presence of a real bullet in the gun was not his fault, I can't
say he did anything wrong on this occasion.
The US "Priority
Enforcement Program" is supposed to deport unauthorized immigrants
who have committed serious crimes, but in fact half of the people
it acts on have no criminal convictions.
U.S. to World: Protect
Dolphins, Whales or Lose Access to U.S. Seafood Market.
I support this policy — and I fear that the WTO or NAFTA will be used
as a lever to bully
the US into cancelling it. Something like that
has already happened.
The Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City is having a retreat. Protesters
booked hotel rooms in the same hotel, and the
cancelled them all arbitrarily.
This is manifestly corrupt.
Indian journalists face prosecution over an article accusing a Hindu
nationalist group of
tribal children to indoctrinate them.
There is something fishy about that terminology, but this might be a
matter of kidnapping; that been done to indigenous peoples in many
parts of the world.
The law the journalists are being prosecuted under is patently
Freeing enslaved
fishermen on boats that dock in South Africa.
"Trafficked" seems like the wrong word. It is not synonymous with
Indonesia has started
persecution of gays.
There is a broad Indonesian tradition of cross-dressing, somewhat
different from the US tradition, and it was surprisingly well
accepted. I speculate that we are seeing the influence of the repressive
preachers funded there by Salafi Arabia.
Obama is launching a
push to impose the TPP on the US during the lame duck session,
and Clinton has not yet come out against it.
Obama said to think of Clinton as
more years of him. I fear it is true. So do many others.
Issa Saharkhiz, journalist in Iran, has been sentenced to three years
in prison for insulting
the theocratic ruler of Iran.
Iran has a democracy, but the democratic parts of the state have no authority
over respect for human rights.
The housing crisis of Silicon Valley is so bad that a Palo Alto housing
official had to resign:
couldn't afford to live anywhere close enough to go to work there.
It's not enough for many people to know their neighborhood thugs.
should be held accountable for their crimes.
Bangladesh has jailed journalist Shafik Rehman for months without
charges. Perhaps because he
freedom of the press.
Everyone: Tell Ivanka Trump, if you want to pose as a champion of working
women's rights, start granting
leave to your own employees.
Everyone: call on Facebook to stop
its useds at the requests of thugs.
By imposing century-long
copyright on shapes of useful objects, the UK has carried out
a preemptive attack on 3D printing.
I don't think people will hesitate to violate copyright law by printing
things for themselves. I fear there will be a big battle in the future
to remove DRM from 3D printers.
US citizens:
call on the
Federal Energy Regulatory Commission to reject all proposed gas
US citizens:
call on
Obama not to end the ban on giving military weapons to thug
US citizens:
on Kerry to oppose the removal of Brazil's President Rousseff.
Black patients face bias in the hospital: doctors are
likely to prescribe strong painkillers for blacks than for whites,
when they report the same level of pain for the same condition.
Aleppo doctors
Obama to somehow stop Russia and Assad from repeatedly bombing
In the pervasive cruelty of Nauru, children are accustomed to
and to suicide, and parents plan to carry their children into the
The private contractors (of course!) that run the Nauru refugee prison
cover up the situation by minimizing each incident. When doctors say
a prisoner needs urgent medical care, the government says no.
If Australia wants to avoid receiving many thousands of refugees, it
had better not try to cover up what it does.
in court for the FCC and municipal broadband; a victory for the
big (and often monopolistic) commercial ISPs.
Thugs systematically
and mistreat the journalists that make videos of their crimes.
It will take firm and reliable punishment to get through the thick
heads of these thugs
and make them stop trying to terrorize people.
California wants to reduce the methane emissions from cows.
Unfortunately, the only way is to
the number of cows. If we want civilization to survive, that's
what we must do.
We can't keep raising so much cattle, and methane is not the only
reason. We can't grow feed for so many cattle, either. And it is
unhealthful to eat a lot of meat.
An American Airlines flight attendant harassed two Muslim passengers
who were complaining about being kept on the plane for hours with
little water. One took a picture of him, so he
her off the plane.
Hong Kong has started arbitrarily banning legislative candidates
they don't kowtow to China.
Even when they have a good medical plan, Americans have to pay
lot of money for even simple medical care.
Medicare for all would eliminate this.
shut Luigino Bracci's account after he posted short video clips
that he took at the Olympic Games.
Investigating various means by which thug union contracts give
impunity for their
Now that many parents in the US routinely snoop on their children
parents be punished for not doing so?
Jeremy Corbyn's Labour Opponents Should Accept That
Failures Created Him.
When the B'liarites criticize Corbyn's imperfections, they are raising
secondary issues to distract from the primary one. A flawed leader
that heads for the right place is better than any leader that heads
for the wrong place.
If the Labour Party replaces its Tory-Lite MPs with people that want
the people's victory, rather than their own, it will develop many
leaders as ethical as Corbyn, and the members could then pick the most
effective one as the head of the party.
towns near St Louis are now being sued for operating debtor's
How Trump's 'Populist'
Economic Policy Hides a Payday for the Wealthy.
Call on Clinton to
a vote on the TPP during the lame duck session
of Congress.
greenhouse emissions can provide a base to help the lives of the
non-rich and also rebuild infrastructure.
Certain toxic organic chemicals that
break down were released into the environment for years. Now
6 million Americans get them from drinking water.
A US investigation of the Baltimore
thug department found systematic
illegal discrimination
against blacks, including a pattern of gratuitous violence.
Just as Salafi
Arabia resumes bombing Yemen, it is about to buy another billion dollars' worth of US arms.
The US
Air Force participates directly in the bombardment by refueling
the planes Salafi Arabia is bombing with.
A computerized vibrator snoops on its users through the
control app. The app reports the temperature of the vibrator minute by minute
(thus, indirectly, whether it is surrounded by a person's body), and
the vibration frequency.
Note the totally inadequate proposed response: a labeling standard
with which manufacturers would make statements about their products,
rather than free
software which users can check and change.
Dishonest mainstream politicians open the door to
Shipping noise interferes with humpback whales'
searching for food.
Agribusiness hires authors to write children's books that implant
a fairy-tale
version of farming, to help them disguise what modern farms really do.
If Clinton wants to show she isn't
Street's pawn, she should
support a tax on financial transactions.
Trump hinted that gun nuts could
Clinton if she is elected.
I have occasionally read obituaries with pleasure, when they are about
people who were doing continuing harm to the world and that harm was
ended by their death. People have a right to read Clinton's or
Trump's obituary with pleasure, or, for that matter, my own. However,
fomenting murder is going too far.
I will get pleasure from seeing Trump lose to a woman, if she is the
right woman: Jill Stein.
The UK's "environment agency" has been
to close its eyes to persistent pollution.
Agencies that the Tories wish to kill, they first drive mad.
Billionaires experienced 5% economic growth last year. That's a lot more
than the world
as a whole.
Canada has blocked
hundreds of people from traveling to the World Social Forum, being held this time in Montreal.
The Chicago thugs
that shot and killed Paul O'Neal as he was fleeing
appear to have turned
off their body cameras intentionally, and then
Imprisonment on Nauru is
refugee children crazy.
Ethiopia's dictatorship shot protesters in several cities
to plans to take their farmland.
Ethiopia is
farmland to give it to foreign corporations.
Trump seems to have been very concerned to change one part of the
[Reference updated on 2018-03-30 because the
link was broken.]
[Reference updated on 2018-03-30 because the
link was broken.]
[Reference updated on 2018-03-30 because the
link was broken.]
[Reference updated on 2018-03-30 because the
link was broken.]
[Reference updated on 2018-03-30 because the
link was broken.]