Richard Stallman's personal site.

For current political commentary, see the daily political notes.

RMS's Bio | The GNU Project

What's bad about: Airbnb | Amazon | Amtrak | Ancestry | Apple | | ChatGPT | Cloudflare | Discord | Ebooks | Eventbrite | Evernote | Ex-Twitter | Facebook | FLIXbus | Frito-Lay | Frontier | Google | Gofundme | Grubhub | In-N-Out Burger | Intel | LinkedIn | Lyft | Meetup | Microsoft | Netflix | Patreon | Pay Toilets | Privatization | Skype | Slack | Spotify | Tesla | Threads | Ticketmaster | Uber | Wendy's | WhatsApp | Zoom |

Reasons not to be used by Threads

Why you should not 'use' (i.e., be used by) Threads.

Threads collects lots of personal data, like Instagram and Facebook, and will surely abuse that data.

* We call them 'useds' rather than 'users' because Facebook is using them, not vice versa.

Copyright 2011-2019 Richard Stallman released under Creative Commons Attribution Noderivs 3.0 unported